958 resultados para Lande G-factor
The g factors of the 12(+), 11(-), and 8(-) isomeric states in (188)Pb were measured using the time-differential perturbed angular distribution method as g(12(+)) = -0.179(6), g(11(-)) = +1.03(3), and g(8(-)) = -0.037(7). The g factor of the 12(+) state follows the observed slight down-sloping evolution of the g factors of the i(13/2)(2) neutron spherical states with decreasing N. The g factors of the 11(-) and 8(-) isomers proposed as oblate and prolate deformed states, respectively, were interpreted within the rotational model, using calculated and empirical g factor values for the involved single-particle orbitals.
Evaluating the activity of the complement system under conditions of altered thyroid hormone levels might help elucidate the role of complement in triggering autoimmune processes. Here, we investigated alternative pathway (AP) activity in male Wistar rats (180 ± 10 g) after altering their thyroid hormone levels by treatment with triiodothyronine (T3), propylthiouracil (PTU) or thyroidectomy. T3 and thyroxine (T4) levels were determined by chemiluminescence assays. Hemolytic assays were performed to evaluate the lytic activity of the AP. Factor B activity was evaluated using factor B-deficient serum. An anti-human factor B antibody was used to measure factor B levels in serum by radial immunodiffusion. T3 measurements in thyroidectomized animals or animals treated with PTU demonstrated a significant reduction in hormone levels compared to control. The results showed a reduction in AP lytic activity in rats treated with increasing amounts of T3 (1, 10, or 50 µg). Factor B activity was also decreased in the sera of hyperthyroid rats treated with 1 to 50 µg T3. Additionally, treating rats with 25 µg T3 significantly increased factor B levels in their sera (P < 0.01). In contrast, increased factor B concentration and activity (32%) were observed in hypothyroid rats. We conclude that alterations in thyroid hormone levels affect the activity of the AP and factor B, which may in turn affect the roles of AP and factor B in antibody production.
Evaluating the activity of the complement system under conditions of altered thyroid hormone levels might help elucidate the role of complement in triggering autoimmune processes. Here, we investigated alternative pathway (AP) activity in male Wistar rats (180 ± 10 g) after altering their thyroid hormone levels by treatment with triiodothyronine (T3), propylthiouracil (PTU) or thyroidectomy. T3 and thyroxine (T4) levels were determined by chemiluminescence assays. Hemolytic assays were performed to evaluate the lytic activity of the AP. Factor B activity was evaluated using factor B-deficient serum. An anti-human factor B antibody was used to measure factor B levels in serum by radial immunodiffusion. T3 measurements in thyroidectomized animals or animals treated with PTU demonstrated a significant reduction in hormone levels compared to control. The results showed a reduction in AP lytic activity in rats treated with increasing amounts of T3 (1, 10, or 50 µg). Factor B activity was also decreased in the sera of hyperthyroid rats treated with 1 to 50 µg T3. Additionally, treating rats with 25 µg T3 significantly increased factor B levels in their sera (P < 0.01). In contrast, increased factor B concentration and activity (32%) were observed in hypothyroid rats. We conclude that alterations in thyroid hormone levels affect the activity of the AP and factor B, which may in turn affect the roles of AP and factor B in antibody production.
In dieser Arbeit werden der experimentelle Aufbau und erste Messungen für die Bestimmung des g-Faktors des Elektrons gebunden in wasserstoff- und lithiumähnlichen mittelschweren Ionen beschrieben. Mit dem hochpräzisenWert des g-Faktors können theoretische Berechnungen der Quantenelektrodynamik gebundener Zustände überprüft werden. Die Messungen werden in einem Dreifach-Penningfallen-System durchgeführt. Dort wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit auch erstmals hochgeladene Ionen bis 28Si13+ in einer hierfür entwickelten Elektronenstrahl-Ionenquelle/-falle erzeugt. Für die Bestimmung des g-Faktors werden die freie Zyklotronfrequenz und die Larmorfrequenz benötigt. Erstere wird aus den drei Eigenfrequenzen des in der Präzisionsfalle gespeicherten Ions berechnet. Um das Ion bei den Messungen nicht zu verlieren, werden die Eigenfrequenzen des Ions durch Kopplung an einen radiofrequenten Nachweisschwingkreis nicht-destruktiv nachgewiesen. Die freie Zyklotronfrequenz konnte dabei mit einer relativen Genauigkeit von wenigen 10E−9 bestimmt werden. Zur Bestimmung der Larmorfrequenz ist die genaue Kenntnis der Spinrichtung des Elektrons im Magnetfeld notwendig. Diese wird durch den kontinuierlichen Stern-Gerlach-Effekt in der sogenannten Analysefalle bestimmt. Hierzu muss eine hohe Stabilität der axialen Frequenz des Ions erreicht werden. Um dies sowie die Hochpräzisionsmessungen in der Präzisionsfalle zu erreichen, wurden in dieser Arbeit beide Fallen hinsichtlich ihrer elektrischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften charakterisiert.
