967 resultados para Li-7 MRI


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Contient : 1 Lettre du « cardinale d'Aragone... al Sor Camill Volta,... Di Procida, a 19 d'agosto 1588 ». En italien ; 2 Lettre de « GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, cardinale MOROSINI,... all'illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Tours, a VIII d'april M.D.LXXXIX ». En italien ; 3 Lettre du « cardinale di Pavia [IPPOLITO ROSSI]... al'illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Pavia, alli XVII di genar M.D.LXXXVIIII ». En italien ; 4 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI, legato... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Orliens, a XXV di april M.D.LXXXIX ». En italien ; 5 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI, legato... all' illmo... sigr duca de Nivers,... Di Gian, a XXVIII di april M.D.LXXXIX ». En italien ; 6 Lettre de « GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, cardinale MOROSINI legato... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Molins, a XXVII di maggio M.D.LXXXIX ». En italien ; 7 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI, legato... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Molins, a XXIX di maggio M.D.LXXXIX ». En italien ; 8 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI, legato... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Molins, a II di giugno M.D.LXXXIX » En italien ; 9 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI,... all' illmo... duca di Nivers,... Di Molins, a li XIIII di giugno 1589 ». En ita lien ; 10 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI, legato... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Molins, a li 28 di giugno 1589 » En italien ; 11 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI,... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Molins, a li XXX di giugno 1589 ». En italien ; 12 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA », à « la duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 12 di marzo 1598 ». En italien ; 13 Lettre de « LEONORA [DE MEDICIS], duchessa di Mantova », à la « duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 28 di febbraio 1598 ». En italien ; 14 Lettre de « LEONORA [DE MEDICIS], duchessa di Mantova », à « madama di Nevers,... Di Mantova, à 12 di marzo 1598 ». En italien ; 15 Lettre du « cardinale MOROSINI, legato... all' illmo sigr duca de Nivers,... Di Molins, a IIII di luglio M.D.LXXXIX ». En italien ; 16 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA », à la duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, li 17 di maggio 1597 ». En italien ; 17 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA », à la duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, li 24 di luglio 1597 ». En italien ; 18 Lettre de « VINCENT Ier, duca DI MANTOVA », à la « duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a XI di giugno 1597 ». En italien ; 19 Lettre d'ALPHONSE II, « duca DI FERRARA », au duc « di Nivers,... Di Ferrara, a 9 di febbraio 1594 ». En italien ; 20 « Copia della lettera del Sr cardinale GASTRUCCI, prefetto della signatura, al sigr cardinal Gondy,... Di Roma, li XV di novembre 1589 ». En italien ; 21 « Copia della lettera del Sr cardinal DI COSENZA, daario, al Sr cardinal Gondy,... Di Roma, alli XVI di novembre 1589 ». En italien ; 22 Fin d'une lettre de « GIOVANNI-MARIA MANELLI,... Di Roma, li XVIII di novembre 1589 ». En italien. Copie ; 23 Lettre du Sr « CAMILLO VOLTA,... all' Illmo... sigor luca di Nevers,... Di Roma, li XIII di gennaro dell' MD]LXXXVII ». En italien ; 24 Lettre du Sr « CAMILLO