999 resultados para LAMELLAR MORPHOLOGY


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The isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization processes of nylon 1212 were investigated by polarized optical microscopy. The crystal growth rates of nylon 1212 measured in isothermal conditions at temperatures ranged from 182 to 132 degreesC are well comparable with those measured by non-isothermal procedures (cooling rates ranged from 0.5 to 11 degreesC/min). The kinetic data were examined with the Hoffman-Lauritzen nucleation theory on the basis of the obtained values of the thermodynamic parameters of nylon 1212. The classical regime I --> II and regime II --> III transitions occur at the temperatures of 179 and 159 degreesC, respectively. The crystal growth parameters were calculated with (100) plane assumed to be the growth plane. The regime I --> II --> III transition is accompanied by a morphological transition from elliptical-shaped structure to banded spherulite and then non-banded spherulite. The development of morphology during isothermal and non-isothermal processes shows a good agreement.


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We have followed the time development of the microdomain structure in symmetric diblock copolymer poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate), P(S-b-MMA), ultrathin films via PMMA-selective solvent vapor treatment by atomic force microscopy (AFM). After preparation on a substrate preferentially attracting the PMMA block, PS forms a continuous layer at a film's free surface. With subsequent solvent vapor treatment, the film gradually shows a well-ordered hexagonally packed nanocylinders structure. It is shown that only when the film thickness is less than the 1/2L(0) (lamellar repeat spacing), and exposed to PMMA block selective solvent for an appropriate time, can the well-ordered hexagonally packed nanocylinders form. On an extended solvent vapor treatment, a mixed morphology containing nanocylinders and stripes appears, followed by the striped morphologies. When the annealing time is long enough, the film comes back to the flat surface again, however, with PMMA instead of PS dominating the free surface.


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The silicon backbone conformation in poly(di-n-butylsilane) (PDBS) has been shown to be a 7/3 helix at ambient conditions, which is in marked contrast to the near-planar conformation of its homologous polymers with side chain lengths of one to three or six to eight carbon atoms. In this work, both the 7/3 helical and near-planar chain conformations are achieved by controlling the solvent evaporation rate around room temperature. The chain conformation and crystal structure obtained in this method have been correlated to the crystal morphology by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and UV absorption spectrum. The lath-shaped single crystals obtained at 12 degreesC correspond to an orthorhombic form with near-planar chain conformation whereas the lozenge-shaped single crystals obtained at 30 degreesC (in coexistence with the lath-shaped crystals) are orthohexagonal with a 7/3 helix.


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The molecular chain and lamellar crystal orientation in ultrathin films (thickness < 100 nm) of poly(di-n-hexylsilane) (PDHS) on silicon wafer substrates have been investigated by using transmission electronic microscopy, wide-angle X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and UV absorption spectroscopy. PDHS showed a film thickness-dependent molecular chain and lamellar crystal orientation. Lamellar crystals grew preferentially in flat-on orientation in the monolayer ultrathin films of PDHS, i.e., the silicon backbones were oriented along the surface-normal direction. By contrast, the orientation of lamellar crystals was preferentially edge-on in ultrathin films thicker than ca. 13 nm, i.e., the silicon backbones were oriented parallel to the substrate surface. We interpret the different orientations of molecular chain and lamellar crystal as due to the reduction of the entropy of the polymer chain near the substrate surface and the particularity of the crystallographic (001) plane of flat-on lamellae, respectively. A remarkable influence of the orientations of the silicon backbone on the UV absorption of these PDHS ultrathin films was observed due to the one-dimensional nature of sigma-electrons delocalized along the silicon backbone.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymers, we have investigated the morphology of H-shaped ABC block copolymers (A(2)BC(2)) and compared them with those of the linear ABC block copolymers. By changing the ratios of the volume fractions of two A arms and two C arms, one can obtain block copolymers with different architectures ranging from linear block copolymer to H-shaped block copolymer. By systematically varying the volume fractions of block A, B, and C, the triangle phase diagrams of the H-shaped ABC block copolymer with equal interactions among the three species are constructed. In this study, we find four different morphologies ( lamellar phase ( LAM), hexagonal lattice phase ( HEX), core-shell hexagonal lattice phase (CSH), and two interpenetrating tetragonal lattice (TET2)). Furthermore, the order-order transitions driven by architectural change are discussed.


