968 resultados para Limnemertes poyangensis gen. et sp nov.


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Cathetocephalus thatcheri gen. et sp. n. is described from the spiral valve of the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas (Valenciennes), taken in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of Florida. A new family is erected for the new genus. The species most closely resembles Pillersium owenium Southwell, 1927, in that both possess a scolex which is perpendicular to the long axis of the strobila. It differs, however, in having a single neck and holdfast organ rather than a bifurcate neck with two bothridia. Also, the surfaces of the scolex differ from those of P. owenium by possessing fleshy papilliform structures on the leading and trailing edges rather than leaflike folds. Specimens with several strobilae are figured and discussed.


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Ediea homevalensis H. Nishida, Kudo, Pigg & Rigby gen. et sp. nov. is proposed for permineralized pollen-bearing structures from the Late Permian Homevale Station locality of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. The taxon represents unisexual fertile shoots bearing helically arranged leaves on a central axis. The more apical leaves are fertile microsporophylls bearing a pair of multi-branched stalks on their adaxial surfaces that each supports a cluster of terminally borne pollen sacs. Proximal to the fertile leaves there are several rows of sterile scale-like leaves. The pollen sacs (microsporangia) have thickened and dark, striate walls that are typical of the Arberiella type found in most pollen organs presumed to be of glossopterid affinity. An examination of pollen organs at several developmental stages, including those containing in situ pollen of the Protohaploxypinus type, provides the basis for a detailed analysis of these types of structures, which bear similarities to both compression/impression Eretmonia-type glossopterid microsporangiate organs and permineralized Eretmonia macloughlinii from Antarctica. These fossils demonstrate that at least some Late Permian pollen organs were simple microsporophyll-bearing shoot systems and not borne directly on Glossopteris leaves.


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A new genus (Kaurimyia thorpei gen. et sp. nov.) of the enigmatic fly family Apsilocephalidae (Asiloidea) is described from New Zealand. Kaurimyia thorpei gen. et sp. nov. is described and figured from male and female specimens, one of which was collected in Kauri forest near Auckland (North Island). While superficially similar to Apsilocephala Krober, this new genus shows closer affinities to Clesthentia White (=Clesthentiella Nagatomi, Saigusa, Nagatomi et Lyneborg syn. nov.) from Tasmania based on genitalic characters such as aedeagus shape and non-articulated surstyli. Apsilocephalidae is presently known from just a few extant species in North America and Tasmania (Australia), although extinct species are recorded from the Holarctic and Oriental regions. This is the first description of the family from New Zealand.


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Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) pelius subgen. et sp. nov. is described from Upper Miocene strata of the Port Phillip and Western Port Basins. Victoria. It has its acme in shallow open marine facies of latest Miocene (Cheltenhamian) age. This species, along with Loxocythere<span style="font-style: italic;"> span>(Novoloxocythere) kerryswansoni Yassini and Jones, 1995, forms a discrete group of rotund Australian Loxocythere species that possess posterior extremities in both valves that are positioned well above mid carapace height (i.e. adjacent to dorsal margin). This feature along with a sub-triangular inner margin outline, defines a carapace shape that is distinct from that of rotund species of Loxocythere (loxocythere) Hornibrook, 1952 and<span style="font-style: italic;"> span>Antarctiloxoconcha Hartmann, 1986. The type species of Antarctiloxoconcha – A.frigida (Neale. 1967), possesses internal carapace features that are very similar to the type species of Loxocythere - L. crassa Hornibrook, 1952. Both have relatively short carapaces and sub-quadrate inner margin outlines with posterior extremities in both valves positioned below mid carapace height. Species of Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere), in particular L. (N.) kerryswansoni, have a carapace shape that is transitional between<span style="font-style: italic;"> span>Loxocythere and Loxoreticulatum Benson, 1964. Species of Loxoreticulatum generally possess a sub-parallelogram shaped carapace/inner margin and arched median hinge element. The latter feature is distinct from the mostly straight median hinge elements of Loxocythere (Loxocythere) and<span style="font-style: italic;"> span>Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) species. Species of Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) are also readily distinguishable from relatively elongate species of Loxocythere, such as L. (L.) hornibrooki McKenzie, 1967, as the latter possess long (for genus), sub-rectangular shaped carapaces/inner margin outlines and posterior extremities below mid height.