VOLTA « au duc de Nevers. Di Roma, il di XXVII di gennaro dell' XXXVII ». En talien ; 25 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA », au duc de « Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 8 di genaro 1594 ». En italien ; 26 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA », au duc de Nevers. « Di Mantova, a 3 di genaro 1594 ». En italien ; 27 Lettre du Sr « CAMILLO VOLTA » au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, il di IX di febraio dell' XXXVII ». En italien ; 28 Lettre de « RANUCCIO FARNESE » au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, li 28 di marzo 1594 ». En italien ; 29 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA », au duc « di Nevers,... Di Mantova, li 15 di ottobre 1594 ». En italien ; 30 Lettre du Sr « CAMILLO VOLTA » au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, l'ultimo di ottobre 1588 ». En italien ; 31 « Coppie de la lectre de M. le legat il cardinale CAETANO,... all' illmo... Sr cardinal di Vandosmo,... Di Digion, a XVII di decembre 1589 ». En italien ; 32 Résumé de correspondances diplomatiques adressées au duc de Nevers par ses agents d'Anvers, le 8 mars ; de Turin, les 9, 12 et 14 mars; et de Savoie, le 16 mars 1590. En italien ; 33 Lettre, avec chiffre, du Sr « HERCOLE RONDINELLI » au duc de Nevers. « Di Parigi, il di XImo di 9bre 1590 ». En italien ; 34 Lettre du Sr « CESARE CEPPO,... all'illmo... sigor duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, il di 9 di gennaro 1593 ». En italien ; 35 Lettre de « FABIO GONZAGA,... all' illmo... Sr duca di Navers,... Di Mantova, alli XI febrajo 1593 ». En italien ; 36 Certificat par lequel « HIERONIMO AGOCCHI » donne à « Luigi Najorez, sacerdote dell' ordine di S. Francesco », acte de sa renonciation au parti du roi de Navarre, et de la promesse qu'il fait de vivre désormais suivant les règles de son ordre. « In Han, li 3 d'aprile 1593 ». En italien. Copie ; 37 Lettre de « HIERONIMO AGOCCHI,... all' illmo Sre... Pietro Aldobrandini,... In Han, li 4 d'aprile 1593 ». En italien ; 38 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illmo... sigr duca de Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 2 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 39 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illmo... sigor duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 7 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 40 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illmo... sigor duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 15 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 41 Lettre du Sr « CESARE CEPPO,... all'illmo... sigor duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, il di 16 genaro 1594 ». En italien ; 42 Lettre de « JACOMO DA L'ARMI,... all' illmo Sor... duca di Niversse,... Di Bologna, a 17 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 43 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 17 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 44 Lettre du Sr « LUIGI FIUME » au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, a 22 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 45 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illmo... Sor duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 22 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien ; 46 Lettre du Sr « GIUFFREDO LOMELLINI,... all' illmo sigre duca di Nivers,... Di Roma, a 22 di gennaro del 1594 ». En italien ; 47 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS au Sr « Loinelino, chierico di camera... Di Scarparia, il 28 del [15]94 ». En italien. Copie ; 48 