982 resultados para LiNbO3 : Fe : Ni
Optically transparent cocatalyst film materials is very desirable for improved photoelectrochemical (PEC)oxygen evolution reaction (OER) over light harvesting photoelectrodes which require the exciting light to irradiate through the cocatalyst side, i.e., front-side illumination. In view of the reaction overpotential at electrode/electrolyte interface, the OER electrocatalysts have been extensively used as cocatalysts for PEC water oxidation on photoanode. In this work, the feasibility of a one-step fabrication of the transparent thin film catalyst for efficient electrochemical OER is investigated. The Ni-Fe bimetal oxide films, 200 nm in thickness, are used for study. Using a reactive magnetron co-sputtering technique, transparent(> 50% in wavelength range 500-2000 nm) Ni-Fe oxide films with high electrocatalytic activities were successfully prepared at room temperature. Upon optimization, the as-prepared bimetal oxide film with atomic ratio of Fe/Ni = 3:7 demonstrates the lowest overpotential for the OER in aqueous KOH solution, as low as 329 mV at current density of 2 mA cm 2, which is 135 and 108 mV lower than that of as-sputtered FeOx and NiOx thin films, respectively. It appears that this fabrication strategy is very promising to deposit optically transparent cocatalyst films on photoabsorbers for efficient PEC water splitting.
Kaupunki, Santa Fe. Katuhälyä. Englanninkielistä puhetta, miehiä, naisia ja lapsia.
The effect of bath composition and electroplating conditions on structure, morphology and composition of amorphous Fe-Cr-P-Ni-C deposits on Cu substrate was investigated. The deposition efficiency of Fe-Ni-P-C alloy increased significantly with the addition of formic acid, but decreased with the addition of Cr to the plating bath. The increase of charge density activates the inclusion of Cr in the deposit. However, above a specific value of charge density, which depends on deposition current density, the Cr content in the deposit decreases. SEM analysis showed that the increase of Ni, Cr or charge deposition promotes susceptibility to microcracking.
Durante il mio periodo di tirocinio mi sono occupato della sintesi e caratterizzazione di cluster carbonilici eterometallici, ed in particolare di cluster Ag-Cu-Fe, Au-Cu-Fe, e Ni-Pd. In un primo momento il lavoro si è concentrato sullo studio della reazione tra cluster Cu-Fe e sali di Ag e Au, con lo scopo di ottenere specie Ag-Cu-Fe, e Au-Cu-Fe. Nella seconda parte l’attività è stata incentrata sulla sintesi di cluster Ni-Pd ad elevata nuclearità, attraverso reazioni tra [Ni6(CO)12]2- e composti di Pd(II). In entrambi i casi le sintesi sono state condotte variando i rapporti stechiometrici dei reagenti e i solventi, permettendo l’ottenimento di specie, caratterizzate spettroscopicamente mediante tecnica IR. In alcuni casi è stato anche possibile ottenere cristalli caratterizzati strutturalmente tramite diffrattometria a raggi X. Le reazioni di [Cu3Fe3(CO)12]3- con quantità crescenti di M=Ag, Au danno luogo alla formazione in sequenza di [Cu5Fe4(CO)16]3-, [MxCu5-xFe4(CO)16]3- (x = 0-5), [M5Fe4(CO)16]3-, [M6Fe4(CO)16]2-. Successivamente, nel caso in cui M= Ag, un ulteriore aggiunta di sali di M+ porta alla formazione di [Ag13Fe8(CO)32]3-, mentre se M= Au si formano i cosiddetti “bruni d’oro” e alla fine, [AuFe4(CO)16]-. Le specie [MxCu5-xFe4(CO)16]3- risultano particolarmente interessanti dato che possono essere viste come leghe molecolari M/Cu, che mostrano disordine sia sostituzionale che composizionale. Per quanto riguarda i cluster Ni-Pd sono state ottenute tre nuove specie carboniliche ad elevata nuclearità, ovvero [Ni37-xPd7+x(CO)48]6- (x= 0,69), [HNi37-xPd7+x(CO)48]5- (x= 0,53) and [Ni22-xPd20+x(CO)48]6- (x = 0.63). In tutte queste strutture il Pd tende ad occupare posizioni che minimizzano le interazioni Pd-CO massimizzando le interazioni M-M, mentre l’opposto risulta per il Ni. Ciò si traduce in una parziale segregazione dei due metalli, anche se alcuni fenomeni di disordine (sostituzionale e composizionale) sono presenti in tali strutture.
