997 resultados para Layout optimization


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Fuel treatment is considered a suitable way to mitigate the hazard related to potential wildfires on a landscape. However, designing an optimal spatial layout of treatment units represents a difficult optimization problem. In fact, budget constraints, the probabilistic nature of fire spread and interactions among the different area units composing the whole treatment, give rise to challenging search spaces on typical landscapes. In this paper we formulate such optimization problem with the objective of minimizing the extension of land characterized by high fire hazard. Then, we propose a computational approach that leads to a spatially-optimized treatment layout exploiting Tabu Search and General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU). Using an application example, we also show that the proposed methodology can provide high-quality design solutions in low computing time. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In many multi-camera vision systems the effect of camera locations on the task-specific quality of service is ignored. Researchers in Computational Geometry have proposed elegant solutions for some sensor location problem classes. Unfortunately, these solutions utilize unrealistic assumptions about the cameras' capabilities that make these algorithms unsuitable for many real-world computer vision applications: unlimited field of view, infinite depth of field, and/or infinite servo precision and speed. In this paper, the general camera placement problem is first defined with assumptions that are more consistent with the capabilities of real-world cameras. The region to be observed by cameras may be volumetric, static or dynamic, and may include holes that are caused, for instance, by columns or furniture in a room that can occlude potential camera views. A subclass of this general problem can be formulated in terms of planar regions that are typical of building floorplans. Given a floorplan to be observed, the problem is then to efficiently compute a camera layout such that certain task-specific constraints are met. A solution to this problem is obtained via binary optimization over a discrete problem space. In experiments the performance of the resulting system is demonstrated with different real floorplans.


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Carpooling initiated in America in the 1970s due to the oil crisis. However, over the past years, carpooling has increased significantly across the world. Some countries have created a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to encourage commuters not to travel alone. In additional, carpool websites has been developed to facilitate the connection between the commuters, making it possible to create a compatible match in a faster and efficient manner. This project focuses on carpooling, especially in an academic environment since younger people are more likely to choose carpool. Initially, an intense research was made to examine carpool studies that occurred all over the world, following with a research of higher education institutes that use carpooling as a transportation mode. Most websites created carpools by targeting people from a specific country. These commuters have different origins and destinations making it more complicated to create compatible matches. The objective of this project is to develop a system helping teachers and students from an academic environment to create carpool matches. This objective makes it easier to create carpools because these students and teachers have the same destination. During the research, it was essential to explore, as many as possible, existing carpool websites that are available across the world. After this analysis, several sketches were made to develop the layout and structure of the web application that’s being implemented throughout the project. Once the layout was established, the development of the web application was initiated. This project had its ups and downs but it accomplished all the necessary requirements. This project can be accessed on the link: http://ipcacarpool.somee.com. Once the website was up and running, a web-based survey was developed to study the reasons that motivate people to consider carpooling as an alternative to driving alone. To develop this survey was used a tool called Survey Planet. This survey contained 408 respondents, which 391 are students and 17 are teachers. This study concludes that a majority of the respondents don’t carpool, however they will consider carpooling if there was a dedicated parking space. A majority of the respondents that carpool initiated less than a year ago, indicating that this mean of transportation is recent.


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Foundation construction process has been an important key point in a successful construction engineering. The frequency of using diaphragm wall construction method among many deep excavation construction methods in Taiwan is the highest in the world. The traditional view of managing diaphragm wall unit in the sequencing of construction activities is to establish each phase of the sequencing of construction activities by heuristics. However, it conflicts final phase of engineering construction with unit construction and effects planning construction time. In order to avoid this kind of situation, we use management of science in the study of diaphragm wall unit construction to formulate multi-objective combinational optimization problem. Because the characteristic (belong to NP-Complete problem) of problem mathematic model is multi-objective and combining explosive, it is advised that using the 2-type Self-Learning Neural Network (SLNN) to solve the N=12, 24, 36 of diaphragm wall unit in the sequencing of construction activities program problem. In order to compare the liability of the results, this study will use random researching method in comparison with the SLNN. It is found that the testing result of SLNN is superior to random researching method in whether solution-quality or Solving-efficiency.