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS. « Da Fiorenzuola, alli 28 di gennaro 1594 ». En italien. Copie ; 49 Lettre de « GIROLAMO GONDY,... all' illmo... Sr duca di Nevers,... Di Fiorenza, 29 di genayo 1594 ». En italien ; 50 Lettre de LOUIS DE GONZAGUE, duc DE NEVERS. « Di Bollogna, il 29 di l'anno 1594 ». En italien. Copie ; 51 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS. « Di Bologna, il 30 del anno [15]94 ». En italien. Copie ; 52 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS. « Di Mantova, il 30 gennaro [15]94 ». En italien. Copie ; 53 Lettre de « GIROLAMO GONDY,... all' illmo... Sr ducca de Nivers,... Di Fiorenza, il di primo di febrayo 1594 ». En italien ; 54-55 Deux lettres du duc DE NEVERS. « Di Milano, a di 2 di febrajo 1594 ». En italien. Copie ; 56 Minute de lettre du duc DE NEVERS « al Sr Luigi Fiume,... Di Ferrara, il 3 di febrajo [15]94 ». En italien ; 57 « Nobili Veneziani dell' eccmo senato ch' incontrorno l'illmo et eccmo Sor duca de Nivers colle piate della serma Sria, li 6 febrajo 1594 » ; 58 Lettre du Sr « TOMASO BOZZI » au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma, alli 9 di febrajo 1594 ». En italien ; 59 Noms des gentilshommes vénitiens qui ont tenu compagnie au duc de Nevers pendant son séjour à Venise, du 6 au 13 février 1594. En italien ; 60 Lettre de « GIROLAMO GONDY,... all' illmo... Sr ducca di Nevers,... Di Fiorenza, 12 di febraio 1594 ». En italien ; 61 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illmo... Sor duca di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 16 di febraio 1594 ». En italien ; 62 Lettre de « HERCOLE GONZAGA,... all' illmo... sigor duca di Nivers,... Di Correggio, li XXI febraio 1594 ». En italien ; 63 Lettre de « GIROLAMO GONDY,... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Fiorenza, 21 di febrayo 1594 ». En italien ; 64 Lettre de « MARGHERITA, duchessa DI SABIONETTA,... all' illmo sigr... duca di Nivers,... Di Gazuolo, a 27 febraro 1594 ». En italien ; 65 Lettre de LOUIS DE GONZAGUE, duc DE NEVERS. « Di Mantova, il 27 febraro 1594 ». En italien. Copie ; 66 Lettre du Sr « SACROMORO MALATESTA » au duc de Nevers. « Di Vinezia, il di 28 febrajo del [15]94 ». En italien ; 67 Lettre du duc DE NEVERS « à Mr Lomelini,... Di Mantova, il ultimo febrajo [15]94 ». En italien. Copie ; 68 « Nativita delli figliuoli dello sermo et potentissimo Massimiliano II,... imperator de' Romani... et d'Maria infanta natta regina di Spagna ». Disposé en tableau ; 69 Lettre du Sr « PIERRE VIDAL » au duc de Nevers. « De Venize, ce XIe mars 1594 » ; 70 Lettre de LOUIS DE GONZAGUE, duc DE NEVERS, « au pape [Clément VIII]... Di Peschiano, il 21 marzo 1594 ». En italien. Copie ; 71 Lettre du « conte DE VILLACHIARA » au duc de Nevers. « Di Venetia, li 3 di aprile 1594 ». En italien ; 72 Lettre du Sr « GALEAZZO FREGOSO,... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... Di Venetia, li 3 di aprile 1594 ». En italien ; 73 Résumés de lettres adressées au duc de Nevers par le Sr CAMILLO « VOLTA ». Du 24 février au 20 avril 1594. En italien ; 74 Résumé d'une lettre du duc de Parme, RANUCE Ier FARNESE, au duc de Ferrare, du 20 mars 1594. En italien ; 75 Résumés de lettres adressées au duc de Nevers par les Srs « conte DI VILLACHIARA (a di 3 aprile 1594, in Venetia), GORGONIO GALEA (alli 15 aprile 1594, in Mantova), SOLDO (a di 18 marzo 1594, in Brescia), GALEAZZO FREGOSO (a di 14 aprile 1594, in Verona) ». En italien ; 76 Lettre du Sr « JULLIO CARRETTO,... all' illmo... Sr duca di Nivers,... Di Roma, li 12 di novembre 1594 ». En italien ; 77 Lettre du « P. THOMASO GOZZI,... all' illmo... sigr ducha de