86 resultados para Legionel·la
Introdução: O diagnóstico microbiológico da infecção por Legionella é complexo, pois a bactéria não é visualizada à coloração de Gram no escarro, e sua cultura não é realizada na maioria dos laboratórios clínicos. A imunofluorescência direta nas secreções respiratórias tem baixa sensibilidade, em torno de 40% e a técnica da “PCR” não é ainda recomendada para o diagnóstico clínico (CDC, 1997). A detecção de anticorpos no soro é a técnica mais utilizada, e o critério definitivo é a soroconversão para no mínimo 1:128, cuja sensibilidade é de 70 a 80% (Edelstein, 1993). Como critérios diagnósticos de possível pneumonia por Legionella, eram utilizados: título único de anticorpos a L pneumophila positivo na diluição 1:256, em paciente com quadro clínico compatível (CDC, 1990) e o achado de antígeno a Legionella na urina (WHO, 1990). Nos últimos anos, porém, com o uso crescente do teste de antigenúria, foram detectados casos de pneumonia por Legionella, que não eram diagnosticados por cultura ou sorologia, tornando-o método diagnóstico de certeza para o diagnóstico de pneumonia por Legionella (CDC, 1997). Por sua fácil execução, resultado imediato, e alta sensibilidade - de 86% a 98% (Kashuba & Ballow, 1986; Harrison & Doshi, 2001), tem sido recomendado para o diagnóstico das PAC que necessitam internação hospitalar (Mulazimoglu & Yu, 2001; Gupta et al., 2001; Marrie, 2001), especialmente em UTI (ATS, 2001). Vários estudos documentaram baixo valor preditivo positivo do título único positivo de 1:256, tornando-o sem valor para o diagnóstico da pneumonia por Legionella, exceto, talvez, em surtos (Plouffe et al., 1995). Outros detectaram alta prevalência de anticorpos positivos na diluição 1:256 na população, em pessoas normais (Wilkinson et al., 1983; Nichol et al., 1991). A partir de 1996, o CDC de Atlanta recomendou que não seja mais utilizado o critério de caso provável de infecção por Legionella pneumophila por título único de fase convalescente ≥1:256, por falta de especificidade(CDC, 1997). A pneumonia por Legionella é raramente diagnosticada, e sua incidência é subestimada. Em estudos de PAC, a incidência da pneumonia por Legionella nos EUA, Europa, Israel e Austrália, foi estimada entre 1% a 16% (Muder & Yu, 2000). Nos EUA, foi estimado que cerca de 8 000 a 23 000 casos de PAC por Legionella ocorrem anualmente, em pacientes que requerem hospitalização (Marston et al., 1994 e 1977). No Brasil, a incidência de PAC causadas por Legionella em pacientes hospitalizados é tema de investigação pertinente, ainda não relatado na literatura. Objetivo: detectar a incidência de pneumonias causadas por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, em pacientes que internaram no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre por PAC, por um ano. Material e Métodos: o delineamento escolhido foi um estudo de coorte (de incidência), constituída por casos consecutivos de pneumonia adquirida na comunidade que internaram no HCPA de 19 de julho de 2000 a 18 de julho de 2001. Para a identificação dos casos, foram examinados diariamente o registro computadorizado das internações hospitalares, exceto as internações da pediatria e da obstetrícia, sendo selecionados todos os pacientes internados com o diagnóstico de pneumonia e de insuficiência respiratória aguda. Foram excluídos aqueles com menos de 18 anos ou mais de 80 anos; os procedentes de instituições, HIV-positivos, gestantes, pacientes restritos ao leito; e portadores de doença estrutural pulmonar ou traqueostomias. Foram excluídos os pacientes que tivessem tido alta hospitalar nos últimos 15 dias, e aqueles já incluídos no decorrer do estudo. Os pacientes selecionados foram examinados por um pesquisador, e incluídos para estudo se apresentassem infiltrado ao RX de tórax compatível com pneumonia, associado a pelo menos um dos sintomas respiratórios maiores (temperatura axilar > 37,8ºC, tosse ou escarro; ou dois sintomas menores (pleurisia, dispnéia, alteração do estado mental, sinais de consolidação à ausculta pulmonar, mais de 12 000 leucócitos/mm3). O estudo foi previamente aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa do HCPA. Os pacientes eram entrevistados por um pesquisador, dando seu consentimento por escrito, e então seus dados clínicos e laboratoriais eram registrados em protocolo individual. Não houve interferência do pesquisador, durante a internação, exceto pela coleta de urina e de sangue para exame laboratoriais específicos da pesquisa. Os pacientes eram agendados, no ambulatório