397 resultados para Leptodactylus araucaria
Soil invertebrate distribution in Araucaria forest, grassland and edge habitats was studied in both disturbed and undisturbed areas in southern Brazil. Mean-density and taxa compositions were verified. Invertebrate densities differed between grassland and the other two habitats in the undisturbed area but not across the disturbed one. At the disturbed area taxa differed between the grassland and the other two habitats. The undisturbed area, on the other hand, presented taxa differences only between the grassland and the forest habitats. Acari, Arachnida and Collembola were the most sensitive taxa for detecting differences across habitats in both areas. At the disturbed area, these taxa presented densities lowering from the forest to the grassland. At the undisturbed area the same taxa increased from the forest to the grassland. Coleoptera and Formicidae (Insecta) presented no difference between habitats at the studied taxonomic level.
Leptodactylus(Lithodytes) lineatus (Schneider, 1799) is an Amazonian leaf litter frog considered rare or uncommon in several studies on anuran communities. Despite being a widely distributed frog in Amazonian forests, knowledge of the biology and ecology of this species is relatively scarce. This species has been reported to live in association with leaf-cutter ant nests (Atta spp.) during the breeding period. In this paper we present data on the seasonality of this species and some reproductive information gathered at a locality of Rondônia state, northwestern Brazil. Field work was carried out between April 2001 and March 2002, with the use of pitfall traps with drift fences as a survey method. Leptodactylus (L.) lineatus had a higher capture frequency in this locality compared to that of other studies carried out in other Amazonian localities, possibly because this species has secretive habits, such as calling and breeding from nests of leaf-cutting ants, and are difficult to find during visual encounter surveys. The breeding period occurs between October and March. Calling males and egg-bearing females were found between September and February and juvenile recruitment occurred mainly from the end of the rainy season to the beginning of the dry season (February to June). Males and females show sexual dimorphism in SVL, females being significantly larger than males. The number of ovarian eggs per female varies from 110 to 328 and analyses indicate that there is a significant correlation with SVL.
The dynamics of the bird community in a small forest fragment was evaluated along seven years in relation to changes in the surrounding landscape. The study area is an Araucaria forest fragment in Southern Brazil (state of Paraná). The sampling period covered the years 1988 through 1994 and the mark-release-recapture method was utilized. The landscape analysis was based on Landsat TM images, and changes in exotic tree plantations, native forest, open areas (agriculture, pasture, bare soil, and abandoned field), and "capoeira"(native vegetation < 2 m) were quantified. The relationship between landscape changes and changes in abundance diversity of forest birds, open-area birds, forest-edge birds, and bamboo specialists was evaluated. Richness estimates were run for each year studied. The richness recorded in the study area comprised 96 species. The richness estimates were 114, 118 and 110 species for Chao 1, Jackknife 1 and Bootstrap, respectively. The bird community varied in species richness, abundance and diversity from year to year. As for species diversity, 1991, 1993 and 1994 were significantly different from the other years. Changes in the landscape contributed to the increase in abundance and richness for the groups of forest, open-area and bamboo-specialist species. An important factor discussed was the effect of the flowering of "taquara" (Poaceae), which contributed significantly to increasing richness of bamboo seed eaters, mainly in 1992 and 1993. In general, the results showed that landscape changes affected the dynamics and structure of the bird community of this forest fragment over time, and proved to have an important role in conservation of the avian community in areas of intensive forestry and agricultural activities.
The main object of the present paper is to furnish a brief account to the knowledgement of Protozoa parasitic in common Brazilian frog of the genus Leptodactylus for general students in Zoology and for investigators that use this frog as a laboratory animal. Hepatozoon leptodactyli (Haemogregarina leptodactyli) was found in two species of frogs - Leptodactylus ocellatus and L. pentadactylus - in which develop schizogony whereas sporogony occurs in the leech Haementeria lutzi as was obtainded in experimental conditions. Intracellular forms have been found in peripheral circulation, chiefly in erythrocytes, but we have found them in leukocytes too. Tissue stages were found in frog, liver, lungs, spleen, gut, brain and heart. The occurence of hemogregarine in the Central Nervous System was recorded by Costa & al,(13) and Ball (2). Some cytochemical methods were employed in attempt to differentiate gametocytes from trophozoites in the peripheral blood and to characterize the cystic membrane as well. The speorogonic cycle was developed in only one specie of leech. A brief description of the parasite is given.
