974 resultados para Light absorption in nanocomposites


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By allowing the estimation of forest structural and biophysical characteristics at different temporal and spatial scales, remote sensing may contribute to our understanding and monitoring of planted forests. Here, we studied 9-year time-series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on a network of 16 stands in fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. We aimed to examine the relationships between NDVI time-series spanning entire rotations and stand structural characteristics (volume, dominant height, mean annual increment) in these simple forest ecosystems. Our second objective was to examine spatial and temporal variations of light use efficiency for wood production, by comparing time-series of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (APAR) with inventory data. Relationships were calibrated between the NDVI and the fractions of intercepted diffuse and direct radiation, using hemispherical photographs taken on the studied stands at two seasons. APAR was calculated from the NDVI time-series using these relationships. Stem volume and dominant height were strongly correlated with summed NDVI values between planting date and inventory date. Stand productivity was correlated with mean NDVI values. APAR during the first 2 years of growth was variable between stands and was well correlated with stem wood production (r(2) = 0.78). In contrast, APAR during the following years was less variable and not significantly correlated with stem biomass increments. Production of wood per unit of absorbed light varied with stand age and with site index. In our study, a better site index was accompanied both by increased APAR during the first 2 years of growth and by higher light use efficiency for stem wood production during the whole rotation. Implications for simple process-based modelling are discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The underwater light field is an important environmental variable as it, among other things, enables aquatic primary production. Although the portion of solar radiation that is referred to as visible light penetrates water, it is restricted to a limited surface water layer because of efficient absorption and scattering processes. Based on the varying content of optical constituents in the water, the efficiency of light attenuation changes in many dimensions and over various spatial and temporal scales. This thesis discusses the underwater light dynamics of a transitional coastal archipelago in south-western Finland, in the Baltic Sea. While the area has long been known to have a highly variable underwater light field, quantified knowledge on the phenomenon has been scarce, patchy, or non-existent. This thesis focuses on the variability in the underwater light field through euphotic depths (1% irradiance remaining), which were derived from in situ measurements of vertical profiles of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Spot samples were conducted in the archipelago of south-western Finland, mainly during the ice-free growing seasons of 2010 and 2011. In addition to quantifying both the seasonal and geographical patterns of euphotic depth development, the need and usability of underwater light information are also discussed. Light availability was found to fluctuate in multiple dimensions and scales. The euphotic depth was shown to have combined spatio-temporal dynamics rather than separate changes in spatial and temporal dimensions. Such complexity in the underwater light field creates challenges in data collection, as well as in its utilisation. Although local information is needed, in highly variable conditions spot sampled information may only poorly represent its surroundings. Moreover, either temporally or spatially limited sampling may cause biases in understanding underwater light dynamics. Consequently, the application of light availability data, for example in ecological modelling, should be made with great caution.


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Two-photon absorption in methanol solutions of Rhodamine 6G is investigated by photoacoustics using the second harmonic of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Competition between one-photon and two-photon processes is observed, depending critically on the sample concentration and input light flux.


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The absorption spectra of phytoplankton in the visible domain hold implicit information on the phytoplankton community structure. Here we use this information to retrieve quantitative information on phytoplankton size structure by developing a novel method to compute the exponent of an assumed power-law for their particle-size spectrum. This quantity, in combination with total chlorophyll-a concentration, can be used to estimate the fractional concentration of chlorophyll in any arbitrarily-defined size class of phytoplankton. We further define and derive expressions for two distinct measures of cell size of mixed populations, namely, the average spherical diameter of a bio-optically equivalent homogeneous population of cells of equal size, and the average equivalent spherical diameter of a population of cells that follow a power-law particle-size distribution. The method relies on measurements of two quantities of a phytoplankton sample: the concentration of chlorophyll-a, which is an operational index of phytoplankton biomass, and the total absorption coefficient of phytoplankton in the red peak of visible spectrum at 676 nm. A sensitivity analysis confirms that the relative errors in the estimates of the exponent of particle size spectra are reasonably low. The exponents of phytoplankton size spectra, estimated for a large set of in situ data from a variety of oceanic environments (~ 2400 samples), are within a reasonable range; and the estimated fractions of chlorophyll in pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton are generally consistent with those obtained by an independent, indirect method based on diagnostic pigments determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. The estimates of cell size for in situ samples dominated by different phytoplankton types (diatoms, prymnesiophytes, Prochlorococcus, other cyanobacteria and green algae) yield nominal sizes consistent with the taxonomic classification. To estimate the same quantities from satellite-derived ocean-colour data, we combine our method with algorithms for obtaining inherent optical properties from remote sensing. The spatial distribution of the size-spectrum exponent and the chlorophyll fractions of pico-, nano- and micro-phytoplankton estimated from satellite remote sensing are in agreement with the current understanding of the biogeography of phytoplankton functional types in the global oceans. This study contributes to our understanding of the distribution and time evolution of phytoplankton size structure in the global oceans.