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The stiletto fly subfamily Agapophytinae is diverse and species rich in Australasia, with numerous undescribed species. A new species of Acraspisoides Hill & Winterton, A. monticola sp. nov., is described from females collected in montane localities in eastern Australia. Eight new species of Bonjeania Irwin & Lyneborg are also described, raising the total number of known species to 18. Five new species, B. affinis sp. nov., B. apluda sp. nov., B. bapsis sp. nov., B. webbi sp. nov. and B. zwicki sp. nov., all have a distinctive, forward-protruding head with antennae on a raised tubercle. Two other new species, B. argentea sp. nov. and B. jefferiesi sp. nov., are closely related to B. segnis (White), with very similar shaped male genitalia and body shape. An eighth species, B. lambkinae sp. nov., is closely related to B. clamosis Winterton & Skevington. Bonjeania and Acraspisoides are diagnosed and revised keys to species presented. An unusual new therevid, Vomerina humbug gen. et sp. nov., is also described and figured based on a series of males from New South Wales. This new genus likely represents the sister taxon to Bonjeania.


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A new genus of philopotine Acroceridae in Baltic amber is described from both sexes. Archaeterphis hennigi gen. et sp. nov. is easily diagnosed from all other acrocerid genera by the deeply emarginate hind margin of the eye, short mouthparts, reduced wing venation, modified hind femora, and the large postpronotal lobes being proximate but not touching. The new genus is closely related to the extant genus Africaterphis Schlinger from southern Africa, which accords with a common biogeographic pattern in insects.


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Leichhardtithrips evanidus gen. et sp. nov., a wingless, fungus-feeding species of Phlaeothripidae, is described from a single female taken in D'Aguilar National Park, Brisbane. This species has exceptionally reduced sclerotisation rendering systematic comparisons of the new genus difficult. The cylindrical form of the eighth antennal segment is unique in the family, and the compound eyes are not developed on the ventral surface of the head. © The State of Queensland, Queensland Museum 2013.


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植物自晚志留世登陆以来,经过对恶劣的陆生环境长期而艰难的适应,在泥盆纪,特别是中上泥盆世开始其大规模的演化发展。在此其间,石松类、楔叶类、前蕨类、真蕨类以及前裸子植物等相继出现,使得陆生植物进入其第一个空前繁盛时期。 但是,也正是在这个介于陆地植物起源及其大规模发展的阶段,植物分类以及各植物之间的亲缘关系很不清楚。特别是前蕨类,它起源于三枝蕨类,并且被认为是真蕨类和前裸子植物的祖先,但目前对它是如何从三枝蕨类进化到真蕨类和前裸子植物却几乎一无所知。就如同一个黑匣子,有一个入口和两个出口,我们的任务就是打开这个黑匣子,弄清楚前蕨类中各植物的自然分类位置以及他们之间的亲缘关系。那么,有关早期陆地植物进化的一些悬而未决的问题也便迎刃而解了。 本论文正是为此目的而作。并且,植物新属变枝蕨的发现将无疑为最终达到这个目的做出很大的贡献。


