54 resultados para LAGRANGIANS


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Correlations between the behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy, the neutron skins, and the percentage of energy-weighted sum rule (EWSR) exhausted by the pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) in Ni-68 and Sn-132 are investigated by using different random phase approximation (RPA) models for the dipole response, based on a representative set of Skyrme effective forces plus meson-exchange effective Lagrangians. A comparison with the experimental data has allowed us to constrain the value of the derivative of the symmetry energy at saturation. The neutron skin radius is deduced under this constraint.


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Estudamos problemas do cálculo das variações e controlo óptimo no contexto das escalas temporais. Especificamente, obtemos condições necessárias de optimalidade do tipo de Euler–Lagrange tanto para lagrangianos dependendo de derivadas delta de ordem superior como para problemas isoperimétricos. Desenvolvemos também alguns métodos directos que permitem resolver determinadas classes de problemas variacionais através de desigualdades em escalas temporais. No último capítulo apresentamos operadores de diferença fraccionários e propomos um novo cálculo das variações fraccionário em tempo discreto. Obtemos as correspondentes condições necessárias de Euler– Lagrange e Legendre, ilustrando depois a teoria com alguns exemplos.


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Neste trabalho prova-se a existência de minimizantes relaxados em problemas de controlo óptimo não convexos usando técnicas de compactificação. Faz-se a extensão do exemplo de Manià a dimensão dois, obtendo-se uma classe de problemas variacionais em 2D que apresentam Fenómeno de Lavrentiev. Prova-se que o fenómeno persiste a certas perturbações, obtendo- -se assim uma classe de funcionais cujos Lagrangianos são coercivos e convexos em relação ao gradiente. Adicionalmente, apresentam-se exemplos de problemas do cálculo das variações com diferentes condições de fronteira, e em diferentes tipos de domínios (incluindo domínios com fronteira fractal), que exibem Fenómeno de Lavrentiev.


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Cette thèse présente quelques propriétés des sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones. On résoud d'abord une conjecture de Barraud et Cornea dans le cadre monotone en montrant que le rayon de Gromov relatif à deux lagrangiennes dans la même classe d'isotopie hamiltonienne donne une borne inférieure à la distance de Hofer entre ces deux mêmes lagrangiennes. Le cas non-monotone de cette conjecture reste ouvert encore. On définit toutes les structures nécessaires à l'énoncé et à la preuve de cette conjecture. Deuxièmement, on définit une nouvelle version d'un morphisme de Seidel relatif à l'aide des cobordismes lagrangiens de Biran et Cornea. On montre que cette version est chaîne-homotope aux différentes autres versions apparaissant dans la littérature. Que toutes ces définitions sont équivalentes fait partie du folklore mais n'apparaît pas dans la littérature. On conclut par une conjecture qui identifie un triangle exact obtenu par chirurgie lagrangienne et un autre dû à Seidel et faisant intervenir le twist de Dehn symplectique.


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The decays rho0 → 2π+2π− and rho0 → 2π0π+π− are studied using various effective Lagrangians for π and rho (and in some case a1) mesons, all of which respect the approximate chiral symmetry of the strong interaction. Partial widths of the order of 1 keV or less are found in all cases. These are an order of magnitude smaller than recent predictions based on non-chiral models.


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We propose a model for the antihyperon polarization in high-energy proton-nucleus inclusive reactions, based on the final-state interactions between the antihyperons and other produced particles (predominantly pions). To formulate this idea, we use the previously obtained low-energy pion-(anti-)hyperon interaction using effective chiral Lagrangians, and a hydrodynamic parametrization of the background matter, which expands and decouples at a certain freezeout temperature.


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We return to the description of the damped harmonic oscillator with an assessment of previous works, in particular the Bateman-Caldirola-Kanai model and a new model proposed by one of the authors. We argue the latter has better high energy behavior and is connected to existing open-systems approaches. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The scalar form factor describes modifications induced by the pion over the quark condensate. Assuming that representations produced by chiral perturbation theory can be pushed to high values of negative-t, a region in configuration space is reached (r < R similar to 0.5 fm) where the form factor changes sign, indicating that the condensate has turned into empty space. A simple model for the pion incorporates this feature into density functions. When supplemented by scalar-meson excitations, it yields predictions close to empirical values for the mean square radius (< r(2)>(pi)(S) = 0.59 fm(2)) and for one of the low energy constants ((l) over bar (4) = 4.3), with no adjusted parameters.


