20 resultados para LBE
The concentrations of the long-lived nuclear reaction products 129I and 36Cl have been measured in samples from the MEGAPIE liquid metal spallation target. Samples from the bulk target material (lead-bismuth eutectic, LBE), from the interface of the metal free surface with the cover gas, from LBE/steel interfaces and from noble metal absorber foils installed in the cover gas system were analysed using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at the Laboratory of Ion beam Physics at ETH Zürich. The major part of 129I and 36Cl was found accumulated on the interfaces, particularly at the interface of LBE and the steel walls of the target container, while bulk LBE samples contain only a minor fraction of these nuclides. Both nuclides were also detected on the absorber foils to a certain extent (≪ 1% of the total amount). The latter number is negligible concerning the radio-hazard of the irradiated target material; however it indicates a certain affinity of the absorber foils for halogens, thus proving the principle of using noble metal foils for catching these volatile radionuclides. The total amounts of 129I and 36Cl in the target were estimated from the analytical data by averaging within the different groups of samples and summing up these averages over the total target. This estimation could account for about half of the amount of 129I and 36Cl predicted to be produced using nuclear physics modelling codes for both nuclides. The significance of the results and the associated uncertainties are discussed.
The optimal design of a vertical cantilever beam is presented in this paper. The beam is assumed immersed in an elastic Winkler soil and subjected to several loads: a point force at the tip section, its self weight and a uniform distributed load along its length. lbe optimal design problem is to find the beam of a given length and minimum volume, such that the resultant compressive stresses are admisible. This prohlem is analyzed according to linear elasticity theory and within different alternative structural models: column, Navier-Bernoulli beam-column, Timoshenko beamcolumn (i.e. with shear strain) under conservative loads, typically, constant direction loads. Results obtained in each case are compared, in order to evaluate the sensitivity of model on the numerical results. The beam optimal design is described by the section distribution layout (area, second moment, shear area etc.) along the beam span and the corresponding beam total volume. Other situations, some of them very interesting from a theoretical point of view, with follower loads (Beck and Leipholz problems) are also discussed, leaving for future work numerical details and results.
Lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) is a possible coolant for fast reactors and targets in spallation neutron sources. Its low melting point, high evaporation point, good thermal conductivity, low reactivity, and good neutron yield make it a safe and high performance coolant in radiation environments. The disadvantage is that it is a corrosive medium for most steels and container materials. This study was performed to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the austenitic stainless steel D9 in oxygen controlled LBE. In order to predict the corrosion behavior of steel in this environment detailed analyses have to be performed on the oxide layers formed on these materials and various other relevant materials upon exposure to LBE. In this study the corrosion/oxidation of D9 stainless steel in LBE was investigated in great detail. The oxide layers formed were characterized using atomic force microscopy, magnetic force microscopy, nanoindentation, and scanning electron microscopy with wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) to understand the corrosion and oxidation mechanisms of D9 stainless steel in contact with the LBE. What was previously believed to be a simple double oxide layer was identified here to consist of at least 4 different oxide layers. It was found that the inner most oxide layer takes over the grain structure of what used to be the bulk steel material while the outer oxide layer consists of freshly grown oxides with a columnar structure. These results lead to a descriptive model of how these oxide layers grow on this steel under the harsh environments encountered in these applications.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Two ferritic/martensitic steels, T91 steel and newly developed SIMP steel, were subject to tensile test after being oxidized in the liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) at 873 K for 500 h, 1000 h and 2000 h. Tensile tests were also carried out on the steels only thermally aged at 873 K. The result shows that thermal aging has no effect. Exposure to LBE at 873 K leads to a slight decrease in strength, but a large decrease in elongation when tested at 873 K. When tested at 873 K after 2000 h exposure, the tensile strength of T91 decreases slightly, and elongation from 39% to 21%. For SIMP, the decreases are slightly and from 44% to 28%, for tensile strength and elongation, respectively. The room temperature strength has slightly larger percentage reductions after the LBE exposure, but the elongation changes little.