The Guelb Moghrein Fe oxide-Cu-Au-Co deposit is located at the western boundary of the West African craton in NW Mauritania. The wall rocks to the mineralization represent a meta-volcanosedimentary succession typical of Archaean greenstone belts. Two types of meta-volcanic rocks are distinguished: (1) volcanoclastic rocks of rhyodacite-dacite composition (Sainte Barbe volcanic unit), which form the stratigraphic base; (2) tholeiitic andesites-basalts (Akjoujt meta-basalt unit). The trace element signature of both types is characteristic of a volcanic arc setting. A small meta-pelitic division belongs to the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit. A meta-carbonate body, which contains the mineralization, forms a tectonic lens in the Akjoujt meta-basalt unit. It can be defined by the high X(mg) (=36) of Fe-Mg carbonate, the REE pattern and the delta(13)C values of -18 to -17 parts per thousand as a marine precipitate similar to Archaean banded iron formation (BIF). Additionally, small slices of Fe-Mg clinoamphibole-chlorite schist in the meta-carbonate show characteristics of marine shale. This assemblage, therefore, does not represent an alteration product, but represents an iron formation unit deposited on a continental shelf, which probably belongs to the Lembeitih Formation. The hydrothermal mineralization at 2492 Ma was contemporaneous with regional D(2) thrusting of the Sainte Barbe volcanic unit and imbrications of the meta-carbonate in the upper greenschist facies. This resulted in the formation of an ore breccia in the meta-carbonate, which is enriched in Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Bi, Mo, As and Au. Massive sulphide ore breccia contains up to 20 wt% Cu. The ore fluid was aqueous-carbonic in nature and either changed its composition from a Mg-rich oxidizing to an Fe-rich reducing fluid or the two fluid types mixed at the trap site. All lithologies at Guelb Moghrein were deformed by D(3) thrusting to the east in the lower greenschist facies. The mobility of REE in the retrogressed rocks explains the formation of a second generation of hydrothermal monazite, which was dated at c. 1742 Ma. Archaean rocks of the West African craton extend to the west to Guelb Moghrein. The active continental margin was deformed and mineralized in the Late Archaean-Early Proterozoic and again reactivated in the Mid-Proterozoic and Westphalian, showing that the western boundary of the craton was reactivated several times.
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in improving the quality of life. They are increasingly being used in a wide variety of applications ranging from compasses to modern technological devices. Metallic glasses occupy an important position among magnetic materials. They assume importance both from a scientific and an application point of view since they represent an amorphous form of condensed matter with significant deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium. Metallic glasses having good soft magnetic properties are widely used in tape recorder heads, cores of high-power transformers and metallic shields. Superconducting metallic glasses are being used to produce high magnetic fields and magnetic levitation effect. Upon heat treatment, they undergo structural relaxation leading to subtle rearrangements of constituent atoms. This leads to densification of amorphous phase and subsequent nanocrystallisation. The short-range structural relaxation phenomenon gives rise to significant variations in physical, mechanical and magnetic properties. Magnetic amorphous alloys of Co-Fe exhibit excellent soft magnetic properties which make them promising candidates for applications as transformer cores, sensors, and actuators. With the advent of microminiaturization and nanotechnology, thin film forms of these alloys are sought after for soft under layers for perpendicular recording media. The thin film forms of these alloys can also be used for fabrication of magnetic micro electro mechanical systems (magnetic MEMS). In bulk, they are drawn in the form of ribbons, often by melt spinning. The main constituents of these alloys are Co, Fe, Ni, Si, Mo and B. Mo acts as the grain growth inhibitor and Si and B facilitate the amorphous nature in the alloy structure. The ferromagnetic phases such as Co-Fe and Fe-Ni in the alloy composition determine the soft magnetic properties. The grain correlation length, a measure of the grain size, often determines the soft magnetic properties of these alloys. Amorphous alloys could be restructured in to their nanocrystalline counterparts by different techniques. The structure of nanocrystalline material consists of nanosized ferromagnetic crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix. When the amorphous phase is ferromagnetic, they facilitate exchange coupling between nanocrystallites. This exchange coupling results in the vanishing of magnetocrystalline anisotropy which improves the soft magnetic properties. From a fundamental perspective, exchange correlation length and grain size are the deciding factors that determine the magnetic properties of these nanocrystalline materials. In thin films, surfaces and interfaces predominantly decides the bulk property and hence tailoring the surface roughness and morphology of the film could result in modified magnetic properties. Surface modifications can be achieved by thermal annealing at various temperatures. Ion irradiation is an alternative tool to modify the surface/structural properties. The surface