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在现代的陆地植被当中,石松类为草本植物,在植物界中属于高等植物的低等部分。然而在陆地植物起源和发展演化的早期阶段,石松类是陆地植被的重要成分。石炭纪时期石松类处于最繁盛时期,多生长成为高大乔木,形成森林,是陆地植被的优势类群,也是主要的成煤植物。作为演化历史最长的陆地植物之一,石松类在泥盆纪时期就广泛分布于世界各地,泥盆纪成为石松类演化发展的一个非常重要的时期。研究泥盆纪石松类对认识石松类的起源和发展有重要意义。 本论文是作者在博士期间多个工作之中的两个内容,对采自俄罗斯远东地区的晚泥盆世石松类Haskinsia标本以及采自湖南醴陵的晚泥盆世石松类Lilingostrobus longifolius标本进行了研究。 我们在俄罗斯远东地区的标本中发现了具有三角形叶片的简单叶。泥盆纪石松类Haskinsia属的最典型特征就是其叶由叶柄和三角形或戟形的叶片组成。综合标本的其它特征我们将这些标本归入Haskinsia colophylla这个种中。俄罗斯学者曾在与我们相同的采集地点采集了相似的标本并将其命名为Pseudolepidodendron igrischense,经过仔细对比后我们认为俄罗斯学者的标本也应归并入H. colophylla。同时根据Haskinsia属分布于早泥盆世晚期至晚泥盆世早期的特点,我们对采集地点的地层时代进行了修订,认为其地层时代要比俄罗斯学者认为的晚泥盆世至早石炭世要早。 我们在标本中还首次发现了Haskinsia colophylla这个种的孢子囊。在此之前,Haskinsia 属内的H. colophylla和H. sagittata由于具有相类似的叶而被认为可能是同一个种。由于仅在H. sagittata中发现了孢子囊(椭圆形/卵形)而没有发现H. colophylla的生殖结构,无法确切地区分这两个种。我们在标本中发现了着生于孢子叶腹面的圆形孢子囊。这一发现使我们确认了H. colophylla与H. sagittata的区别,这两个种都是有效种。 我们还对采自湖南醴陵望仙桥水库剖面晚泥盆统岳麓山组地层的部分石松类标本进行了研究。该石松类被命名为Lilingostrobus longifolius。它为木本石松类,茎为二岐分枝,叶在茎上螺旋形排列,叶为长披针形,具有中脉。孢子叶球顶生,呈长锥形,顶端钝圆,孢子叶在孢子叶球上呈紧密的螺旋形排列,每轮约6-8枚。孢子叶分化为孢子叶梗和孢子叶片。孢子叶梗与穗轴近垂直,水平向外延伸后向上弯曲成孢子叶片,叶片至少长45mm,超过孢子叶球长度的一半,孢子叶片与营养叶同型。孢子囊长椭圆形,着生于孢子叶梗的上面。Lilingostrobus longifolius为异型孢子叶球,分为大孢子叶球和小孢子叶球。茎轴具有外始式的初生木质部以及呈放射状的次生木质部。管胞次生壁具有梯纹加厚,加厚的横棒之间有纵向的条状物,即“威廉姆森结构”。Lilingostrobus longifolius具有孢子叶分化明显的孢子叶球因而被归入广义的水韭目。根据其管胞类型和孢子叶球特点,我们认为其可能与Sublepidodendron属亲缘关系较近。 通过对Lilingostrobus longifolius的孢子叶球以及解剖特点的分析,我们认为它代表了晚泥盆世石松类中较为先进的一个类群,这种类群在石炭纪时期得到大规模发展。 结合晚泥盆世其他具有生殖结构的石松类,我们认为晚泥盆世时期石松类的生殖结构类型丰富多样,而且远比中泥盆世石松类生殖结构复杂。这个时期石松类的发展为其在石炭纪的进一步演化奠定了基础。同时,在这个时期石松类植物的叶舌与孢子类型关系中,包括四种类型,即不具叶舌产生单型孢子类型,不具叶舌产生异型孢子类型,具叶舌产生单型孢子类型以及具叶舌产生异型孢子类型。这与现代石松类仅具有两种类型即不具叶舌的类群孢子囊产生同型孢子,而具叶舌的类群孢子囊产生异型孢子有很大的差别。


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Scattered with numerous salt lakes and approximate to 2,700-3,200 m above sea level, the giant Qaidam inland basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau has experienced continuing aridification since the beginning of the Late Cenozoic as a result of the India-Asia plate collision and associated uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Previous evidence of aridification comes mainly from evaporite deposits and salinity-tolerant invertebrate fossils. Vertebrate fossils were rare until recent discoveries of abundant fish. Here, we report an unusual cyprinid fish, Hsianwenia wui, gen. et sp. nov., from Pliocene lake deposits of the Qaidam Basin, characterized by an extraordinarily thick skeleton that occupied almost the entire body. Such enormous skeletal thickening, apparently leaving little room for muscles, is unknown among extant fish. However, an almost identical condition occurs in the much smaller cyprinodontid Aphanius crassicaudus (Cyprinodonyiformes), collected from evaporites exposed along the northern margins of the Mediterranean Sea during the Messinian desiccation period. H. wui and A. crassicaudus both occur in similar deposits rich in carbonates (CaCO3) and sulfates (CaSO4), indicating that both were adapted to the extreme conditions resulting from the ariclification in the two areas. The overall skeletal thickening was most likely formed through deposition of the oversaturated calcium and was apparently a normal feature of the biology and growth of these fish.