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In this thesis the solar part of a large grid-connected photovoltaic system design has been done. The main purpose was to size and optimize the system and to present figures helping to evaluate the prospective project rationality, which can potentially be constructed on a contaminated area in Falun. The methodology consisted in PV market study and component selection, site analysis and defining suitable area for solar installation; and system configuration optimization based on PVsyst simulations and Levelized Cost of Energy calculations. The procedure was mainly divided on two parts, preliminary and detailed sizing. In the first part the objective was complex, which included the investigation of the most profitable component combination and system optimization due to tilt and row distance. It was done by simulating systems with different components and orientations, which were sized for the same 100kW inverter in order to make a fair comparison. For each simulated result a simplified LCOE calculation procedure was applied. The main results of this part show that with the price of 0.43 €/Wp thin-film modules were the most cost effective solution for the case with a great advantage over crystalline type in terms of financial attractiveness. From the results of the preliminary study it was possible to select the optimal system configuration, which was used in the detailed sizing as a starting point. In this part the PVsyst simulations were run, which included full scale system design considering near shadings created by factory buildings. Additionally, more complex procedure of LCOE calculation has been used here considered insurances, maintenance, time value of money and possible cost reduction due to the system size. Two system options were proposed in final results; both cover the same area of 66000 m2. The first one represents an ordinary South faced design with 1.1 MW nominal power, which was optimized for the highest performance. According to PVsyst simulations, this system should produce 1108 MWh/year with the initial investment of 835,000 € and 0.056 €/kWh LCOE. The second option has an alternative East-West orientation, which allows to cover 80% of occupied ground and consequently have 6.6 MW PV nominal power. The system produces 5388 MWh/year costs about 4500,000 € and delivers electricity with the same price of 0.056 €/kWh. Even though the EW solution has 20% lower specific energy production, it benefits mainly from lower relative costs for inverters, mounting and annual maintenance expenses. After analyzing the performance results, among the two alternatives none of the systems showed a clear superiority so there was no optimal system proposed. Both, South and East-West solutions have own advantages and disadvantages in terms of energy production profile, configuration, installation and maintenance. Furthermore, the uncertainty due to cost figures assumptions restricted the results veracity.


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An important problem in designing RFIC in CMOS technology is the parasitic elements of passive and active devices that complicate design calculations. This article presents three LNA topologies including cascode, folded cascade, and differential cascode and then introduces image rejection filters for low-side and high-side injection. Then, a new method for design and optimization of the circuits based on a Pareto-based multiobjective genetic algorithm is proposed. A set of optimum device values and dimensions that best match design specifications are obtained. The optimization method is layout aware, parasitic aware, and simulation based. Circuit simulations are carried out based on TSMC 0.18 um CMOS technology by using Hspice.


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The evolution of integrated circuits technologies demands the development of new CAD tools. The traditional development of digital circuits at physical level is based in library of cells. These libraries of cells offer certain predictability of the electrical behavior of the design due to the previous characterization of the cells. Besides, different versions of each cell are required in such a way that delay and power consumption characteristics are taken into account, increasing the number of cells in a library. The automatic full custom layout generation is an alternative each time more important to cell based generation approaches. This strategy implements transistors and connections according patterns defined by algorithms. So, it is possible to implement any logic function avoiding the limitations of the library of cells. Tools of analysis and estimate must offer the predictability in automatic full custom layouts. These tools must be able to work with layout estimates and to generate information related to delay, power consumption and area occupation. This work includes the research of new methods of physical synthesis and the implementation of an automatic layout generation in which the cells are generated at the moment of the layout synthesis. The research investigates different strategies of elements disposition (transistors, contacts and connections) in a layout and their effects in the area occupation and circuit delay. The presented layout strategy applies delay optimization by the integration with a gate sizing technique. This is performed in such a way the folding method allows individual discrete sizing to transistors. The main characteristics of the proposed strategy are: power supply lines between rows, over the layout routing (channel routing is not used), circuit routing performed before layout generation and layout generation targeting delay reduction by the application of the sizing technique. The possibility to implement any logic function, without restrictions imposed by a library of cells, allows the circuit synthesis with optimization in the number of the transistors. This reduction in the number of transistors decreases the delay and power consumption, mainly the static power consumption in submicrometer circuits. Comparisons between the proposed strategy and other well-known methods are presented in such a way the proposed method is validated.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Abstract This paper describes a design methodology for piezoelectric energy harvester s that thinly encapsulate the mechanical devices and expl oit resonances from higher- order vibrational modes. The direction of polarization determines the sign of the pi ezoelectric tensor to avoid cancellations of electric fields from opposite polarizations in the same circuit. The resultant modified equations of state are solved by finite element method (FEM). Com- bining this method with the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method for piezoelectric material, we have developed an optimization methodology that optimizes the piezoelectric material layout and polarization direc- tion. Updating the density function of the SIMP method is performed based on sensitivity analysis, the sequen- tial linear programming on the early stage of the opti- mization, and the phase field method on the latter stage


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Cutting and packing problems arise in a variety of industries, including garment, wood and shipbuilding. Irregular shape packing is a special case which admits irregular items and is much more complex due to the geometry of items. In order to ensure that items do not overlap and no item from the layout protrudes from the container, the collision free region concept was adopted. It represents all possible translations for a new item to be inserted into a container with already placed items. To construct a feasible layout, collision free region for each item is determined through a sequence of Boolean operations over polygons. In order to improve the speed of the algorithm, a parallel version of the layout construction was proposed and it was applied to a simulated annealing algorithm used to solve bin packing problems. Tests were performed in order to determine the speed improvement of the parallel version over the serial algorithm


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In this thesis we present some combinatorial optimization problems, suggest models and algorithms for their effective solution. For each problem,we give its description, followed by a short literature review, provide methods to solve it and, finally, present computational results and comparisons with previous works to show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The considered problems are: the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts(BPPC) and the Fair Layout Problem (FLOP).


