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Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is an indolent B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder characterised by 7q32 deletion, but the target genes of this deletion remain unknown. In order to elucidate the genetic target of this deletion, we performed an integrative analysis of the genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and miRNomic data. High resolution array comparative genomic hybridization of 56 cases of SMZL delineated a minimally deleted region (2.8 Mb) at 7q32, but showed no evidence of any cryptic homozygous deletion or recurrent breakpoint in this region. Integrated transcriptomic analysis confirmed significant under-expression of a number of genes in this region in cases of SMZL with deletion, several of which showed hypermethylation. In addition, a cluster of 8 miRNA in this region showed under-expression in cases with the deletion, and three (miR-182/96/183) were also significantly under-expressed (P<0.05) in SMZL relative to other lymphomas. Genomic sequencing of these miRNA and IRF5, a strong candidate gene, did not show any evidence of somatic mutation in SMZL. These observations provide valuable guidance for further characterisation of 7q deletion.


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A 77-year-old man with a 5-year history of mycosis fungoides (MF) who had received several lines of therapy, including intravenous courses of Methotrexate (MTX) for the past 2 years, went on to develop several ulcerated cutaneous nodules on the left leg. Biopsy revealed diffuse sheets of EBV-positive large B cells (CD20+ CD30 ± IgM Lambda), with an angiocentric distribution and a monoclonal IGH gene rearrangement. Although the pathological features were diagnostic for an EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), several possibilities could be considered for assignment to a specific entity: EBV-positive DLBCL of the elderly, methotrexate-induced lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD), lymphomatoid granulomatosis, or the more recently described EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer. The development of EBV+ lymphoproliferations has been reported in two other patients with MF under MTX, and occurred as skin lesions of the leg in one of these and in the current case, which may question the relatedness to primary cutaneous DLCBL, leg-type.


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Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a potentially fatal complication of solid organ transplantation. The majority of PTLD is of B-cell origin, and 90% are associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LG) is a rare, EBV-associated systemic angiodestructive lymphoproliferative disorder, which has rarely been described in patients with renal transplantation. We report the case of a patient with renal transplantation for SLE, who presented, 9 months after renal transplantation, an EBV-associated LG limited to the intracranial structures that recovered completely after adjustment of her immunosuppressive treatment. Nine years later, she developed a second PTLD disorder with central nervous system initial manifestation. Workup revealed an EBV-positive PTLD Burkitt lymphoma, widely disseminated in most organs. In summary, the reported patient presented two lymphoproliferative disorders (LG and Burkitt's lymphoma), both with initial neurological manifestation, at 9 years interval. With careful reduction of the immunosuppression after the first manifestation and with the use of chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy after the second manifestation, our patient showed complete disappearance of neurologic symptoms and she is clinically well with good kidney function. No recurrence has been observed by radiological imaging until now.


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Castleman's disease (CD) is an uncommon lymphoproliferative disorder that is morphologically and clinically heterogeneous. Both a localized benign variant and a multicentric form with systemic manifestations have been described. Although there are many published cases in literature, there are a few reports about this pathology in Brazil. We describe a patient with several manifestations of multicentric CD: lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, and hepatosplenomegaly. Pathological examination of excised cervical lymph node revealed its rarest form: a CD of the hyaline-vascular type in multicentric presentation.


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We report here two postmortem cases of dogs with intravascular lymphomatosis affecting the central nervous system. Intravascular lymphomatosis is represented by an exclusively intravascular proliferation of neoplastic lymphoid cells. To characterize the origin of the neoplastic cells, we have proceeded with immunohistochemical analysis to identify B and T lymphocytes and endothelial cells. The results showed predominance of cells from the T cell lineage, and no evidence of B cell origin was found. Few cells from one dog also exhibited cytoplasmatic staining for vimentin and Von Willebrand factor. Although in one case some immunophenotype diversity was observed, the massive presence of CD3 positive cells confirmed these neoplasms as intravascular lymphomatosis of T cell origin.