In dieser Arbeit wird die bisher präziseste und erste direkte Hochpräzisionsmessung des g-Faktors eines einzelnen Protons präsentiert. Die Messung beruht auf der nicht-destruktiven Bestimmung der Zyklotronfrequenz und der Larmorfrequenz eines in einer Penning-Falle gespeicherten Protons. Zur Bestimmung der Larmorfrequenz wird die Spin-Flip-Wahrscheinlichkeit als Funktion einer externen Spin-Flip-Anregung aufgenommen. Zu diesem Zweck wird der kontinuierliche Stern-Gerlach Effekt verwendet, welcher zu einer Kopplung des Spin-Moments an die axiale Bewegung des Protons führt. Ein Spin-Flip zeigt sich dabei in einem Sprung der axialen Bewegungsfrequenz. Die Schwierigkeit besteht darin, diesen Frequenzsprung auf einem Hintergrund axialer Frequenzfluktuationen zu detektieren. Um diese Herausforderung zu bewältigen, wurden neuartige Methoden und Techniken angewandt. Zum einen wurden supraleitende Nachweise mit höchster Empfindlichkeit entwickelt, welche schnelle und damit präzise Frequenzmessungen erlauben. Zum anderen wurde eine auf dem statistischen Bayes Theorem basierende Spin-Flip-Analyse-Methode angewandt. Mit diesen Verbesserungen war es möglich, einzelne Spin-Flips eines einzelnen Protons zu beobachten. Dies wiederum ermöglichte die Anwendung der sogenannten Doppelfallen-Methode, und damit die eingangs erwähnte Messung des g-Faktors mit einer Präzision von 4.3 10^-9.
In dieser Arbeit wird der Entwurf, der Aufbau, die Inbetriebnahme und die Charakterisierung einer neuartigen Penning-Falle im Rahmen des Experiments zur Bestimmung des g-Faktors des Protons präsentiert. Diese Falle zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die Magnetfeldlinien eines äußeren homogenen Magnetfeldes durch eine ferromagnetische Ringelektrode im Zentrum der Falle verzerrt werden. Der inhomogene Anteil des resultierenden Magnetfeldes, die sogenannte magnetische Flasche, lässt sich durch den Koeffizient B2 = 297(10) mT/mm2 des Terms zweiter Ordnung der Ortsabhängigkeit des Feldes quantifizieren. Eine solche ungewöhnlich starke Feldinhomogenität ist Grundvoraussetzung für den Nachweis der Spinausrichtung des Protons mittels des kontinuierlichen Stern-Gerlach-Effektes. Dieser Effekt basiert auf der im inhomogenen Magnetfeld entstehenden Kopplung des Spin-Freiheitsgrades des gefangenen Protons an eine seiner Eigenfrequenzen. Ein Spin-Übergang lässt sich so über einen Frequenzsprung detektieren. Dabei ist die nachzuweisende Änderung der Frequenz proportional zu B2 und zum im Fall des Protons extrem kleinen Verhältnis zwischen seinem magnetischen Moment nund seiner Masse. Die durch die benötigte hohe Inhomogenität des Magnetfeldes bedingten technischen Herausforderungen erfordern eine fundierte Kenntnis und Kontrolle der Eigenschaften der Penning-Falle sowie der experimentellen Bedingungen. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelte Penning-Falle ermöglichte den erstmaligen zerstörungsfreien Nachweis von Spin-Quantensprüngen eines einzelnen gefangenen Protons, was einen Durchbruch für das Experiment zur direkten Bestimmung des g-Faktors mit der angestrebten relativen Genauigkeit von 10−9 darstellte. Mithilfe eines statistischen Verfahrens ließen sich die Larmor- und die Zyklotronfrequenz des Protons im inhomogenen Magnetfeld der Falle ermitteln. Daraus wurde der g-Faktor mit einer relativen Genauigkeit von 8,9 × 10−6 bestimmt. Die hier vorgestellten Messverfahren und der experimentelle Aufbau können auf ein äquivalentes Experiment zur Bestimmung des g-Faktors des Antiprotons zum Erreichen der gleichen Messgenauigkeit übertragen werden, womit der erste Schritt auf dem Weg zu einem neuen zwingenden Test der CPT-Symmetrie im baryonischen Sektor gemacht wäre.
Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.
Recent detections of high-redshift absorption by both atomic hydrogen and molecular gas in the radio spectra of quasars have provided a powerful tool for measuring possible temporal and spatial variations of physical 'constants' in the Universe. We compare the frequency of high-redshift hydrogen 21-cm absorption with that of associated molecular absorption in two quasars to place new (1 sigma) upper limits on any variation in y = g(p) alpha(2) (where alpha is the fine-structure constant, and g(p) is the proton g-factor) of \Delta y/y\ < 5 x 10(-6) at redshifts z = 0.25 and 0.68. These quasars are separated by a comoving distance of 3000 Mpc (for H-0=75 km s(-1) Mpc(-1) and q(0) = 0). We also derive limits on the time rates of change of \(g) over dot (p)/(g) over dot (p)\ < 1 x 10(-15) yr(-1) and \(alpha) over dot/(a) over dot\ < 5 x 10(-16) yr(-1) between the present epoch and z = 0.68, These limits are more than an order of magnitude smaller than previous results derived from highredshift measurements.
RESUMO: A esporulação em Bacillus subtilis é controlada por uma cascata de factores sigma da polimerase do RNA. F e E controlam os estágios precoces do desenvolvimento no pré-esporo e na célula mãe, respectivamente. Numa fase intermédia da diferenciação, quando a célula mãe acaba por envolver o pré-esporo, F é substituído por G e E é substituído por K. Vários mecanismos asseguram que a actividade dos diferentes factores sigma seja confinada a uma janela temporal precisa na célula adequada. Neste estudo, investigámos a função de um factor anti-G, designado por CsfB. Mostramos que para além da sua função de inibição da actividade do factor G em células pré-divisionais, CsfB é também necessário na célula mãe num estágio tardio do desenvolvimento. Mostramos que a expressão de csfB é activada na célula mãe a partir de um promotor dependente de K. Contudo, demonstramos que CsfB interage directamente com E e não com K, e que CsfB é suficiente para inibir a actividade transcricional dependente de E em células vegetativas de B. subtilis. Propomos que CsfB contribui para reduzir o período dependente de E, na linha de expressão genética da célula mãe, desse modo reduzindo a sobreposição entre os regulões E e K e aumentado a fidelidade do processo de desenvolvimento. Uma segunda proteína, YabK, partilha semelhança estrutural com CsfB. YabK é produzida no pré-esporo sob o comando de F, e é necessária para a esporulação. YabK contribui para a transição F/G no programa genético do pré-esporo, porque uma mutação que torna F sensível a CsfB ultrapassa parcialmente a função de YabK na esporulação. No entanto, YabK e CsfB funcionam por mecanismos diferentes, uma vez que YabK não liga directamente a F.---------ABSTRACT: Gene expression during spore development in Bacillus subtilis is governed by a cascade of RNA polymerase sigma factors. F and E control the early stages of development in the forespore and in the mother cell, respectively. At an intermediate stage in the differentiation process, when the larger mother cell finishes engulfment of the smaller forespore, F is replaced by G and E is replaced by K. Several mechanisms ensure the proper timing of activation of the cell type-specific sigma factors. Here, we have investigated the funtion of an anti-sigma G factor, called CsfB. We show here that in addition to its role in inhibiting G in pre-divisional cells, CsfB is also required in the mother cell at a late stage in development. We show that the expression of csfB is activated in the mother cell from a K-specific promoter. However, we demonstrate that CsfB binds directly to E but not to K in a yeast two-hybrid assay, and that CsfB is sufficient to inhibit E-dependent transcriptional activity in vegetative cells of B. subtilis. We posit that CsfB contributes to shutting off the early, E-controlled period in the mother cell line of gene expression, thus reducing the overlap between deployment of the E and K regulons and increasing the fidelity of the developmental process. A second protein, YabK, shares structural similarity with CsfB. YabK is produced in the forespore under F control, and is required for efficient sporulation. YabK contributes to the transition from the F- to the G-dependent period of gene expression, because a mutation that renders F sensitive to CsfB partially bypasses the need for YabK. Yet, YabK and CsfB must function in the control of sigma factor activity by different mechanisms because YabK does not bind directly to F.
