937 resultados para LIFE-WORLD


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Aim The aim of this reflective account is to provide a view of the intensive care unit (ICU) relative’s experiences of supporting and being supported in the ICU. Background Understanding the relatives’ experiences of ICU is important especially because a recent work has identified the potential for this group to develop post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition that is normally equated with the ICU survivor. Design A thematic analysis was used in identifying emerging themes that would be significant in an ICU nursing context. Setting The incident took place in two 8-bedded ICUs (Private and National Health Service) in October. Results Two emergent themes were identified from the reflective story – fear of the technological environment and feeling hopeless and helpless. Conclusion The use of relative stories as an insight into the live experiences of ICU relatives may give a deeper understanding of their life-world. The loneliness, anguish and pain of the ICU relative extends beyond the walls of the ICU, and this is often negated as the focus of the ICU team is the patient. Relevance to clinical practice: Developing strategies to support relatives might include the use of relative diaries used concurrently with patient diaries to support this groups recovery or at the very least a gaining a sense of understanding for their ICU experience. Relative follow-up clinics designed specifically to meet their needs where support and advice can be given by the ICU team, in addition to making timely and appropriate referrals to counselling services and perhaps involving spiritual leaders where appropriate.


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Husserl reminded us of the imperative to return to the Lebensweldt, or life-world. He was preoccupied with the crisis of Western science which alienated the experiencing self from the world of immediate experience. Immediate experience provides a foundation for what it means to be human. Heidegger, building upon these ideas, foresaw a threat to human nature in the face of ‘technicity’. He argued for a return to a relationship between ‘authentic self’ and nature predicated upon the notion of ‘letting be’ in which humans are open to the mystery of being. Self and nature are not conceived as alienated entities but as aspects of a single entity. In modern times, separation between self and the world is further evidenced by scientific rational modes of being exemplified through consumerism and the incessant use of screen-based technology which dominate human experience. In contrast, extreme sports provide an opportunity for people to return to the life-world by living in relation to the natural world. Engagement in extreme sports enables a return to authenticity as we rediscover self as part of nature.


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The memoirs were written in 2000 in California and contains some of the author's diary entries during the years of the family's emigration and reminiscences of the author's father. Detailed description of family history going back to the early 19th century. The author's grandfather Moses Stern had a rawproduct business in Gelsenkirchen, Westphalia. His father Max Stern took his graduate exam (Abitur) at the Jacobsohn boarding school in 1904 and was sent to a business school in Brussles, Belgium. Work in the family business M. Stern AG. World War One and rise of the family business with branches throughout Germany and offices in New York, London, Milan and Stockholm. Due to political unrest at the end of the war the business administration moved to Essen. Description of the family background of Beate Herzberg, the author's mother. Courtship of his parents and marriage in 1922. Birth of his sister Annelore in 1923. Martin Stern was born in 1924. Description of the family household and domestic life in a well-to-do family the 1920s. Friday visits to the synagogue and celebration of Jewish holidays. Vacations at the North sea and skiinig in the Alps. Martin attended a Jewish elementary school. Rising National Socialism. After Hitler came to power in 1933 the author's father immediately started preparations for the family's emigration, but was persuaded to stay by his family. Life under National Socialism. Martin attended Gymnasium and was one of only two Jewish students in his class. Antisemitic incidents. Private lessons in piano and Hebrew. Bar Mitzvah in 1937. Recollections of performances of the Kulturbund.