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Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, que analisou fatores preditivos relacionados com a evolução da sepse e choque séptico em pacientes portadores de doenças oncológicas linfoproliferativas e tumorações sólidas que foram admitidos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica do Hospital Ophir Loyola e validou o escore PRISM III para predizer a evolução dos mesmos. Foram incluídos os pacientes na faixa etária de 30 dias a 16 anos internados no período de dezembro de 2007 a março de 2008 e que sobreviveram nas primeiras 24 horas. Os dados dos pacientes, constando parâmetros epidemiológicos, clínicos, laboratoriais, tratamento realizado e evolução para óbito ou alta foram coletados através de uma ficha clínica, assim como o escore PRISM coletado nas primeiras 24 horas de admissão na unidade. Realizou-se a análise estatística de regressão logística, através das variáveis epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais. Os resultados demonstraram que a idade média dos pacientes foi de 72,8 meses, sendo que 66,18% do sexo masculino, com média de tempo de internação de 12,10 dias, e a maior porcentagem (69,12%) procedente do interior do estado e de outros estados. A causa mais frequente de admissão foi a sepse (41,18%), mais da metade apresentou neutropenia febril (55,88%) e precisaram de drogas inotrópicas-vasoativas (55,88%), utilizaram ventilação mecânica 47,06%, evoluindo para o óbito em 51,47% dos casos. A análise de regressão logística univariada evidenciou como fator de risco significante para o óbito o tempo de internamento, utilização de drogas inotrópicas-vasoativas e ventilação mecânica. A análise do óbito em relação ao escore PRISM III também foi significante. A análise multivariada apresentou como mais significativos fatores de risco de óbito a utilização de drogas inotrópicas-vasoativas, o uso de ventilação mecânica e o escore PRISM III. O início precoce do tratamento intensivo para crianças com câncer apresentando sepse e choque séptico pode ser um fator capaz de influenciar a mortalidade desses pacientes.


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Angioinvasion/angiodestruction has been reported in a small subset of primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphomas (PCALCL). Recently, PCALCL with angioinvasive features and cytotoxic phenotype has been characterized as a variant associated with good clinical outcomes despite worrisome histopathologic features. We report a case of PCALCL with angioinvasive features and cytotoxic phenotype associated with reparative changes on the wall of medium-sized vessels involved by the neoplasm, including intimal fibroblastic proliferation and luminal obliteration. This vascular pattern, although previously unreported in PCALCL, is in accordance with the indolent behavior observed in this entity and provides a further link with lymphomatoid papulosis type E.


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Introduction: Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by dimorphic fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, and it has not been reported in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) patients, particularly progressive disseminated histoplasmosis (PDH) subtype. Case report: We reported herein a 14-year old girl who was diagnosed with JSLE. Six months later, she had abdominal distension and received prednisone, hydroxychloroquine and azathioprine. Computer tomography evidenced hepatosplenomegaly and multiple mesenteric, mediastinal and retroperitoneal enlarged lymph nodes, forming large conglomerates at the mesentery, suggestive of lymphoproliferative disorder. After 10 days, she had acute surgical abdominal, and underwent a laparotomy and intestinal perforation and conglomerates of lymph nodes were observed. The jejunum biopsy showed perforated acute enteritis with hemorrhage and necrosis, and Grocott staining identified Histoplasma sp. and the culture showed a heavy growth of Histoplasma capsulatum. At that moment liposomal amphotericin B (1.0 mg/Kg/day) was introduced. Despite this treatment she died due to septic shock eight days later. Diffuse Histoplasma capsulatum was evidenced at autopsy. Conclusion: We reported a severe opportunistic infection in JSLE patient with adenopathy and multiple intestinal perforations. This study reinforces the importance of early diagnosis and antifungal therapy, especially in patients with these uncommon clinical manifestations.