de pesquisa, num prazo de 4 a 12 semanas após sua inclusão no estudo, quando realizavam nova coleta de sangue, RX de tórax de controle, e outros exames que se fizessem necessários para esclarecimento diagnóstico.Todos os pacientes foram acompanhados por 1 ano, após sua inclusão no estudo.Foram utilizadas a técnica de imunofluorescência indireta para detecção de anticorpos das classes IgG, IgM e IgA a Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6 no soro, em duas amostras, colhidas, respectivamente, na 1ª semana de internação e depois de 4 a 12 semanas; e a técnica imunológica por teste ELISA para a detecção do antígeno de Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 na urina, colhida na primeira semana de internação. As urinas eram armazenadas, imediatamente após sua coleta, em freezer a –70ºC, e depois descongeladas e processadas em grupos de cerca de 20 amostras. A imunofluorescência foi feita no laboratório de doenças Infecciosas da Universidade de Louisville (KY, EUA), em amostras de soro da fase aguda e convalescente, a partir da diluição 1:8; e a detecção do antígeno de Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1, nas amostras de urina, foi realizada no laboratório de pesquisa do HCPA, pelos investigadores, utilizando um kit comercial de teste ELISA fabricado por Binax (Binax Legionella Urinary Enzyme Assay, Raritan, EUA). As urinas positivas eram recongeladas novamente, para serem enviadas para confirmação no mesmo laboratório americano, ao fim do estudo. Foram adotados como critérios definitivos de infecção por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, a soroconversão (elevação de 4 vezes no título de anticorpos séricos entre o soro da fase aguda e da fase convalescente para no mínimo 1:128); ou o achado de antígeno de L pneumophila sorogrupo 1 na urina não concentrada, numa razão superior a 3, conforme instruções do fabricante e da literatura.Os pacientes foram classificados, de acordo com suas características clínicas, em 1º) portadores de doenças crônicas (doenças pulmonares, cardíacas, diabete mellitus, hepatopatias e insuficiência renal); 2º) portadores de doenças subjacentes com imunossupressão; 3º) pacientes hígidos ou com outras doenças que não determinassem insuficiência orgânica. Imunossupressão foi definida como esplenectomia, ser portador de neoplasia hematológica, portador de doença auto-imune, ou de transplante; ou uso de medicação imunossupressora nas 4 semanas anteriores ao diagnóstico (Yu et al., 2002b); ou uso de prednisolona 10 mg/dia ou equivalente nos últimos 3 meses (Lim et al., 2001). As características clínicas e laboratoriais dos pacientes que evoluíram ao óbito por pneumonia foram comparados àquelas dos pacientes que obtiveram cura. Para a análise das variáveis categóricas, utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson ou teste exato de Fisher. Para as variáveis numéricas contínuas, utilizou-se o teste “t“ de Student. Um valor de p< 0,05 foi considerado como resultado estatisticamente significativo (programas SPSS, versão 10). Foi calculada a freqüência de mortes por pneumonia na população estudada, adotando-se a alta hospitalar como critério de cura. Foi calculada a incidência cumulativa para pneumonia por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, em um hospital geral, no período de 1 ano. Resultados: durante um ano de estudo foram examinados 645 registros de internação, nos quais constavam, como motivo de baixa hospitalar, o diagnóstico de pneumonia ou de insuficiência respiratória aguda; a maioria desses diagnósticos iniciais não foram confirmados. Desses 645 pacientes, foram incluídos no estudo 82 pacientes, nos quais os critérios clínicos ou radiológicos de pneumonia foram confirmados pelos pesquisadores. Durante o acompanhamento desses pacientes, porém, foram excluídos 23 pacientes por apresentarem outras patologias que mimetizavam pneumonia: DPOC agudizado (5), insuficiência cardíaca (3), tuberculose pulmonar (2), colagenose (1), fibrose pulmonar idiopática (1), edema pulmonar em paciente com cirrose (1), somente infecçâo respiratória em paciente com sequelas pulmonares (4); ou por apresentarem critérios de exclusão: bronquiectasias (4), HIV positivo (1), pneumatocele prévia (1). Ao final, foram estudados 59 pacientes com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, sendo 20 do sexo feminino e 39 do sexo masculino, com idade entre 24 e 80 anos (média de 57,6 anos e desvio padrão de ±10,6). Tivemos 36 pacientes com doenças subjacentes classificadas como “doenças