Nivers,... Febvrier [15]94 ». En italien ; 78 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Martova,... all' illma Sra... madama la duchessa di Nevers,... Di San Quintino, alli 29 di decembre 1597 ». En italien ; 79 Lettre de « SCIPIONE [GONZAGA], patriarca di Gierusalemme... all' illmo... Sor duca di Nevers,... Di Roma, a 12 di gennaro 1587 ». En italien ; 80 Lettre du Sr « VINCENZIO BADALOCCHIO,... all' illmo... Sor duca di Nivers,... In Roma, il di XIIII di giugno M.D.XCI ». En italien ; 81 Lettre de « VINCENZIO BADALOCCHIO,... all' illmo... duca di Nivers,... In Roma, il di primo di giugno M.D.XCI ». En italien ; 82 Lettre de « VINCENZIO BADALOCCHIO,... all' illmo... sigr duca di Nivers,... In Roma, il di XVIII d'agosto M.D.XCI ». En italien ; 83 Lettre de « VINCENZIO BADALOCCHIO » au duc de Nevers. « In Roma, il di III di maggio M.D.XCI ». En italien ; 84 Lettre de « VINCENZIO BADALOCCHIO,... all' illmo... signor duca di Nivers,... In Roma, il di XXI di giugno M.D.XCI ». En italien ; 85 Lettre de « VINCENZIO BADALOCCHIO,... all' illmo... Sor duca di Nevers,... In Roma, il di XXIIII d'agosto M.D.XCI ». En italien ; 86 Lettre de FILIPPO SEGA, « vescovo di Piacenza... al molto magco sigre Balbani a Lion... Di Parigi, li 7 di gennaro 1591 ». En italien ; 87 Lettre adressée au duc de Nevers. « Di Roma questo di, 20 de maggio 1591 ». En italien. Copie ; 88 Lettre, avec chiffre, de FILIPPO SEGA, « vescovo di Piacenza... all' illmo... Sor cardinale Caetano,... Di Parigi, li 9 di gennaro 1591 ». En italien ; 89 Lettre de « SCIPIONE, cardinale GONZAGA,... all' illmo... sigor duca di Nevers,... Di Roma, à 30 di decembre 1591 ». En italien ; 90 Minute de lettre de LOUIS DE GONZAGUE, duc DE NEVERS, à sa nièce la duchesse de Mantoue. « Di Parigi, il 18 di maggio 1591 ». En italien ; 91 Minute de lettre de LOUIS DE GONZAGUE, duc DE NEVERS, à son neveu Vincent Ier, duc de Mantoue. « 1595, 3 giugno ». En italien ; 92 Lettre de « LEONORA [DE MEDICIS], duchessa DI MANTOVA,... all' illma sigra mia, madama la duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 6 di maggio 1596 ». En italien ; 93 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... all' illma... sigra duchessa di Nevers,... Di Parigi, li 2 di settembre 1596 ». En italien ; 94 Lettre du Sr « FEDERICO PICO » à la « duchessa di Nevers,... Della Mirandola, a di XXI ottobre 1596 ». En italien ; 95 État des impôts ordinaires et extraordinaires du Milanais vers la fin du XVIe siècle. En italien ; 96 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... alla illma sigra... duchessa di Nevers,... Di Macone, alli 17 di settembre 1598 ». En italien ; 97 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... alla illma... sigra duchessa di Nevers,... Di Vervino, alli 10 di maggio 1598 ». En italien ; 98 Lettre de « FABIO GONZAGA,... all' illma... sigra duchessa di Nevers,... Di Casale, a 15 di febrajo 1598 ». En italien ; 99 Lettre de « FRANCESCO [GONZAGA], vescovo di Mantova... al molto magco Sr Filippo Persei,... Di Parigi, alli 27 di agosto 1598 ». En italien ; 100 Lettre de « FRANCESCO GONZAGA, vescovo di Mantova... alla illma... sigra duchessa di Nivers,... Di Vervins, a 27 di febrajo 1598 ». En italien ; 101 Lettre de « GIOVANNI FRANCESCO LUZZARA,... alla illma Sra mia... madama la duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova,... il 12 marzo 1598 ». En italien ; 102 Lettre de VINCENT Ier, « duca DI MANTOVA,... alla illma... sigra duchessa di Nevers,... Di Mantova, a 20 di marzo 1599 ». En italien ; 103 Lettre « all' illmo... Sr duca di Nevernoys et Retelloys,... Di Lione, alli XXIII novembre M.D.LXXXXIX ». En italien


