999 resultados para Lewis family.


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An unidentified young Black woman is featured in this cabinet card portrait by photographer I. H. (Isaac) Lewis, of Toronto. The photographer's name and address is stamped in gold lettering on the lower front of the card. The address is given as 106 1/2 Queen St. W., Toronto. This cabinet card was in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Bell - Sloman family relatives include former Black slaves from the United States who settled in Canada.Isaac H. Lewis was a photographer in Toronto from 1886 - 1900. Source: Phillips, Glen C. The Ontario photographers list (1851-1900). Sarnia: Iron Gate Publishing Co., 1990.


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The formal study of kinship was introduced to the South Pacific Islands and the Australian colonies by Methodist missionary Lorimer Fison who distributed schedules and collected kinship data from around the region in collaboration with the founder of Anthropology in America, Lewis Henry Morgan. This article is a sequel to H. Gardner, 2008 'The origins of kinship in Oceania', Oceania, 78:2, 137-150. It traces Lorimer Fison's return to the Australian colonies from his mission post in Fiji and the subsequent spread of kinship schedules to settlers, missionaries and administrators around Australia. Based on unpublished correspondence, the article investigates Fison's gradual disillusionment with Morgan's evolutionist hypothesis of the development of the human family and his disdain for the speculation of much metropolitan anthropology in the 1870s.


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Background. This paper presents findings derived from consumer feedback, following a multicentre randomised controlled trial for adolescent mental health problems and substance misuse. The paper focuses on the implementation of a family-based intervention, including fidelity of delivery, family members’ experiences, and their suggestions for program improvements.
Methods. Qualitative and quantitative data (


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This paper presents findings on parent anxiety and attachment relationship style from the Deakin Family Options (DFO) pilot study, a randomized controlled pilot study comparing a family-based treatment (BEST Plus), versus a youth only treatment (CBT) versus a group who received both of these treatments (COMBINED). Eligible participants were families with a young person (aged 12 - 25 years) with a high prevalence mental health problem. Youth from participating families scored in the clinical or subclinical range for depression, anxiety and/or substance misuse symptoms on standardized measures during the initial assessment. The collected sample was drawn from regional and urban centers in Victoria, Australia and allocated to treatment condition using a simple randomization procedure (parallel design). It was hypothesized that families receiving the BEST Plus would experience greater reductions in youth and parent mental health symptoms, and improved parent-child relationships, compared with those in the CBT condition. This paper describes and discusses changes in parent anxiety and parent attachment, according to whether the parent participated in a treatment (BEST Plus) or did not (NONBEST Plus). Participants were blind to the study hypotheses. In total 71 parent participants returned pre data and were allocated to a treatment group. In this paper, data from parent participants who completed pre and post measures (n = 48) and pre, post, and 6-month follow-up measures (n = 28) on anxiety and attachment were analyzed by group (BEST Plus versus NONBEST Plus). The results of this study suggest that parent anxiety decreased significantly more following parent involvement in a group treatment, than for parents that did not receive treatment. Unexpectedly, avoidant attachment increased in the no treatment group, but remained relatively stable following the BEST Plus group. There were no significant findings in relation to compulsive traits and anxious attachment. These findings are discussed in light of the study limitations.


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There is increasing community and government recognition of the magnitude and impact of adolescent depression. Family based interventions have significant potential to address known risk factors for adolescent depression and could be an effective way of engaging adolescents in treatment. The evidence for family based treatments of adolescent depression is not well developed. The objective of this clinical trial is to determine whether a family based intervention can reduce rates of unipolar depressive disorders in adolescents, improve family functioning and engage adolescents who are reluctant to access mental health services.

The Family Options study will determine whether a manualized family based intervention designed to target both individual and family based factors in adolescent depression (BEST MOOD) will be more effective in reducing unipolar depressive disorders than an active (standard practice) control condition consisting of a parenting group using supportive techniques (PAST). The study is a multicenter effectiveness randomized controlled trial. Both interventions are delivered in group format over eight weekly sessions, of two hours per session. We will recruit 160 adolescents (12 to 18 years old) and their families, randomized equally to each treatment condition. Participants will be assessed at baseline, eight weeks and 20 weeks. Assessment of eligibility and primary outcome will be conducted using the KID-SCID structured clinical interview via adolescent and parent self-report. Assessments of family mental health, functioning and therapeutic processes will also be conducted. Data will be analyzed using Multilevel Mixed Modeling accounting for time x treatment effects and random effects for group and family characteristics. This trial is currently recruiting. Challenges in design and implementation to-date are discussed. These include diagnosis and differential diagnosis of mental disorders in the context of adolescent development, non-compliance of adolescents with requirements of assessment, questionnaire completion and treatment attendance, breaking randomization, and measuring the complexity of change in the context of a family-based intervention.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine associations between family-based stressors and depressive symptoms in adolescents.

