995 resultados para Light-front propagator pole


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We study the scaling of the S-3(1)-S-1(0) meson mass splitting and the pseudoscalar weak-decay constants with the mass of the meson, as seen in the available experimental data. We use an effective light-front QCD-inspired dynamical model regulated at short distances to describe the valence component of the pseudoscalar mesons. The experimentally known values of the mass splitting, decay constants (from global lattice-QCD averages) and the pion charge form factor up to 4 [GeV/c](2) are reasonably described by the model.


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A unified description of spacelike and timelike hadron form factors within a light-front model was successfully applied to the pion. The model is extended to the nucleon to study the role of qq pair production and of nonvalence components in the nucleon form factors. Preliminary results in the spacelike range 0 <= Q(2) <= 10 (GeV/c)(2) are presented.


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The simultaneous investigation of the pion electromagnetic form factor in the space- and timelike regions within a light-front model allows one to address the issue of nonvalence components of the pion and photon wave functions. Our relativistic approach is based on a microscopic vector-meson-dominance model for the dressed vertex where a photon decays in a quark-antiquark pair, and on a simple parametrization for the emission or absorption of a pion by a quark. The results show an excellent agreement in the space like region up to -10 (GeV/c)(2), while in timelike region the model produces reasonable results up to 10 (GeV/c)(2).


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Numerical calculations are performed and compared to the experimental data for the electromagnetic form factor of the kaon, extracted from both components of the electromagnetic current, J(+) and J(-), with a pseudo-scalar coupling of the quarks to the kaon. In the case of J(+), there is no pair term contribution in the Drell-Yan frame (q(+) = 0). However, for J-, the pair term contribution is different from zero and is necessary in order to preserve the rotational symmetry of the current. The free parameters are the quark masses and the regulator mass.


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We have applied the light-front formalism to calculate the electromagnetic form factors for the pion and the kaon from two models at low and high energies in order to explore the differences between such models. We have also compared the results for the ratio F(K)(Q(2))/F(pi)(Q(2)) with the experimental data, up to 10 [GeV/c](2) and we have observed that the theoretical results are in good concordance for low energies, but they are very different at higher energy scales.


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In covariant gauges (CG) regularized with dimensional regularization (DR) it is a standard procedure to set all tadpole Feynman integrals to zero, though; explicitly, they diverge quadratically as the space-time volume. on the other hand, in the notoriously subtle light-front gauge (LTG) some divergent tadpole integrals are said to be nonvanishing, i.e., cannot be set to zero as in the CC case. In this article we analyse the reasons behind this seemingly ambiguous results.


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Electroweak transition form factors of heavy meson decays are important ingredients in the extraction of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements from experimental data. In this work, within a. light-front framework, we calculate electroweak transition form factor for the semileptonic decay of D mesons into a pion or a kaon. The model results underestimate in both cases the new data of CLEO for the larger momentum transfers accessible in the experiment. We discuss possible reasons for that in order to improve the model.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We show that the light-front vacuum is not trivial, and the Fock space for positive energy quanta solutions is not complete. As an example of this non triviality we have calculated the electromagnetic current for scalar bosons in the background field method were the covariance is restored through considering the complete Fock space of solutions.In this work we construct the electromagnetic current operator for a system composed of two free bosons. The technique employed to deduce these operators is through the definition of global propagators in the light front when a background electromagnetic field acts on one of the particles.


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The frame dependence of the pair-term contribution to the electromagnetic form factor of the pion is studied within the Light Front approach. A symmetric ansatz for the pion Bethe-Salpeter amplitude with a pseudo scalar coupling of the constituent to the pion field is used. In this model, the pair term vanishes for the Drell-Yan condition, while it is dominant for momentum transfer along the light-front direction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The ground state masses and binding energies of the nucleon, lambda0, lambdac+ , lambdab0 are studied within a constituent quark QCD-inspired light-front model. The light-front Faddeev equations for the Qqq composite spin 1/2 baryons, are derived and solved numerically. The experimental data for the masses are qualitatively described by a flavor independent effective interaction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We formulate a quark-meson coupling model for nuclear matter using light front variables. We present results for saturation properties of nuclear matter and in-medium nucleon properties. We also calculate the distribution function of the plus momentum carried by nucleons in nuclear matter. Our model predicts that vector mesons carry only 7% of the fraction per nucleon of the total plus momentum of the system.


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We show that the electromagnetic current for a system composed by two charged bosons has a structure of many bodies even in the impulse approximation, when described in the time x +. In terms of the two body component for the bound state, the current contains two body operators. We discuss the process of pair creation by the photon and interpret it as a zero mode contribution to the current and its consequences for the components of currents in the light front. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.