372 resultados para Labor union welfare funds


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1936-38, 1940- reprinted from the Monthly labor review.


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Chiefly tables.


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Correspondence, diaries, acount books, pamphlets, and other personal and professional materials pertaining to Jacob da Silva Solis and his descendents.


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The dissertation analyzes Finnish consensual culture in public discussion and journalism in Helsingin Sanomat (HS). The consensual Finnish political culture has evolved and persisted over a long period of time and it has been affected by historical circumstances as well as the dynamics of political and journalistic structures and actors. A historical chronology is drawn in the study regarding the nature and development of consensus culture in 20th century Finland. This political culture is traced by looking at public discussion on globalization at the turn of the millennium. Globalization as a concept has been contested and various societal actors have given different meanings to it. This research looks at how the globalization discussion in HS during the years 1992-2004 constructs consensus. Helsingin Sanomat (and its predecessor Päivälehti) has been an important actor in Finnish journalism and the public sphere almost since its founding 120 years ago. The history of the paper is tightly connected to Finland s general political history and history of the public sphere. Moreover, the paper s connections to the societal elite have always been close. The central question in this research was to see how the globalization discussion in HS evolved in relation to consensus as well as legitimate controversies. As a result it is stated that the globalization question has clearly divided the Finnish societal actors. The most powerful societal elites (government, most civil servants, corporate sector) had a profile of being pro globalization. They communicated their globalization strategy as a national, unified way of thinking. Other elites which have been losing their influence (the president, labor union, part of members of parliament), as well as civil society actors tried to bring forward conflicting views in relation to globalization. The paper did give some room to these elements, but on the other hand it also tried to keep up the consensual discussion culture especially in the editorial section. In line with its traditions Helsingin Sanomat strived to create national unity. At the same time it did not give adequate attention to the changes brought about by globalization to the positions and roles of various elites and civil society actors. In this discussion HS seemed more like a medium of the state than as a critical and independent actor. Journalism has an important role in upholding and also reviving the Finnish political culture and public discussion. From this point of view it is problematic if the area of so called legitimate controversy in broad societal questions like globalization becomes very limited. As the Finnish elites are small and there is no considerable competition between them, journalism should actively bring up controversial issues. This task becomes complicated, however, if the elite circles are closed up and no initiatives come from their ranks. Political decision making as well as democracy can suffer, if issues are not brought to the public agenda.


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A pesquisa tem como objeto as bases ético-políticas da organização coletiva dos professores pela sua saúde e, como objetivo, analisar como a questão da saúde dos trabalhadores foi incorporada na pauta sindical dos professores da rede básica de ensino no Brasil, a fim de desvendar concepções sobre saúde que sustentam tais reivindicações. A pergunta orientadora é: a saúde dos trabalhadores da educação tem sido incorporada na pauta sindical dos professores nos limites da reprodução da força de trabalho ou amplia-se para o plano dos direitos? Delimitou-se como campo de pesquisa a Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação (CNTE) por esta entidade sindical ser representativa de mais de dois milhões de trabalhadores da educação da rede básica e pública de ensino no país. Os resultados encontrados possibilitaram reconstruir historicamente o objeto, no sentido de identificar como, quando e por quais meios a entidade sindical iniciou a problematização da questão saúde/adoecimento docente como uma questão coletiva, bem como identificar o papel que a CNTE foi assimilando para si ao longo desse processo e que relações a entidade sindical percebe entre condições e trabalho dos professores e adoecimento. A classificação dos temas em saúde, quanto à sua natureza econômico-corporativa ou ético-política, apreendeu-se que concepções de saúde se fazem presentes nas fontes pesquisadas. Identificou-se que a concepção de saúde ampliada se faz presente na pauta sindical, evidenciada por um conjunto de temas considerados como pertinentes a uma natureza ético-política, notadamente, aqueles presentes na pauta que estão orientados para a defesa do Sistema Único de Saúde e a garantia da saúde por meio de políticas públicas. Contudo, os resultados também mostram que, no âmbito das necessidades provenientes das bases sindicais, ainda prevalecem reivindicações pertinentes a uma natureza econômico-corporativa, que necessárias para os trabalhadores da educação, se configuram a partir de concepções de saúde restritas, predominantemente baseadas em reivindicações por assistência médica, por meio de instituições próprias ao funcionalismo público ou planos de saúde. Neste último sentido, embora importantes, não ampliam o debate sindical no sentido de defender a saúde como direito social. A tese que se defende é que o momento ético-político, no qual se insere a luta pelos direitos sociais, tem relações imediatas com a dimensão ontológica do ser social, assim, tendo como pressuposto de que o trabalho é fundante de todas as determinações do ser social, considera-se que é na dimensão ético-política do processo saúde-doença que se deve introduzir a discussão política da saúde, e nela, a saúde dos trabalhadores a fim de se construir uma pauta contra o entendimento da saúde como uma mercadoria