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Qianlabeo striatus gen. et sp. nov. is described from a stream tributary to the Beipan Jiang of the upper Zhu Jiang (Pearl River) drainage in Matou, Anshun County, Guizhou Province, China. This monotypic genus is mainly characterized by its oromadibular morphology, namely an upper lip only present in and fully adnate to the side of the upper jaw, not covered by the pendulous rostral fold; the median portion of the upper jaw lacking an upper lip but bearing a thin, flexible and cornified cutting edge that is fully covered by the pendulous rostral fold; a postlabial groove prolonged, extended anteromedially close to the anteromost point of the midline of the lower lip but not to meet with its counterpart. The type species of this genus, Q. striatus has a longitudinal dark stripe along the side of the body.


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This paper reports a new genus and species of Catantopinae: Guizhouacris xiai gen et sp. nov. The new genus is similar to Genimen I. Bolivar, 1917, but differs from the latter in: 1) lateral lobes of metasternum separated in apical part and 2) prozona about 2.5 (male) and 2.7 (female) times longer than metazona. The new genus is also similar to Rhinopodisma Mishchenko, 1954 (= Aserratus Huang, 1981), but differs from the latter in: 1) diameter of tympanal aperture longer than half tergum and 2) face not projected between two eyes. Type specimens are deposited in the Museum of Hebei University ( MHU).


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本文描述了贵州中寒武世凯里组中的分枝状宏观藻类化石5属7种,即:Marpolia spissa Walcott,Marpolia aequalis Walcott,Guizhouella ramulosa Yang(gen.et sp.nov.),Doushantuophyton lineare Chen,Thamnophton formosus Yang(gen.et sp.nov.),Eoulothrix fibrillata Ding,Eoulothrix flabellophyton Yang(sp.mov.)。根据大量的藻类与凯里生物群共生特征,从藻类的生态及生物群分布受到沉积韵律控制等特征分析,认为凯里生物群生活环境的水深应该在30-60m,而埋藏和保存环境的水深是150m左右。另外,将凯里生物群中的宏观藻类化石与震旦纪陡山沱期的藻类化石进行了比较,两者在以分枝状藻类占主要组成上是相似的,从这一方面来说,晚震旦世宏观藻类与寒武纪宏观藻类没有大的演变,但寒武纪宏观藻类以出现钙质珊瑚藻类、分枝更加复杂的类型和具有锯齿状叶状体、生殖托构造的藻类为特征。


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The Mollusca is one of the most diverse, important and well-studied invertebrate phyla; however, relationships among major molluscan taxa have long been a subject of controversy(1-9). In particular, the position of the shell-less vermiform Aplacophora and its relationship to the better-known Polyplacophora (chitons) have been problematic: Aplacophora has been treated as a paraphyletic or monophyletic group at the base of the Mollusca(3,6,8), proximate to other derived clades such as Cephalopoda(2,3,10), or as sister group to the Polyplacophora, forming the clade Aculifera(1,5,7,11,12). Resolution of this debate is required to allow the evolutionary origins of Mollusca to be reconstructed with confidence. Recent fossil finds(13-16) support the Aculifera hypothesis, demonstrating that the Palaeozoic-era palaeoloricate 'chitons' included taxa combining certain polyplacophoran and aplacophoran characteristics(5). However, fossils combining an unambiguously aplacophoran-like body with chiton-like valves have remained elusive. Here we describe such a fossil, Kulindroplax perissokomos gen. et sp. nov., from the Herefordshire Lagerstatte(17,18) (about 425 million years BP), a Silurian deposit preserving a marine biota(18) in unusual three-dimensional detail. The specimen is reconstructed three-dimensionally through physical-optical tomography(19). Phylogenetic analysis indicates that this and many other palaeoloricate chitons are crown-group aplacophorans.