This work is dedicated to investigation of the energy spectrum of one of the most anisotropic narrow-gap semiconductors, CdSb. At the beginning of the present studies even the model of its energy band structure was not clear. Measurements of galvanomagnetic effects in wide temperature range (1.6 - 300 K) and in magnetic fields up to 30 T were chosen for clarifying of the energy spectrum in the intentionally undoped CdSb single crystals and doped with shallow impurities (In, Ag). Detection of the Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations allowed estimating the fundamental energy spectrum parameters. The shapes of the Fermi surfaces of electrons (sphere) and holes (ellipsoid), the number of the equivalent extremums for valence band (2) and their positions in the Brillouin zone were determined for the first time in this work. Also anisotropy coefficients, components of the tensor of effective masses of carriers, effective masses of density of states, nonparabolicity of the conduction and valence bands, g-factor and its anisotropy for n- and p-CdSb were estimated for the first time during these studies. All the results obtained are compared with the cyclotron resonance data and the corresponding theoretical calculations for p-CdSb. This is basic information for the analyses of the complex transport properties of CdSb and for working out the energy spectrum model of the shallow energy levels of defects and impurities in this semiconductor. It was found out existence of different mechanisms of hopping conductivity in the presence of metal - insulator transition induced by magnetic field in n- and p-CdSb. Quite unusual feature opened in CdSb is that different types of hopping conductivity may take place in the same crystal depending on temperature, magnetic field or even orientation of crystal in magnetic field. Transport properties of undoped p-CdSb samples show that the anisotropy of the resistivity in weak and strong magnetic fields is determined completely by the anisotropy of the effective mass of the holes. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance is attributed to presence of two groups of holes with different concentrations and mobilities. The analysis demonstrates that below Tcr ~ 20 K and down to ~ 6 - 7 K the low-mobile carriers are itinerant holes with energy E2 ≈ 6 meV. The high-mobile carriers, at all temperatures T < Tcr, are holes activated thermally from a deeper acceptor band to itinerant states of a shallower acceptor band with energy E1 ≈ 3 meV. Analysis of temperature dependences of mobilities confirms the existence of the heavy-hole band or a non-equivalent maximum and two equivalent maxima of the light-hole valence band. Galvanomagnetic effects in n-CdSb reveal the existence of two groups of carriers. These are the electrons of a single minimum in isotropic conduction band and the itinerant electrons of the narrow impurity band, having at low temperatures the energies above the bottom of the conduction band. It is found that above this impurity band exists second impurity band of only localized states and the energy of both impurity bands depend on temperature so that they sink into the band gap when temperature is increased. The bands are splitted by the spin, and in strong magnetic fields the energy difference between them decreases and redistribution of the electrons between the two impurity bands takes place. Mobility of the conduction band carriers demonstrates that scattering in n-CdSb at low temperatures is strongly anisotropic. This is because of domination from scattering on the neutral impurity centers and increasing of the contribution to mobility from scattering by acoustic phonons when temperature increases. Metallic conductivity in zero or weak magnetic field is changed to activated conductivity with increasing of magnetic field. This exhibits a metal-insulator transition (MIT) induced by the magnetic field due to shift of the Fermi level from the interval of extended states to that of the localized states of the electron spectrum near the edge of the conduction band. The Mott variablerange hopping conductivity is observed in the low- and high-field intervals on the insulating side of the MIT. The results yield information about the density of states, the localization radius of the resonant impurity band with completely localized states and about the donor band. In high magnetic fields this band is separated from the conduction band and lies below the resonant impurity bands.
Transport properties of GaAs / δ – Mn / GaAs / InxGa1-xAs / GaAs structure with Mn δ – layer, which is separated from InxGa1-xAs quantum well (QW) by 3 nm thick GaAs spacer was investigated. This structure with high mobility was characterized by X-ray difractometry and reflectometry. Transport and electrical properties of the structure were measured by using Pulsed Magnetic Field System (PMFS). During investigation of the Shubnikov – de Haas and the Hall effects the main parameters of QW structure such as cyclotron mass, Fermi level, g – factor, Dingle temperature and concentration of holes were estimated. Obtained results show high quality of the prepared structure. However, anomalous Hall effect at temperatures 2.09 K, 3 K, 4.2 K is not clearly observed. Attempts to identify magnetic moment were made. For this purpose the polarity of the filed was changed to the opposite at each shot. As a result hysteresis loop was not observed in the magnetic field dependences of the anomalous Hall resistivity.This can be attributed to the imperfection of the experimental setup.