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La jeune génération de salariés est souvent accusée d’être moins militante, moins solidaire que les générations précédentes. L’objectif général de cette recherche est de démystifier les préjugés entourant l’engagement militant chez les jeunes syndiqués québécois d’aujourd’hui. Pour ce faire, divers concepts sont présentés, comme celui de jeunesse, de génération et d’engagement militant. Une synthèse de l’évolution historique de l’engagement militant ainsi que la situation particulière de la jeunesse contemporaine dans l’action syndicale permettent de dresser un portrait général. Notre cadre théorique repose sur les concepts d’individualisme et de conflit. L’approche qualitative et l’entrevue semi-dirigée ont été privilégiées. Le résultat de notre enquête menée auprès de dix-sept facteurs et factrices du Syndicat des travailleurs et travailleuses des postes nous révèle que l’engagement militant des jeunes est à la fois le reflet d’une distanciation et une manière différente de concevoir l’engagement militant. Les jeunes syndiqués ne sont pas plus individualistes que les autres générations, mais ils connaissent peu le syndicalisme. D’une part, les jeunes adoptent une position de recul afin de mieux s’approprier la chose syndicale. Il est possible d’affirmer que l’engagement militant n’est pas un phénomène statique, il évolue en acquérant l’expérience. D’autre part, faiblement socialisés au syndicalisme et fortement socialisés au droit, au dialogue et au respect, les jeunes syndiqués appréhendent les conduites violentes et les discours martiaux. Ces derniers ont une vision modérée sans être pour autant passive, car ils valorisent l’action collective et ont plus de facilités à déposer des griefs.


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Cette recherche sur la pensée de Marcel Pepin présente cet important leader syndical et montre sa contribution comme acteur du système de relations industrielles dans la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle. Inspirée des travaux de Fernand Dumont et de Louis-Marie Tremblay, portant notamment sur les idéologies et la philosophie du syndicalisme québécois, cette recherche permet d’examiner la pensée de Marcel Pepin selon les trois dimensions suivantes : la définition de soi, la définition du milieu et la définition du rapport entre soi et les autres. Une cinquantaine d’indicateurs regroupés à l’intérieur de treize composantes permettent de raffiner cette analyse de contenu. Les documents analysés sont principalement les écrits produits par Marcel Pepin, notamment ses rapports moraux produits alors qu’il préside la CSN, ainsi que les nombreux textes présentés comme conférencier, professeur d’université ou comme président du Mouvement socialiste. Ardent syndicaliste, ses actions visaient une plus grande justice sociale et économique. Homme d’une grande rigueur, il savait lier l’aspect intellectuel de sa pensée à des gestes concrets sur le terrain. Pour lui, le syndicalisme, par le biais de la CSN, était le moyen tout désigné pour apporter de nouvelles idées et des méthodes pour changer le système en place. Appelé à endosser un rôle de leader pendant toute sa carrière, Marcel Pepin a su exercer avec doigté une direction axée sur l’intelligence et le respect afin de créer ce contre-pouvoir essentiel à l’atteinte de ses idéaux. Cette recherche nous permet aussi de voir l’interrelation entre un leader et l’organisation qu’il représente.


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Wydział Historyczny


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On 19 November 2004, an Aboriginal man was arrested on Palm Island, off the coast of Townsville in northern Queensland. He was taken to the local watch house on a drunk and disorderly charge. An hour later, he lay dead on a cell floor. His liver, an autopsy showed, had been split in half and his spleen ruptured. But when that autopsy report also found that Mulrunji Doomadgee’s severe injuries were not caused by force, the Palm Island Indigenous community, enraged and grief-stricken, went looking for payback.