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Little is known about insect intestinal sugar absorption, in spite of the recent findings, and even less has been published regarding water absorption. The aim of this study was to shed light on putative transporters of water and glucose in the insect midgut Glucose and water absorptions by the anterior ventriculus of Dysdercus peruvianus midgut were determined by feeding the insects with a glucose and a non-absorbable dye solution, followed by periodical dissection of insects and analysis of ventricular contents. Glucose absorption decreases glucose/dye ratios and water absorption increases dye concentrations. Water and glucose transports are activated (water 50%, glucose 33%) by 50 mM K(2)SO(4) and are inhibited (water 46%, glucose 82%) by 0.2 mM phloretin, the inhibitor of the facilitative hexose transporter (GLUT) or are inhibited (water 45%, glucose 35%) by 0.1 mM phlorizin, the inhibitor of the Na(+)-glucose cotransporter (SGLT). The results also showed that the putative SGLT transports about two times more water relative to glucose than the putative GLUT. These results mean that D. peruvianus uses a GLUT-like transporter and an SGLT-like transporter (with K(+) instead of Na(+)) to absorb dietary glucose and water. A cDNA library from D. peruvianus midgut was screened and we found one sequence homologous to GLUT1, named DpGLUT, and another to a sodium/solute symporter, named DpSGLT. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR studies revealed that DpGLUT and DpSGLTs mRNA were expressed in the anterior midgut, where glucose and water are absorbed, but not in fat body, salivary gland and Malpighian tubules. This is the first report showing the involvement of putative GLUT and SGLT in both water and glucose midgut absorption in insects. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of bulk light absorption on running photorefractive holograms is investigated. By solving the coupled wave equations we prove that the beam intensities, but not the beam phases, can be calculated by averaging the coupling constant over the crystal thickness. We show the importance of the effect by calculating the dielectric relaxation time at the crystal front, and from that the quantum efficiency from a feedback-controlled experiment with a 2.05 mm thick BTO crystal.We propose to simulate the effect of bulk light absorption by a rude estimate of the average dielectric relaxation time which is related in a simple way to the dielectric relaxation time at the crystal front, in doing so an error of less than 10% is introduced.


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Non-linear absorption is observed in Er3+-doped fluoroindate glass (in mol% 37InF2:20ZnF2:20SrF2:16BaF2:2GdF2: 2NaF:1GaF3:2ErF3) when the sample is irradiated with a CW laser emitting at 650 nm. An intensity dependence of the optical transmittance is detected. Saturation and sequential absorption of two photons are responsible for the decrease of 50% in the transmittance. The results are explained by simple models which are solved based on rate-equations for the populations of energy levels.


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Metal oxide nanocomposites were prepared by two different routes: polyol and sol-gel. Characterization by X ray diffraction showed that the first process produces directly a two-phase material, while the sol-gel powder never showed second phase below 600°C. Light spectroscopy of the treated powders indicated similarities for the processed materials. Although the overall material compositions are about the same, different structural characteristics are found for each processing. With the exception of Ti-Zn materials, all the double metal oxide powders showed higher absorbance than either TiO2 powder.


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Two-photon cooperative absorption is common in solid-state physics. In a sample of trapped cold atoms, this effect may open up new possibilities for the study of nonlinear effects. The experiment described herein starts with two colliding Na atoms in the S hyperfine ground state. The pair absorb two photons, resulting in both a P-1/2 and a P-3/2 atom. This excitation is observed by ionization using an external light source. A simple model that considers only dipole-dipole interactions between the atoms allows us to understand the basic features observed in the experimental results. Both the pair of generated atoms and the photons originating from their decay are correlated and may have interesting applications that remain to be explored.


