994 resultados para Látex natural


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A distribuição dos ramos da artéria hepática, no fígado, foi estudada em 30 fígados de capivara (Hydrochaerus hydrochaeris) mediante injeção arterial com látex natural corado, fixação em formol a 10%, dissecção pela face visceral e esquematização. A lobação do fígado, nestes animais, é semelhante à do suíno, permitindo identificar os lobos lateral direito, medial direito, quadrado, medial esquerdo, lateral esquerdo e caudado (processos caudado e papilar). A artéria hepática divide-se mais freqüentemente (73,3%) nos ramos direito e esquerdo e, em menor número de preparações (26,6%), trifurca-se nos ramos direito, intermédio e esquerdo. Esses vasos alcançam, sob diferentes arranjos, os lobos do fígado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, biomembrane of natural latex was utilized to replace a section of the stomach wall of New Zealand rabbits, adult and non-castrated males (n=12), in order to evaluate the tissue repair process in regards to its biocompatility, scar formation ability and possible complications. The animals were euthanized at fifteen, 30 and 60 days post operation, by use of sodium thiopental (200mg kg-1), followed by macroscopic and histopathological analysis of the implant interface with the native tissue. Macroscopically, at fifteen, 30, and 60 days post operation adherence was observed in the serosal wall. At 60 days post operation, the biomembrane is not in the stomach. Under light microscopy, at fifteen and 30 days, discontinuity of muscle layer and mucosa layer, and presence of polimorfonuclear population of inflammatory cells was observed. New vessels and muscle fibers were observed. At 60 days, the mucosa and muscle layers were complete reconstituted. The implants were biocompatible and had provided the mainframe for orientation and development of the tissue layers through repairing processes, thus reestablishing the organ structure.


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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The palatoplasty is a correction surgery to restore the isolation between the oral and nasal cavity, avoid breath of food. There are many techniques to repair palatal defects, and the most used is mucoperiosteal flap. Grafts and prothesis, can be used too. Scientific works with Natural Latex Biomembrane with 0,1% Polylisine reveals properties like biocompatibility, improve and accelerate the cicatricial process, the stimulation of new vessels and organized tissue growth in different organs. Seven dogs were arranged in two groups and were submitted to experimental hard palate cleft. Five dogs received palatal repair with the natural latex biomembrane with 0,1% polylisine. Two animals did not receive any repair (control group) and the defect healing by second intention. After surgery, the groups were observed macroscopically and clinically to evaluate the results. The healling of cleft palate of group I was faster than control group, and this fact suggests that the biomembrane is an accelerator factor for cicatricial process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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The development of composite materials encompasses many different application areas. Among the composites, it is had, especially, the materials of organic origin, which have the greatest potential for biodegradability and so, have been bringing relevance and prominence in the contemporary setting of environmental preservation and sustainable development. Following this perspective of ecological appeal, it was developed a biocomposite material with natural inputs typically brazilian. This composite was made from latex (natural rubber) and carnauba fiber in different mass proportions. Formulations had varied by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of fiber in relation the matrix. This material has been designed aiming at application in thermal insulation systems, which requirethermal protection surfaces and/or reduction of thermal energy loss. Therefore, the composite was characterized by thermal conductivity testing, specific heat, thermal diffusivity and thermogravimetry. As has also been characterized for their physical-mechanical, by testing density, moisture content, tensile strength, hardness and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The characterization of the material revealed that the composite presents a potential of thermal insulation higher than the natural rubber, that was used as reference. And the formulation at 15% fiber in relation the matrix showed the best performance. Thus, the composite material in question presents itself as a viable and effective alternative for new thermal insulation material design.


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The development of composite materials encompasses many different application areas. Among the composites, it is had, especially, the materials of organic origin, which have the greatest potential for biodegradability and so, have been bringing relevance and prominence in the contemporary setting of environmental preservation and sustainable development. Following this perspective of ecological appeal, it was developed a biocomposite material with natural inputs typically brazilian. This composite was made from latex (natural rubber) and carnauba fiber in different mass proportions. Formulations had varied by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of fiber in relation the matrix. This material has been designed aiming at application in thermal insulation systems, which requirethermal protection surfaces and/or reduction of thermal energy loss. Therefore, the composite was characterized by thermal conductivity testing, specific heat, thermal diffusivity and thermogravimetry. As has also been characterized for their physical-mechanical, by testing density, moisture content, tensile strength, hardness and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The characterization of the material revealed that the composite presents a potential of thermal insulation higher than the natural rubber, that was used as reference. And the formulation at 15% fiber in relation the matrix showed the best performance. Thus, the composite material in question presents itself as a viable and effective alternative for new thermal insulation material design.