O gênero Toddia, criado por França 1911, para um organismo encontrado em eritrõcitos de um anfíbio anuro, tem estrutura particular e o problema de sua natureza (protozoário ou vírus) é discutido. Nosso resultados mostram reações Feulgen e Verde Metila positivas, principalmente no início da infecção. Com o decorrer da infecção as partículas são, geralmente, maiores que aquelas observadas alguns dias após as inoculações, mas as reações citoquímicas citadas anteriormente são, em geral, negativas ou fracamente positivas. Os mesmos resultados foram obtidos quando empregamos Laranja de acridina para caracterização do DNA e esta técnica foi negativa para o RNA. Estudando o desenvolvimento deste organismo e seus efeitos infecciosos foram confirmados por inoculações experimentais. As alterações no sangue do hospedeiro foram observadas e notamos que o núclo dos eritrócitos é severamente alterado durante o desenvolvimento da infecção, que é geralmente, muito intensa, terminando com a morte do hospedeiro. As inoculações experimentais demonstraram a especificidade da infecção, e diante dos conhecimentos a respeito dos organismos deste gênero, discutimos o problema da criação de espécies.
Os autores estudaram o comportamento "in vitro" do Trypanosoma encontrado nas rãs brasileiras, visando critérios adicionais na caracterização específica deste grupo. Utilizaram diferentes meios de cultura (NNN, Novy e Mac Neal, SNB 9 de Diamond 1954, Boné & Steinert, 1956 Boné & Parent 1963 e Halevy & Gisry 1964) no isolamento do Trypanosoma rotatorium encontrado com certa freqüência na rã Leptodactylus com larga distribuição na região Neotropical. Observamso que o comportamento do T. rotatorium das rãs desta região em meios de cultura mostra características bem diferentes daquelas observadas com tripanosomas de outras regiões, quer seja pela dificuldade de manutenção em subcultura, quer pelas formas de divisão desenvolvidas. Empregamos os mesmos meios de cultura utilizados nos isolamentos dos tripanosomas de rã da Europa e como pode ser visto no Quadro I os resultados obtidos com material da região Neotropical são concordantes, surgerindo, pelo menos uma variação dentro da espécie.
Com o objetivo de fornecer dados para o esclarecimento do controvertido problema da natureza de Cytamoeba bacterifera freqüentemente encontrada nos eritrócitos de Leptodactylus ocellatus, realizamos alguns testes citoquímicos. Demonstramos a presença do ácido ribonucleico e polissacarídeos não digeríveis pela ptialina em sua estrutura. Com o método de Feulgen, teste de referência para a caracterização do ácido desoxirribonucleico, obtivemos principlemnte resultados negativos; porém, um parasito com fraca e difusa positividade e algumas reações duvidosas também foram encontrados. Ao emrpegarmos o Verde Metila-Pironina, mesmo após o tratamento pela ribonuclease, e o Azul de Toluidina, também depois da ação desta enzima, não conseguimos confimar a presença de ADN. Como os elementos constituintes de C. bacterifera são minúsculos e, às vezes, não evidenciáveis, é possível que seu teor de ADN, porventura existente, seja muito pequeno e, conseqüentemente, de difícil demonstração por métodos cujos resultados são observados sob microscopia ótica, além de poder ficar facilmente encoberto por outras substâncias. Não estamos propensos a admitir uma provável natureza virótica para Cytamoeba baseados, principalmente, em alguns de seus aspectos estruturais (figs. 8, 15, 17 e 18) e na ausência de alteração no núcleo das células parasitadas. Apesar de não termos comprovado a presença de ADN, achamos possível que C. bacterifera seja um aglomerado intracitoplasmático de organismos modificados, cujas dimensões situam-se nas proximidades do limite de resolução do microscópio ótico, relacionados com as bactérias, assim como são, por exemplo, os Clamídios e as Riquétsias. Observamos o desenvolvimento de Cytamoeba em rã mantida em cativeiro por três meses e semanalmente examinada; constatamos decréscimo paulatino da parasitemia inicial e também que os seus tipos estruturais e medidas não estavam relacionadas com a etapa da infecção. Não conseguimos transmitir, por inoculação intra-peritoneal, Cytamoeba de L. ocellatus para Bufo crucifer.
