969 resultados para Labor rights
Ce mémoire analyse trois réformes majeures de politique sociale en Turquie, en deux domaines: emploi et sécurité social. En utilisant l'approche "Usage de l'Europe", ce mémoire developpe une analyse empirique et apporte une explication théorique de ces changements qui ont été introduits au cours du processus d'adhésion de la Turquie à l'Union européenne. "Les usages de l'Europe" est une approche d'européanisation qui se concentre sur le rôle des acteurs domestiques, au sein des États membres et candidats, ainsi que de leur utilisation des ressources de l'Union européenne. Les études de cas utilisées dans cette thèse démontrent l'introduction de changements au niveau de l'État-providence; ainsi, l'approche originelle est suppléée par des concepts provenant de la littérature sur la politique partisane, les institutions formelles et l'héritage des politiques. Cette recherche utilise la méthode de l'analyse de processus pour suivre la réforme des règlements du travail par la voie de reconstitution des droits individuels des travailleurs et de l'Agence d'emploi en Turquie jusqu'en 2003, ainsi que la transformation du système de sécurité sociale en 2008. Ces trois réformes représentent des changements majeurs tant sur le plan institutionnel que politique en Turquie depuis 2001. Afin de comprendre "les usages de l'Europe" dans ces réformes politiques, l'analyse empirique questionne, si, quand et comment les acteurs turcs ont utilisé les ressources, les références et les développements politiques de l'Union européenne lors de ce processus dynamique de réforme. Les réformes du système de sécurité sociale, des règlements du travail, en plus de la reconstitution de l'Agence d'emploi étaient à l'ordre du jour en Turquie depuis les années 1990. La réforme des règlements du travail ont entraîné l'introduction des accommodements flexibles au travail et une révision de la Loi du travail permettant l'établissement d'une législation de la sécurité d'emploi. La reconstitution de l'Agence d'emploi visait à remplacer la vieille institution défunte par une institution moderne afin d'introduire des politiques d'activation. La réforme de sécurité sociale comprend les pensions de retraite, le système de santé ainsi que l'administration des institutions de sécurité sociale. Les principaux résultats révèlent que la provision des ressources de l'Union européenne en Turquie a augmenté à partir de la reconnaissance de sa candidature en 1999 et ce, jusqu'au lancement des négociations pour son adhésion en 2005; ce qui fut une occasion favorable pour les acteurs domestiques impliqués dans les processus de réformes. Cependant, à l'encontre de certaines attentes originelles de l'approche de "les usages de l'Europe", les résultats de cette recherche démontrent que le temps et le sort de "les usages de l'Europe" dépendent des intérêts des acteurs domestiques, ainsi de leurs stratégies tout au long de ce processus de réforme, plutôt que des phases du processus ou la quantité des ressources fournies par l'Union européenne.
The paper introduces research on transatlantic relations done by neo-Gramscian authors. This research is distinctive by focusing on class in international relations and by using the concept of hegemony in a relational sense. Hegemony is leadership through the active consent of other classes and groups. A central question of this neo-Gramscian research is whether an international class of capitalists has emerged. Some authors have answered in the positive. This paper, however, maintains that hegemony in the international realm is still exercised by the American state, though its foreign economic policies have been greatly influenced by internationally-oriented corporations and that these actors have increasingly found allies among economic elites in other countries. The paper explores the relationship between hegemony by the American state and by internationally-oriented capital groups against the backdrop of transatlantic relations in the post-war period and the currrent debate on labor rights in international trade agreements.
The United States of America and the European Union are currently negotiating a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). It is one of the most ambitious free trade and investment initiatives, going much further than eliminating tariffs. TTIP mainly aims at reducing “non-tariff barriers”. While tariffs on goods have been imposed with an eye to foreign competition, most of the non-tariff barriers are the laws and regulations that are the result of social struggles for the protection of consumers and workers. It is therefore certain that TTIP will impact workers. This volume provides a preliminary assessment of the likely consequences for labor by: - providing an overall introduction to the TTIP negotiations; -assessing the reliability of the studies claiming employment gains; - highlighting specific problematic proposals such as the investor-to-state dispute settlement mechanism; - presenting the position of organized labor from both sides of the Atlantic. / Among the contributors are Stefan Beck (Kassel), Lance Compa (Ithaca, New York), Pia Eberhardt (Brussels) and Werner Raza (Vienna).
