770 resultados para Ligas de aluminio - Fundição


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The approach of the subject matter in this work relies on the fact that the reliability of methods for performance analysis of materials proves critical for the result. This work focused on the development and presentation of the methodology for lifting probability curves for fatigue test (SN) according to standard E739, this focus is justified by the fact that the results in fatigue test show considerable dispersion making it difficult to reading and interpretation of data, this dispersion arises because the phenomenon of rupture is strongly influenced by internal characteristics of the material, we can then have much data ranging from test to test. Thus we set out originally for a brief study of aluminum alloys in question, as well as the treatments to which they were subjected. We also studied the behavior of materials when subjected to cyclic loading, which configures process of fatigue failure, and even fatigue test method in question. This statistical analysis is based on the ASTM E739 standard, so its contents was studied in detail so that we could present in detail the methodology and raise SN curves for different aluminum alloy 7012 subjected to fatigue test. Data were collected from tests conducted in the department of materials from two samples of aluminum alloy 7012 solubilized and precipitated by different time intervals and assayed temperature fatigue-type traction-compression, these data were then analyzed and used to survey curves using the base as E739. After lifting the curve analyzed the characteristics of the test samples and their correlation with the test results. We confirmed the effectiveness of the method of statistical analysis by ASME E739, which allowed the reading of data without this method would be very difficult to have a reading and comparison of the results for the two types... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The macrostructure of an alloy solidification in the raw state is of utmost importance due to its influence on mechanical properties. A structure showing columnar grains is generally undesirable in most applications of cast products and grain refining aims to suppress the formation of these grains and get a fine-grained equiaxed structure that improves the supply of liquid metal and the mechanical properties, as yield strength and tensile strength limit, as well as the tendency of formation of hot cracks. The type and size of grains formed are determined by chemical composition, cooling rate and the use of inoculum for grain refining. Titanium and boron are the major refiners in the aluminum industry and can be added to the molten metal in the form of alloys such as Al-Ti, Al-Ti-B or Al-B. In this paper we will discuss the information obtained from cooling curves and first derivative of the cooling curve to obtain the thermal parameters that influence the process of grain refining alloy AA 356.0


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This study aimed to analyze the cooling curves, micro and macrograph alloy Al-1 %Si without the addition of strontium modifier and with the addition of the same. One of the ways of improving mechanical properties of alloy Al -Si is through the modification process. For the experiments two billets of the alloy Al-1%Si cast iron mold in a billet with addition of 0.02% strontium by weight, and the other billet without the addition of modifier were fused. In the solidification process of billet temperature was monitored and recorded every second for later plotting in Origin 8 program and analyzes the cooling curves obtained. The billets were cut and passed by grinding and polishing to perform the macrograph and micrographs. The results concerning the macrograph indicated that billet without the addition of Strontium particle size obtained was more refined than the billet where the strontium modifier was added. Regarding the micrograph, photos stemmed from the optical microscope didn´t show the expected modification effect by the addition of Strontium. This suggests that the low amount of silicon (1 %) present in the alloy used in this study interfered in the change process, because according to the literature review, Strontium 0.022 % by weight is sufficient to fully modify an alloy with 7% Silicon. The results from the cooling curve showed that both the eutectic temperature and the solidification time remained unchanged with the addition of strontium


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The aluminum includes several properties with excellent relation between weight and mechanical resistance. With technological advances, increasingly demand the development of new alloys and other production processes in order to reduce the cost of production and insert these new alloys in broader applications. The process of continuous caster (TRC promoted the unite of the aluminum smelting process with the first stage of rolling, making it most economical through the merger these two phases besides transform the continuous casting process. The AA8xxx series is one of the most versatile aluminum alloys and the most often used in continuous caster process provided a great potential application in the market. In order to further, optimize the process it is necessary to increase awareness of the aluminum solidification phenomena associated with the addition of grain refiner, and control of some aluminum production parameters in the process (production rate, metal temperature, etc.). In this study, AA8011 alloy samples were taken in the raw state obtained by the continuous casting process. The samples were laminated to a thickness of 7mm during the process itself and analyzed at three points along its width by microstructural analysis throughout its thickness, the variation rate of addition of the grain refiner in order to assess the influence of this addition with crystallographic formation and some formation of intermetallic precipitates during the solidification. Through this work, it was possible to improve the knowledge related to the addition of refiner with the monitoring of these production processes


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The aluminium alloys are used in many fields because of their versatility combined with the excellent aluminium’s properties, mentioned in the study. This study aims to compare the performance of polished Hard Metal, Hard Metal covered with TiB2 and High Speed Steel (HSS) tools, at the aluminium 2024 alloy’s turning, as a function of variation of some turning parameters such as: feed, depth of cut and cutting speed; and study the surface finish and the required power during turning by processing the output data, like analyze the chip’s features for each used tool. The results provide information of the tool’s material effects, when submitted to different turning conditions, about the output variable in question. In this way, it was possible to notice that although the Hard Metal covered with TiB2 tool has provided the better surface finish, the chip’s features were better when the turning was accomplished by the Polished Hard Metal tool. In relation to the required turning’s power, the lowest consumption occurred with the High Speed Steel tool