crônicas”, dos quais 18 pacientes apresentavam mais de uma co-morbidade, por ordem de prevalência: doenças pulmonares, cardíacas, diabete mellitus, hepatopatias e insuficiência renal; neoplasias ocorreram em 9 pacientes, sendo sólidas em 7 pacientes e hematológicas em 2. Dos 59 pacientes, 61% eram tabagistas e 16,9%, alcoolistas. Do total, 10 pacientes apresentavam imunossupressão. Dos demais 13 pacientes, somente um era previamente hígido, enquanto os outros apresentavam tabagismo, sinusite, anemia, HAS, gota, ou arterite de Takayasu. A apresentação radiológica inicial foi broncopneumonia em 59,3% dos casos; pneumonia alveolar ocorreu em 23,7% dos casos, enquanto ambos padrões ocorreram em 15,2% dos pacientes. Pneumonia intersticial ocorreu em somente um caso, enquanto broncopneumonia obstrutiva ocorreu em 5 pacientes (8,5%). Derrame pleural ocorreu em 22% dos casos, e em 21 pacientes (35%) houve comprometimento de mais de um lobo ao RX de tórax. Foram usados beta-lactâmicos para o tratamento da maioria dos pacientes (72,9%9). A segunda classe de antibióticos mais usados foi a das fluoroquinolonas respiratórias, que foram receitadas para 23 pacientes (39,0%), e em 3º lugar, os macrolídeos, usados por 11 pacientes (18,6%). Apenas 16 pacientes não usaram beta-lactâmicos, em sua maioria recebendo quinolonas ou macrolídeos. Dos 43 pacientes que usaram beta-lactâmicos, 25 não usaram nem macrolídeos, nem quinolonas. Em 13 pacientes as fluoroquinolonas respiratórias foram as únicas drogas usadas para o tratamento da pneumonia. Do total, 8 pacientes foram a óbito por pneumonia; em outros 3 pacientes, o óbito foi atribuído a neoplasia em estágio avançado. Dos 48 pacientes que obtiveram cura, 33 (68,7%) estavam vivos após 12 meses. Os resultados da comparação realizada evidenciaram tendência a maior mortalidade no sexo masculino e em pacientes com imunossupressão, porém essa associação não alcançou significância estatística. Os pacientes que usaram somente beta-lactâmicos não apresentaram maior mortalidade do que os pacientes que usaram beta-lactâmicos associados a outras classes de antibióticos ou somente outras classes de antibióticos. Examinando-se os pacientes que utiizaram macrolídeos ou quinolonas em seu regime de tratamento, isoladamente ou combinados a outros antibióticos, observou-se que também não houve diferença dos outros pacientes, quanto à mortalidade. Os pacientes com padrão radiológico de pneumonia alveolar tiveram maior mortalidade, e essa diferença apresentou uma significância limítrofe (p= 0,05). Nossa mortalidade (11,9%) foi similar à de Fang et al. (1990), em estudo clássico de 1991 (13,7%); foi também similar à média de mortalidade das PAC internadas não em UTI (12%), relatada pela ATS, no seu último consenso para o tratamento empírico das PAC (ATS, 2001). Foram detectados 3 pacientes com pneumonia por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 na população estudada: 2 foram diagnosticados por soroconversão e por antigenúria positiva, e o 3º foi diagnosticado somente pelo critério de antigenúria positiva, tendo sorologia negativa, como alguns autores (McWhinney et al., 2000). Dois pacientes com PAC por Legionella não responderam ao tratamento inicial com beta-lactâmicos, obtendo cura com levofloxacina; o 3º paciente foi tratado somente com betalactâmicos, obtendo cura. Conclusões: A incidência anual de PAC por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6, no HCPA, foi de 5,1%, que representa a incidência anual de PAC por Legionella pneumophila sorogrupos 1 a 6 em um hospital geral universitário. Comentários e Perspectivas: Há necessidade de se empregar métodos diagnósticos específicos para o diagnóstico das pneumonias por Legionella em nosso meio, como a cultura, a sorologia com detecção de todas as classes de anticorpos, e a detecção do antígeno urinário, pois somente com o uso simultâneo de técnicas complementares pode-se detectar a incidência real de pneumonias causadas tanto por Legionella pneumophila, como por outras espécies. A detecção do antígeno de Legionella na urina é o teste diagnóstico de maior rendimento, sendo recomendado seu uso em todas as PAC que necessitarem internação hospitalar (Mulazimoglu & Yu, 2001; Gupta et al., 2001); em todos os pacientes com PAC que apresentarem fatores de risco potenciais para legionelose (Marrie, 2001); e para o diagnóstico etiológico das pneumonias graves (ATS, 2001). Seu uso é indicado, com unanimidade na literatura, para a pesquisa de legionelose nosocomial e de surtos de legionelose na comunidade.