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The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a large spectrum of lymphoproliferative diseases. Traditional methods of EBV detection include the immunohistochemical identification of viral proteins and DNA probes to the viral genome in tumoral tissue. The present study explored the detection of the EBV genome, using the BALF5 gene, in the bone marrow or blood mononuclear cells of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and related its presence to the clinical variables and risk factors. The results show that EBV detection in 21.5% of patients is not associated with age, gender, staging, B symptoms, international prognostic index scores or any analytical parameters, including lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) or beta-2 microglobulin (B2M). The majority of patients were treated with R-CHOP-like (rituximab. cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisolone or an equivalent combination) and some with CHOP-like chemotherapy. Response rates [complete response (CR) + partial response (PR)] were not significantly different between EBV-negative and -positive cases, with 93.2 and 88.9%, respectively. The survival rate was also similar in the two groups, with 5-year overall survival (OS) rates of 64.3 and 76.7%, respectively. However, when analyzing the treatment groups separately there was a trend in EBV-positive patients for a worse prognosis in patients treated with CHOP-like regimens that was not identified in patients treated with R-CHOP-like regimens. We conclude that EBV detection in the bone marrow and blood mononuclear cells of DLBC patients has the same frequency of EBV detection on tumoral lymphoma tissue but is not associated with the risk factors, response rate and survival in patients treated mainly with immunochemotherapy plus rituximab. These results also suggest that the addition of rituximab to chemotherapy improves the prognosis associated with EBV detection in DLBCL.


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BACKGROUND: Fas (CD95/Apo-1) ligand (FasL)-induced apoptosis in Fas-bearing cells is critically involved in modulating immune reactions and tissue repair. Apoptosis has also been described after mechanical vascular injury such as percutaneous coronary intervention. However, the relevance of cell death in this context of vascular repair remains unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: To determine whether FasL-induced apoptosis is causally related to neointimal lesion formation, we subjected FasL-deficient (generalized lymphoproliferative disorder [gld], C57BL/6J) and corresponding wild-type (WT) mice to carotid balloon distension injury, which induces marked endothelial denudation and medial cell death. FasL expression in WT mice was induced in injured vessels compared with untreated arteries (P<0.05; n=5). Conversely, absence of functional FasL in gld mice decreased medial and intimal apoptosis (terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling [TUNEL] index) at 1 hour and 7 days after balloon injury (P<0.05; n=6). In addition, peritoneal macrophages isolated from gld mice showed no apoptosis and enhanced migration (P<0.05; n=4). In parallel, we observed increased balloon-induced macrophage infiltrations (anti-CD68) in injured arteries of FasL-deficient animals (P<0.05; n=6). Together with enhanced proliferation (bromodeoxyuridine index; P<0.05), these events resulted in a further increase in medial and neointimal cells (P<0.01; n=8) with thickened neointima in gld mice (intima/media ratio, x3.8 of WT; P<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our data identify proapoptotic and antiinflammatory effects of endogenous FasL as important factors in the process of neointimal lesion formation after balloon injury. Moreover, they suggest that activation of FasL may decrease neointimal thickening after percutaneous coronary intervention.


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BACKGROUND: Solitary skin nodules composed of pleomorphic T lymphocytes are often the source of diagnostic problems. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the clinicopathological features, prognosis and optimal treatment modalities of patients with solitary lymphoid nodules of small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T lymphocytes. METHODS: Twenty-six patients were analysed for clinical, histopathological, immunophenotypical, molecular and follow-up data. Results: Lesions were located mainly on the head and neck (n = 16; 61.5%) or trunk (n = 8; 30.8%). Histopathology showed non-epidermotropic nodular or diffuse infiltrates of small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T lymphocytes. Monoclonality was found by PCR in 54.2% of cases (n = 13/24). After a mean follow-up of 79.7 months, a local recurrence could be observed only in 1 patient. CONCLUSIONS: Our patients have a specific cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by reproducible clinicopathological features. The incongruity between the indolent clinical course and the worrying histopathological features poses difficulties in classifying these cases unambiguously as benign or malignant. We suggest to describe these lesions as 'solitary small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell nodules of undetermined significance'. Irrespective of the name given to these equivocal cutaneous lymphoid proliferations, follow-up data support a non-aggressive therapeutic strategy.