The Palm Island “riots” ensured that this Aboriginal death in custody made international news headlines where others barely got a mention, if at all (Hollinsworth, 2005). The ensuing Coronial Inquest and criminal prosecution of the arresting Queensland police officer, Chris Hurley, also were covered consistently by the news media. Senior Sergeant Hurley has, however, so far escaped punishment and the Queensland media’s most recent report of the case was to tell how the Qld Police Union now funds a legal bid to clear his name. Meanwhile, little is heard in the news media of the Doomadgee family, the Palm Island community, or of other deaths in custody occurring steadily through the 18 years since the Royal Commission that was supposed to implement a raft of preventative recommendations.

While the news media’s framing of these issues has most often followed historically predictable and ultimately racist lines, a work of creative non-fiction tells the story with warranted complexity and power. Chloe Hooper’s The Tall Man: Death and Life on Palm Island documents Cameron Doomadgee’s death, the riots, and the ensuing legal farce from the front row. Hooper, in the tradition of Truman Capote, arrived at Palm Island as a white writer from a big city. But by “walking the talk” – being with the Doomadgee family and their community through the hearings and after, Hooper was given extraordinary access to community, history, and significant cultural nuance barely identified by, let alone understood by, non-Indigenous readers.

By focussing on Hooper’s experience with sources and court reporting, compared with some print media coverage, this paper will consider the comparative roles of journalism and creative non-fiction in re-framing the Palm Island “riot”. It will suggest that Hooper’s work subverts some dominant (and racist) news media representations of Australian Indigenous peoples through its use of source relationships in an extended narrative structure.


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Inicialmente abordamos as tentativas de integração latino-americana, identificando as duas épocas distintas da problemática em questão. Faz-se menção a vários autores, abrangendo a segunda metade do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do séculos XX, que também defenderam as idéias de união latino-americana. A importância da criação da Comunidade Econômica Européia, a ALALC, A ALADI e o MERCOSUL como impulsionadores da integração. A institucionalização, os mecanismos para implementação e os processos de negociação do MERCOSUL. Em seguida tratamos da globalização e do mercado de trabalhos; a produção internacionalizada marcante no século XX; as novas tecnologias, a cidadania ativa, a reação sindical em novas bases. No terceiro capítulo abordamos a questão trabalhista no MERCOSUL, enfatizando a necessidade de implantação de princípios assegurando benefícios, tendo em vista a tendência comercialista do MERCOSUL. Concluindo, retomamos a relação entre as Centrais e os governos, destacando, ainda, as organizações internacionais como importantes atores no processo de integração. Constatamos o quanto o MERCOSUL está estimulando discussões sobre as possibilidades de alianças entre os atores sociais.


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This doctoral thesis presents an analysis of the production of bicarbonates and related regional development in Brazil. It is widely believed that one of Brazil s vocations lies in the agro-energy sector. However, current national agro-energy policies, together with the experience of Petrobras (the national oil company) in rural settlements in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, show that Brazil has fallen short of effectively including the North and Northeast regions of the country, let alone small-scale rural producers (residing in rural settlements or not), in the development process and related benefits from the country s participation in the current world energy grid. The methodology entails secondary research related to the theme, such as books, official documents, websites and statistical databases from diverse sources, in addition to an analysis of statements from interviews of Petrobras representatives and other important scientific, institutional and labor union authorities, in relation to agro-energy issues and the socio-economic participation of family-based agriculture in this process. Principal findings show a correlation between agro-energy and regional development, creating the potential for numerous opportunities and challenges. Findings demonstrate the possibility of reversing/reducing historically rooted indices of hunger and poverty that continue to devastate the North and Northeast regions. At the same time, the thesis points to a potentially catastrophic increase in regional disparities, should the present historic moment not be seized upon so as to include these regions. Classic examples of non-policy at the federal level are presented as evidence of the absence of a regionally focused agroenergy policy in the current government, reinforced by the experiences of Petrobras in the Rio Grande do Norte rural settlements. Finally, the thesis concludes that there is an urgent need to create a government-sponsored enterprise (with a structure similar to Petrobras) with the purpose of implementing a truly broad and inclusive development process for the bicarbonates production sector, while remaining attentive to Brazil s opportune and critical role in the world s current agro-energy scenario.