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An experimental overview of reactions induced by the stable, but weakly-bound nuclei (6)Li, (7)Li and (9)Be, and by the exotic, halo nuclei (6)He, (8)B, (11)Be and (17)F On medium-mass targets, such as (58)Ni, (59)Co or (64)Zn, is presented. Existing data on elastic scattering, total reaction cross sections, fusion, breakup and transfer channels are discussed in the framework of a CDCC approach taking into account the breakup degree of freedom.


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An experimental overview of reactions induced by the stable, but weakly-bound nuclei (6)Li, (7)Li and (9)Be, and by the exotic, halo nuclei (6)He, (8)B, (11)Be and (17)F on medium-mass targets, such as (58)Ni, (59)Co or (64)Zn, is presented. Existing data on elastic scattering, total reaction cross sections, fusion processes, breakup and transfer channels are discussed in the framework of a CDCC approach taking into account the breakup degree of freedom.


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Cross sections for the (6)Li(p,gamma)(7)Be, (7)Li(n,gamma)(8)Li (8)Li(n,gamma)(9)Li and (8)Li(p,gamma)(9)Be capture reactions have been investigated in the framework of the potential model. The main ingredients of the potential model are the potentials used to generate the continuum and bound-state wave functions and spectroscopic factors of the corresponding bound systems. The spectroscopic factors for the (7)Li circle times n=(8)Li(gs), (8)Li circle times n=(9)Li(gs) bound systems were obtained from a FR-DWBA analysis of neutron transfer reactions induced by (8)Li radioactive beam on a (9)Be target, while spetroscopic factor for the (8)Li circle times n=(9)Be(gs) bound system were obained from a proton transfer reaction. From the obtained capture reaction cross section, reaction rate for the (8)Li(n,gamma)(9)Li and (8)Li(p,gamma)(9)Be direct neutron and proton capture were determined and compared with other experimental and calculated values.


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This work report results from proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), continuous-wave (CW-EPR) and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (P-EPR) and complex impedance spectroscopy of gelatin-based polymer gel electrolytes containing acetic acid. cross-linked with formaldehyde and plasticized with glycerol. Ionic conductivity of 2 x 10(-5) S/cm was obtained at room temperature for samples prepared with 33 wt% of acetic acid. Proton ((1)H) line shapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The NMR results show that the proton mobility is dependent on acetic acid content in the plasticized polymer gel electrolytes. The CW-EPR spectra, which were carried out in samples doped with copper perchlorate, indicate the presence of the paramagnetic Cu(2+) ions in axially distorted sites. The P-EPR technique, known as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM), was employed to show the involvement of both, hydrogen and nitrogen atoms, in the copper complexation of the gel electrolyte. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lithium nitrate has been used to prevent and to mediate the expansion caused by alkali-silica reaction (ASR). However, there is limited information on how it affects the existing reaction products caused by ASR. The aim of the present work is to determine the modifications caused by the LiNO3 treatment on the structure of the gel produced by ASR. ASR gel samples obtained from a concrete dam were exposed to an aqueous solution of lithium nitrate and sodium hydroxide with molar LiNO3/NaOH = 0.74, and the resulting products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance of Si-29, Na-23, and Li-7. The treatment of the gel samples produces significant structural modifications in ASR products. A new amorphous silicate compound incorporating Li+ ions is formed, with an average silicate network that can be described as linear in contrast with the layered structure of the original gel. This elimination of the layered structure after the Li-based treatments may be related to the reduction of the tendency of the gel to expand. Also, several crystalline compounds containing potassium indicate the release of this species from the original ASR gel.


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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and complex impedance spectroscopy have been used to study gelatin-based polymer electrolytes plasticized with glycerol and containing lithium perchlorate. The studied samples were prepared with salt concentration of 7.9 wt% and 10.3 wt%. Ionic conductivity of about 10(-5) S/cm was obtained at room temperature for both samples. Lithium (Li-7) and proton (H-1) lineshapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were measured as a function of temperature. The Li-7 NMR relaxation results indicate that the ionic mobility in this system is comparable to those found in other plasticized polymer electrolytes.


