994 resultados para Lei do valor


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Este estudo tem como objetivo mensurar e avaliar a dinâmica econômica do Pólo Industrial de Manaus como um modelo de desenvolvimento sob o enfoque da Lei de kaldor-Verdoorn. Especificamente, analisar a relação entre produção e produtividade, sob as condições preconizadas por esta lei, aplicadas às indústrias do Pólo Industrial de Manaus. A Lei de Kaldor-Verdoorn propõe que à medida que a produção aumenta, há uma forte tendência, ao longo do tempo, de crescimento da produtividade. Economias de escala são geradas endogenamente por mudança técnica e aprendizagem tecnológica (learning by doing), fruto do crescimento da demanda que permite que se explore as economias de escala dinâmicas presentes, principalmente, no setor manufatureiro. Dessa forma, estima-se a produtividade total de fatores e a produtividade parcial. Analisa-se a dinâmica dessa economia efetuando-se teste empírico para a indústria do Pólo Industrial de Manaus, no período de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 2004, através de um modelo de correção de erros, teste de causalidade de Granger e modelo VAR estrutural,. Os resultados obtidos indicam um razoável grau de dinamismo dessa economia, dado que a combinação de efeitos de curto e longo prazo fez com que a produtividade crescesse num ritmo mais acelerado, com respostas rápidas no curto prazo, da produtividade a choques de mudanças no valor total da produção e emprego. Comprovam também a existência de fontes endógenas de crescimento da produtividade, evidenciando economias de escala crescente.


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The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years


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The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years


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