Method: Participants were 10-14 year olds who participated in a large Australian population study (n=6,552). Depressive symptoms and pubertal development were assessed using the self-report Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and the Pubertal Development Scale. Three indicators of stress exposure were examined-low emotional closeness to parents, residential and school transitions, and family conflict. The effect of gender, stress exposure and the interaction of gender and stress exposure on depressive symptoms was tested using multivariate logistic regression.

High family conflict, residential instability and low emotional closeness with parents were independently associated with adolescent depressive symptoms. There was a significant gender by emotional closeness interaction; females reporting low emotional closeness to their parents were 2.3 times more likely to report high depressive symptoms than females reporting high emotional connections with parents.

Female adolescents may be more susceptible to particular types of stresses and particularly the quality of the parent-child relationship.


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BACKGROUND: Adolescent depression is a prevalent mental health problem, which can have a major impact on family cohesion. In such circumstances, excessive use of the Internet by adolescents may exacerbate family conflict and lack of cohesion. The current study aims to explore these patterns within an intervention study for depressed adolescents.

METHOD: The current study draws upon data collected from parents within the family options randomized controlled trial that examined family based interventions for adolescent depression (12-18 years old) in Melbourne, Australia (2012-2014). Inclusion in the trial required adolescents to meet diagnostic criteria for a major depressive disorder via the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Childhood Disorders. The transcripts of sessions were examined using qualitative thematic analysis. The transcribed sessions consisted of 56 h of recordings in total from 39 parents who took part in the interventions.

RESULTS: The thematic analysis explored parental perceptions of their adolescent's use of social media (SM) and access to Internet content, focusing on the possible relationship between adolescent Internet use and the adolescent's depressive disorder. Two overarching themes emerged as follows: the sense of loss of parental control over the family environment and parents' perceived inability to protect their adolescent from material encountered on the Internet and social interactions via SM.

CONCLUSION: Parents within the context of family based treatments felt that prolonged exposure to SM exposed their already vulnerable child to additional stressors and risks. The thematic analysis uncovered a sense of parental despair and lack of control, which is consistent with their perception of SM and the Internet as relentless and threatening to their parental authority and family cohesion.


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The Jaeger Family Scrapbook titled “The House That Papa Built”, written by Ella Jaeger Smith, contains photographs and history of the family house built by Henry John Jaeger in Florence,SC as well as biographical sketches of various members of the Jaeger family. The scrapbook contains information on Winthrop graduates Janet Lawrence Jaeger (Class of 1907); Lillian Jaeger Spratt (Class of 1910); Mary Jaeger Lewis (attended Winthrop); Blanche Jaeger Patrick (Class of 1917); and Ella Jaeger Smith (Class of 1923).


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Lipid rafts are highly ordered membrane domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids that provide a scaffold for signal transduction proteins; altered raft structure has also been implicated in cancer progression. We have shown that 25 mu M 10-(octyloxy) decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate (ODPC), an alkylphospholipid, targets high cholesterol domains in model membranes and induces apoptosis in leukemia cells but spares normal hematopoietic and epithelial cells under the same conditions. We performed a quantitative (SILAC) proteomic screening of ODPC targets in a lipid-raft-enriched fraction of leukemic cells to identify early events prior to the initiation of apoptosis. Six proteins, three with demonstrated palmitoylation sites, were reduced in abundance. One, the linker for activation of T-cell family member 2 (LAT2), is an adaptor protein associated with lipid rafts in its palmitoylated form and is specifically expressed in B lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Interestingly, LAT2 is not expressed in K562, a cell line more resistant to ODPC-induced apoptosis. There was an early loss of LAT2 in the lipid-raft-enriched fraction of NB4 cells within 3 h following treatment with 25 mu M ODPC. Subsequent degradation of LAT2 by proteasomes was observed. Twenty-five mu M ODPC inhibited AKT activation via myeloid growth factors, and LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells by shRNA reproduced this effect. LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells also decreased cell proliferation and increased cell sensitivity to ODPC (7.5X), perifosine (3X), and arsenic trioxide (8.5X). Taken together, these data indicate that LAT2 is an early mediator of the anti-leukemic activity of alkylphospholipids and arsenic trioxide. Thus, LAT2 may be used as a target for the design of drugs for cancer therapy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.M112.019661, 1898-1912, 2012.


