960 resultados para Lesion nematode


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Two species of root-lesion nematode (predominantly Pratylenchus thornei but also P. neglectus) are widespread pathogens of wheat and other crops in Australia's northern grain belt, a subtropical region with deep, fertile clay soils and a summer-dominant rainfall pattern. Losses in grain yield from P. thornei can be as high as 70% for intolerant wheat cultivars. This review focuses on research which has led to the development of effective integrated management programs for these nematodes. It highlights the importance of correct identification in managing Pratylenchus species, reviews the plant breeding work done in developing tolerant and resistant cultivars, outlines the methods used to screen for tolerance and resistance, and discusses how planned crop sequencing with tolerant and partially resistant wheat cultivars, together with crops such as sorghum, sunflower, millets and canaryseed, can be used to reduce nematode populations and limit crop damage. The declining levels of soil organic matter in cropped soils are also discussed with reference to their effect on soil health and biological suppression of root-lesion nematodes.


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The impact of three cropping histories (sugarcane, maize and soybean) and two tillage practices (conventional tillage and direct drill) on plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes in the following sugarcane crop was examined in a field trial at Bundaberg. Soybean reduced populations of lesion nematode (Pratylenchus zeae) and root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) in comparison to previous crops of sugarcane or maize but increased populations of spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus dihystera) and maintained populations of dagger nematode (Xiphinema elongatum). However the effect of soybean on P zeae and M. javanica was no longer apparent 15 weeks after planting sugarcane, while later in the season, populations of these nematodes following soybean were as high as or higher than maize or sugarcane. Populations of P zeae were initially reduced by cultivation but due to strong resurgence tended to be higher in conventionally tilled than direct drill plots at the end of the plant crop. Even greater tillage effects were observed with M. javanica and X. elongatum, as nematode populations were significantly higher in conventionally tilled than direct drill plots late in the season. Populations of free-living nematodes in the upper 10 cm of soil were initially highest following soybean, but after 15, 35 and 59 weeks were lower than after sugarcane and contained fewer omnivorous and predatory nematodes. Conventional tillage increased populations of free-living nematodes in soil in comparison to direct drill and was also detrimental to omnivorous and predatory nematodes. These results suggest that crop rotation and tillage not only affect plant-parasitic nematodes directly, but also have indirect effects by impacting on natural enemies that regulate nematode populations. More than 2 million nematodes/m(2) were often present in crop residues on the surface of direct drill plots. Bacterial-feeding nematodes were predominant in residues early in the decomposition process but fungal-feeding nematodes predominated after 15 weeks. This indicates that fungi become an increasingly important component of the detritus food web as decomposition proceeds, and that that the rate of nutrient cycling decreases with time. Correlations between total numbers of free-living nematodes and mineral N concentrations in crop residues and surface soil suggested that the free-living nematode community may provide an indication of the rate of mineralisation of N from organic matter.


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Australia’s northern grain-producing region is unique in that the root-lesion nematode (RLN), Pratylenchus thornei predominates. P. neglectus is also present. RLN cause substantial yield losses, particularly in wheat, but they reproduce on numerous summer and winter crops. Each nematode species prefers different crops and varieties. This project provides growers with a range of integrated management strategies to limit RLN (i.e. identify the problem, protect uninfested fields, rotate with resistant crops to keep populations low and choose tolerant crops to maximise yields). It also provides new information about soil-borne zoosporic fungi in the region.


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Continuous cultivation and cereal cropping of southern Queensland soils previously supporting native vegetation have resulted in reduced soil nitrogen supply, and consequently decreased cereal grain yields and low grain protein. To enhance yields and protein concentrations of wheat, management practices involving N fertiliser application, with no-tillage and stubble retention, grain legumes, and legume leys were evaluated from 1987 to 1998 on a fertility-depleted Vertosol at Warra, southern Queensland. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lucerne in a 2-year lucerne–wheat rotation for its nitrogen and disease-break benefits to subsequent grain yield and protein content of wheat as compared with continuous wheat cropping. Dry matter production and nitrogen yields of lucerne were closely correlated with the total rainfall for October–September as well as March–September rainfall. Each 100 mm of total rainfall resulted in 0.97 t/ha of dry matter and 26 kg/ha of nitrogen yield. For the March–September rainfall, the corresponding values were 1.26 t/ha of dry matter and 36 kg/ha of nitrogen yield. The latter values were 10% lower than those produced by annual medics during a similar period. Compared with wheat–wheat cropping, significant increases in total soil nitrogen were observed only in 1990, 1992 and 1994 but increases in soil mineralisable nitrogen were observed in most years following lucerne. Similarly, pre-plant nitrate nitrogen in the soil profile following lucerne was higher by 74 kg/ha (9–167 kg N/ha) than that of wheat–wheat without N fertiliser in all years except 1996. Consequently, higher wheat grain protein (7 out of 9 seasons) and grain yield (4 out of 9 seasons) were produced compared with continuous wheat. There was significant depression in grain yield in 2 (1993 and 1995) out of 9 seasons attributed to soil moisture depletion and/or low growing season rainfall. Consequently, the overall responses in yield were lower than those of 50 kg/ha of fertiliser nitrogen applied to wheat–wheat crops, 2-year medic–wheat or chickpea–wheat rotation, although grain protein concentrations were higher following lucerne. The incidence and severity of the soilborne disease, common root rot of wheat caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, was generally higher in lucerne–wheat than in continuous wheat with no nitrogen fertiliser applications, since its severity was significantly correlated with plant available water at sowing. No significant incidence of crown rot or root lesion nematode was observed. Thus, productivity, which was mainly due to nitrogen accretion in this experiment, can be maintained where short duration lucerne leys are grown in rotations with wheat.