Introducción: La Calidad de vida en el trabajo tiene componentes objetivos y subjetivos, es la manera como se vive la cotidianidad en el ambiente laboral. Involucra condiciones de trabajo, relaciones sociales, percepciones de satisfacción o insatisfacción derivadas de la conjunción de factores en el sentido de sentirse realizado con sus propias expectativas y proyectos (1). La calidad de vida laboral puede estar directamente relacionada con las condiciones de trabajo en las que se desempeñan los trabajadores. El personal de la salud representa entre el 6 al 7% de la población económicamente activa en la Región de las Américas (2), el abordaje de su problemática debe hacerse desde la protección social en salud,enfocando acciones conducentes al mejoramiento integral de las condiciones de vida de la sociedad en general, a través de la Gestión del Recurso Humano. Métodos: Estudio transversal en 102 trabajadores que cumplen con criterios de inclusión y exclusión, sobre percepción de calidad de vida laboral y condiciones de salud y trabajo, en dos instituciones prestadoras de Servicios de salud públicas de baja complejidad de los Municipios de Samacá y Ramiriquí en Boyacá en el 2014. Resultados: Del total de los trabajadores encuestados el 64,7 % son asistenciales, el 80,4 son mujeres, el 60 % tienen contrato indirecto. 71 % devenga un salario entre 1 y 2 SMMLV. El 74 % de los trabajadores administrativos laboran ocho (8) horas diarias mañana y tarde, 44 % de los asistenciales laboran ocho (8) horas diarias mañana y tarde y 41 % cumplen jornadas de doce (12) horas diarias inclusive en la noche, en relación a seguridad e higiene hay exposiciones al ruido y a secreciones y desechos de personas o animales. El principal factor de riesgo ergonómico son los movimientos repetidos en administrativos (74,3%) y Asistenciales (76,9 %). El 93,1 % de los trabajadores perciben su salud entre excelente y buena. En cuanto a la Calidad de Vida Laboral sólo el 15% de los trabajadores expresan insatisfacción por la forma de contratación, 56% están entre satisfechos y medianamente satisfechos con el salario recibido, la satisfacción con la oportunidad de aplicar la creatividad e iniciativa en el trabajo es del 90 %, el 33 % de los trabajadores están satisfechos con la capacitación brindada por la institución y sólo el 27 % expresan siempre el respeto a los derechos laborales; Un bajo porcentaje(28 %) de los trabajadores expresan que reciben siempre de parte de usuarios o clientes muestras de reconocimiento por las actividades que realizan; la tenencia de la vivienda se ha dado por el empleo, sin embargo el porcentaje de motivación laboral más alto se da en los asistenciales (81,8 %) que en los administrativos (75,8%). Se encontró escasa asociación estadística entre las variables de Calidad de Vida y las variables de Condiciones de Trabajo y salud Discusión: En esta población la percepción de los trabajadores no refleja una insatisfacción marcada, es entonces ¿el grado de satisfacción de las necesidades humanas un indicador de la mejor o peor calidad de vida laboral? o simplemente la calidad de vida laboral depende del cubrimiento de las expectativas individuales. Este estudio es coincidente con otros en que la proporción mayoritaria de quienes trabajan en salud son mujeres, se deben focalizar acciones desde la perspectiva de género en el sector salud que hagan parte de políticas públicas y de reformas a la salud apuntando a la reducción del impacto de la carga del trabajo en la salud.
El artículo ofrece una caracterización general de los indios de Portoviejo, en la zona central de la Costa ecuatoriana, a lo largo del período colonial. Se analizan las reacciones de las parcialidades indígenas ante las regulaciones de la administración colonial y las frecuentes disputas con los sectores blancos y mestizos de la región por el control del territorio y la mano de obra. Seguidamente, el artículo describe algunos de los viajes que algunas autoridades étnicas emprendieron hacia España, en procura de que sus quejas y demandas fuesen oídas directamente por el Rey y su corte. Palabras clave: Indígenas, caciques, poderes locales, Colonia, comercio, redes de sociabilidad, tributo, faccionalismo, viajes, Corte española.
