905 resultados para Liangfeng Cave
In order to mimic the formation of archerite in cave minerals, the mineral analogue has been synthesised. The cave mineral is formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates. X-ray diffraction proves that the synthesised archerite analogue was pure. The vibrational spectra of the synthesised mineral are compared with that of the natural cave mineral. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to H2PO4-, OH and NH stretching and bending vibrations. The Raman band at 917 cm-1 is assigned to the HOP stretching vibration of the H2PO4- units. Bands in the 1200 to 1800 cm-1 region are associated with NH4+ bending modes. Vibrational spectroscopy enables the molecular structure of archerite to be analysed.
The mineral brushite has been synthesised by mixing calcium ions and hydrogen phosphate anions to mimic the reactions in a Cave. The vibrational spectra of the synthesised brushite were compared with that of the natural Cave mineral. Bands attributable to the PO43- and HPO42- anions are observed. Brushite, both synthetic and natural, is characterised by an intense sharp band at 985 cm-1 with a shoulder at 1000 cm-1. Characteristic bending modes are observed in the 300 to 600 cm-1 region. The spectra of the synthesised brushite matches very well the spectrum of brushite from the Moorba Cave, Western Australia.
Monetite is a phosphate mineral formed by the reaction of the chemicals in bat guano with calcite substrates and is commonly found in caves. The analog of the mineral monetite CaHPO4 has been synthesized and the Raman and infrared spectra of the natural monetite originating from the Murra-el-elevyn Cave, Eucla, Western Australia, compared. Monetite is characterized by a complex set of phosphate bands that arise because of two sets of pairs of phosphate units in the unit cell. Raman and infrared bands are assigned to HPO4(2-), OH stretching and bending vibrations. Infrared bands at 1346 and 1402 cm−1 are assigned to POH deformation modes. Vibrational spectroscopy confirms the presence of monetite in the cave system.
Fossils and sediments preserved in caves are an excellent source of information for investigating impacts of past environmental changes on biodiversity. Until recently studies have relied on morphology-based palaeontological approaches, but recent advances in molecular analytical methods offer excellent potential for extracting a greater array of biological information from these sites. This study presents a thorough assessment of DNA preservation from late Pleistocene–Holocene vertebrate fossils and sediments from Kelly Hill Cave Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Using a combination of extraction techniques and sequencing technologies, ancient DNA was characterised from over 70 bones and 20 sediment samples from 15 stratigraphic layers ranging in age from >20 ka to ∼6.8 ka. A combination of primers targeting marsupial and placental mammals, reptiles and two universal plant primers were used to reveal genetic biodiversity for comparison with the mainland and with the morphological fossil record for Kelly Hill Cave. We demonstrate that Kelly Hill Cave has excellent long-term DNA preservation, back to at least 20 ka. This contrasts with the majority of Australian cave sites thus far explored for ancient DNA preservation, and highlights the great promise Kangaroo Island caves hold for yielding the hitherto-elusive DNA of extinct Australian Pleistocene species.
Homing behaviour in the New Zealand long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus), a temperate insectivorous species, was investigated at Grand Canyon Cave, central North Island. A pilot study of nine adult male bats was conducted to determine whether use of the cave was regular enough for a homing study. Eight bats returned to the cave over the 3 week monitoring period, six on the night of the following release. Nine additional bats carrying radio transmitters were then released at three sites (three at each site) c.5, 10 and 20km due east of the border of, and outside the population's known familiar area respectively. All but one of these nine was subsequently detected at the cave. Results suggest that adult long-tailed bats are able to return home following displacement both inside and outside their familiar area. Implications of these findings for translocations of bats and the possessions of a potential long distance navigation system by this species are discussed.
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In 'Zarathustra’s Cave' the iconic apartment set from 90’s sitcom 'Seinfeld' is presented devoid of actors or action of any kind. Instead the ‘apartment’ sits empty, accompanied by the ambient noise of the screen-space and the distant sound of city traffic. At irregular intervals this relative silence is punctuated by the laughter of an off-screen audience. Unprompted by any on-screen action, this spontaneous audience response ranges from raucous fits of cheering and applause to singular guffaws and giggles. The work is the product of a deep engagement with its subject matter, the result of countless hours of re-watching and editing to isolate the aural and visual spaces presented on the screen. In its resolute emptiness, the installation addresses the notion of narrative expectation. It creates a ‘nothing-space’, where a viewer can experientially oscillate between a sense of presence and absence, tension and pathos, or even between humour and existential crisis. The work was first exhibited in ‘NEW14’, at the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art in Melbourne.
Five short bottom sediment cores taken in Wakulla Spring Wakulla County, Florida, were described lithologically and sampled for palynological study. Four of the cores were recoveredfrom sediments at the spring cave entrance (130 feet water depth). One core was taken in a fossil vertebrate bone bed, 280 feet distance into the main spring cave at a water depth of 240 feet. Sediments in the cores are composed of alternating intervals of quartz sand and calcilitite, containing freshwater diatoms, freshwater mollusk shells and plant remains. The predominant pollen present in all cores consists of a periporate variety typical of the herb families Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae. Arboreal flora, typical of the area surrounding the spring today, represent a very low percentage of thle pollen assemblage in the cores. Clustered Chenopod-Amaranth type pollen observed in one core suggest minimal transport prior to deposition, and indicate that the bottom sediments in the cave may be essentially In situ. An absence of exotic flora suggests a Quaternary age for the sediments. (PDF contains 11 pages.)