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A partir da década de 1970, a ciência geográfica passou a entender que seus conceitos, suas categorias analíticas, bem como seus objetos de pesquisa poderiam se utilizar dos discursos literários, em suas diversas possibilidades, incluindo o cinema, a pintura e, até mesmo, a música. Compreender os lugares a partir dos panoramas narrados pelos literatos {escritores ou compositores} e fomentar uma leitura de mundo repleta de sentidos existenciais, oferecida pelas maneiras que os autores apreendem, se configura como um relevante caminho de entendimento do mundo vivido a partir da interrelação entre a linguagem científica e artística. Neste sentido, a corrente humanística em geografia tem se dedicado a esta análise, uma vez que a linguagem literária tem a particularidade de comunicar aspectos da vida ou fatos e tempos da experiência humana, revelando, pois, o sentimento e o entendimento do literato frente à sociedade. No que tange à literatura musical, os versos permitem múltiplas interpretações. A música pode afetar, comover, causar estranheza, interesse ou reflexão, fazer o corpo se movimentar ou relaxar e, ainda, servir de base para análises filosófico-científicas a respeito dos espaços e lugares geográficos. Dito isto, esta dissertação segue a trilha da geografia humanística e nossa intenção é mostrar esta corrente configurando um caminho para a elucidação da complexidade exposta pela análise subjetiva de um elenco de letras capturadas do acervo de Chico Buarque, bem como o desvendar da plêiade de efemérides, sentimentos, mazelas e vibrações encerradas no cancioneiro buarqueano e que podem ser lidas através do conceito de lugar, este confundido com a trajetória da geografia humanística.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir o surgimento e desenvolvimento da noção de qualidade de vida como uma estratégia de avaliação em saúde, a partir da trajetória do instrumento de qualidade de vida da Organização Mundial de Saúde, WHOQOL. Através de uma perspectiva construcionista foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental identificando os usos da noção de qualidade de vida nas políticas de saúde internacionais e na literatura médica. A discussão proposta pelo trabalho aponta para as relações entre os processos de globalização e o campo da saúde como a matriz política e cognitiva para o surgimento dos instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida, principalmente a partir de sua perspectiva transcultural. A criação e uso do WHOQOL em seus diversos centros de pesquisa distribuídos em 40 países visam produzir consensos técnicos e políticos para a construção de sistemas de informação em saúde baseada em critérios universais, possibilitando às agências internacionais, como a OMS, influir globalmente sobre as políticas nacionais de saúde.


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Esta pesquisa aborda em primeiro momento os conceitos de crimes de perigo abstrato e concreto. Estendeu a ideia de crime e as funções do Direito Penal na sociedade contemporânea, como ainda evidencia esta área do Direito no sistema e/ou estrutura do mundo da vida. Os dois casos de crimes de perigo abstrato e concreto foram propostos nos estudos acerca do artigo 306 do Código de Trânsito Brasileiro CTB no tratado à embriaguez ao volante e a constitucionalidade ou não da aplicação do crime de perigo abstrato ao caso em específico. Nesta perspectiva as análises se configuraram nos relatos dos Tribunais de Justiça dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e de Rondônia a fim de significar as tipificações em tela, bem como às relações intersubjetivas dos desembargadores e à própria organização de cada órgão judiciário. Dessas análises foi possível chegar à interpretação das diferenças entre o crime de perigo abstrato e concreto presentes nas incidências e/ou ocorrências de acidentes de trânsito nos dois Estados respectivamente. Em um terceiro momento centrou-se as análises nos estudos socioeconômicos e culturais que tratam de entender o fenômeno do trânsito nos municípios de Porto Velho-RO e Rio de Janeiro-RJ, cujos acidentes nas vias públicas modificam os modos de ser e de viver nos locais. Do ponto de vista metodológico a ideia é conceituar os crimes de perigo concreto e abstrato; os riscos da sociedade atual, se utilizando muitas vezes de Niklas Luhmann e Raffaele De Giorgi; Leonel S. Rocha; Renato de Mello Jorge Silveira; Jorge Luis Fortes Pinheiro da Câmara; Aparecida Luzia Alzira Zuin, Jürgen Habermas, Juarez Estevam Xavier Tavares; Eduardo Sanz de Oliveira Silva; Winfried Hassemer; Antônio Carlos Wolkmer e José Rubens Morato Leite; Diego Romero, entre outros. A fim de entender o que é perigo no escopo abrangido pelo Direito Penal, tomamos como embasamentos teóricos Luiz H. Merlin; Sánchez Silva, Luís Greco, Claus Roxin, Nilo Batista etc. Além desses autores, a tese se apoia nos teóricos: Juarez Tavares, Luiz Alberto Machado; E. Raúl Zaffaroni; Alexandre de Moraes. Ainda, complementamos as referências com Luiz Regis Prado; Nilo Batista. Estende-se à ideia aos crimes de perigo abstrato e direito penal brasileiro; aqui, encontramos subsídios em: Celso Delmanto; Luiz Flávio Gomes, dentre outros. Vale mencionar que neste diapasão, a proposta é conceituar e exemplificar os princípios legitimadores do Direito Penal frente à proposta fundamental da Constituição Federal de 1988. Ainda, conceituar e descrever os objetivos do CTB; as aplicações legais ou não do Art. 306 do CTB; e a definição e/ou classificação de embriaguez nesta linha de pensamento.