En versiones no oficiales del nuevo Código Orgánico de Relaciones Laborales que se discute actualmente en el país, se contempla la posibilidad de distribuir el máximo de 40 horas semanales en seis días en lugar de cinco, reconociendo el recargo de apenas el 25% (en lugar del 100%) en las horas que se ejecuten durante el sexto día de labor, en franca oposición a los principios esenciales de la intangibilidad y de no regresividad de los derechos laborales, a los postulados de la Constitución, que reconoce y garantiza a toda persona una vida digna que asegure, entre otros derechos, el trabajo, el empleo, el descanso, el ocio y la salud (en definitiva los medios para conciliar el trabajo con la vida personal y familiar), y a las políticas públicas reflejadas en los Planes Nacionales del Buen Vivir.
With transnational corporations (TNCs) around the world today numbering over 60,000 and more than 800,000 affiliates working abroad, it is easy to understand how modern day international business could have transformed into a major global player serving at the axis of politics, social and environmental responsibility. Additionally, with accountability to a large variety of both public and private stakeholders, all exerting significant power and influence, today’s global corporate structure is reinventing modern international relations, and in some cases, dominating it. (Muldoon 2005) This transformative nature of globalization today can also serve as a source of friction among this growing chorus of players and is bringing irreversible change to these relationships and how they impact and influence business around the world. (Muldoon 2005) From the largest to the smallest international corporation seeking to expand into new international markets, the challenges that come with corporate ambition can mean the difference between success and failure and they find a home at the intersection of international relations, diplomacy and economics. To successfully navigate these challenges, especially in emerging economies, a company must now factor in more than just the “bottom line” and address complex issues that include human rights differences, environmental regulations, labor rights and values of each country. (Henisz, 2014) Combined with modern-day mobility achieved through technology and the Internet, corporations today have a great capacity to reach targeted audiences and establish a presence, but it is this same technology that also allows for immediate response to any corporate action. This constant, 24-hour news cycle, where everyone is made to be a real-time reporter through social media, has created a situation that demonstrably necessitates the ability to not only 3 respond immediately, but also to have real-time understanding of the challenges faced by a corporation as it looks toward global expansion. International Business Diplomacy, or simply Business Diplomacy as it will be referred to in this paper, combines all of these nuanced factors into a relatively new discipline that offers companies looking to expand into new markets, guidelines and directives so that they can more strategically map corporate direction, limit risk and achieve their objectives. This paper will examine the history of diplomacy and how the concept of statecraft became intertwined with the increasing globalization of business. Following a scholarly examination of how modern Business Diplomacy came into being, and the unique challenges that come with its application, particularly the liabilities needed to be overcome, this paper will apply the concept to the Brazilian aerospace manufacturer Embraer, tracking its strategic emergence from a small, regionally focused aircraft producer to global leader in the regional and executive jet market platforms. It will then examine Embraer’s entrance into the Chinese market, where the company suffered from several missteps and eventually had to refocus its business model from commercial to executive jets. Finally, as globalization continues to “emancipate international business from its institutional and social constraints,” (Muldoon 2005) this paper will address how the relatively new and emerging discipline of Business Diplomacy is continuing to mature and grow in stature and influence through the proposition of a new challenge or “liability” that corporations must also overcome as they expand into new markets. Through the analysis of Embraer in China, this paper will introduce the Liability of Governance to the lexicon of Business Diplomacy and propose specific steps that a company can undertake to avoid it.