Seasonality was studied for Alticini trapped with malaise over a period of two years in the Vila Velha State Park, Parana, Brazil. Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae and Alticini showed seasonal distribution, with the highest abundance during spring and summer months. The abundance peaks of these groups were not synchronized. Of all environmental variables tested, photoperiod had the larger effect on the distributional patterns of Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae and Alticini. Also, Chrysomelidae and Alticini probably are related to the quality and availability of host-plants. When richness was high there was a greater similarity among seasons of different years. However, when richness was not pronounced, seasons showed more similarity within the same year than between years. The Alticini community was seasonally structured and a possible mechanism underlying this pattern is asymmetric competition. Nevertheless, it is necessary to account for indirect interactions (plant-enemy mediated) to better understand how Alticini community is structured.
Alticini fauna from five areas, two with different types of management (Borda and Araucaria) and three with different levels of conservation (Fase 1, Fase 2 and Fase 3), in the Araucaria Forest of the Parana was captured with malaise traps. The material was collected weekly, from September/1999 to August/2001, in the Parque Estadual of Vila Velha, Ponta Grossa. 1,891 individuals of 106 Alticini species were collected with only seven species common to all areas. Despite the proximity between sampling areas, the number of species shared between pairs of areas was low, not reaching 40%, with the Araucaria and Fase 1 areas being the most similar. The community structure of the areas Fase 1 and Fase 2 were most related. Fase 1, in initial stage of succession, showed the largert variation in the abundance and richness from one year to another.
Melipona bicolor schencki occurs in southern Brazil and at high elevations in southeastern Brazil. It has potential for use in meliponiculture but this stingless bee species is vulnerable to extinction and we have little knowledge about its ecology. In order to gather essential information for species conservation and management, we made a study of seasonal flight activities in its natural environment. We sampled bees entering the nests with pollen, nectar/water and resin/mud, in five colonies during each season. In parallel, we analyzed the influence of hour of the day and meteorological factors on flight activity. Flights were most intense during spring and summer, with daily mean estimates of 2,100 and 2,333 flights respectively, while in fall and winter the daily flight estimate was reduced to 612 and 1,104 flights, respectively. Nectar and water were the most frequently-collected resources, followed by pollen and building materials. This preference occurred in all seasons, but with variations in intensity. During spring, daily flight activity lasted over 14 hours; this period was reduced in the other seasons, reaching eight hours in winter. Meteorological factors were associated with 40.2% of the variation in flight and resource collection activity. Apparently, other factors that we did not measure, such as colony needs and availability of floral resources, also strongly influence the intensity of resource collection.
Carabid beetle assemblages in three environments in the Araucaria humid forest of southern Brazil. Carabidae is composed mainly by ground-dwelling predator beetles. It is the fourth most diverse group within Coleoptera, but its diversity in the Neotropical region is understudied. Here we describe and analyze the diversity of carabid beetles in a region of subtropical rain forest dominated by Araucaria angustifolia with different landscapes. Three areas were chosen in an environmental integrity gradient: primary forests, secondary forests and old Pinus plantations. Pitfall traps were taken monthly, in a total of 14 samples per area. 1733 adult carabid beetles, belonging to 18 species, were sampled. There were differences in richness and abundance between the sampled areas. The total scores followed the same tendency: primary forests (14 species/747 individuals), secondary forests (13/631) and Pinus forests (10/355). An analysis of similarity shows differences in species composition, for both areas and seasons. Galerita lacordarei was the most abundant species for all samples and seasons. Carabid species show similar responses in accordance with habitat heterogeneity and disturbance. The abundance of Galerita lacordarei was influenced by temperature, for all sampled sites. Environmental changes affect the carabid assemblages and decrease diversity, possibly interfering in local dynamics. Seasonality patterns seem to indicate an increase in individual movement during summer, probably in search of resources. It is suggested that microhabitat patchiness is probably an important factor affecting carabid beetle diversity at small spatial scales.