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Root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) is a serious pathogen of wheat in many countries. The International Triticeae Mapping Initiative (ITMI) population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was assessed for resistance to P. thornei to determine the chromosome locations of the resistance genes. The ITMI population is derived from a cross between the resistant synthetic hexaploid wheat W-7984 and a susceptible bread wheat cultivar Opata 85. Two years of phenotypic data for resistance to P. thornei were obtained in replicated glasshouse trials. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed using available segregation and map data for 114 RILs. A QTL on chromosome 6DS showed consistent effects for reduced nematode numbers (partial resistance) across years and accounted for 11% and 23% of the phenotypic variation. A second QTL for P. thornei resistance on chromosome 2BS accounted for an additional 19% and 5%. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers associated with the QTLs are physically located in regions rich in major genes at the distal ends of the short chromosome arms of 6D and 2B. SSR markers with potential for marker-assisted selection of P. thornei resistance effective in different genetic backgrounds have been identified.


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Root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) significantly reduces wheat yields in the northern Australian grain region. Canola is thought to have a 'biofumigation' potential to control nematodes; therefore, a field experiment was designed to compare canola with other winter crops or clean-fallow for reducing P. thornei population densities and improving growth of P. thornei-intolerant wheat (cv. Batavia) in the following year. Immediately after harvest of the first-year crops, populations of P. thornei were lowest following various canola cultivars or clean-fallow (1957-5200 P. thornei/kg dry soil) and were highest following susceptible wheat cultivars (31 033-41 294/kg dry soil). Unexpectedly, at planting of the second-year wheat crop, nematode populations were at more uniform lower levels (<5000/kg dry soil), irrespective of the previous season's treatment, and remained that way during the growing season, which was quite dry. Growth and grain yield of the second-year wheat crop were poorest on plots previously planted with canola or left fallow due to poor colonisation with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, with the exception of canola cv. Karoo, which had high AM fungal colonisation and low wheat yields. There were significant regressions between growth and yield parameters of the second-year wheat and levels of AMF following the pre-crop treatments. Thus, canola appears to be a good crop for reducing P. thornei populations, but AM fungal-dependence of subsequent crops should be considered, particularly in the northern Australian grain region.


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This is part of a GRDC funded project led by Dr Jeremy Whish of CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences. The project aims to build a root-lesion nematode module into the crop growth simulation program APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator). This will utilise existing nematode and crop data from field, glasshouse and laboratory research led by Dr John Thompson. New data will be collected to validate and extend the model.


