984 resultados para Lindsay, D. Michael
An unidentified isolate of a Sarcocystis falcatula-like parasite was obtained from the lungs of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) fed sporocysts from a naturally-infected South American opossum, Didelphis albiventris from Brazil. Four captive budgerigars fed sporocysts from the opossum intestine died of acute sarcocystosis 8, 10, and 12 days after oral inoculation (DAI); one budgerigar was killed 12 DAI when it was lethargic. Schizonts and merozoites found in the lungs of the budgerigars reacted mildly with polyclonal S. falcatula antibody. The parasite was isolated in equine kidney cell cultures inoculated with lung tissue from a budgerigar that was killed 12 DAI. Two budgerigars inoculated subcutaneously with 100,000 culture-derived S. falcatula merozoites developed acute sarcocystosis and S. falcatula-like schizonts were found in their lungs 15 and 16 DAI. Four budgerigars kept as unfed controls in the same environment remained free of Sarcocystis infection. The parasite underwent schizogony in African green monkey kidney cells and bovine turbinate cells. Merozoites divided by endopolygeny, often leaving a residual body. Polymerase chain reaction studies using primers JNB33/JNB54 and Hinf I and Dra I digestion indicated that the isolate was not S. falcatula. Results of this study indicated that the South American opossum, D. albiventris, is a definitive host for yet another S. falcatula-like parasite.
We report an improved measurement of (nu) over bar (mu) disappearance over a distance of 735 km using the MINOS detectors and the Fermilab Main Injector neutrino beam in a (nu) over bar (mu)-enhanced configuration. From a total exposure of 2.95 x 10(20) protons on target, of which 42% have not been previously analyzed, we make the most precise measurement of Delta(m) over bar (2) = [2.62(-0.28)(+0.31)(stat) +/- 0.09(syst)] x 10(-3) eV(2) and constrain the (nu) over bar (mu) mixing angle sin(2)(2 (theta) over bar) > 0.75 (90% C.L.). These values are in agreement with Delta m(2) and sin(2)(2 theta) measured for nu(mu), removing the tension reported in [P. Adamson et al. (MINOS), Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 021801 (2011).].
Tishomingo is a chemically and structurally unique iron with 32.5 wt.% Ni that contains 20% residual taenite and 80% martensite plates, which formed on cooling to between -75 and -200 °C, probably the lowest temperature recorded by any meteorite. Our studies using transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray microanalysis (AEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) show that martensite plates in Tishomingo formed in a single crystal of taenite and decomposed during reheating forming 10-100 nm taenite particles with ∼50 wt.% Ni, kamacite with ∼4 wt.%Ni, along with martensite or taenite with 32 wt.% Ni. EBSD data and experimental constraints show that Tishomingo was reheated to 320-400 °C for about a year transforming some martensite to kamacite and to taenite particles and some martensite directly to taenite without composition change. Fizzy-textured intergrowths of troilite, kamacite with 2.7 wt.% Ni and 2.6 wt.% Co, and taenite with 56 wt.% Ni and 0.15 wt.% Co formed by localized shock melting. A single impact probably melted the sub-mm sulfides, formed stishovite, and reheated and decomposed the martensite plates. Tishomingo and its near-twin Willow Grove, which has 28 wt.% Ni, differ from IAB-related irons like Santa Catharina and San Cristobal that contain 25-36 wt.% Ni, as they are highly depleted in moderately volatile siderophiles and enriched in Ir and other refractory elements. Tishomingo and Willow Grove therefore resemble IVB irons but are chemically distinct. The absence of cloudy taenite in these two irons shows that they cooled through 250 °C abnormally fast at >0.01 °C/yr. Thus this grouplet, like the IVA and IVB irons, suffered an early impact that disrupted their parent body when it was still hot. Our noble gas data show that Tishomingo was excavated from its parent body about 100 to 200 Myr ago and exposed to cosmic rays as a meteoroid with a radius of ∼50-85 cm.
Blank pages at end: Family record and additions.
When people rapidly judge the truth of claims presented with or without related but nonprobative photos, the photos tend to inflate the subjective truth of those claims-a "truthiness" effect (Newman et al., 2012). For example, people more often judged the claim "Macadamia nuts are in the same evolutionary family as peaches" to be true when the claim appeared with a photo of a bowl of macadamia nuts than when it appeared alone. We report several replications of that effect and 3 qualitatively new findings: (a) in a within-subjects design, when people judged claims paired with a mix of related, unrelated, or no photos, related photos produced truthiness but unrelated photos had no significant effect relative to no photos; (b) in a mixed design, when people judged claims paired with related (or unrelated) and no photos, related photos produced truthiness and unrelated photos produced "falseness;" and © in a fully between design, when people judged claims paired with either related, unrelated, or no photos, neither truthiness nor falsiness occurred. Our results suggest that photos influence people's judgments when a discrepancy arises in the expected ease of processing, and also support a mechanism in which-against a backdrop of an expected standard-related photos help people generate pseudoevidence to support claims. (PsycINFO Database Record)
In prior research on false autobiographical beliefs and memories, subjects have been asked to imagine fictional events and have been exposed to false evidence that indicates that the fictional events occurred. But what are the relative contributions of imagination and false evidence toward false belief and memory construction? In the present study, subjects observed and copied various simple actions; then they viewed doctored videos that suggested that they had performed extra actions and they imagined performing some of those and some other actions. Subjects returned 2 weeks later for a memory test. False evidence or imagination alone was often sufficient to cause belief and memory distortions; in combination, they appeared to have additive or even superadditive effects. The results bear on the mechanisms underlying false beliefs and memories, and we propose legal and clinical applications of these findings. © 2009 The Psychonomic Society, Inc.
Opening statement by Mr Michael Scanlan, Secretary General of the Department of Health & Children at the meeting of the Dáil Committee of Public Accounts on 7th May 2009 Click here to download PDF 37kb
Aquesta memòria es centra en un gran tema de la quÃmica orgà nica que és la catà lisi asimètrica de les addicions de Michael. Més concretament, en aquest treball s’estudia la enantioselectivitat que proporcionen dos lligand en qüestió, un d’ells basat en metalls i l’altre organocatalÃtic, en unes reaccions de Michael. Aixà doncs, s’estudiaren dos tipus de sistemes. El primer cas és l’addició de Michael entre 2-tert-butoxicarbonil-1-indanona i tres acceptors de Michael diferents com són la metilvinilcetona, el Nacriloïloxazolidinona i l’azodicarboxilat de di-tert-butil, catalitzat per combinacions de metalls lantà nids (majoritariament Yb) amb lligands quirals de tipus pybox. La segona part de la memòria es centra en l’estudi d’enantioinducció que proporciona un nou organocatalitzador en les addicions de Michael esmentades en l’apartat anterior. Aquest catalitzador està format pel derivat de la cincona 11-(9-mercaptononiltio)-10,11-dihidrocinconina suportat en nanopartÃcules d’or.
Comprend : Historiae encomium... ad Galeacium vice-comitem scriptum ; Clarissimo... viro Reinero Reineccio... principis Brunovicensis etc. historico, in inclyta acad. Julia, amico colendo s. p. d. David Chytraeus ; Historiae et cl. viri Reineri Reineccii genio Arnoldus Freitagius ; De Westphalorum Saxonia et Widechindo Magno etc. Petrus Lotichius Secundus ; In Methodum historicam... Reineri Reineccii Carmen ; De... Widechindo Magno Michael Bojemus
Référence bibliographique : Toledano, Marieschi, 1g
Référence bibliographique : Toledano, Marieschi, 31b