Gall-inducing insects of an Araucaria Forest in southern Brazil. Diversity of galling insects is reported for the first time in an Araucaria Forest site. We address gall characteristics, host plant identification and the inducer identification and provide additional information about sites of gall occurrence in a mosaic of continuous forest and natural forest patches. After 40h of sampling we found 57 species of five insect orders, the majority of them Diptera (Cecidomyiidae), galling 43 host plant species, which in turn belonged to 18 host plant families. Stem and buds together, compared to leaves, harbored more galls, which were mostly glabrous, isolated, fusiform and green. Myrtaceae, Asteraceae and Melastomataceae were the most representative host families. Similarities in gall characteristics to what has been reported in the literature probably result from spatial correlation in a larger scale driven by ecological and evolutionary processes.
Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a dependência micorrízica de plantas de Araucaria angustifolia, sob diferentes doses de P, e acompanhar o desenvolvimento do hospedeiro e do endófito após a inoculação. O experimento foi realizado em condições de casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado num esquema fatorial 4 x 4, sendo: três espécies de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) (Glomus intraradices, Gigaspora rosea e uma mistura de FMAs nativos, provenientes de mata de araucária em Campos do Jordão, no estado de São Paulo, e um controle sem FMA, com quatro doses de P no substrato (0, 20, 50 e 150 mg kg-1 de P na forma de KH2PO4), com cinco repetições. Avaliaram-se a matéria seca da parte aérea e raiz, a taxa de colonização radicular, o número de esporos no solo e os teores de nutrientes presentes na parte aérea da planta. Concluiu-se que a Araucaria angustifolia é planta micotrófica e tem dependência micorrízica até a dose de 150 mg kg-1 de P, sendo a taxa de colonização radicular e esporulação variáveis com a espécie de FMA. A espécie Gigaspora rosea é indicada para baixos teores de P no solo e Glomus intraradices para teores mais elevados, enquanto os FMAs nativos são benéficos ao crescimento da araucária em qualquer teor de P. Independentemente da espécie de FMA, as plantas micorrizadas apresentaram maiores concentrações de P e menores de N e K que as não micorrizadas.
Araucaria angustifolia é uma espécie de árvore ameaçada de extinção no Brasil e pouco se conhece sobre os atributos edáficos dessas florestas. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de identificar diferenças entre áreas com araucária naturais e reflorestadas, com base em atributos microbiológicos e químicos do solo, por meio de métodos multivariados, como a análise canônica discriminante (ACD) e a análise de correlação canônica (ACC). As áreas estudadas incluem: 1. floresta nativa com araucária (NF); 2. reflorestamento de araucária (R); 3. reflorestamento de araucária submetido a incêndio acidental (RF); e 4. pastagem natural com araucárias nativas e ocorrência de incêndio (NPF). Foram selecionadas, ao acaso, quinze árvores de araucária por área e sob a copa de cada uma delas foram retiradas três amostras de solo, em três épocas contrastantes. A ACD foi aplicada aos atributos microbianos: C da biomassa microbiana (CBM), respiração basal (C-CO2) e quociente metabólico (qCO2), enquanto a ACC foi aplicada aos atributos microbianos e químicos do solo [pH (CaCl2), C orgânico total (COT) e teores de P, K, Ca, Mg e (H+Al). Os atributos microbianos e químicos do solo apresentaram alta correlação canônica, com destaque para o CBM e C-CO2, entre os atributos microbianos, e para COT e P, entre os atributos químicos do solo. A ACC mostrou que 52 % da variação total dos atributos microbianos é explicada pela variação dos atributos químicos, e 36 % da variação total dos atributos químicos é explicada pelos atributos microbianos do solo das áreas estudadas. A ACD identificou que a contribuição de cada atributo microbiano para a separação das áreas sofreu variação ao longo do tempo, e discriminou o CBM como sendo o atributo microbiano mais importante, seguido pelo C-CO2. ACC e ACD são importantes ferramentas no estudo de indicadores de qualidade do solo.