Purpose. To evaluate the use of the Legionella Urine Antigen Test as a cost effective method for diagnosing Legionnaires’ disease in five San Antonio Hospitals from January 2007 to December 2009. ^ Methods. The data reported by five San Antonio hospitals to the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District during a 3-year retrospective study (January 2007 to December 2009) were evaluated for the frequency of non-specific pneumonia infections, the number of Legionella Urine Antigen Tests performed, and the percentage of positive cases of Legionnaires’ disease diagnosed by the Legionella Urine Antigen Test.^ Results. There were a total of 7,087 cases of non-specific pneumonias reported across the five San Antonio hospitals studied from 2007 to 2009. A total of 5,371 Legionella Urine Antigen Tests were performed from January, 2007 to December, 2009 across the five San Antonio hospitals in the study. A total of 38 positive cases of Legionnaires’ disease were identified by the use of Legionella Urinary Antigen Test from 2007-2009.^ Conclusions. In spite of the limitations of this study in obtaining sufficient relevant data to evaluate the cost effectiveness of Legionella Urinary Antigen Test in diagnosing Legionnaires’ disease, the Legionella Urinary Antigen Test is simple, accurate, faster, as results can be obtained within minutes to hours; and convenient because it can be performed in emergency room department to any patient who presents with the clinical signs or symptoms of pneumonia. Over the long run, it remains to be shown if this test may decrease mortality, lower total medical costs by decreasing the number of broad-spectrum antibiotics prescribed, shorten patient wait time/hospital stay, and decrease the need for unnecessary ancillary testing, and improve overall patient outcomes.^
The distribution of 19 major virulence genes and the presence of plasmids were surveyed in 141 Legionella pneumophila serogroup (SG) 1 isolates from patients and water in Queensland, Australia. The results showed that 16 of the virulence genes examined were present in all isolates, suggesting that they are life-essential genes for isolates in the environment and host cells. The 65 kb pathogenicity island identified originally in strain Philadelphia-1(T) was detected more frequently in isolates from water (44.2 %) than in those from patients (2.7 %), indicating that the 65 kb DNA fragment may aid the survival of L. pneumophila in the sampled environment. However, the low frequency of the 65 kb fragment in isolates from patients suggests that the pathogenicity island may not be necessary for L. pneumophila to cause disease. Plasmids were not detected in the L. pneumophila SG1 isolates from patients or water studied. There was an association of both lvh and rtxA with the virulent and predominant genotype detected by amplified fragment length polymorphism, termed AF1, whereas the avirulent common isolate from water termed AF16 did not have lvh or rtxA genes, with the exception of one isolate with rtxA. It was found that a PCR detection test strategy with lvh and rtxA as pathogenesis markers would be useful for determining the infection potential of an isolate.