This work aims to show that the protection of the employment relation is one of the determining factors to respect the principle of the human dignity. The goal is initially to show the devaluation of work from antiquity to the early twentieth century, when the constitutions began to standardize protective devices. This way, the consecration of the social labor rights in the Constitution of 1988 represents the culmination of the historical achievements. This work demonstrates that such rights can not be reduced or suppressed by political conveniences, once these rights are included in the list of immutable clauses. It is displayed that to achieve the fundamental right to work is not well advised to encourage the creation of jobs that maculates the worker s dignity. The outsourced work is, therefore, a classic example of the advancement of precarious forms of contemporary labor. It is inferred that the presence of various forms of harassment results in a degradation of working environment, bringing about dire consequences on professional and personal life of the worker. Thus, decent work must be the appropriate benchmark for the creation of new jobs. It is also shown that the flexibilization of the propaganda rights by certain pressure groups has as main goal to reduce or eliminate rights, based on fallacious data depicting an increase of competitiveness and jobs. In addition, the flexibility implies a growth of the precarization of the work - a reality felt by many workers subjected to such a situation due to the unemployment phenomenon whose origin is not in the protectionism of the norms. It is necessary to expand and structure the constitutionally legitimate institutions to monitor and curb the precarized work, as well as all practices that go against the dignity of the worker. It is also shown the loss of power of the sindicates in the last few years as a consequence of the pulverization workes and the capital attacks through the productive restructure whose outsourcings and privatizations are notorious examples
This study makes an analysis of the work of nurse of the, uncovering the meaning of work and of precarious work for the nurse. aims to analyze the forms of precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy the municipality of Pau dos Ferros-RN, Brazil. This is a qualitative study with analysis of the categories that emerged from search through dialog with the authors studied in theoretical framework of the sense of human work, the world of work actual and the precariousness of work in health. Used if the methodology of thematic oral history and semi-structured interview as an instrument for data collection and information. Participated 07 nurses of. There was predominance of females, with civil state married, with age between 29 and 47 years, inserted as nurses in Family Health Strategy 1 to 9 years. All referred satisfaction with work. Emerged 02 main meanings of work, whichever the design of work as a source of human and practical transforming of reality, with the sense of perform an action by the individual facilitator and suffers change. Include the precarious work not only as the absence of links labor and social protection, unlike the thought of the Ministry of Health, similar to the design of the study, the precariousness understood yet as the absence of participation of workers in the spaces work management and running of the work and the absence of structural conditions and infra-structural where the work process takes place. evidenced the totality of nurses inserted in Family Health Strategy by public tender. Refer have labor rights guaranteed. Don´t include under which legal arrangements are governed. The researched reality does not have a policy desprecarização nursing work of Family Health Strategy. Concluded the municipality presents progress and setbacks for the precariousness of work of the nurse of Family Health Strategy. The collective work in health is a challenge in researched reality and the policy of desprecarização of the work of the management of education and work was not evidenced. Despite the implementation of the public tender these professionals have a degree of precariousness of work, with the accumulation gradient of responsibilities, some lack of working conditions in structural aspects, infra-structural and means and instruments
Refletir sobre o campo saúde do(a) trabalhador(a) é o objetivo deste estudo. Busca-se sublinhar o significado das condições de trabalho para o ser humano do ponto de vista da saúde. A premissa não é quantificar, mas inferir que as condições de trabalho podem gerar danos à saúde, mas nem sempre apresentam de imediato a sua relação com o trabalho. São discutidas, a partir da abordagem qualitativa, três situações, as quais contemplam os trabalhos rural, informal e infantil e, como resultado, verifica-se a contradição da categoria trabalho, que, se por um lado é sinônimo de sociabilidade, por outro, contraditoriamente, constitui-se em mecanismo de exclusão social na medida em que é realizado sem o reconhecimento dos direitos sociais e trabalhistas. Verifica-se a expansão de formas de trabalho sem regulamentação, tais como o domiciliar e o familiar e os realizados em locais como a rua e o lixo. Encerra-se a reflexão com destaque ao papel do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) na assistência integral à saúde dos(as) trabalhadores(as) e ao desafio de atuar na perspectiva de prevenção e promoção da saúde do trabalhador de modo integrado e articulado aos demais órgãos públicos que atuam nesta área.
