996 resultados para Laponite clay


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The present paper describes the synthesis and characterization by dynamic light scattering, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy of Laponite RD/Sodium polystyrenesulfonate nanocomposites obtained by radical photopolymerization initiated by the cationic dye safranine. The presence of the clay mineral does not affect the hydrotropic aggregation of the monomers, but allows a better deaggregation of the initiator molecules, decreasing the quenching of the excited states that leads to the radicals that initiate polymerization. Increasing the amount of clay mineral loading in the polymerization mixture promotes higher monomer conversion and faster polymerization. The size of the nanocomposite particles, measured by light scattering decreases from 400 to 80 nm for clay mineral loadings of 1.0 wt.%. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that the clay mineral does not present a regular crystalline structure in the nanocomposite. Atomic force microscopy studies show films of sodium polystyrenesulfonate polymer with embedded Laponite platelets in its structure, forming 1-8 nm height and 25-100 nm diameter aggregates. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this article is to propose advances for the preparation of hybrid nanocomposites prepared by the combination of intercalation from solution and melt-processing methods. This research investigates the effect of the laponite RDS content on the thermal, structural, and mechanical properties of thermoplastic starch (TPS). X-ray diffraction was performed to investigate the dispersion of the laponite RDS layers into the TPS matrix. The results show good nanodispersion, intercalation, and exfoliation of the clay platelets, indicating that these composites are true nanocomposites. The presence of laponite RDS also improves the thermal stability and mechanical properties of the TPSmatrix due to its reinforcement effect which was optimized by the high degree of exfoliation of the clay. Thus, these results indicate that the exfoliated TPS-laponite nanocomposites have great potential for industrial applications and, more specifically, in the packaging field. © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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A study of clay chemistry has been approached with three aims: - to modify the conducting properties by intercalation of tetrathiafulvalene, - to study the electrochemistry of redox-active coordination compounds immobilised on clay coated electrodes, and - to study the role of clays as reagents in inorganic glass forming reactions using mainly solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR. TTF was intercalated by smectites containing different interlayer and lattice cations. Evidence from ESR and 57Fe Mossbauer indicated charge-transfer from TTF to structural iron in natural montmorillonite, and to interlayer Cu2+ in Cu2+ exchanged laponite. No charge transfer was observed for laponite (Na+ form) itself. Ion exchange of TTF3(BF4)2 with laponite was found to proceed quantitatively. The intercalated species were believed to be (TTF)2+ dimers. Conductivity data showed an order of magnitude increase for the intercalated clays. The mechanism is thought to be ionic rather than CT as Na+ laponite showed a similar enhancement in conductivity. Mechanically robust colloidal clay films were prepared on platinum electrodes. After immersion in solutions containing redox active complexes [Co(bpy)3]3+ and [Cr(bpy)3]3+, the films became electroactive when a potential was applied. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for both complexes were found to be of the diffusion controlled type. For [Co(bpy)3]3+ immobilised on clay coated electrodes, a one-step oxidation and four-step reduction wave was observed corresponding to a one electron stepwise reversible reduction of Co(III), through Co(II), Co(I), Co(O) to Co(I) oxidation state. For [Cr(bpy)3]3+ the electrochemistry was complicated by the presence of additional waves corresponding to the dissociation of [Cr(bpy)3]3+ into the diaquo complex. ESR and diffuse reflectance data supported such a mechanism. 29Si, 27Al and 23Na MAS NMR spectroscopy, supported by powder XRD and FTIR, was used to probe the role of clays as reagents in glass forming reactions. 29Si MAS NMR was found to be a very sensitive technique for identifying the presence and relative abundance of crystalline and non-crystalline phases. In thermal reactions of laponite formation of new mineral phases such as forsterite, akermanite, sillimanite and diopside were detected. The relative abundance of each phase was dependent on thermal history, chemical nature and concentration of the modifier oxide present. In continuing work, the effect of selected oxides on the glass forming reactions of a model feldspar composition was investigated using solid state NMR alone. Addition of network modifying oxides generally produced less negative 29Si chemical shifts and larger linewidths corresponding to a wider distribution of Si-O-Si bond angles and lengths, and a dominant aluminosilicate phase with a less polymerised structure than the starting material. 29Si linewidths and 27Al chemical shifts were respectively correlated with cationic potential and Lewis acidity of the oxide cations. Anomalous Al(4) chemical shifts were thought to be due to precipitation of aluminate phases rather than a breakdown in Lowenstein's aluminium avoidance principle.


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The synthetic hectorite, laponite has been used within the paper industry to produce mildly conducting paper for use in electrographic printing. The aim of this research was to modify laponite in order to improve the electrical conductivity. In a continuation of a previous investigation involving organotin intercalation of laponite, the organotin precursor (p-CH3,OC6H4)4Sn was synthesised and characterised using Mass Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Results of intercalation with this compound and a range of organobismuth and organoantimony compounds suggested that a halide content within the precursor was necessary for improvement in conductivity to be observed. Organometallic intercalation of a range of organotellurium compounds with laponite provided evidence that a hydrolysis reaction on the clay surface followed by the release of hydrochloric acid was an important first step if a reaction was to occur with the clay. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy studies have shown that the acid protons underwent exchange with the interlayer sodium ions in the clay to varying degrees. Gas-liquid Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy revealed that the carbon-tellurium bond remained intact. Powder X-ray diffraction revealed that there had been no increase in the basal spacing. The a.c. conductivity of the modified clays in the form of pressed discs was studied over a frequency range of 12Hz - 100kHz using two electrode systems, silver paste and stainless steel. The a.c. conductivity consists of two components, ionic and reactive. The conductivity of laponite was increased by intercalation with organometallic compounds. The most impressive increase was gained using the organotellurium precursor (p-CH3OC6H4)2TeCl2. Conductivity investigations using the stainless steel electrode where measurements are made under pressure showed that in the case of laponite, where poor particle-particle contact exists at ambient pressure, there is a two order of magnitude increase in the measured a.c. conductivity. This significant increase was not seen in modified laponites where the particle-particle contact had already been improved upon. Investigations of the clay surface using Scanning Electron Microscopy suggested that the improvement in particle-particle contact is the largest factor in the determination of the conductivity. The other important factor is the nature and the concentration of the interlayer cations. A range of clays were synthesised in order to increase the concentration of sodium interlayer cations. A sol-gel method was employed to carry out these syntheses. A conductivity evaluation showed that increasing the concentration of the sodium cations within the clay led to an increase in the conductivity.