evolution of a thin film under swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation is an outcome of different competing mechanism. It could be sputtering induced by SHI followed by surface roughening process and the material transport induced smoothening process. The impingement of ions with different fluence on the alloy is bound to produce systematic microstructural changes and this could effectively be used for tailoring magnetic parameters namely coercivity, saturation magnetization, magnetic permeability and remanence of these materials. Swift heavy ion irradiation is a novel and an ingenious tool for surface modification which eventually will lead to changes in the bulk as well as surface magnetic property. SHI has been widely used as a method for the creation of latent tracks in thin films. The bombardment of SHI modifies the surfaces or interfaces or creates defects, which induces strain in the film. These changes will have profound influence on the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetisation of the specimen. Thus inducing structural and morphological changes by thermal annealing and swift heavy ion irradiation, which in turn induce changes in the magnetic properties of these alloys, is one of the motivation of this study. Multiferroic and magneto-electrics is a class of functional materials with wide application potential and are of great interest to material scientists and engineers. Magnetoelectric materials combine both magnetic as well as ferroelectric properties in a single specimen. The dielectric properties of such materials can be controlled by the application of an external magnetic field and the magnetic properties by an electric field. Composites with magnetic and piezo/ferroelectric individual phases are found to have strong magnetoelectric (ME) response at room temperature and hence are preferred to single phasic multiferroic materials. Currently research in this class of materials is towards optimization of the ME coupling by tailoring the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive properties of the two individual components of ME composites. The magnetoelectric coupling constant (MECC) (_ ME) is the parameter that decides the extent of interdependence of magnetic and electric response of the composite structure. Extensive investigates have been carried out in bulk composites possessing on giant ME coupling. These materials are fabricated by either gluing the individual components to each other or mixing the magnetic material to a piezoelectric matrix. The most extensively investigated material combinations are Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) or Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate (PMNPT) as the piezoelectric, and Terfenol-D as the magnetostrictive phase and the coupling is measured in different configurations like transverse, longitudinal and inplane longitudinal. Fabrication of a lead free multiferroic composite with a strong ME response is the need of the hour from a device application point of view. The multilayer structure is expected to be far superior to bulk composites in terms of ME coupling since the piezoelectric (PE) layer can easily be poled electrically to enhance the piezoelectricity and hence the ME effect. The giant magnetostriction reported in the Co-Fe thin films makes it an ideal candidate for the ferromagnetic component and BaTiO3 which is a well known ferroelectric material with improved piezoelectric properties as the ferroelectric component. The multilayer structure of BaTiO3- CoFe- BaTiO3 is an ideal system to understand the underlying fundamental physics behind the ME coupling mechanism. Giant magnetoelectric coupling coefficient is anticipated for these multilayer structures of BaTiO3-CoFe-BaTiO3. This makes it an ideal candidate for cantilever applications in magnetic MEMS/NEMS devices. SrTiO3 is an incipient ferroelectric material which is paraelectric up to 0K in its pure unstressed form. Recently few studies showed that ferroelectricity can be induced by application of stress or by chemical / isotopic substitution. The search for room temperature magnetoelectric coupling in SrTiO3-CoFe-SrTiO3 multilayer structures is of fundamental interest. Yet another motivation of the present work is to fabricate multilayer structures consisting of CoFe/ BaTiO3 and CoFe/ SrTiO3 for possible giant ME coupling coefficient (MECC) values. These are lead free and hence promising candidates for MEMS applications. The elucidation of mechanism for the giant MECC also will be the part of the objective of this investigation.
Regional variations in abundance, morphology, and chemical composition of Fe-Mn nodules have a zonal character. Due to circumcontinental zonality of terrigenous sedimentation the main mass of the nodules occurs in the pelagic part of the ocean, in areas of minimal sedimentation rates. In spatial variations in morphology and chemical composition of the nodules the latitudinal zonality is very clear and associated with latitudinal changes in facial conditions of sedimentation. Elevated contents of Mn, Ni, and Cu and of Mn/Fe ratio occur in nodules from the radiolarian belt. Changes of chemical composition of the nodules with depth (vertical zonality of mineralization) are confirmed. Local variations in abundance, morphology and chemical composition of the nodules are caused by ruggedness of relief and depth variations, variations in sedimentation rate, age of ore formation, intensity of diagenetic redistribution of metals.