Survival studies were conducted on Legionella pneumophila cells that had been grown intracellulary in Acanthamoeba polyphaga and then exposed to polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB), benzisothiazolone (BIT), 5-chloro-N-methylisothiazolone (CMIT) and tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (TTAB). Susceptibilities were also determined for L.pneumophila grown under nutrient sufficient and iron-, nitrogen- and phosphate-depleted conditions, in a chemically defined medium. BIT was relatively ineffective against cells grown under iron-depletion; in contrast iron-depleted conditions increased the susceptibilities of cells to PHMB, TTAB and CMIT. Cells grown under phosphate-depletion showed a marked increase in sensitivity towards all the biocides. Conversely, the activities of all four biocides were greatly reduced against L.pneumophila grown in amoebae. To study the physiological basis for the increased resistance of intra-amoebal grown legionella, the surface properties of the cells were examined by studying outer membrane proteins (OMs), lipopolysaccharides and cellular fatty acids. Intra-amoebal grown legionella were found to differ in several respects compared to cells grown in vitro; they contained a novel 15-kDal OM protein and a monosaturated straight-chain fatty acid (18:19). These compounds were also found in abundant quantities in the host amoeba. Intra-amoebal grown legionella contained more LPS bands than did in vitro grown organisms and were less susceptible to protease K digestion. Cells grown under phosphate depletion were markedly sensitive to protease K digestion and contained lower levels of LPS. Immunoblot analysis of intra-amoebal grown legionella with anti-acanthamoebal serum revealed that both the surface of the bacteria and sarkosyl extracted OMs contained amoebal proteins. These findings suggest that the 15-kDal OM protein is likely to be of amoebal origin and binds tightly to the OM of the bacterium. It is proposed that disruption of amoebal membranes, as a result of intra-amoebal infection liberates macromolecules, including a 15-kDal polypeptide, a major constituent of the membrane, which associates closely with the surface of the legionellae. Thus L.pneumophila which have extraneous membrane material bound to their surface may respond differently to biocide inactivation, as these macromolecules may act as a penetration barrier to such agents. This phenomenon could contribute to the recalcitrance of legionellae in water systems.
Legionnaires' Disease has been a continuing source of concern to researchers and to medical personnel. As a result of the questions regarding how it is spread, innkeepers must take certain precautions to protect their property and their guests. The authors offer several legal cautions as well as background information for everyone in the industry.
Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of a severe pneumonia named Legionnaires' disease, is an important human pathogen that infects and replicates within alveolar macrophages. Its virulence depends on the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS), which is essential to establish a replication permissive vacuole known as the Legionella containing vacuole (LCV). L. pneumophila infection can be modeled in mice however most mouse strains are not permissive, leading to the search for novel infection models. We have recently shown that the larvae of the wax moth Galleria mellonella are suitable for investigation of L. pneumophila infection. G. mellonella is increasingly used as an infection model for human pathogens and a good correlation exists between virulence of several bacterial species in the insect and in mammalian models. A key component of the larvae's immune defenses are hemocytes, professional phagocytes, which take up and destroy invaders. L. pneumophila is able to infect, form a LCV and replicate within these cells. Here we demonstrate protocols for analyzing L. pneumophila virulence in the G. mellonella model, including how to grow infectious L. pneumophila, pretreat the larvae with inhibitors, infect the larvae and how to extract infected cells for quantification and immunofluorescence microscopy. We also describe how to quantify bacterial replication and fitness in competition assays. These approaches allow for the rapid screening of mutants to determine factors important in L. pneumophila virulence, describing a new tool to aid our understanding of this complex pathogen.
The Mitochondrial Carrier Family (MCF) is a signature group of integral membrane proteins that transport metabolites across the mitochondrial inner membrane in eukaryotes. MCF proteins are characterized by six transmembrane segments that assemble to form a highly-selective channel for metabolite transport. We discovered a novel MCF member, termed Legionellanucleotide carrier Protein (LncP), encoded in the genome of Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. LncP was secreted via the bacterial Dot/Icm type IV secretion system into macrophages and assembled in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In a yeast cellular system, LncP induced a dominant-negative phenotype that was rescued by deleting an endogenous ATP carrier. Substrate transport studies on purified LncP reconstituted in liposomes revealed that it catalyzes unidirectional transport and exchange of ATP transport across membranes, thereby supporting a role for LncP as an ATP transporter. A hidden Markov model revealed further MCF proteins in the intracellular pathogens, Legionella longbeachae and Neorickettsia sennetsu, thereby challenging the notion that MCF proteins exist exclusively in eukaryotic organisms.
The translocation of effector proteins by the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system is central to the ability of Legionella pneumophila to persist and replicate within eukaryotic cells. The subcellular localization of translocated Dot/Icm proteins in host cells provides insight into their function. Through co-staining with host cell markers, effector proteins may be localized to specific subcellular compartments and membranes, which frequently reflects their host cell target and mechanism of action. In this chapter, we describe protocols to (1) localize effector proteins within cells by ectopic expression using green fluorescent protein fusions and (2) localize effector proteins within infected cells using epitope-tagged effector proteins and immuno-fluorescence microscopy.