This study aimed to analyze the work of social workers at the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), with the analytical approach the contracting process with the HUOL with the National Health System (SUS), which is set from 2004. Thus, this study sought in times of state reform, restructuring and tension between enlargement / reduction of social and labor rights, understanding the limits and possibilities of social work in HUOL, analyzing how these determinations bounce in the practice of social workers included in the collective process of health work. From a theoretical and methodological historical and dialectical materialism, we conducted literature search, in which developed book report and readings of texts, articles, books that focus on the central categories of the study, namely: Work, Social Work, Health, Health Reform , Project ethical and professional politician. Operationalized also a documentary research, on the Brazilian Public Health Policy, (SUS) and of the Education, as well as research field in which we conducted interviews with 11 social workers, employees packed the HUOL. We conclude that social workers did not participate in the discussion process of contracting the HUOL with the Municipal Health Secretariat of Natal, RN, manager of health and full resetting of user access, via reference setting - counter-referral services provided by the hospital brought the main demands on Social Work guidance regarding the functionality of SUS, and the social intervention in the struggle to guarantee such access. However, the data show that the expansion of demands that require the intervention of the social worker at HUOL is not associated with quantitative growth of these professionals need. Such conditions inflect the possibilities of materialization of the professional ethical-political project, even though that these professionals worry and seek the intellectual improvement, quality of service and to guarantee the social rights of users in the professional practice everyday
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A contratação temporária de docentes, na Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA), caracteriza-se pela sua ampla dimensão política e econômica evidenciada nas transformações do mundo do trabalho e na significação das categorias trabalho e trabalho docente. No caso da universidade, isso tem relação com as mudanças estruturais da Educação Superior brasileira, com as crises do capitalismo global, com as estratégias realizadas pelos governos neoliberais e com as medidas que vêm sendo tomadas pela administração superior da UEPA. A contratação temporária potencializada na flexibilização e na desvalorização de salários, direitos trabalhistas, condições de trabalho e o isolamento desses trabalhadores na participação direta na produção do trabalho material e imaterial dos conhecimentos acadêmicos, científicos e tecnológicos, precariza ainda mais o trabalho docente e possibilita o não fortalecimento da UEPA como uma instituição de referência no Estado do Pará no ensino superior público, gratuito e de qualidade socialmente referenciada. O objetivo geral foi analisar a contratação temporária de docentes na UEPA, considerando os diferentes cursos e a sua localização por campus e núcleos, sob os diferentes tipos de contratação que precarizam o trabalho docente. Os objetivos específicos foram identificar as mudanças ocorridas no papel do Estado e as suas influências no trabalho docente por meio das reformas do Estado e da Educação Superior; descrever o sentido da categoria trabalho docente; apresentar as posições dos docentes e do movimento docente quanto às reais condições do trabalho pela via do contrato temporário na UEPA. O estudo de caso discursivo e analítico com abordagem qualitativa caracteriza o percurso metodológico escolhido. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de revisão da literatura, aplicação de questionários, realização de entrevistas e análise documental. Constatou-se que existe o reconhecimento dos docentes temporários da UEPA e da direção do SINDUEPA de que a contratação temporária é uma forma perversa de precarização porque restringe, divide e compromete a qualidade do trabalho acadêmico e dificulta a mobilização, a organização e a luta da categoria; que intensifica a produção do trabalho e dificulta que os sujeitos entendam a precarização como resultado das ações políticas dos governos, Estados e instituições que adotam medidas neoliberais e ocasionam diminuição das responsabilidades institucionais que geram perda de direitos trabalhistas, desemprego/subemprego estrutural e a flexibilização de serviços.
Nesta dissertação discute-se a ouvidoria pública brasileira quanto mecanismo de defesa dos direitos dos cidadãos, especificamente a Ouvidoria do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no estado do Pará e se esta constitui-se enquanto um instrumento de gestão participativa, conforme preconiza o Ministério da Saúde. No estudo observaram-se os processos de implantação, implementação e descentralização no âmbito da gestão estadual da política pública no estado do Pará. Adotou-se abordagem qualitativa que possibilitou à investigação dos processos de relações sociais, cujos dados puderam ser obtidos através de documentos e entrevistas com os sujeitos envolvidos no tema em questão. Evidencia-se que a ouvidoria pública, como qualquer aparelho estatal é um espaço de luta política, desta forma teceu-se considerações sobre o Estado a partir de Marx, Gramsci e Poulantzas, destacando a reforma sofrida pelo Estado brasileiro dos anos 1990, a qual Behring caracterizou de contrarreforma por conta de sua tendência a amortizar direitos sociais e trabalhistas já conquistados. Em seguida apresentam-se pontos de vista diferente em relação à chamada democracia participativa que pode se identificar tanto com o pensamento liberal reformado ou colocar-se na perspectiva transformadora da sociedade por meio da radicalização da democracia. Embasado na matriz teórica marxista analisa-se a literatura existente sobre a ouvidoria pública e apresenta-se a Política Nacional de Gestão Estratégica e Participativa do SUS, cuja ouvidoria é um dos seus elementos. Os resultados mostraram que a forma como a Ouvidoria do SUS foi concebida e a concepção de participação adotada por esta a qual limitase a um mero instrumento de aferição da satisfação dos usuários são sem dúvida os principais obstáculos para que a Ouvidoria seja, de fato, um instrumento de gestão participativa.