We analyzed GFP cells after 24h cultivated on superhydrophilic vertically aligned carbon nanotube scaffolds. We produced two different densities of VACNT scaffolds on Ti using Ni or Fe catalysts. A simple and fast oxygen plasma treatment promoted the superhydrophilicity of them. We used five different substrates, such as: as-grown VACNT produced using Ni as catalyst (Ni), as-grown VACNT produced using Fe as catalyst (Fe), VACNT-O produced using Ni as catalyst (NiO), VACNT-O produced using Fe as catalyst (FeO) and Ti (control). The 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole reagent nuclei stained the adherent cells cultivated on five different analyzed scaffolds. We used fluorescence microscopy for image collect, ImageJ® to count adhered cell and GraphPad Prism 5® for statistical analysis. We demonstrated in crescent order: Fe, Ni, NiO, FeO and Ti scaffolds that had an improved cellular adhesion. Oxygen treatment associated to high VACNT density (group FeO) presented significantly superior cell adhesion up to 24h. However, they do not show significant differences compared with Ti substrates (control). We demonstrated that all the analyzed substrates were nontoxic. Also, we proposed that the density and hydrophilicity influenced the cell adhesion behavior.
Based on high-resolution (R approximate to 42 000 to 48 000) and high signal-to-noise (S/N approximate to 50 to 150) spectra obtained with UVES/VLT, we present detailed elemental abundances (O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Ni, Zn, Y, and Ba) and stellar ages for 12 new microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars in the Galactic bulge. Including previous microlensing events, the sample of homogeneously analysed bulge dwarfs has now grown to 26. The analysis is based on equivalent width measurements and standard 1-D LTE MARCS model stellar atmospheres. We also present NLTE Li abundances based on line synthesis of the (7)Li line at 670.8 nm. The results from the 26 microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars show that the bulge metallicity distribution (MDF) is double-peaked; one peak at [Fe/H] approximate to -0.6 and one at [Fe/H] approximate to +0.3, and with a dearth of stars around solar metallicity. This is in contrast to the MDF derived from red giants in Baade's window, which peaks at this exact value. A simple significance test shows that it is extremely unlikely to have such a gap in the microlensed dwarf star MDF if the dwarf stars are drawn from the giant star MDF. To resolve this issue we discuss several possibilities, but we can not settle on a conclusive solution for the observed differences. We further find that the metal-poor bulge dwarf stars are predominantly old with ages greater than 10 Gyr, while the metal-rich bulge dwarf stars show a wide range of ages. The metal-poor bulge sample is very similar to the Galactic thick disk in terms of average metallicity, elemental abundance trends, and stellar ages. Speculatively, the metal-rich bulge population might be the manifestation of the inner thin disk. If so, the two bulge populations could support the recent findings, based on kinematics, that there are no signatures of a classical bulge and that the Milky Way is a pure-disk galaxy. Also, recent claims of a flat IMF in the bulge based on the MDF of giant stars may have to be revised based on the MDF and abundance trends probed by our microlensed dwarf stars.
Koinobiont parasitoids use several strategies to regulate the host`s physiological processes during parasitism. Although many aspects of host-parasitoid interactions have been explored, studies that attempted to assess the effects of parasitism on the availability of inorganic elements in the host are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the effects of parasitism on the concentrations of inorganic elements in the fat bodies of larvae of Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) during the development of the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), by using total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF). TXRF analysis allowed comparisons of the changes in the availability of the elements P. S. K, Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn in the fat body tissues of D. saccharalis larvae parasitized by C. flavipes. Overall, the concentration of inorganic elements was higher early in parasitoid development (1 and 3 days after parasitism) compared to non-parasitized larvae, but much lower towards the end of parasitoid development (7 and 9 days after parasitism). Ca, K, and S were reduced after the fifth day of parasitism, which affected the total abundance of inorganic elements observed in the fat bodies of the parasitized hosts. The regulatory mechanisms or pathological effects related to the observed variation of the host inorganic elements induced by the parasitoid remain unknown, but there might be a strategy to make these elements available to the parasitoid larvae at the end of their development, when higher metabolic activity of the host fat body is required to sustain parasitoid growth. The observed variation of the host`s inorganic elements could also be related to the known effects of parasitism on the host`s immune response. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Convergent beam Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationships (ORs) between austenite and martensite, and between austenite and granular bainite in two Fe-Ni-Mn-C alloys. Both martensite and granular bainite have the same crystallographic characteristics with the OR: (111)(A)parallel to(101)(F), [1 (1) over bar0](A) 2.5degrees +/- 2degrees from [1 (1) over bar(1) over bar](B).