The Dot/Icm type IV secretion system (T4SS) of Legionella pneumophila is crucial for the pathogen to survive in protozoa and cause human disease. Although more than 275 effector proteins are delivered into the host cell by the T4SS, the function of the majority is unknown. Here we have characterized the Dot/Icm effector LtpD. During infection, LtpD localized to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV). In A549 lung epithelial cells, ectopically expressed LtpD localized to large vesicular structures that contained markers of endosomal compartments. Systematic analysis of LtpD fragments identified an internal 17-kDa fragment, LtpD471-626, which was essential for targeting ectopically expressed LtpD to vesicular structures and for the association of translocated LtpD with the LCV. LtpD471-626 bound directly to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P] in vitro and colocalized with the PtdIns(3)P markers FYVE and SetA in cotransfected cells. LtpD was also found to bind the host cell enzyme inositol (myo)-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase 1, an important phosphatase involved in phosphoinositide production. Analysis of the role of LtpD in infection showed that LtpD is involved in bacterial replication in THP-1 macrophages, the larvae of Galleria mellonella, and mouse lungs. Together, these data suggest that LtpD is a novel phosphoinositide- binding L. pneumophila effector that has a role in intracellular bacterial replication. © 2013, American Society for Microbiology.
Legionella is a Gram-negative bacterium that represent a public health issue, with heavy social and economic impact. Therefore, it is mandatory to provide a proper environmental surveillance and risk assessment plan to perform Legionella control in water distribution systems in hospital and community buildings. The thesis joins several methodologies in a unique workflow applied for the identification of non-pneumophila Legionella species (n-pL), starting from standard methods as culture and gene sequencing (mip and rpoB), and passing through innovative approaches as MALDI-TOF MS technique and whole genome sequencing (WGS). The results obtained, were compared to identify the Legionella isolates, and lead to four presumptive novel Legionella species identification. One of these four new isolates was characterized and recognized at taxonomy level with the name of Legionella bononiensis (the 64th Legionella species). The workflow applied in this thesis, help to increase the knowledge of Legionella environmental species, improving the description of the environment itself and the events that promote the growth of Legionella in their ecological niche. The correct identification and characterization of the isolates permit to prevent their spread in man-made environment and contain the occurrence of cases, clusters, or outbreaks. Therefore, the experimental work undertaken, could support the preventive measures during environmental and clinical surveillance, improving the study of species often underestimated or still unknown.
The broad use of transgenic and gene-targeted mice has established bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) as important mammalian host cells for investigation of the macrophages biology. Over the last decade, extensive research has been done to determine how to freeze and store viable hematopoietic human cells; however, there is no information regarding generation of BMDM from frozen murine bone marrow (BM) cells. Here, we establish a highly efficient protocol to freeze murine BM cells and further generate BMDM. Cryopreserved murine BM cells maintain their potential for BMDM differentiation for more than 6 years. We compared BMDM obtained from fresh and frozen BM cells and found that both are similarly able to trigger the expression of CD80 and CD86 in response to LPS or infection with the intracellular bacteria Legionella pneumophila. Additionally, BMDM obtained from fresh or frozen BM cells equally restrict or support the intracellular multiplication of pathogens such as L. pneumophila and the protozoan parasite Leishmania (L.) amazonensis. Although further investigation are required to support the use of the method for generation of dendritic cells, preliminary experiments indicate that bone marrow-derived dendritic cells can also be generated from cryopreserved BM cells. Overall, the method described and validated herein represents a technical advance as it allows ready and easy generation of BMDM from a stock of frozen BM cells.