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Irish literature on Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is very scant and is mainly deficits and/or needs based. The focus is generally on how to manage the short term needs of the younger population with ABI. The starting position of my thesis is that people living long-term with ABI are important participants in developing knowledge about this social phenomenon, living with ABI while accepting that their brain injury does not determine them. Six mature adults with ABI and their six significant others participated in this longitudinal study. Using a narrative approach in interviews, over twenty months, five repeat individual interviews with each of the twelve participants was held. From this I gained an understanding of their lived experiences, their life-world and their experiences of our local public ABI/disability services, systems and discourse. Along with this new empirical data, theoretical developments from occupational therapy, occupational science, sociology, and disability studies were also used within a meta-narrative informed by critical theory and critical realism to develop a synthesis of this study. Social analysis of their narratives co-constructed with me, allowed me generate nuanced insights into tendencies and social processes that impacted and continues to impact on their everyday-everynight living. I discuss in some depth here, the relational attitudinal, structural, occupational and environmental supports, barriers or discrimination that they face(d) in their search for social participation and community inclusion. Personal recognition of the disabled participants by their family, friends and/or local community, was generally enhanced after much suffering, social supports, slow recovery, and with some form of meaningful occupational engagement. This engagement was generally linked with pre-injury interests or habits, while Time itself became both a major aid and a need. The present local ABI discourse seldom includes advocacy and inclusion in everyday/every night local events, yet most participants sought both peer-support or collective recognition, and social/community inclusion to help develop their own counter-discourse to the dominant ABI discourse. This thesis aims to give a broad social explanation on aspects of their social becoming, 'self-sameness' and social participation, and the status of the disabled participants wanting to live 'the slow life'. Tensions and dialectical issues involved in moving from the category of a person in coma, to person with a disability, to being a citizen should not demote the need for special services. While individualized short-term neuro-rehabilitation is necessary, it is not sufficient. Along with the participants, this researcher asks that community health and/or social care planners and service-providers rethink how ABI is understood and represented, and how people with ABI are included in their local communities


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In many Western countries, older people live and die in long-term institutional care settings. Habermas's concepts of lifeworld, system and communicative action are drawn upon to illuminate the experience of living and dying in this particular place. It is proposed that dying older adults, their family and care staff occupy different contested states and long term care settings are contested places, located in a wider system. This wider system, mediated through care homes, can colonise the life world experiences of dying individuals. The development of communicative space bridges the lifeworld and system and offers a way for the lifeworld of dying individuals, and those around them to be reintegrated into, and influence the wider system. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.


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Despite the growing trend towards recognizing that attention deficit hyperactive disorder occurs beyond childhood, the experience of adult students who are ADHD remains little researched or understood. Given the losses in efficiency and productivity in academic performance from adult ADHD, researching ADHD’s experiential aspects is significant for both educators and students in its potential to develop better strategies for accommodating those with the disorder. This study used hermeneutic phenomenology and existential psychology to describe the lived experience of adult students who are ADHD. Five adult students participated in the study, which involved two in-depth conversations with guiding questions such as: What is it like to be ADHD?; and What led to your perception that you have ADHD? Conversations were transcribed and thematic statements developed, using the life-world existentials of lived space, lived time, lived relationships and lived corporeality to deepen considerations of meaning.


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This is an empirical study with theoretical interpretation and elaboration simultaneously on the migration process and the related spatial development in contemporary China. In so doing, there is always a combination of series of studies of the modernization of the migrants themselves with accumulation of forms of capital and changes of lebenswelt (life world) as well as the regions of their origins by the effective use of the gained resources from outgoing migration and remigration. With great efforts made to put the issues together for analysis, the author has taken three approaches to the study based on the political and economic institutional arrangements, the field work data and the elaboration of respective findings. First, as the analytical parts of the institutional changes, which have gone through the whole research, many of the policies from state level to townships involved in the migration, remigration and spatial development have been interpreted with Chinese political and cultural insight. The making of these, as the means of understanding the contexts of macro level and micro level cases is served as key linkages between scholarly imagination and social reality. Indeed most of the discussions made to explain the phenomena such as the sudden upsurge of migration flows, the emergence of three generations, the strong and weak trends of remigration as well as the related spatial development planning, etc are mainly due to the domination, at least the impact of governments decision-making in spite of growing market functioning in often operative manners. Secondly, case studies of the effects of migration and remigration are carried out between the years of 1995 and 2005 in the costal urban regions as designations and the interior rural regions as origins. Conducted mainly by the author, the cases drawn in the research focus on the process of migration with an accumulation of forms of capital away from home and the effective use of the resources flowing back to home areas. As a result, ways of accumulation and utilization of the economic, social and cultural capital are described and interpreted in terms of the development and modernization of both the migrants themselves and the regions where they come out from or move to in the future. Thirdly, in accordance with the findings generated from the cases, the author proposes in the final chapter an important argumentation as conclusion that the duel social-economic structure will inevitably be broken up and reformulated with flows of migrants and forms of capital they possess as types of future spatial development that will be put into practice. With scenarios and all the other conclusions worked out in the end, the research concludes that the pluralistic spatial development in the condition of constant space flows between regions can be a decisive line of thinking in the process of urbanization, industrialization and modernization in the long run in the future. Since this is an exploratory study of the past and present, the author has left some space open for academic debates and put forward suggestions on the inclusion of future research before implementing policies necessary for migration associated spatial practice and development.