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This paper describes the first phase of a project attempting to construct an efficient general-purpose nonlinear optimizer using an augmented Lagrangian outer loop with a relative error criterion, and an inner loop employing a state-of-the art conjugate gradient solver. The outer loop can also employ double regularized proximal kernels, a fairly recent theoretical development that leads to fully smooth subproblems. We first enhance the existing theory to show that our approach is globally convergent in both the primal and dual spaces when applied to convex problems. We then present an extensive computational evaluation using the CUTE test set, showing that some aspects of our approach are promising, but some are not. These conclusions in turn lead to additional computational experiments suggesting where to next focus our theoretical and computational efforts.


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A Nonlinear Programming algorithm that converges to second-order stationary points is introduced in this paper. The main tool is a second-order negative-curvature method for box-constrained minimization of a certain class of functions that do not possess continuous second derivatives. This method is used to define an Augmented Lagrangian algorithm of PHR (Powell-Hestenes-Rockafellar) type. Convergence proofs under weak constraint qualifications are given. Numerical examples showing that the new method converges to second-order stationary points in situations in which first-order methods fail are exhibited.


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Augmented Lagrangian methods for large-scale optimization usually require efficient algorithms for minimization with box constraints. On the other hand, active-set box-constraint methods employ unconstrained optimization algorithms for minimization inside the faces of the box. Several approaches may be employed for computing internal search directions in the large-scale case. In this paper a minimal-memory quasi-Newton approach with secant preconditioners is proposed, taking into account the structure of Augmented Lagrangians that come from the popular Powell-Hestenes-Rockafellar scheme. A combined algorithm, that uses the quasi-Newton formula or a truncated-Newton procedure, depending on the presence of active constraints in the penalty-Lagrangian function, is also suggested. Numerical experiments using the Cute collection are presented.


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In this work we show that, if L is a natural Lagrangian system such that the k-jet of the potential energy ensures it does not have a minimum at the equilibrium and such that its Hessian has rank at least n - 2, then there is an asymptotic trajectory to the associated equilibrium point and so the equilibrium is unstable. This applies, in particular, to analytic potentials with a saddle point and a Hessian with at most 2 null eigenvalues. The result is proven for Lagrangians in a specific form, and we show that the class of Lagrangians we are interested can be taken into this specific form by a subtle change of spatial coordinates. We also consider the extension of this results to systems subjected to gyroscopic forces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We prove an estimate on the difference of Maslov indices relative to the choice of two distinct reference Lagrangians of a continuous path in the Lagrangian Grassmannian of a symplectic space. We discuss some applications to the study of conjugate and focal points along a geodesic in a semi-Riemannian manifold.


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In two dimensions the simple addition of two chiral bosons of opposite chiralities does not lead to a full massless scalar field. Similarly, in three dimensions the addition of two Maxwell-Chern-Simons fields of opposite helicities +/- 1 will not produce a parity invariant Maxwell-Proca theory. An interference term between the opposite chiralities (helicities) states is required in order to obtain the expected result. The so-called soldering procedure provides the missing interference Lagrangian in both 2D and 3D cases. In two dimensions such interference term allows to fuse two chiral fermionic determinants into, a non-chiral one. In a recent work we have generalized this procedure by allowing the appearance of an extra parameter which takes two possible values and leads to two different soldered Lagrangians. Here we apply this generalized soldering in a bosonic theory which has appeared in a partial bosonization of the 3D gauged Thirring model with N flavors. The multiplicity of flavors allow new types of solderings and help us to understand the connection between different perturbative approaches to bosonization in 3D. In particular, we obtain an interference term which takes us from a multiflavor Niaxwell-Chern-Simons theory to a pair of self-dual and anti-self-dual theories when we combine together both fermionic determinants of +1/2 and -1/2 helicity fermions. An important role is played by a set of pure non-interacting Chern-Simons fields which amount to a normalization factor in the fermionic determinants and act like spectators in the original theory but play an active role in the soldering procedure. Our results suggest that the generalized soldering could be used to provide dual theories in both 2D and 3D cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We analyze the potential of the Fermilab Tevatron and CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to study anomalous quartic vector-boson interactions gamma gamma ZZ and gammaW(+)W(-). Working in the framework of SU(2)(L) circle times U(1)(Y) chiral Lagrangians, we study the production of photon pairs accompanied by l(+) l(-), l(+/-) v, and jet pairs to impose bounds on these new couplings, taking into account the unitarity constraints. We compare our findings with the indirect limits coming from precision electroweak measurements as well as with presently available direct searches at CERN LEPII. We show that the Tevatron run II can provide limits on these quartic limits which are of the same order of magnitude as the existing bounds from LEPII searches. LHC will be able to tighten considerably the direct constraints on these possible new interactions, leading to more stringent limits than the presently available indirect ones.