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Recent studies indicate that CTLA-4 interaction with B7 ligands transduces an inhibitory signal to T lymphocytes. Mice homozygous for a null mutation in CTLA-4 have provided the most dramatic example of the functional importance of CTLA-4 in vivo. These animals develop a fatal lymphoproliferative disorder and were reported to have an increase in CD4+ and CD8+ thymocytes and CD4−CD8− thymocytes, and a decrease in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Based on these observations, it was proposed that CTLA-4 is necessary for normal thymocyte development. In this study, CTLA-4-deficient mice carrying an insertional mutation into exon 3 of the ctla-4 gene were generated. Although these mice display a lymphoproliferative disorder similar to previous reports, there was no alteration in the thymocyte profiles when the parathymic lymph nodes were excluded from the thymi. Further, thymocyte development was normal throughout ontogeny and in neonates, and there was no increase in thymocyte production. Finally, T cell antigen receptor signaling, as assessed by proximal and distal events, was not altered in thymocytes from CTLA-4−/− animals. Collectively, these results clearly demonstrate that the abnormal T cell expansion in the CTLA-4-deficient mice is not due to altered thymocyte development and suggest that the apparent altered thymic phenotype previously described was due to the inclusion of parathymic lymph nodes and, in visibly ill animals, to the infiltration of the thymus by activated peripheral T cells. Thus it appears that CTLA-4 is primarily involved in the regulation of peripheral T cell activation.


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Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma (FDCS) is a rare intermediate grade malignant neoplasm of reticular dendritic origin. Castleman’s disease (CD) represents a non-neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorder with various clinical and morphological features. FDCS has been reported to be associated with CD. In this article, we describe the first case of follicular dendritic cell sarcoma associated with Castleman’s disease presenting in the oral cavity. Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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The c-kit proto-oncogen (CD117) has been described to be present in normal and neoplastic hemopoietic cells including both myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Among the normal lymphoid cells CD117 expression would be restricted to a small subset of NK-cells, and to early T-cell precursors and it is not expressed by normal B-cells. Regarding chronic lymphoproliferative disorders the only data provided up to now suggests that CD117 expression is restricted to cases of Hodgkin's disease and anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. In the present paper we describe a case of a B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorder carrying the t(14:18) translocation as demonstrated by molecular studies, in which the flow cytometric immunophenotypic analysis of both peripheral blood and bone marrow samples revealed the expression of high amounts of the CD117 antigen in the surface of the clonal B-cell population. Further studies are necessary to explore both the functional role of c-kit expression in the neoplastic B-cells from this patient and its potential utility for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


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We present a case of autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) caused by a previously undescribed minimal deletion in the death domain of the FAS gene. ALPS is an uncommon disease associated with an impaired Fas-mediated apoptosis. The patient presented with a history of splenomegaly since 4 months of age, associated with cervical lymphadenopathy, which improved with oral corticosteroid treatment. Relevant laboratory findings were the presence of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and positive direct and indirect Coombs tests. He was not an offspring of consanguineous parents. Two cervical lymph node biopsies were performed, at 4 years and at 6 years of age. In both lymph nodes, there was marked paracortical expansion by lymphocytes in variable stages of immunoblastic transformation and a very high cell proliferating index. Some clear cells were also present, raising the suspicion of malignant lymphoma. In one of the lymph nodes, there was also a focus rich in large histiocytes with round nuclei and emperipolesis, consistent with focal Rosai-Dorfman disease. Immunostaining showed numerous CD3+ cells, many of which were double-negative (CD4- CD8-) and expressed CD57, especially around the follicles. Molecular studies of the lymph node biopsy showed a point deletion (4-base pair deletion) in exon 9 of the FAS gene (930del TGCT), which results in 3 missense amino acids. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.