Background: The protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease. There are no vaccines or effective treatment, especially in the chronic phase when most patients are diagnosed. There is a clear necessity to develop new drugs and strategies for the control and treatment of Chagas disease. Recent papers have suggested the ecto-nucleotidases (from CD39 family) from pathogenic agents as important virulence factors. In this study we evaluated the influence of Ecto-Nucleoside-Triphosphate-Diphosphohydrolase (Ecto-NTPDase) activity on infectivity and virulence of T. cruzi using both in vivo and in vitro models. Methodology/Principal Findings: We followed Ecto-NTPDase activities of Y strain infective forms (trypomastigotes) obtained during sequential sub-cultivation in mammalian cells. ATPase/ ADPase activity ratios of cell-derived trypomastigotes decreased 3- to 6-fold and infectivity was substantially reduced during sequential sub-cultivation. Surprisingly, at third to fourth passages most of the cell-derived trypomastigotes could not penetrate mammalian cells and had differentiated into amastigote-like parasites that exhibited 3- to 4-fold lower levels of Ecto-NTPDase activities. To evidence the participation of T. cruzi Ecto-NTPDase1 in the infective process, we evaluated the effect of known Ecto-ATPDase inhibitors (ARL 67156, Gadolinium and Suramin), or anti-NTPDase-1 polyclonal antiserum on ATPase and ADPase hydrolytic activities in recombinant T. cruzi NTPDase-1 and in live trypomastigotes. All tests showed a partial inhibition of Ecto-ATPDase activities and a marked inhibition of trypomastigotes infectivity. Mice infections with Ecto-NTPDase-inhibited trypomastigotes produced lower levels of parasitemia and higher host survival than with non-inhibited control parasites. Conclusions/Significance: Our results suggest that Ecto-ATPDases act as facilitators of infection and virulence in vitro and in vivo and emerge as target candidates in chemotherapy of Chagas disease.
Objective: To investigate the role of regulatory T cells in the modulation of long-term immune dysfunction during experimental sepsis. It is well established that sepsis predisposes to development of a pronounced immunosuppression. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying the immune dysfunction after sepsis are still not well understood. Design: Prospective experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Interventions: Wild-type mice underwent cecal ligation and puncture and were treated with antibiotic during 3 days after surgery. On days 1, 7, or 15 after cecal ligation and puncture, the frequency of regulatory T cells, proliferation of CD4(+) T cells and bacterial counts were evaluated. Fifteen days after cecal ligation and puncture, surviving mice underwent secondary pulmonary infection by intranasal inoculation of nonlethal dose of Legionella pneumophila. Some mice received agonistic glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor antibody (DTA-1) before induction of secondary infection. Measurements and Main Results: Mice surviving cecal ligation and puncture showed a markedly increased frequency of regulatory T cells in thymus and spleen, which was associated with reduced proliferation of CD4(+) T cells. Fifteen days after cecal ligation and puncture, all sepsis-surviving mice succumbed to nonlethal injection of L. pneumophila. Treatment of mice with DTA-1 antibody reduced frequency of regulatory T cells, restored CD4(+) T cell proliferation, reduced the levels of bacteria in spleen, and markedly improved survival of L. pneumophila infection. Conclusion: These findings suggest that regulatory T cells play an important role in the progression and establishment of immune dysfunction observed in experimental sepsis. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38: 1718-1725)
The endocannabinoid system has become a topic of great interest in pharmacology due to its remarkable distribution in mammal organisms and capacity to play a modulatory role on several physiological systems, including modulation of immunity. Many studies have shown that administration of cannabinoids causes inhibitory effects on immune cells, including decreased proliferation and antigen-presenting cell (APC) costimulatory activity. In contrast, other groups have shown that some cannabinoids might present stimulatory actions on macrophage activity and T cell activation. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether a treatment in vivo with a low dose of anandamide (0.1 mg/kg) immediately prior to sensitization would have an immunosuppressive or immunostimulatory effect on cell-mediated immunity (Th1 response) in mice. We report here that anandamide, prior to sensitization, was able to increase the Th1 response to ovalbumin in vivo and ex vivo. Anandamide increased delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH), splenocyte proliferation, and IFN-gamma production in a co-culture of adherent and non-adherent splenocytes. Moreover, anandamide prior to sensitization increased both the expression of DC co-stimulatory molecules (CD80/CD86) and IL-12/IL23 (p40) production ex vivo. We have also assessed direct effects of anandamide in the IFN-gamma/IL-4 balance of ConA-stimulated splenocytes in vitro. Anandamide at nanomolar concentrations increased the production of IFN-gamma, while such production decreased at micromolar range. Thus, anandamide induced both the increment of DC activation and IFN-gamma production, which are likely the mechanisms involved in the increase of Th1 response reported here. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.