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We study the Bose-Einstein condensation of an interacting gas with attractive interaction confined in a harmonic trap using a semiclassical two-fluid mean-field model. The condensed state is described by the converged numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. By solving the system of coupled equations of this model iteratively we obtain the converged results for the temperature dependencies of the condensate fraction, chemical potential, and internal energy for the Bose-Einstein condensate of Li-7 atoms. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid organic-inorganic ionic conductors, also called ormolytes, were obtained by dissolution of LiClO4 into silica/poly(ethylene glycol) matrices. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to probe the inorganic phase structure (Si-29) and the effects of the temperature and composition on the dynamic behavior of the ionic species (Li-7) and the polymer chains (H-1 and C-13). The NMR results between -100 and +90 degrees C show a strong correlation with ionic conductivity and differential scanning calorimetry experiments. The results also demonstrate that the cation mobility is assisted by segmental motion of the polymer, which is in agreement with the results previously reported for pure poly(ethylene oxide), PEG, electrolytes.


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Gelation mechanisms of lithium-doped Siloxane-Poly(oxyethylene) (PEO) hybrids containing polymer of two different molecular weight (500 and 1900 g/mol) were investigated through the evolution of the electrical properties during the solgel transition. The results of electrical measurements, performed by in-situ complex impedance spectroscopy, were correlated with the coordination and the dynamical properties of the lithium ions during the process as shown by Li-7 NMR measurements. For both hybrids sols, a decrease of the conductivity is observed at the initial gelation stage, due to the existence of an inverted percolation process consisting of the progressive separation of solvent molecules containing conducting species in isolated islands during the solid network formation. An increase of conductivity occurs at more advanced stages of gelation and aging, attributed to the increasing connectivity between PEO chains promoted by the formation of crosslinks of siloxane particles at their extremities, favoring hopping motions of lithium ions along the chains.


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Two structural properties in mixed alkali metal phosphate glasses that seem to be crucial to the development of the mixed ion effect in dc conductivity were systematically analyzed in Na mixed metaphosphates: the local order around the mobile species, and their distribution and mixing in the glass network. The set of glasses considered here, Na1-xMxPO3 with M = Li, Ag, K, Rb, and Cs and 0 <= x <= 1, encompass a broad degree of size mismatch between the mixed cation species. A comprehensive solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance study was carried out using P-31 MAS, Na-23 triple quantum MAS, Rb-87 QCPMG, P-31-Na-23 REDOR, Na-23-Li-7 and Li-7-Li-6 SEDOR, and Na-23 spin echo decay. It was observed that the arrangement of P atoms around Na in the mixed glasses was indistinguishable from that observed in the NaPO3 glass. However, systematic distortions in the local structure of the 0 environments around Na were observed, related to the presence of the second cation. The average Na-O distances show an expansion/compression When Na+ ions are replaced by cations with respectively smaller/bigger radii. The behavior of the nuclear electric quadrupole coupling. constants indicates that this expansion reduces the local symmetry, while the compression produces the opposite effect These effects become marginally small when the site mismatch between the cations is small, as in Na-Ag mixed glasses. The present study confirms the intimate mixing of cation species at the atomic scale, but clear deviations from random mixing were detected in systems with larger alkali metal ions (Cs-Na, K-Na, Rb-Na). In contrast, no deviations from the statistical ion mixture were found in the systems Ag-Na and Li-Na, where mixed cations are either of radii comparable to (Ag+) or smaller than (Li+) Na+. The set of results supports two fundamental structural features of the models proposed to explain the mixed ion effect: the. structural specificity of the sites occupied by each cation species and their mixing at the atomic scale.


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We consider the influence of breakup channels on the complete fusion of weakly bound systems in terms of dynamic polarization potentials. It is argued that the enhancement of the cross section at sub-barrier energies may be consistent with recent experimental observations that nucleon transfer, often leading to breakup, is dominant compared to direct breakup. The main trends of the experimental complete fusion cross sections are analyzed in the framework of the DPP approach. The qualitative conclusions are supported by CDCC calculations including a sequential breakup channel, the one neutron stripping of Li-7 followed by the breakup of Li-6.