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A perfect single crystal of nylon-2,14 was prepared from 0.02% (w/v) 1,4-butanediol solution by a "self-seeding" technique and isothermal crystallization at 120 and 145 degreesC. The morphology and structure features were examined by transmission electron microscopy with both image and diffraction modes, atomic force microscopy, and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). The nylon-2,14 single crystal grown from 1,4-butanediol at 145 degreesC inhabited a lathlike shape with a lamellar thickness of about 9 nm. Electron diffraction and WAXD data indicated that nylon-2,14 crystallized in a triclinic system with lattice dimensions a = 0.49 nm, b = 0.51 nm, c = 2.23 nm, alpha = 60.4degrees, beta = 77degrees, and gamma = 59degrees. The crystal structure is different from that of nylon-6,6 but similar to that of other members of nylon-2Y.


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Transition of crystalline structure and morphology of metallocene-catalyzed butyl branched polyethylene with branch content has been studied. It was found that the long periods of the branched polyethylene were controlled by crystallization conditions for the lower branch content samples and by branch contents for the higher branch content samples. When the branch content increased to a critical value the branched polyethylene had no long period because the crystalline morphology was changed from folded chain crystal to a bundled crystal. The TEM observations supported the results. The transition of the crystalline morphology resulted from the reduction of lamellar thickness with increasing of branch content since the branches were rejected from the lattice. The reduction of lamellar thickness with increasing of branch content also resulted in lattice expansion and decrease of melt temperature of the branched polyethylene. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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A novel morphology of TPBD crystals consisting of a three-dimensional interlaced network was obtained by casting the self-seeded 0.1% benzene solution onto carbon-boated mica. Both the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction (ED) analyses showed that the network was composed of well-developed lamellae. It is imagined this interesting morphology is the results of asymmetrical growth of the original TPBD lamellae on the amorphous interface, and that their preferred orientation changed when they encountered each other.


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A new solvent, dimethylformamide (DMF), and the traditional solvent, 1,4-butanediol, were used to prepare single crystals of nylon-10,10 from a dilute solution. The lamellae grown from DMF inhabited a more perfect structure and regular shape than those crystals crystallized from traditional solvents such as 1,4-butanediol and glycerin. These thin and perfect lamellar crystals demonstrated patterns of variation in spacing different from those of melt-crystallized spherulites on heating. Specifically, the two main spacings slightly separated rather than continuously approaching each other when the temperature was greater than 180 degreesC. This is a novel phenomenon observed in nylons. Nevertheless, the usual pattern of change in spacing was observed during the cooling process. These lamellar crystals showed more compact spacing of the (002) and (010/100) planes than spherulites at room temperature. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Phase structures and transformation mechanisms of nonracemic chiral biological and synthetic polymers are fundamentally important topics in understanding their macroscopic responses in different environments. It has been known for many years that helical structures and morphologies can exist in low-ordered chiral liquid crystalline (LC) phases. However, when the chiral liquid crystals form highly ordered smectic liquid crystal phases, the helical morphology is suppressed due to the crystallization process. A double-twisted morphology has been observed in many liquid crystalline biopolymers such as dinoflaggellate chromosomes (in Prorocentrum micans) in an in vivo arrangement. Helical crystals grown from solution have been reported in the case of Bombyx mori silk fibroin crystals having the beta modification. This study describes a synthetic nonracemic chiral main-chain LC polyester that is able to thermotropically form helical single lamellar crystals. Flat single lamellar crystals can also be observed under the same crystallization condition. Moreover, flat and helical lamellae can coexist in one single lamellar crystal, within which one form can smoothly transform to the other. Both of these crystals possess the same structure, although translational symmetry is broken in the helical crystals. The polymer chain folding direction in both flat and helical lamellar crystals is determined to be identical, and it is always along the long axis of the lamellae. This finding provides an opportunity to study the chirality effect on phase structure, morphology, and transformation in condensed states of chiral materials. [S0163-1829(99)01042-5].


