993 resultados para Lingüística històrica -- Congressos
Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los verbos medievales que manifiestan alternancia en lo referente al prefijo a-. Aunque este tema se ha tratado en distintos estudios de carácter diacrónico —Malkiel (1941), García Medall (1988), Sánchez González de Herrero (1992), Sánchez-Prieto (1992)— los resultados alcanzados ponen de relieve la necesidad de profundizar en la descripción de las características de este tipo de formaciones cuyas implicaciones van más allá de la propia morfología
The sociocultural changes that led to the genesis of Romance languages widened the gap between oral and written patterns, which display different discoursive and linguistic devices. In early documents, discoursive implicatures connecting propositions were not generally codified, so that the reader should furnish the correct interpretation according to his own perception of real facts; which can still be attested in current oral utterances. Once Romance languages had undergone several levelling processes which concluded in the first standardizations, implicatures became explicatures and were syntactically codified by means of univocal new complex conjunctions. As a consequence of the emergence of these new subordination strategies, a freer distribution of the information conveyed by the utterances is allowed. The success of complex structural patterns ran alongside of the genesis of new narrative genres and the generalization of a learned rhetoric. Both facts are a spontaneous effect of new approaches to the act of reading. Ancient texts were written to be read to a wide audience, whereas those printed by the end of the XV th century were conceived to be read quietly, in a low voice, by a private reader. The goal of this paper is twofold, since we will show that: a) The development of new complex conjunctions through the history of Romance languages accommodates to four structural patterns that range from parataxis to hypotaxis. b) This development is a reflex of the well known grammaticalization path from discourse to syntax that implies the codification of discoursive strategies (Givón 2 1979, Sperber and Wilson 1986, Carston 1988, Grice 1989, Bach 1994, Blackemore 2002, among others]
En aquest estudi s’examina la llengua d’alguns textos de Francesc Eiximenis (concretament, el ‘Dotzè del Crestià’ i les cartes autògrafes publicades per Martí 2002) per tal d’aprofundir en la distribució de l’estructura informativa i el consegüent ordre de mots que utilitza l’autor. L’objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és aprofundir en els casos d’ avantposició del català antic que correspon a una estructura de focalització feble (no contrastiva)
Esta investigación en curso se centra en el análisis de los verbos con prefijo a- y en- en la historia del español. En la primera parte de esta investigación se ha elaborado un estado de la cuestión sobre la prefijación verbal con ad-, ab- e in- en latín. En la segunda parte se estudian las tendencias evolutivas de los derivados verbales en a- y en- en español medieval y clásico, a partir del análisis de los verbos de mayor frecuencia de uso que siguen estos esquemas en el corpus textual de Davies
Nos hemos propuesto hacer un estudio exhaustivo de la formación de los parasintéticos en: a—ar, a—ecer, en—ecer y en—ar desde una perspectiva histórica porque una primera aproximación a las formas parasintéticas puso de manifiesto que hay una estrecha relación entre estos modelos no sólo en la actualidad sino también desde la visión dinámica de la diacronía
El objetivo de éste estudio es el análisis diacrónico y comparativo {español-catalán} de la Anteposición de Foco Débil (AFD) en las lenguas románicas medievales
(INFINITIVE + CLITIC + AUX) is an evidential configuration in Old Spanish and Old Catalan, whereas (PARTICIPLE + CLITIC + AUX) is an instance of weak or unmarked focus fronting. The evidentiality of mesoclitic structures can be put forward on the bases of three main arguments: a) mesoclisis is not compulsory (i.e., whenever you have a clitic, you can either have mesoclisis or proclisis/enclisis); b) mesoclitic futures and conditionals are attested in interrogative sentences (with wh- elements); and c) they are not found in derived adverbial clauses (which is what you expect if they have an evidential value, since they bring about intervention effects corresponding to the derivational account of conditional and temporal sentences, for example - see Haegeman 2007 and ff.), and are related to high modal expressions (thus interfering with MoodPIrrealis)
El uso de (grandes) corpus textuales como base empírica para el análisis de fenómenos gramaticales ocupa un lugar central dentro de la lingüística contemporánea. La gramática histórica del español no es ninguna excepción, y desde principios del presente milenio los historiadores de la lengua disponen de dos grandes corpus diacrónicos ampliamente usados en el mundo entero, como son el CORDE de la Real Academia Española y el Corpus del español de Mark Davies (2002-). Al lado de los grandes corpus muestras de textos de menor extensión, pero con características relevantes para la investigación en cuestión, también se utilizan como base de análisis empíricos.
