905 resultados para Lasse J. Laine
The work Translational aspects in Ma vie ne sait pas nager by laine Turgeon approaches the entire translation process of this francophone children's work. The theme choice was due to the interest in deepening the translational knowledge, in addition to performing an analysis of the own translation work done. Thus, the theoretical aspects related to the translation are reported throughout the work, a succinct exhibition of the history of translation, a brief view of the children's editorial market (in the world and more specifically in Brazil), the book theme and author style, and finally, the drawbacks overcome during the realization of the work - based upon the theoretical body of work consulted - and the solution encountered for this. At the end of this same work, some considerations are drawn, as well as some reflections upon the translation realized (with the studied texts attached in the body of work); accompanied by some findings observed concerning the theory
The work Translational aspects in Ma vie ne sait pas nager by laine Turgeon approaches the entire translation process of this francophone children's work. The theme choice was due to the interest in deepening the translational knowledge, in addition to performing an analysis of the own translation work done. Thus, the theoretical aspects related to the translation are reported throughout the work, a succinct exhibition of the history of translation, a brief view of the children's editorial market (in the world and more specifically in Brazil), the book theme and author style, and finally, the drawbacks overcome during the realization of the work - based upon the theoretical body of work consulted - and the solution encountered for this. At the end of this same work, some considerations are drawn, as well as some reflections upon the translation realized (with the studied texts attached in the body of work); accompanied by some findings observed concerning the theory
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Zur Wiederherstellung des "auf das Tiefste erschtterten ffentlichen Rechtszustandes" wird verordnet: Verhngung des Belagerungszustandes ber die Stadt Wien samt Vorstdten und Umgebung im Umkreis von zwei Meilen, Auflsung von Akademischer Legion und Nationalgarde, allgemeine Entwaffnung der Bevlkerung, Schlieung aller politischen Vereine, Wirts- und Kaffeehuser, Verbot aller Versammlungen unter freiem Himmel mit mehr als zehn Teilnehmern, Herstellung und Verbreitung von Presseerzeugnissen nur nach vorheriger Bewilligung der Militrbehrde, Ausweisung aller illegal sich aufhaltenden Auslnder wie auch nicht ortsansssiger Inlnder, Androhung des Standrechts fr 'Aufrhrer', Entfernung der Barrikaden, Unterstellung von Gemeinderat, Stadthauptmannschaft sowie der niedersterreichischen Landesregierung unter militrische Kuratel, Ernennung des Generalmajors Cordon zum Wiener Stadtkommandanten
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