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Spherulites and lamellar single crystals of poly(aryl ether ketone ketone) containing isophthaloyl moieties (PEKK(I)) were obtained from dilute alpha-chloronaphthalene solution. The morphology and structure of the spherulites and single crystals were studied by electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The spherulites were found to consist of elongated lamellar branches that grow with the b crystallographic axis in the radial direction. Single crystals possess a similar habit, with b parallel to the long axis, a transverse, and c perpendicular to the lamellae plane. High-resolution images of the PEKK(I) crystals which show the perfection of and defects in the crystals, were obtained, and many defects or dislocations a,ere observed. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Morphologies of solution-cast films of iPP/aPP blends have been studied by means of electron microscopy and X-ray scattering techniques. Microscopic observation showed that solution-cast film of iPP consists of two kinds of structural regions, cross-hatched and lath-liked structures. The addition of small amount of aPP (less than or equal to 30%) into iPP did not change iPP's characteristic crystallization behavior. It is noticed that when the content of aPP in its blend was over 80%, iPP formed a very loosely woven-like network composed of very long lamellae with wide-angle lamellar branchings. The X-ray data showed that aPP did not cocrystallize with iPP.


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A combination of in situ and ex situ X-ray scattering techniques and transmission electron microscopy has been used to study the crystallization behaviour of polyethylene, following the imposition of melt shear. In the case of a branched material, the imposition of shear flow up to a rate of 30 s(-1) was found to induce no anisotropy. Although shearing the linear material only ever induced a very small degree of anisotropy in the melt, for shear rates > 0.15 s(-1), subsequent crystallization resulted in increasing anisotropy. Blends of the above two polyethylenes were produced, in which the linear material constituted the minority fraction (similar to 10%). Isothermal crystallization at temperatures where extensive crystallization of the branched material does not occur demonstrated that the behaviour of the linear component of the sheared blend mirrored that of the linear polyethylene alone. However, in addition, it was found that when crystallized in the presence of an oriented morphology, the branched polymer also formed anisotropic structures. We have termed the process templating, in which the crystallization behaviour of the bulk of the system (similar to 90% branched material) is completely altered (spherulitic to oriented lamellar) by mapping it onto a pre-existing minority structure (similar to 10% linear polymer). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We use ellipsometry to investigate a transition in the morphology of a sphere-forming diblock copolymer thin-film system. At an interface the diblock morphology may differ from the bulk when the interfacial tension favours wetting of the minority domain, thereby inducing a sphere-to-lamella transition. In a small, favourable window in energetics, one may observe this transition simply by adjusting the temperature. Ellipsometry is ideally suited to the study of the transition because the additional interface created by the wetting layer affects the polarisation of light reflected from the sample. Here we study thin films of poly(butadiene-ethylene oxide) (PB-PEO), which order to form PEO minority spheres in a PB matrix. As temperature is varied, the reversible transition from a partially wetting layer of PEO spheres to a full wetting layer at the substrate is investigated.


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Self-consistent field theory (SCFT) is used to study the step edges that occur in thin films of lamellar-forming diblock copolymer, when the surfaces each have an affinity for one of the polymer components. We examine film morphologies consisting of a stack of ν continuous monolayers and one semi-infinite bilayer, the edge of which creates the step. The line tension of each step morphology is evaluated and phase diagrams are constructed showing the conditions under which the various morphologies are stable. The predicted behavior is then compared to experiment. Interestingly, our atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of terraced films reveal a distinct change in the character of the steps with increasing ν, which is qualitatively consistent with our SCFT phase diagrams. Direct quantitative comparisons are not possible because the SCFT is not yet able to probe the large polymer/air surface tensions characteristic of experiment.