The effect of test temperature, which controls the stability of austenite, on the impact toughness of a low carbon Fe-Ni-Mn-C austenitic steel and 304 stainless steel, has been investigated. Under impact conditions, stress-induced martensitic transformation occurred, in a region near the fracture surface, at test temperatures below 80degreesC for the Fe-Ni-Mn-C steel and below -25degreesC for 304 stainless steel. The former shows significant transformation toughening and the highest impact toughness was obtained at 10degreesC, which corresponds to the maximum amount of martensite formed by stress-induced transformation above the Ms temperature. The stress-induced martensitic transformation contributes negatively to the impact toughness in the 304 stainless steel. Increasing the amount of stress-induced transformation to martensite, lowered the impact toughness. The experimental results can be well explained by the Antolovich theory through the analysis of metallography and fractography. The different effect of stress-induced transformation on the impact toughness in Fe-Ni-Mn-C steel and 304 stainless steel has been further understood by applying the crystallographic model for stress-induced martensitic transformation to these two steels. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Este es un proyecto que tiene por objetivo general dar continuidad a las investigaciones relacionadas a materiales de interés tecnológico que el Grupo Ciencia de Materiales de Fa.M.A.F lleva a cabo. Las diferentes líneas de trabajo se pueden agrupar en tres grandes temas: aceros y superaleaciones basadas en Fe y Ni; cerámicos magnéticos [filtros moleculares de sílice del tipo ZSM-5, MCM-41 y MCM-48 modificados con Fe, Co, Mn; hematita nanométrica] y aleaciones metálicas magnéticas [CoCu, nanohilos y multicapas de CoM y FeM (M= Pt y Pd); aleaciones de tipo Heusler Mn-Ni-Ga, aleaciones CoSiB y FeSiB nanoestructuradas ]. El primer tema apunta a la optimización de las propiedades mecánicas de aceros de medio carbono y baja aleación, de producción nacional y aptos para construcciones mecánicas, y al desarrollo de superaleaciones (Fe,Ni) de alta temperatura, para su aplicación en pequeñas Turbomáquinas Térmicas. En el caso de materiales magnéticos cerámicos y metálicos, el objetivo es la producción y el desarrollo de nanoestructuras novedosas, con propiedades especiales, de potencial uso en nano-dispositivos y nanotecnología en general. En todos los casos se plantea la producción del material de interés a escala laboratorio, con control de las variables del proceso, la caracterización de la microestructura resultante y sus propiedades relevantes. Luego se establecen las correlaciones proceso-microestructura y microestructura–propiedades y se formalizan en modelos para los diferentes mecanismos que operan tanto durante la etapa de proceso (modelos de solidificación, de deposición, de aleado mecánico) como los involucrados en las propiedades de interés (modelos de magnetización, transporte, deformación). En este esquema se busca optimizar las propiedades. El presente proyecto fortalecerá además el área Ciencia de Materiales en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, formando en el nivel de grado y posgrado a ingenieros y físicos en esta disciplina. En el área de materiales cerámicos magnéticas nos dedicaremos (en colaboración con CiTeQ-UTN-FRC) a la producción y caracterización de filtros moleculares de sílice de amplio uso en procesos de catálisis, modificados por la incorporación de especies magnéticas. La incorporación del material magnético se realizará mediante técnicas hidrotérmicas y de impregnación. Los composites obtenidos se estudiarán con dos propósitos: evaluar los efectos de la funcionalización magnética sobre el desempeño del filtro de sílice como catalizador de diferentes reacciones y describir las propiedades magnéticas de las pequeñas (2 a 5 nm) nanoestructuras encapsuladas en los poros. Se continuará con la producción y caracterización de partículas de ferritas, con propiedades determinadas a partir del control de los distintos parámetros que intervienen en la síntesis. En la línea de aleaciones metálicas magnéticas se estudiarán las aleaciones de Heusler, con memoria de forma magnetica, las aleaciones CuCo con magneto-resistencia gigante y las aleaciones (Co,Fe)SiB con magnetoimpedancia gigante. Se aplicará la técnica de melt spinning con dos rodillos, a la producción de estas aleaciones. En el caso de aceros de medio carbono el plan propuesto apunta a identificar los micromecanismos de deformación y fractura que pueden operar en estas microestructuras. Se realizará el "collar test" con el objetivo de propagar una grieta radialmente hacia el centro del collar y luego poder observar la sección de material que la contiene. Esta serie de experimentos y observaciones permitirán localizar el inicio de la grieta y avanzar sobre la determinación del tipo de partículas que actúan como intermediarios en la propagación. Se espera que estos antecedentes más los resultados metalográficos arrojen luz sobre los mecanismos de fractura del acero IRAM – IAS 15B41