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Aluminum alloys have shown great potential for the automotive industry, especially aluminum alloys 6xxx series. This category has good mechanical strength and excellent corrosion resistance, important for the areas of construction and transport. The automotive industry has always shown great interest in the study of fatigue behavior, because structural components are subjected to cyclic and vibration loads, generating cracks and fracturing. The mechanical response depends on the material properties, applications, surface condition and microstructure. In this work was study the fatigue behavior of high cycle of machined bodies (not polished) and the effect of roughness on the fatigue life for three aluminum alloys of 6xxx series: AA6005, AA6351 and AA606, all in the T6 condition . S / N curves were made from fatigue tests in rotating bending (R = -1). The influence of roughness was studied by measuring the roughness of each specimen. Was compare the fatigue behavior of polished specimen and not polished specimens. The fractured surfaces of samples were observed by MEV, and it was observed that most of nucleation sites for fatigue crack is initiated below the surface


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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A obtenção de ligas metálicas em forma de pasta, com propriedades tixotrópicas apropriadas para serem utilizadas em processos de tixoconformação, pode ser realizada através de vários processos metalúrgicos. Destacam-se os processos de reofundidos obtidos a partir do líquido com a agitação mecânica do banho, ao longo da solidificação. Esses processos utilizam-se de rotores e propulsores, agitação mecânica usando o processo de duplo-parafuso e a agitação magneto hidrodinâmica. Outros procedimentos para a obtenção de pastas reofundidas a partir do líquido são o processo SCR (Shearing Cooling Roll), refino químico, ultra-som, processo spray, a nova reofundição NCR (New Rheocasting) e a reofundição elementar. As estruturas tixofundidas são obtidas a partir do metal sólido no qual, utiliza-se a refusão parcial de estruturas dendríticas, a fusão parcial de estruturas dendríticas deformadas (SIMA) e a fusão parcial sob pressão de estruturas dendríticas. No Trabalho em questão foram estudados os dois métodos para a obtenção de estruturas com propriedades tixotrópicas (Reofundição e Tixofundição). O primeiro processo explorado foi a agitação mecânica da liga AA7075 em seu estado semi-sólido, através de uma haste propulsora com pás recobertas por carbeto de cromo e contida em um cadinho especial de grafite. O segundo, foi a aplicação de tratamento isotérmico usando diversos patamares de tempos de aplicação e temperaturas. Este processo foi realizado por aquecimento indutivo na mesma liga AA7075, deformada anteriormente por extrusão direta. As microestruturas foram caracterizadas através dos diâmetros e formas dos glóbulos, utilizando o fator de forma específico em um programa de análise de imagens.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Modificações na composição química e no processamento termomecânico têm sido algumas das várias alternativas estudadas, para melhorar o desempenho de ligas de alumínio tradicionais. Neste trabalho foi modificada a composição de uma liga Al-Mn-Mg do tipo AA 3104, endurecível por deformação, adicionando-se diversos teores de zinco, transformando-a numa liga Al-Mn-Mg(Zn), endurecível por precipitação. O objetivo foi estudar e quantificar os efeitos do zinco sobre o processamento termomecânico e as propriedades mecânicas da liga modificada. Ligas com teores de zinco entre 0,03 a 1,52% foram fundidas e processadas obtendo-se um encruamento semelhante a condição H-19 industrial, denominada rota R. Ligas com teores de zinco entre 1,14 a 2,17% foram fundidas e processadas segundo três diferentes rotas: na rota S, o recozimento da rota R foi substituído por solubilização antes da laminação a frio; nas rotas E3H e E6H, as tiras laminadas a frio foram envelhecidas em dois estágios: 121°C por três horas para as duas rotas, mais três horas para a rota E3H e seis para a rota EH a 163°. A tensão de escoamento (SIGMA IND E) e a resistência à tração (SIGMA IND T) para a rota R aumentaram da ordem de 18% e 19% respectivamente, com o aumento do teor de zinco, enquanto o alongamento (E) permaneceu em torno de 4,5%. As propriedades mecânicas (SIGMA IND E SIGMA T E ) AUMENTARAM EM TORNO DE 25%, 31% E 27%, respectivamente, para a rota S. Considerando concentrações aproximadamente iguais de zinco, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas para (SIGMA E SIGMA T), entre as rotas R E S, no entanto, a rota S apresentou alongamento médio maior que a rota R da ordem 44%. Os menores valores de (SIGMA IND E SIGMA IND T) e os maiores valores de E foram obtidos para a rota E6H.


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This study aims to assess the implementation of Lean Six Sigma in the preparation of plates and hot lamination process for a company of aluminum rolled products, to improve the quality, productivity and process efficiency. As a basis for achieving these goals, the DMAIC methodology and various quality tools such as Cause Effect Diagram, Process Flow, SIPOC, Pareto, FMEA and Control Chart were used, trying to propose improvements to processes and increase their efficiency. The results were significant and were the basis for the continuation of a continuous improvement project throughout the factory