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Die Selektine initiieren im Verlauf von Entzündungsprozessen einen ersten Zellkontakt zwischen Leukozyten und Endothelzellen und ermöglichen so die Auswanderung der Leukozyten aus den Blutgefäßen in das umliegende Gewebe, wo sie ihre immunologische Wirkung entfalten können. Viele Krankheiten gehen allerdings mit einer übermäßigen, durch Selektine vermittelten Zelladhäsion einher. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, Selektininhibitoren zu synthetisieren, die pathologische Zelladhäsionsprozesse, wie man sie z.B. bei rheumatoider Arthritis, bei Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder im Verlauf von Tumormetastasierungen findet, unterbinden können. Als Leitstruktur für solche Inhibitoren dient das auf den natürlichen Selektinliganden vorkommende Tetrasaccharid Sialyl-Lewis-X. Sialyl-Lewis-X stellt aber nur einen Teil der natürlichen Selektinliganden dar. Es bindet auch nur im millimolaren Bereich an die Selektine. Die komplexen natürlichen Selektinliganden wie z.B. ESL-1 (E-Selektin-Ligand-1), die an verschiedenen Glycosylierungs-stellen des Glycoproteins Sialyl-Lewis-X präsentieren, binden mit deutlich höherer Affinität an die Selektine. Für eine spezifische Rezeptorbindung sind daher außer dem Tetrasaccharid weitere Partialstrukturen verantwortlich, wobei gezeigt werden konnte, dass ein Anknüpfen von Sialyl-Lewis-X-Derivaten an die Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 eine Affinitätssteigerung hervorruft. Ein weiterer Nachteil des natürlichen Sialyl-Lewis-X-Tetrasaccharids im Hinblick auf seine pharmakologische Verwendung besteht darin, dass sowohl die fucosidische Bindung als auch die glycosidische Verknüpfung zur Neuraminsäure durch Enzyme leicht gespalten werden, wodurch Sialyl-Lewis-X als potenzielles Anti-Adäsionsmolekül an Wert verliert. Um die Kohlenydratliganden vor einem solchen enzymatischen Abbau zu bewahren, wurden in dieser Arbeit neben der im Sialyl-Lewis-X vorliegenden L-Fucose die im Menschen nicht vorkommenden Kohlenhydrate D-Arabinose und L-Galactose sowie neben der Neuraminsäure die (S)-Cyclohexylmilchsäure zur Herstellung der sechs Glycopeptid-Selektinliganden 1-6 mit der Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 verknüpft. Die Tetrasaccharide und Tetrasaccharid-Mimetika können aus den geschützten Monosacchariden und der geschützten Cyclohexylmilch-säure in parallelen Synthesen im Gramm-Maßstab hergestellt werden. Die automatisierten Glycopeptid-Festphasensynthesen wurden an einem Peptidsynthesizer nach der Fmoc-Strategie unter Verwendung von mit Asparaginsäure vorbeladenen TentaGel®-Harzen durchgeführt. Die Strukturen aller sechs Glycopeptide 1-6 wurden sowohl durch hoch auflösende massenspektrometrische Analysen als auch durch ein- und zweidimensionale NMR-Experimente belegt. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit liegen sechs Sialyl-Lewis-X-Glycopeptide und -Mimetika mit der Partialsequenz 672-681 des ESL-1 vor. Diese werden in Kürze auf ihre Wirksamkeit als Zelladhäsions-inhibitoren für E-Selektin getestet. Daraus sollen sich Erkenntnisse über Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen gewinnen lassen, insbesondere was das kooperative Zusammenwirken von Saccharid- und Peptidteilstrukturen in der Erkennung der Liganden durch das E-Selektin anbetrifft.


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Invited commentary on "Grandparents in Kinship Care: Help or Hindrance to Family Preservation."