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En términos generales, los paradigmas de la economía son resultado de las construcciones científicas. A ellas se llega desde las diferentes disciplinas, una vez la anterior arquitectura de indicadores, categorías, conceptos y en general teorías no explican de manera satisfactoria el comportamiento de su objeto de estudio, en razón a los cambios en el mismo objeto, o a los cambios dentro de las concepciones teóricas con las cuales se intenta explicar. Estos cambios son consecuencia de los incrementos de la complejidad en el sistema, o en su entorno de acuerdo con el pensamiento de Niklas Luhman, o mundo del sistema y mundo de la vida, según Jürgen Habermas. Este ensayo es un avance en borrador del proyecto de investigación “Empresa y Desarrollo”. Se intenta reflexionar sobre los problemas de la complejidad, los fundamentos epistemológicos de las teorías del desarrollo, y aportar en la comprensión desde una perspectiva evolutiva de la sociedad.


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El interés de este artículo es evaluar el tema de la construcción de “una opinión pública” ilustrada como camino de consolidación de la democracia moderna en Colombia. Este aspecto constituye un elemento fundante, pues integra la complejidad de la democracia a través del diálogo entre sistema y mundo de la vida. Igualmente, desde la opinión pública y sus posibilidades, puede evaluarse la consolidación democrática como prueba de funcionamiento del conjunto de las instituciones sociales, en su búsqueda de libertades en ámbitos de eficiencia, justicia y armonía social; en el sentido de una democracia deliberativa-radical, y siguiendo a Amartya Sen, por un desarrollo como libertad. En el caso colombiano, con las debilidades de su estructura estatal, fenómenos como el narcotráfico y la lucha guerrillera, el precario desarrollo de una ilustración entre la población, y en particular la inequidad económica y social, se erigen como impedimentos en el proceso de construcción de una opinión pública madura, beligerante y decisoria.-----This article aims at evaluating the topic of “public opinion” construction illustrated as a road toward modern democracy consolidation in Colombia. This aspect constitutes a basis element, because integrates democracy complexity through a dialog between life system and life world. Furthermore, from the public opinion and its potentialities, the democratic consolidation can be evaluated as evidencing that social institutions work as a group on seeking freedom in the realms of efficiency, justice, and social harmony; within the meaning of a radical-deliberative democracy and following Amartya Sen in the pursuance of development as freedom. As for Colombia with the government structures’ weaknesses, phenomena such as narcotrafic and guerrilla group fight, poor development of population literacy and particularly, the social and financial inequity arise as impairments to the process of building a mature and belligerent public opinion with decisionmaking power.


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Este libro apunta a impulsar estudios sociomusicales y la participación en la comunidad académica internacional que trabaja estos campos. Temáticas y enfoques de los artículos muestran la multiplicidad de esta investigación sobre música y sociedad. Están investigadores de trayectoria como Carlos Miñana sobre músicas indígenas andinas e historiografía del folclor, o Adolfo González y Jorge Nieves sobre música y cultura popular en la región del Caribe. Profesores que han estado configurando sus publicaciones y líneas de investigación como Hugues Sánchez sobre historia musical en el Magdalena Grande o Beatriz Goubert sobre hibridaciones y pedagogías musicales. Michael Birenbaum en su tesis doctoral se ocupa de las intersecciones entre política y música en el Pacífico. Investigadoras que abren nuevos campos como Alejandra Isaza sobre música colonial en Medellín, Alexandra Quintana sobre discriminación de género y mujeres músicas en los festivales de gaitas y Lorena Aja sobre tensiones de la intercuturalidad de las músicas en San Andrés.


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Heideggerian phenomenology is expounded here as a qualitative methodology of value in researching "how things really are" in organizational life. It is a methodology, and a philosophy, that recognizes a priori the value of the subjective, lived experience of the individual, and the physical, sociological, and psychological phenomena that come together to create a life-world. In this paper, the authors present three cases where this methodology successfully revealed the employee's reality. Stories about working in teams, being downsized, and having an unseen chronic illness at work are shared to demonstrate the ability of Heideggerian phenomenology to reveal how life really is in organizations. The benefit for HR practitioners and managers is an increased understanding of and, hence, ability to address these sensitive and often unspoken aspects of organizational life.