Iker bilduma = Colección Iker, nº 17
803 p
602 p.
[EN] The goal of this contribution is twofold: on the one hand, to review two relatively recent contributions in the field of Eskimo-Aleut historical linguistics in which it is proposed that Eskimo-Aleut languages are related genealogically to Wakashan (Holst 2004) and?/or Nostratic (Krougly-Enke 2008). These contributions can be characterized by saying that their authors have taken little care to be diligent and responsible in the application of the comparative method, and that their familiarity with the languages involved is insufficient. Eskimo-Aleut languages belong to a very exclusive group of language families that have been (and still are) used, sometimes compulsively, in the business of so-called “long-range comparisons”. Those carrying out such studies are very often unaware of the most basic facts regarding the philological and linguistic traditions of those languages, as a result of what mountains of very low quality works with almost no-relevancy for the specialist grow every year to the desperation of the scientific community, whose attitude toward them ranges from the most profound indifference to the toughest (and most explicit) critical tone. Since Basque also belongs to this group of “compare-with-everything-you-come- across” languages, it is my intention to provide the Basque readership with a sort of “pedagogical case” to show that little known languages, far from underrepresented in the field, already have a very long tradition in historical and comparative linguistics, i.e. nobody can approach them without previous acquaintance with the materials. Studies dealing with the methodological inappropriateness of the Moscow School’s Nostratic hypothesis or the incorrectness of many of the proposed new taxonomic Amerindian subfamilies (several of them involving the aforementioned Wakashan languages), that is to say, the frameworks on which Krougly-Enke and Holst work, respectively, are plenty (i.a. Campbell 1997: 260-329, Campbell & Poser 2008: 234-96), therefore there is no reason to insist once more on the very same point. This is the reason why I will not discuss per se Eskimo-Aleut–Wakashan or Eskimo-Aleut–Nostratic. On the contrary, I will focus attention upon very concrete aspects of Krougly-Enke and Holst´s proposals, i.e. when they work on “less ambitious” problems, for example, dealing with the minutiae of internal facts or analyzing certain words from the sole perspective of Eskimo-Aleut materials (in other words, those cases in which even they do not invoke the ad hoc help of Nostratic stuff). I will try to explain why some of their proposals are wrong, demonstrate where the problem lies, and fix it if possible. In doing so, I will propose new etymologies in an attempt at showing how we may proceed. The main difference between this and handbook examples lies in the reality of what we are doing: this is a pure etymological exercise from beginning to end. I will try to throw a bit of light on a couple of problematic questions regarding Aleut historical phonology, demonstrating how much work should be done at the lowest level of the Eskimo-Aleut pyramid; it is technically impossible to reach the peak of the pyramid without having completed the base. As far as Aleut is regarded, I will mainly profit not only from the use of the traditional philological analysis of Aleut (and, eventually, of Eskimo) materials, but also of diachronic typology, bringing into discussion what in my opinion seems useful, and in some cases I think decisive, parallels. It is worth noting that this paper makes up yet another part of a series of exploratory works dealing with etymological aspects of the reconstruction of Proto-Eskimo-Aleut, with special emphasis on Aleut (vid. i.a. Alonso de la Fuente 2006/2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2010a), whose main goal is to become the solid basis for an etymological dictionary of the Aleut language, currently in progress.
En aquest article parlarem dels valors adverbials causal i final associats al nexe 'que' en català i també en altres llengües romàniques. Dedicarem la primera part del treball a l’estudi de l’evolució del sistema de nexes complexos del llatí clàssic i dels usos orals posteriors en/de les llengües romàniques preliteràries. La segona part de l’article se centrarà en l’estudi de les subordinades causals i finals de les llengües romàniques introduïdes pel nexe 'que'
Neste artigo, ao explicitar, por meio de análise em domínios prosódicos, os mecanismos fonológicos presentes em textos chistosos, argumenta- se que a dupla segmentação de uma mesma cadeia fônica envolve operações epilingüísticas que ultrapassam o nível da palavra e exigem a descoberta da ambigüidade sintática. A análise dos chistes ainda revela não só uma estratégia de dizer o que é proibido socialmente (sexualidade, racismo), mas também o trabalho do sujeito que opera com sua própria língua, que não é um código perfeito, mas um sistema heterogêneo que participa de um conjunto maior de instrumentos de significação.