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The goal of this thesis was to study factors related to the development of Brassica juncea as a sustainable nematicide. Brassica juncea is characterized by the glycoside (glucosinolate) sinigrin. Various methods were developed for the determination of sinigrin in Brassica juncea tissue extracts. Sinigrin concentrations in plant tissues at various stages of growth were monitored. Sinigrin enzymatically breaks down into allylisothiocyanate (AITC). AITC is unstable in aqueous solution and degradation was studied in water and in soil. Finally, the toxicity of AITC against the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans) was determined. A method was developed to extract sinigrin from whole Brassica j uncea tissues. The optimal time of extraction wi th boiling phosphate buffer (0.7mM, pH=6.38) and methanol/water (70:30 v/v) solutions were both 25 minutes. Methanol/water extracted 13% greater amount of sinigrin than phosphate buffer solution. Degradation of sinigrin in boiling phosphate buffer solution (0.13%/minute) was similar to the loss of sinigrin during the extraction procedure. The loss of sinigrin from boiling methanol/water was estimated to be O.Ol%/minute. Brassica juncea extract clean up was accomplished by an ion-pair solid phase extraction (SPE) method. The recovery of sinigrin was 92.6% and coextractive impurities were not detected in the cleaned up extract. Several high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed for the determination of sinigrin. All the developed methods employed an isocratic mobile phase system wi th a low concentration of phosphate buffer solution, ammonium acetate solution or an ion-pair reagent solution. A step gradient system was also developed. The method involved preconditioning the analytical column with phosphate buffer solution and then switching the mobile phase to 100% water after sample injection.Sinigrin and benzyl-glucosinolate were both studied by HPLC particle beam negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLCPB- NCI-MS). Comparison of the mass spectra revealed the presence of fragments arising from the ~hioglucose moiety and glucosinolate side-chain. Variation in the slnlgrin concentration within Brassica juncea plants was studied (Domo and Cutlass cuItivars). The sinigrin concentration in the top three leaves was studied during growth of each cultivar. For Cutlass, the minimum (200~100~g/g) and maximum (1300~200~g/g) concentrations were observed at the third and seventh week after planting, respectively. For Domo, the minimum (190~70~g/g) and maximum (1100~400~g/g) concentrations were observed at the fourth and eighth week after planting, respectively. The highest sinigrin concentration was observed in flower tissues 2050±90~g/g and 2300±100~g/g for Cutlass and Domo cultivars, respectively. Physical properties of AITC were studied. The solubility of AITC in water was determined to be approximately 1290~g/ml at 24°C. An HPLC method was developed for the separation of degradation compounds from aqueous AITC sample solutions. Some of the degradation compounds identified have not been reported in the literature: allyl-thiourea, allyl-thiocyanate and diallyl-sulfide. In water, AITC degradation to' diallyl-thiourea was favored at basic pH (9.07) and degradation to diallyl-sulfide was favored at acidic pH (4 . 97). It wap necessary to amend the aqueous AITC sample solution with acetonitrile ?efore injection into the HPLC system. The acetonitrile amendment considerably improved AITC recovery and the reproducibility of the results. The half-life of aqueous AITC degradation at room temperature did not follow first-order kinetics. Beginning with a 1084~g/ml solution, the half-life was 633 hours. Wi th an ini tial AITC concentration of 335~g/ml the half-life was 865 hours. At 35°C the half-life AITC was 76+4 hours essentially independent of the iiisolution pH over the range of pH=4.97 to 9.07 (1000~g/ml). AITC degradation was also studied in soil at 35°C; after 24 hours approximately 75% of the initial AITC addition was unrecoverable by water extraction. The ECso of aqueous AITC against the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans) was determined to be approximately 20~g/ml at one hour exposure of the nematode to the test solution. The toxicological study was also performed with a myrosinase treated Brassica juncea extract. Myrosinase treatment of the Brassica juncea extract gave nearly quantitative conversion of sinigrin into AITC. The myrosinase treated extract was of the same efficacy as an aqueous AITC solution of equivalent concentration. The work of this thesis was focused upon understanding parameters relevant to the development of Brassica juncea as a sustainable nematicide. The broad range of experiments were undertaken in support of a research priority at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nesse trabalho, o objetivo foi avaliar a reação de oito porta-enxertos de videira aos nematoides das lesões radiculares. As estacas dos porta-enxertos Kober, SO4, 101-14, R99, 420-A, Rupestris du Lot, Riparia do Traviú e Telek 5C, cedidas pelo Centro APTA de Frutas/IAC, foram plantadas em vasos contendo mistura de solo:areia na proporção 2:1 (v:v) e mantidas em casa de vegetação. Após quatro meses, os porta-enxertos foram inoculados com 1.200 espécimes de Pratylenchus brachyurus ou P. zeae, e o milho foi usado para comprovar a viabilidade do inóculo. Aos 180 dias após a inoculação, avaliou-se o número de nematoides por sistema radicular e em 100 cm³ de solo. O milho foi avaliado aos 90 dias após a inoculação e cada vaso recebeu uma nova planta, que foi avaliada juntamente com os porta-enxertos. No milho, as populações finais de P. brachyurus e P. zeae foram respectivamente iguais a 8.040 e 6.940 indivíduos. Todos os porta-enxertos comportaram-se como imunes a P. brachyurus e P. zeae, isto é, a população final dos nematoides e o fator de reprodução foram iguais a zero. Recuperaram-se seis e 11 espécimes de P. zeae nas amostras de solo cultivadas com os porta-enxertos Kober e 420-A, respectivamente. Conclui-se que os porta-enxertos estudados apresentam potencial para serem usados em áreas infestadas com esses nematoides das lesões.


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A lesion nematode population infecting citrus in the state of São Paulo, Brazil is described and named Pratylenchus jaehni sp. n. Biological, molecular and morphological characteristics of this new species are compared with those of the morphologically similar P. coffeae and P. loosi. Results of mating experiments showed that R jaehni is reproductively isolated from P coffeae. Molecular (D2/D3 DNA sequences) dissimilarities among P. jaehni sp, n., P. coffeae and P. loosi were documented in a previous study. The morphology of seven R coffeae populations from tropical America and eastern Java and a P loosi population from Sri Lanka is used for comparison with the morphology of P. jaehni sp. n. Pratylenchus jaehni differs from R coffeae and P. loosi by only a few morphological ;characters of the females. The mean values of stylet length, stylet knob height, and vulva position are smaller (less than or equal to15 vs greater than or equal to15 mum, less than or equal to2.7 vs greater than or equal to2.7 mum, less than or equal to79 vs greater than or equal to79%) than those in P coffeae and P loosi. The tail terminus is usually subhemispherical and smooth in P jaehni sp. n.. whereas it is commonly truncate and indented in most P. coffeae populations and bluntly or finely pointed in P. loosi. Because of the morphological similarities among P. jaehni sp. n., P. coffeae and P. loosi, examination of at least ten specimens is required to obtain a reliable diagnosis based on morphology. Nineteen morphometric parameters for P. jaehni sp. n. and P. coffeae ranged from 0-13% smaller in fixed than in live specimens.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)