999 resultados para Licença Creative Commons


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Este estudio contiene un breve análisis de la compatibilidad de las licencias de Creative commons (CC), con la Decisión 351 de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN), que regula el tratamiento de los derechos de autor para los países miembros de la CAN. Una primera parte de este estudio está dedicada a los antecedentes y aspectos generales de las licencias CC, en ella son estudiadas las licencias GNU que las inspiran así como la filosofía que las orienta, una vez definidos sus antecedentes, paso a describir el contenido de las licencias en sus tres aspectos common deeds, legal code y digital code. La segunda parte comprende el estudio de compatibilidad realizado a partir de la definición de los conceptos básicos y de cada uno de los derechos reconocidos a los autores, desde la doctrina de la corriente latina y del copyright, identificando los elementos comunes y los diferenciadores para, paso seguido, revisar la consagración normativa de los mismos elementos y su tratamiento en las licencias objeto de esta investigación.


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Como se sabe, a lei brasileira de direitos autorais, Lei 9.610/98 (doravante designada LDA), é tida pelos especialistas no assunto como uma das mais restritivas de todo o mundo. Ao proibir a cópia integral de obra alheia, condutas que se afiguram corriqueiras no mundo contemporâneo são, a rigor, contrárias à lei. Por exemplo, diante dos termos estritos da LDA, quando uma pessoa adquire um CD numa loja, não pode copiar o conteúdo do CD para seu iPod, o que configura proibição incoerente com o mundo em que vivemos e com as facilidades da tecnologia digital. Dentro de um sistema jurídico que tem a Constituição Federal como filtro interpretativo (como é o nosso caso, no Brasil), é indispensável que as leis infraconstitucionais passem pelas lentes da Constituição. No entanto, nem sempre a reinterpretação das leis infraconstitucionais a partir do prisma constitucional será suficiente para aferir a legitimidade do uso de obras de terceiros, diante dos termos rígidos da LDA. É necessário buscar novos mecanismos para dar segurança jurídica a quem queira se valer de obras alheias. Como exemplo desses mecanismos, podemos mencionar as licenças públicas. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar soluções que, ainda que incipientes se comparadas à estrutura secular e insatisfatória dos princípios legais do direito autoral vigente, encontram-se já ao alcance de todos e abrangem todos os tipos de obras de arte, indistintamente.


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O presente artigo busca apresentar as licenças gerais públicas desenvolvidas no seio do projeto Creative Commons, contextualizando a razão de ser de regimes alternativos de licenciamento de direitos autorais, em razão das mudanças tecnológicas por que tem passado a comunidade internacional quanto ao tráfego, compartilhamento e utilização de informação.


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Os direitos autorais encontram-se no centro do mundo. Se antes interessavam apenas a quem publicava livros, gravava músicas ou produzia filmes, hoje os direitos autorais dizem respeito a todos os que acessam a internet. Afinal, o recente desenvolvimento tecnológico passou a permitir que obras culturais sejam produzidas e distribuídas diariamente no universo digital. Contudo, as leis de direitos autorais no Brasil não estão adequadas às práticas do tempo presente. Por isso, iniciativas inovadoras, que surgem em conformidade com a lei e que têm por objetivo aproximar o artista do público, vêm ganhando importância. Este livro é sobre uma dessas iniciativas - as licenças Creative Commons. Por meio das licenças Creative Commons o autor pode comunicar ao público o modo como ele permite que sua obra seja usada. A partir de uma variedade de seis licenças (que permitem desde a simples cópia até a exploração comercial da obra, conforme escolha do autor), as obras licenciadas podem fomentar a educação, incentivar a criação de obras derivadas ou permitir projetos colaborativos. Tudo de acordo com a vontade do autor e em favor de um mundo mais criativo.