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A combinação de excelentes propriedades mecânicas aliadas à biocompatibilidade torna a borracha natural um material amplamente empregado na fabricação de artefatos voltados à saúde, tais como bicos de chupetas e de mamadeiras, e luvas cirúrgicas e de procedimentos não-cirúrgicos. Esses artefatos são processados a partir de látices de poli(cis-isopreno) extraído de seringueiras. Entretanto, o grande número de insaturações presentes na cadeia polimérica, mesmo após a vulcanização, resulta em uma baixa resistência desse material ao envelhecimento, causado principalmente pela associação de fatores como temperatura, oxigênio, ozônio e radiação. Outro inconveniente associado à aplicação da borracha natural é a presença de proteínas no látex, com potencial alergênico, podendo promover reações fisiológicas em alguns usuários. Por esse motivo artefatos comerciais à base de material sintético também são encontrados no mercado. Esses artefatos também não são isentos dos processos naturais de desgaste e decomposição. Esta Dissertação teve como objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo de propriedades dos produtos comerciais à base de borracha natural e à base de material sintético (bicos de chupeta e de mamadeiras e luvas) de diferentes fabricantes, como adquiridos e após sofrerem envelhecimento acelerado. O estudo foi feito empregando-se as técnicas de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e termogravimetria (TG). Uma avaliação mecânica com métodos padronizados foi também realizada


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A modernidade exige materiais versáteis, resistentes e, durante um longo tempo os plásticos serviram a esse propósito. Entretanto, o acúmulo desses materiais ao serem descartados no meio ambiente tornou-se um problema Os polímeros biodegradáveis surgiram neste cenário como alternativa para evitar o acúmulo de resíduos plásticos no meio ambiente. O polihidroxibutirato (PHB) representa uma classe de polímeros biodegradáveis, mas que apresenta um alto custo e possui ainda propriedades térmicas limitadas. A borracha natural possui excelentes propriedades mecânicas, resistência ao envelhecimento, flexibilidade e apresenta melhor custo benefício se comparada com as borrachas sintéticas. Neste estudo, foram elaboradas misturas poliméricas de polihidroxibutirato (PHB) e látex de borracha natural em diferentes concentrações, por prensagem à quente. Os ensaios de calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), espectrometria na região do infravermelho (FTIR), microscopia ótica (MO) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram utilizados para caracterizar e avaliar as propriedades das misturas poliméricas. O PHB e as misturas com borracha natural foram submetidos ao ensaio de biodegradabilidade através do enterro em solo simulado, conforme a norma ASTM G 160-03, variando por um período de 2 a 17 semanas. Ao final de cada período foram determinadas a perda de massa, a morfologia dos corpos de prova e foram realizadas as análises de DSC, TGA e FTIR. As misturas poliméricas apresentaram menor resistência térmica do que o PHB. No ensaio de biodegradabilidade, as misturas foram consideradas biodegradáveis, segundo a norma ASTM G 160-03 e tiveram a porcentagem de cristalinidade reduzida, tendo o teor de borracha natural contribuído para aumentar a taxa de biodegradação. As análises por MEV comprovaram a existência de consórcios de microrganismos, responsáveis pela biodegradação do PHB e das misturas poliméricas


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The process of recycling has been stimulated by the markets for several reasons, mainly on economical and environmental. Several products have been developed from recycled materials that already exist as well as several residues have been studied in different forms of applications. The greater majority of the applications for thermal insulation in the domestic, commercial and industrial systems have been elaborated in the temperature ranges between low to medium reaching up to 180oC. Many materials such as glass wool, rock wool, polystyrene are being used which are aggressive to the environment. Such materials in spite of the effectiveness in the retention of heat flow, they cost more and when discarded take several years to be absorbed by the nature. This way, in order to adapt to a world politics concerning the preservation of the environment, the present study was intended to develop a material composed of natural/biodegradable materials and industrial residues. The development of such a product in the form of a composite material based on tyre scrapes and latex for thermal insulation is presented in this research work. Thermal and physical properties of the tire scrapes as well as latex were studied in order to use them as raw materials for the manufacture of the intended composite to be applied as a thermal insulator in hot and cold systems varying between 0ºC and 200oC, respectively. Composite blankets were manufactured manually, in weight proportions of 1:1 (50:50%); 1:2 (33:67%) and 2:1 (67:33%) (tire scrapes: latex) respectively. Physical, mechanical and thermal properties of the composites were analyzed to obtain data about the viability of using the composite as a thermal insulator. The analyses carried out were based on standards ABNT, ASTM and UL. The maximum temperature obtained for the composite as a thermal insulator was 200ºC, which meets the range of applications that could be used as a thermal insulator in domestic as well as industrial purposes. The experimental results prove that the composite can be used as a thermal insulator on heated or cooled surface


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)