Investigation of galvanomagnetic effects in nanostructure GaAs/Mn/GaAs/In0.15Ga0.85As/ GaAs is presented. This nanostructure is classified as diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS). Temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistivity of the sample was studied. The anomalous Hall effect was detected and subtracted from the total Hall component. Special attention was paid to the measurements of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, which exists only in the case of magnetic field aligned perpendicularly to the plane of the sample. This confirms two-dimensional character of the hole energy spectrum in the quantum well. Such important characteristics as cyclotron mass, the Fermi energy and the Dingle temperature were calculated, using experimental data of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. The hole concentration and hole mobility in the quantum well also were estimated for the sample. At 4.2 K spin splitting of the maxima of transverse resistivity was observed and g-factor was calculated for that case. The values of the Dingle temperatures were obtained by two different approaches. From the comparison of these values it was concluded that the broadening of Landau levels in the investigated structure is mainly defined by the scattering of charge carriers on the defects of the crystal lattice
Aunque el concepto de sabiduría ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de áreas como la filosofía, la religión y la psicología, aún enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definición y evaluación. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definición del concepto de sabiduría que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluación del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realizó un análisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron diversos textos sobre la historia, las definiciones y las metodologías para evaluar tanto la sabiduría como las competencias; diferenciando la sabiduría de otros constructos y analizando la diferencia entre las competencias generales y las gerenciales para posteriormente, definir la sabiduría como una competencia gerencial. Como resultado de este análisis se generó un prototipo de prueba denominado SAPIENS-O, a través del cuál se busca evaluar la sabiduría como competencia gerencial. Como alcances del instrumento se pueden identificar la posibilidad de medir la sabiduría como competencia en los gerentes, la posibilidad de dar un nuevo panorama a las dificultades teóricas y empíricas sobre la sabiduría y la posibilidad de facilitar el estudio de la sabiduría en ambientes reales, más específicamente en ambientes organizacionales.
CaYAl(3)O(7):Eu(3+) phosphor was prepared at furnace temperatures as low as 550A degrees C by a solution combustion method. The formation of crystalline CaYAl(3)O(7):Eu(3+) was confirmed by powder X-Ray diffraction pattern. The prepared phosphor was characterized by SEM, FT-IR and photoluminescence techniques. Photoluminescence measurements indicated that emission spectrum is dominated by the red peak located at 618 nm due to the (5)D(0)-(7)F(2) electric dipole transition of Eu(3+) ions. Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) studies were carried out to identify the centres responsible for the thermoluminescence (TL) peaks. Room temperature ESR spectrum of irradiated phosphor appears to be a superposition of two distinct centres. One of the centres (centre I) with principal g-value 2.0126 is identified as an O(-) ion while centre II with an isotropic g-factor 2.0060 is assigned to an F(+) centre (singly ionized oxygen vacancy). An additional defect centre is observed during thermal annealing experiments and this centre (assigned to F(+) centre) seems to originate from an F centre (oxygen vacancy with two electrons). The F(+) centre appears to correlate with the observed high temperature TL peak in CaYAl(3)O(7):Eu(3+) phosphor.
The Er(3)Al(5)O(12) phosphor powders were prepared using the solution combustion method. Formation and homogeneity of the Er(3)Al(5)O(12) phosphor powders have been verified by X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis respectively. The frequency up-conversion from Er(3)Al(5)O(12) phosphor powder corresponding to the (2)H(9/2) -> (4)I(15/2), (2)H(11/2) -> (4)I(15/2), (4)S(3/2) -> (4)I(15/2), (4)F(9/2) -> (4)I(15/2) and the infrared emission (IR) due to the (4)I(13/2) -> (4)I(15/2) transitions lying at similar to 410, similar to 524, similar to 556, 645-680 nm and at similar to 1.53 mu m respectively upon excitation with a Ti-Sapphire pulsed/CW laser have been reported. The mechanism responsible for the frequency up-conversion and IR emission is discussed in detail. Defect centres induced by radiation were studied using the techniques of thermoluminescence and electron spin resonance. A single glow peak at 430A degrees C is observed and the thermoluminescence results show the presence of a defect center which decays at high temperature. Electron spin resonance studies indicate a center characterized by a g-factor equal to 2.0056 and it is observed that this center is not related to the thermoluminescence peak. A negligibly small concentration of cation and anion vacancies appears to be present in the phosphor in accordance with the earlier theoretical predictions.