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Self-absorption of the Eu2+ emission is an important aspect in SrI2:Eu that affects its scintillation performance. To calculate the probability of self-absorption, we measured the light yield and the decay time of 1–15 mm thick SrI2:2%Eu samples at temperatures between 78 K and 600 K. The obtained properties of SrI2:2%Eu crystals were then compared to those of SrI2:5%Eu. The decay times of SrI2:5%Eu crystals were the same or somewhat longer compared to those of twice as thickSrI2:2%Eu crystals. Accordingly, doubling the thickness has the same effect on the probability of self-absorption as doubling the Eu concentration.


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This doctoral thesis explores some of the possibilities that near-field optics can bring to photovoltaics, and in particular to quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs). Our main focus is the analytical optimization of the electric field distribution produced in the vicinity of single scattering particles, in order to produce the highest possible absorption enhancement in the photovoltaic medium in their surroundings. Near-field scattering structures have also been fabricated in laboratory, allowing the application of the previously studied theoretical concepts to real devices. We start by looking into the electrostatic scattering regime, which is only applicable to sub-wavelength sized particles. In this regime it was found that metallic nano-spheroids can produce absorption enhancements of about two orders of magnitude on the material in their vicinity, due to their strong plasmonic resonance. The frequency of such resonance can be tuned with the shape of the particles, allowing us to match it with the optimal transition energies of the intermediate band material. Since these metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) are to be inserted inside the cell photovoltaic medium, they should be coated by a thin insulating layer to prevent electron-hole recombination at their surface. This analysis is then generalized, using an analytical separation-of-variables method implemented in Mathematica7.0, to compute scattering by spheroids of any size and material. This code allowed the study of the scattering properties of wavelengthsized particles (mesoscopic regime), and it was verified that in this regime dielectric spheroids perform better than metallic. The light intensity scattered from such dielectric spheroids can have more than two orders of magnitude than the incident intensity, and the focal region in front of the particle can be shaped in several ways by changing the particle geometry and/or material. Experimental work was also performed in this PhD to implement in practice the concepts studied in the analysis of sub-wavelength MNPs. A wet-coating method was developed to self-assemble regular arrays of colloidal MNPs on the surface of several materials, such as silicon wafers, amorphous silicon films, gallium arsenide and glass. A series of thermal and chemical tests have been performed showing what treatments the nanoparticles can withstand for their embedment in a photovoltaic medium. MNPs arrays are then inserted in an amorphous silicon medium to study the effect of their plasmonic near-field enhancement on the absorption spectrum of the material. The self-assembled arrays of MNPs constructed in these experiments inspired a new strategy for fabricating IBSCs using colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). Such CQDs can be deposited in self-assembled monolayers, using procedures similar to those developed for the patterning of colloidal MNPs. The use of CQDs to form the intermediate band presents several important practical and physical advantages relative to the conventional dots epitaxially grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method. Besides, this provides a fast and inexpensive method for patterning binary arrays of QDs and MNPs, envisioned in the theoretical part of this thesis, in which the MNPs act as antennas focusing the light in the QDs and therefore boosting their absorption


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ZnTe doped with high concentrations of oxygen has been proposed in previous works as intermediate band (IB) material for photovoltaic applications. The existence of extra optical transitions related to the presence of an IB has already been demonstrated in this material and it has been possible to measure the absorption coefficient of the transitions from the valence band (VB) to the IB. In this work we present the first measurement of the absorption coefficient associated to transitions from the IB to the conduction band (CB) in ZnTe:O. The samples used are 4 ?m thick ZnTe layers with or without O in a concentration ~ 1019 cm-3, which have been grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The IB-CB absorption coefficient peaks for photon energies ~ 0.4 eV. It is extracted from reflectance and transmittance spectra measured using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Under typical FTIR measurement conditions (low light intensity, broadband spectrum) the absorption coefficient in IB-to-CB transitions reaches 700 cm-1. This is much weaker than the one observed for VB-IB absorption. This result is consistent with the fact that the IB is expected to be nearly empty of electrons under equilibrium conditions in ZnTe(:O). The absorption for VB to IB transitions is also observed in the same samples through reflectance measurements performed in the visible range using a monochromator. These measurements are compared with the quantum efficiency (QE) from solar cells fabricated under similar conditions.