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This thesis carries through an application of Analysis of Multicriterion Decision with use of the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the problematic one of taking of decision of the adoption of electronic collecting in the system of urban transport in the country, a subject that has been controversial. A modeling of criteria and alternatives is carried through and applied a questionnaire based on method AHP the excellent actors in the system of urban transport - Leading of the Managing Agency Public Municipal theatre of Urban Transports, Controller of Company of Bus, Controller of Labor union, Controller of Union of Companies, Communitarian Leader. The considered alternatives were: the maintenance of the current state with collectors, the implementation of electronic collection without collectors, and the implementation of electronic collection with collectors. The used criteria were: job, impact in the fare, control of the system, easiness of use, information. The study was carried through in the city of Natal, RN, where if the adoption of electronic collection argues and where this implementation in some bus lines between Natal and Parnamirim exists, city that integrates the region of the great Natal. The main results of the method evidence in a dimension, the viability of use of method AHP with questionnaire by means of validation of the judgments with analysis of variance beyond proper the normal mechanisms of analysis of consistency to the method, and in another one, the contribution of the analysis boarding multicriterion to become the judgments more clearly. The main results of the analysis help to show that although to models of criteria and distinct judgments of the actors, the method evidenced that it has inclination the adoption of the electronic collection on the current situation, even so with divergences between the maintenance or not of the collector. The research points to the possibility of accomplishment of the application of the AHP in successive rounds of judgments


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This paper discusses the dilemmas and challenges of the union of social workers in contemporary Brazil. The study is supported by the theme in a literature search, especially productions that deal with the trade union movement of workers in the brazilian reality, as well as on field research, which consisted of interviews with national trade union leaders of the CUT and CONLUTA as also representatives of national organizations representing the professional category of social workers, notably CFESS, ABEPSS ENESSO and a labor union and the national category, FENAS. The analysis of the object is oriented in the perspective of totality, considering its founding and contradictory aspects of the current socio-historical dynamics. The inflections occurred in the razilian Labor Movement in the early 1990s, during which the offensive of capital, characterized by the fusion of flexible accumulation and the dictates of neoliberal policy is established in the country, caused a profound shock in life and organization of the class working. The major repercussions of this process are evident today in the form of defensive organization of trade union struggles, notably fragile and fragmented. In the case of the category of social workers is symptomatic of the political backlash, experienced the process of reopening their unions and the creation of FENAS. This definition, part of the analysis that considers more strategic perspective of class organization, corporate antiunionism of the mass of the 1980s, built, largely, by category and expressed by the extinction of their union and unification to the broader struggles of workers with transition to unionization by industry. Given this reality, we analyze the performance of the political perspectives of the brazilian labor movement, from the characterization of organizational arrangements for trade union struggles and situate this process, the motion to reopen union of social workers, from the emergence of FENAS. Therefore, we aimed to identify the particular and the ideological and political perspectives that make up the dilemma of the trade union movement from this reopening, as corresponds to a political trend, largely, overcome within the brazilian social work


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This study has the purpose of discussion and reflection of how the accounting information in the managemental area are used by the sugar & alcohol industry, located at State of Alagoas, aiming to identify if them please their managers expectations in the process of taking decision. Ahead of an existent universe of 27 (twenty seven) companies registered at the Sugar & Alcohol Labor Union of State of Alagoas SINDAÇUCAR files, were collected 14 (fourteen) questionnaires to support the current research classified as explorative and descriptive. The junction of these two kinds of research resulted in a quantitative and perceptive analysis of the use of the accounting information in the process of taking decision of the Sugar & Alcohol industry in Alagoas. The results demonstrated in this research indicate that, although the managers consider relevant the information at cost area, they do not use them in the process of taking decision. The reports emitted by accountancy are only financial, such as balance sheets, income statement, financial flow, among others factors. The importance order that the managers give to the accounting information and the kind of information that they use in the process of taking decision do not indicates that they use the accountancy in administration level. The statistics analysis of the files collected allows infer that the information provided by accountancy are considered important, however are few used at the manager process