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The development of information and communication technologies, in particular, Internet, and its Web 2.0 information environment has led to significant changes in contemporary society as to the ways of producing informational content. Collaboration and remix, favored by the new services and applications resulting from the development of the Web, are practices which contribute for the exponential growth of information producers. An important part of humanity ceases to be a mere consumer of symbolic goods and becomes a member in a society that sees in the collaboration and remix a new form of creation, use and dissemination of intellectual content. However, as such practices involve the production and use of information intelectual content, and are ruled by a legisltion which determine determines under what conditions the author and the user must produce and use the intellectual work. This legislation established for a context prior to the develompment of the Web has created an imbalance in the context of Web 2.0 which needs to be solved in some way so as to provide the required rebalance for the flow of information. This study explores the collaborative Web environment, the scope of copyright law in Web enviroment and the Creative Commons licenses as an alternative for producers and users of information to create, recreate, share, use, reuse and disseminate legally the intellectual production for the benefit of the construction of knowledge.


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The contemporary individual finds on the Internet and especially on the Web facilitating conditions to build a basic infrastructure based on the concept of commons. He also finds favorable conditions which allow him to collaborate and share resources for the creation, use, reuse, access and dissemination of information. However, he also faces obstacles such as Copyright (Law 9610/98 in Brazil). An alternative is Creative Commons which not only allows the elaboration, use and dissemination of information under legal conditions but also function as a facilitator for the development of informational commons. This paper deals with this scenario.


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The contemporary individual finds on the Internet and especially on the Web facilitating conditions to build a basic infrastructure based on the concept of commons. He also finds favorable conditions which allow him to collaborate and share resources for the creation, use, reuse, access and dissemination of information. However, he also faces obstacles such as Copyright (Law 9610/98 in Brazil). An alternative is Creative Commons which not only allows the elaboration, use and dissemination of information under legal conditions but also function as a facilitator for the development of informational commons. This paper deals with this scenario.


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When Creative Commons (CC) was founded in 2001, the core Creative Commons licenses were drafted according to United States Copyright Law. Since their first introduction in December 2002, Creative Commons licenses have been enthusiastically adopted by many creators, authors, and other content producers – not only in the United States, but in many other jurisdictions as well. Global interest in the CC licenses prompted a discussion about the need for national versions of the CC licenses. To best address this need, the international license porting project (“Creative Commons International” – formerly known as “International Commons”) was launched in 2003. Creative Commons International works to port the core Creative Commons licenses to different copyright legislations around the world. The porting process includes both linguistically translating the licenses and legally adapting the licenses to a particular jurisdiction such that they are comprehensible in the local jurisdiction and legally enforceable but concurrently retain the same key elements. Since its inception, Creative Commons International has found many supporters all over the world. With Finland, Brazil, and Japan as the first completed jurisdiction projects, experts around the globe have followed their lead and joined the international collaboration with Creative Commons to adapt the licenses to their local copyright. This article aims to present an overview of the international porting process, explain and clarify the international license architecture, its legal and promotional aspects, as well as its most recent challenges.


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NBC Universal’s decision to use Creative Commons-licensed photographs in an Olympic broadcast is an example of how media conglomerates are experimenting with collaboration with amateurs, but it also reveals potential problems of letting non-lawyers negotiate copyright licensing agreements. In the process, NBC’s producers nearly opened the door for a multimillion-dollar infringement law suit. To avoid such pitfalls, media companies need to adopt policies and best practices for using amateur licensed works. These guidelines should instruct how a production can attribute collaborating authors and how the Open Content licensing terms affect the licensing of the productions. The guidelines should also instruct how producers can seek alternative licensing arrangements with amateurs and contribute back to the Open Content community.


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This article analyses whether Creative Commons licences are applicable to and compatible with design. The first part focuses on the peculiar and complex nature of a design, which can benefit from a copyright and a design protection. This shows how it can affect the use of Creative Commons licences. The second and third parts deal with a specific case study. Some Internet platforms have recently emerged that offer users the possibility to download blueprints of design products in order to build them. Designers and creative users are invited to share their blueprints and creations under Creative Commons licences. The second part of the article assesses whether digital blueprints can be copyrightable and serve as the subject matter of Creative Commons licences, while the last part assesses whether the right to reproduce the digital blueprint, as provided by Creative Commons licences, extends to the right to build the product.