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We have studied, via laser absorption spectroscopy, the velocity distribution of Li-7 atoms released from cryogenic matrices of solid neon or molecular hydrogen. The Li atoms are implanted into the Ne or H-2 matrices - grown onto a sapphire substrate - by laser ablation of a solid Li or LiH precursor. A heat pulse is then applied to the sapphire substrate sublimating the matrix together with the isolated atoms. With a NiCr film resistor deposited directly onto the sapphire substrate we are able to transfer high instantaneous power to the matrix, thus reaching a fast sublimation regime. In this regime the Li atoms can get entrained in the released matrix gas, and we were also able to achieve matrix sublimation times down to 10 mu s for both H-2 or Ne matrix, enabling us to proceed with the trapping of the species of our interest such as atomic hydrogen, lithium, and molecules. The sublimation of the H-2 matrix, with its large center-of-mass velocity, provides evidence for a new regime of one-dimensional thermalization. The laser ablated Li seems to penetrate the H-2 matrix deeper than it does in Ne. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4704125]


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BACKGROUND: Rupture of atheromatous plaque in the carotid artery often leads to thrombosis and subsequent stroke. The mechanism of plaque rupture is not entirely clear but is thought to be a multi-factorial process involving thinning and weakening of the fibrous cap and biomechanical stress as the trigger leading to plaque rupture. As the cardiovascular system is a classic fatigue environment, the weakening of plaque leading to rupture may be a fatigue process, which is a symptomatically quiescent but potentially progressive failure process. In this study, we used a fatigue analysis based on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the rupture initiation location, crack propagation path and fatigue life within plaques of asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. METHODS: Forty non-consecutive subjects (20 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic) underwent high-resolution multi-sequence in vivo MRI of the carotid bifurcation. Fatigue analysis was performed based on the plaque geometry derived from in vivo MRI of the carotid artery at the point of maximum stenosis. Paris’ Law in fracture mechanics is adopted to determine the fatigue crack growth rate. Incremental crack propagation was dynamically simulated based on stress distributions. Plaque initiation location, crack propagation path and fatigue cycle of symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals were compared. RESULTS: Cracks were often found to begin at the lumen wall at areas of stress concentration. The preferred rupture direction was radial from the lumen center. The crack initially advanced slowly but accelerated as it developed, depending on plaque morphology. The fatigue cycles of symptomatic plaques were significantly less than those in the asymptomatic group (2.3 ± 0.9 vs 3.1 ± 0.7 (x106); p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The number of cycles to rupture in symptomatic patients was higher than those predicted in asymptomatic patients by fatigue analysis, suggesting the possibility that plaques with a less fatigue life may be more prone to be symptomatic and rupture. If further validated by large-scale longitudinal studies, fatigue analysis based on high resolution in vivo MRI could potentially act as a useful tool for risk assessment of carotid atheroma.


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Background: Biomechanical stresses play an important role in determining plaque stability. Quantification of these simulated stresses can be potentially used to assess plaque vulnerability and differentiate different patient groups. Methods and Results: 54 asymptomatic and 45 acutely symptomatic patients underwent in vivo multicontrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the carotid arteries. Plaque geometry used for finite element analysis was derived from in vivo MRI at the sites of maximum and minimum plaque burden. In total, 198 slices were used for the computational simulations. A pre-shrink technique was used to refine the simulation. Maximum principle stress at the vulnerable plaque sites (ie, critical stress) was extracted for the selected slices and a comparison was performed between the 2 groups. Critical stress in the slice with maximum plaque burden is significantly higher in acutely symptomatic patients as compared to asymptomatic patients (median, inter quartile range: 198.0 kPa (119.8-359.0 kPa) vs 138.4 kPa (83.8-242.6 kPa), P=0.04). No significant difference was found in the slice with minimum plaque burden between the 2 groups (196.7 kPa (133.3-282.7 kPa) vs 182.4 kPa (117.2-310.6 kPa), P=0.82). Conclusions: Acutely symptomatic carotid plaques have significantly high biomechanical stresses than asymptomatic plaques. This might be potentially useful for establishing a biomechanical risk stratification criteria based on plaque burden in future studies.