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La presente dissertazione investiga la possibilità di ottimizzare l’uso di energia a bordo di una nave per trasporto di prodotti chimici e petrolchimici. Il software sviluppato per questo studio può essere adattato a qualsiasi tipo di nave. Tale foglio di calcolo fornisce la metodologia per stimare vantaggi e miglioramenti energetici, con accuratezza direttamente proporzionale ai dati disponibili sulla configurazione del sistema energetico e sui dispositivi installati a bordo. Lo studio si basa su differenti fasi che permettono la semplificazione del lavoro; nell’introduzione sono indicati i dati necessari per svolgere un’accurata analisi ed è presentata la metodologia adottata. Inizialmente è fornita una spiegazione sul layout dell’impianto, sulle sue caratteristiche e sui principali dispositivi installati a bordo. Vengono dunque trattati separatamente i principali carichi, meccanico, elettrico e termico. In seguito si procede con una selezione delle principali fasi operative della nave: è seguito tale approccio in modo da comprendere meglio la ripartizione della richiesta di potenza a bordo della nave e il suo sfruttamento. Successivamente è svolto un controllo sul dimensionamento del sistema elettrico: ciò aiuta a comprendere se la potenza stimata dai progettisti sia assimilabile a quella effettivamente richiesta sulla nave. Si ottengono in seguito curve di carico meccanico, elettrico e termico in funzione del tempo per tutte le fasi operative considerate: tramite l’uso del software Visual Basic Application (VBA) vengono creati i profili di carico che possono essere gestiti nella successiva fase di ottimizzazione. L’ottimizzazione rappresenta il cuore di questo studio; i profili di potenza ottenuti dalla precedente fase sono gestiti in modo da conseguire un sistema che sia in grado di fornire potenza alla nave nel miglior modo possibile da un punto di vista energetico. Il sistema energetico della nave è modellato e ottimizzato mantenendo lo status quo dei dispositivi di bordo, per i quali sono considerate le configurazioni di “Load following”, “two shifts” e “minimal”. Una successiva investigazione riguarda l’installazione a bordo di un sistema di accumulo di energia termica, così da migliorare lo sfruttamento dell’energia disponibile. Infine, nella conclusione, sono messi a confronto i reali consumi della nave con i risultati ottenuti con e senza l’introduzione del sistema di accumulo termico. Attraverso la configurazione “minimal” è possibile risparmiare circa l’1,49% dell’energia totale consumata durante un anno di attività; tale risparmio è completamente gratuito poiché può essere raggiunto seguendo alcune semplici regole nella gestione dell’energia a bordo. L’introduzione di un sistema di accumulo termico incrementa il risparmio totale fino al 4,67% con un serbatoio in grado di accumulare 110000 kWh di energia termica; tuttavia, in questo caso, è necessario sostenere il costo di installazione del serbatoio. Vengono quindi dibattuti aspetti economici e ambientali in modo da spiegare e rendere chiari i vantaggi che si possono ottenere con l’applicazione di questo studio, in termini di denaro e riduzione di emissioni in atmosfera.


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A recent study by Rozvany and Sokól discussed an important topic in structural design: the allowance for support costs in the optimization process. This paper examines a frequently used kind of support —that of simple foundation with horizontal reaction by friction— that appears no covered for the Authors’ approach. A simple example is examined to illustrate the case and to apply the Authors’ method and the standard design method.


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Beghini et al (Struct Multidisc Optim doi:10.1007/s00158-013-1030-6, 2013) have published a very interesting paper arriving to practically the same nearly optimal solutions for the so named “bridge prob- lem” that the Writers published a year before, but using an alternative and remarkable approach to the problem. In spite of this general agreement, the Writers think that some details of the paper can be improved and there are results that can be given a clear and mean- ingful interpretation thanks to an old and practically unknown theorem on optimal slenderness.


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In this paper a consistent analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) two-dimensional (2-D) structures,namely slab structures subjected to in-plane and out-plane forces, is presented. By using this method of analysis the well established methodology for dimensioning and verifying RC sections of beam structures is extended to 2-D structures. The validity of the proposed analysis results is checked by comparing them with some published experimental test results. Several examples show some of these proposed analysis features, such as the influence of the reinforcement layout on the service and ultimate behavior of a slab structure and the non straightforward problem of the optimal dimension at a slab point subjected to several loading cases. Also, in these examples, the method applications to design situations as multiple steel families and non orthogonal reinforcement layout are commented.