928 resultados para Kruger, Barbara
Encontrada principalmente na América do Sul, a irara é um carnívoro pertencente à família Mustelidae, a qual pouco se tem informações sobre sua morfologia de forma geral. Diante disso, objetivou-se conhecer melhor parte do sistema nervoso desta espécie, mais precisamente a topografia do cone medular, a fim de subsidiar intervenções anestésicas peridurais nesta, uma vez que a clínica de animais selvagens vem crescendo a cada dia. Foram estudados três exemplares machos, adultos, provenientes da área de Mina Bauxita, Paragominas, doados ao Laboratório de Pesquisa Morfológica Animal (LaPMA), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (UFRA), Belém, os quais foram radiografados e dissecados ao nível lombossacral, seguido de exposição do cone medular. Este, por sua vez, situou-se entre L4-L6 possuindo comprimento médio de 4,31cm, o que nos levou a sugerir a região sacrococcígea como ponde ideal para prática de anestesias epidurais nesta espécie.
Resumo: Um cadáver macho, adulto de irara (Eira barbara) foi cedido pelo Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (Cetas), localizado em Salvador/Bahia, ao Setor de Anatomia Veterinária da Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Trata-se de um mamífero carnívoro que pertence à Família Mustelidae e Subfamília Mustelinae que contém o Gênero Eira, representado apenas pela Espécie Eira barbara. Objetivamos a investigação da topografia vertebromedular do espécime e assim verificar a relação da medula espinal com o canal vertebral; a identificação, origem, emergência e quantificação dos nervos espinhais relacionados com a medula espinal. Pesquisa número 43245-1 autorizada pelo Sistema de Autorização e Informação em Biodiversidade (Sisbio-ICMBio/IBAMA). O exemplar foi fixado em solução de formaldeído a 10% e posteriormente dissecado e radiografado. Foram identificados oito pares de nervos espinhais cervicais, quatorze torácicos e na porção lombossacral da medula espinhal seis nervos espinais lombares, três sacrais e mais de três nervos espinhais caudais. O término da medula espinal ocorreu no nível quinta vértebra lombar. Os oito segmentos medulares cervicais localizaram-se entre a primeira e sétima vértebras cervicais. Os quatorze nervos espinais torácicos originaram-se na porção cranial das vértebras respectivas. Os segmentos medulares lombares, sacrais e caudais restringiram-se à região lombar da coluna vertebral. O deslocamento cranial dos segmentos medulares foi observado no oitavo cervical, terceiro, quarto e quinto lombares e todos os segmentos sacrais e caudais. As informações obtidas poderão ser utilizadas para análises comparativas com as demais espécies e com a adoção de medidas que visem proporcionar o bem-estar animal e a preservação da espécie.
Collection : Magasin théâtral illustré
Indenture of assignment of mortgage between George and Barbara Steele [incorrectly listed as Shute on the first page of the first copy] of the Village of Romoka of the County of Middlesex of the first part and Joseph Augustus Woodruff, sheriff, of St. Catharines whereas a mortgage dated April 7, 1857 in consideration of the same to Robert Telfer who did grant the land to Ira Spalding regarding a parcel of land in the Village of Romoka composed of Lot no. 17 in Block U, June 28, 1876.
This paper asks whether school based management may help reducing risky sexual behavior of teenagers. For this purpose we use student level data from Bogot´a to identify students from Concession School (CS), who are enrolled in public education system with a more school management autonomy at school level, and to compare them with those students at the traditional public education system. We use propensity score matching methods to have a comparable sample between pupils at CS and traditional schools. Our results show that on average the behavior of students from CS do not have a sexual behavior that differs from those in traditional public schools except for boys in CS who have a lower probability of being sexual active. However, there are important differences when heterogeneity is considered. For example we find that CS where girls per boys ratio is higher have lower teenage pregnancy rates than public schools with also high girls per boys ratios. We also find that teachers’ human capital, teacher-pupil ratio or whether school offers sexual education are also related to statistically significant differences between CS and traditional public schools.
This edition presents for the first time in print what is probably the earliest known secular, 'regular' play by a woman in Italy. As suggested in the introduction to the work, Torelli's play offers a fascinating example of female dramaturgy and creative adaptation of the pastoral genre in the context of late sixteenth-century Parma. Critical textual study is combined with new biographical material on the author and her literary milieu. The edition provides the first detailed palaeographical study of the complex Cremona manuscript of the play, which unusually includes emendations thought to be in the hand of the author herself (besides others). The transcription also describes for the first time in detail a newly discovered second manuscript of the play in Rome. The play-text is presented in the original Italian with a new facing English translation. Also included is the first transcription of the paratextual verse from the Cremona manuscript and the first transcribed collection of the author’s extant verse (both with translation).
Information on the breeding biology of the White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis is limited and published data are few. Within the Kruger National Park in north-east South Africa there is a regionally important population of about 60 White-headed Vulture pairs, of which 22 pairs were monitored for five years between 2008 and 2012 to determine key aspects of their breeding biology. Across 73 pair/years the mean productivity of 55 breeding attempts was 0.69 chicks per pair. Median egg-laying date across all of the Kruger National Park was 27 June, but northern nests were approximately 30 d later than southern nests. Mean (SD) nearest-neighbour distance was 9 976 7 965 m and inter-nest distances ranged from 1 400 m to more than 20 km, but this did not differ significantly between habitat types. Breeding productivity did not differ significantly between habitat types. The results presented here are the first for this species in Kruger National Park and provide details against which future comparisons can be made.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The chemical composition, as well as the sources contributing to rainwater chemistry have been determined at Skukuza, in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Major inorganic and organic ions were determined in 93 rainwater samples collected using an automated wet-only sampler from July 1999 to June 2002. The results indicate that the rain is acidic and the averaged precipitation pH was 4.72. This acidity results from a mixture of mineral acids (82%, of which 50% is H2SO4) and organic acids (18%). Most of the H2SO4 component can be attributed to the emissions of sulphur dioxide from the industrial region on the Highveld. The wet deposition of S and N is 5.9 kgS.ha(-1).yr(-1) and 2.8 kgN.ha(-1).yr(-1), respectively. The N deposition was mainly in the form of NH4+. Terrigenous, sea salt component, nitrogenous and anthropogenic pollutants have been identified as potential sources of chemical components in rainwater. The results are compared to observations from other African regions.