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The current paradigm in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics is that the proportion of biologically resistant SOM will increase when total SOM decreases. Recently, several studies have focused on identifying functional pools of resistant SOM consistent with expected behaviours. Our objective was to combine physical and chemical approaches to isolate and quantify biologically resistant SOM by applying acid hydrolysis treatments to physically isolated silt- and clay-sized soil fractions. Microaggegrate-derived and easily dispersed silt- and clay-sized fractions were isolated from surface soil samples collected from six long-term agricultural experiment sites across North America. These fractions were hydrolysed to quantify the non-hydrolysable fraction, which was hypothesized to represent a functional pool of resistant SOM. Organic C and total N concentrations in the four isolated fractions decreased in the order: native > no-till > conventional-till at all sites. Concentrations of non-hydrolysable C (NHC) and N (NHN) were strongly correlated with initial concentrations, and C hydrolysability was found to be invariant with management treatment. Organic C was less hydrolysable than N, and overall, resistance to acid hydrolysis was greater in the silt-sized fractions compared with the clay-sized fractions. The acid hydrolysis results are inconsistent with the current behaviour of increasing recalcitrance with decreasing SOM content: while %NHN was greater in cultivated soils compared with their native analogues, %NHC did not increase with decreasing total organic C concentrations. The analyses revealed an interaction between biochemical and physical protection mechanisms that acts to preserve SOM in fine mineral fractions, but the inconsistency of the pool size with expected behaviour remains to be fully explained.


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Microstructural (fabric, forces and composition) changes due to hydrocarbon contamination in a clay soil were studied using Scanning Electron Microscope (micro-fabric analysis), Atomic Force Microscope (forces measurement) and sedimentation bench test (particle size measurements). The non-polluted and polluted glacial till from north-eastern Poland (area of a fuel terminal) were used for the study. Electrostatic repelling forces for the polluted sample were much lower than for the non-polluted sample. In comparison to non-polluted sample, the polluted sample exhibited lower electric charge, attractive forces on approach and strong adhesion on retrieve. The results of the sedimentation tests indicate that clay particles form larger aggregates and settle out of the suspension rapidly in diesel oil. In non-polluted soil, the fabric is strongly aggregated – densely packed, dominate the face-to-face and edge-to-edge types of contacts, clay film tightly adheres to the surface of larger grains and interparticle pores are more common. In polluted soil, the clay matrix is less aggregated – loosely packed, dominate the edge-to-face types of contacts and inter-micro-aggregate pores are more frequent. Substantial differences were observed in the morphometric and geometrical parameters of pore space. The polluted soil micro-fabric proved to be more isotropic and less oriented than in non-polluted soil. The polluted soil, in which electrostatic forces were suppressed by hydrocarbon interaction, displays more open porosity and larger voids than non-polluted soil, which is characterized by occurrence of the strong electrostatic interaction between clay particles.


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Protecting slow sand filters (SSFs) from high-turbidity waters by pretreatment using pebble matrix filtration (PMF) has previously been studied in the laboratory at University College London, followed by pilot field trials in Papua New Guinea and Serbia. The first full-scale PMF plant was completed at a water-treatment plant in Sri Lanka in 2008, and during its construction, problems were encountered in sourcing the required size of pebbles and sand as filter media. Because sourcing of uniform-sized pebbles may be problematic in many countries, the performance of alternative media has been investigated for the sustainability of the PMF system. Hand-formed clay balls made at a 100-yearold brick factory in the United Kingdom appear to have satisfied the role of pebbles, and a laboratory filter column was operated by using these clay balls together with recycled crushed glass as an alternative to sand media in the PMF. Results showed that in countries where uniform-sized pebbles are difficult to obtain, clay balls are an effective and feasible alternative to natural pebbles. Also, recycled crushed glass performed as well as or better than silica sand as an alternative fine media in the clarification process, although cleaning by drainage was more effective with sand media. In the tested filtration velocity range of ð0:72–1:33Þ m=h and inlet turbidity range of (78–589) NTU, both sand and glass produced above 95% removal efficiencies. The head loss development during clogging was about 30% higher in sand than in glass media.


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Raman microprobe spectra of the clay mineral Wyoming SWy-2-sodium montmorillonite intercalated with the surfactants, methyltrioctadecylammonium bromide (TOMA) dimethyldiotadecylammonium bromide (DODMA) and octadecyl-trimethylammonium bromide (ODTMA), have been measured in the CH2 stretching region at external pressures up to ~40 kbar with the aid of a diamond-anvil cell. In the case of the intercalated clays containing TOMA and DODMA, the Raman data afford evidence for gauche to trans conformational changes in the orientation of the CH2 chains in the surfactants with increasing pressure. These conformational changes are reversed completely upon the release of pressure.