255 resultados para Kommissorder-picking


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Tom quiere ir a recoger fresas, pero él no es el único al que le gustan. Es una historia de configuración familiar. Se centra en la vida cotidiana de los niños de dos familias vecinas facilitando que los lectores puedan identificarse con facilidad con las situaciones en las que se encuentran los protagonistas de la historia. Cumple con los requisitos del currículo de Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda. Las ilustraciones apoyan el texto, lo que permite a los alumnos predecir palabras desconocidas al desarrollar un vocabulario basado en las imágenes, pero se les ha dado una mayor libertad al añadirles más detalles. Hay una mayor variedad de estructuras de las frases. Para leer en voz alta teniendo en cuenta la puntuación y la entonación. Para niños de seis a ocho años y motivarlos a explorar sus respuestas personales y enlazar con sus propias experiencias. Adecuado para lectura guiada.


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Peak picking is an early key step in MS data analysis. We compare three commonly used approaches to peak picking and discuss their merits by means of statistical analysis. Methods investigated encompass signal-to-noise ratio, continuous wavelet transform, and a correlation-based approach using a Gaussian template. Functionality of the three methods is illustrated and discussed in a practical context using a mass spectral data set created with MALDI-TOF technology. Sensitivity and specificity are investigated using a manually defined reference set of peaks. As an additional criterion, the robustness of the three methods is assessed by a perturbation analysis and illustrated using ROC curves.


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An algorithm was developed for 2DHPLC that automated the process of peak recognition, measuring their retention times, and then subsequently plotting the information in a two-dimensional retention plane. Following the recognition of peaks, the software then performed a series of statistical assessments of the separation performance, measuring for example, correlation between dimensions, peak capacity and the percentage of usage of the separation space. Peak recognition was achieved by interpreting the first and second derivatives of each respective one-dimensional chromatogram to determine the 1D retention times of each solute and then compiling these retention times for each respective fraction ‘cut’. Due to the nature of comprehensive 2DHPLC adjacent cut fractions may contain peaks common to more than one cut fraction. The algorithm determined which components were common in adjacent cuts and subsequently calculated the peak maximum profile by interpolating the space between adjacent peaks. This algorithm was applied to the analysis of a two-dimensional separation of an apple flesh extract separated in a first dimension comprising a cyano stationary phase and an aqueous/THF mobile phase as the first dimension and a second dimension comprising C18-Hydro with an aqueous/MeOH mobile phase. A total of 187 peaks were detected.


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The synthetic control (SC) method has been recently proposed as an alternative method to estimate treatment e ects in comparative case studies. Abadie et al. [2010] and Abadie et al. [2015] argue that one of the advantages of the SC method is that it imposes a data-driven process to select the comparison units, providing more transparency and less discretionary power to the researcher. However, an important limitation of the SC method is that it does not provide clear guidance on the choice of predictor variables used to estimate the SC weights. We show that such lack of speci c guidances provides signi cant opportunities for the researcher to search for speci cations with statistically signi cant results, undermining one of the main advantages of the method. Considering six alternative speci cations commonly used in SC applications, we calculate in Monte Carlo simulations the probability of nding a statistically signi cant result at 5% in at least one speci cation. We nd that this probability can be as high as 13% (23% for a 10% signi cance test) when there are 12 pre-intervention periods and decay slowly with the number of pre-intervention periods. With 230 pre-intervention periods, this probability is still around 10% (18% for a 10% signi cance test). We show that the speci cation that uses the average pre-treatment outcome values to estimate the weights performed particularly bad in our simulations. However, the speci cation-searching problem remains relevant even when we do not consider this speci cation. We also show that this speci cation-searching problem is relevant in simulations with real datasets looking at placebo interventions in the Current Population Survey (CPS). In order to mitigate this problem, we propose a criterion to select among SC di erent speci cations based on the prediction error of each speci cations in placebo estimations


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Neste trabalho, estuda-se um novo método de inversão tomográfica de reflexão para a determinação de um modelo isotrópico e suave de velocidade por meio da aplicação, em dados sintéticos e reais, do programa Niptomo que é uma implementação do método de inversão tomográfica dos atributos cinemáticos da onda hipotética do ponto de incidência normal (PIN). Os dados de entrada para a inversão tomográfica, isto é, o tempo de trânsito e os atributos da onda PIN (raio de curvatura da frente de onda emergente e ângulo de emergência), são retirados de uma série de pontos escolhidos na seção afastamento nulo (AN) simulada, obtida pelo método de empilhamento por superfícies de reflexão comum (SRC). Normalmente, a escolha destes pontos na seção AN é realizada utilizando-se programas de picking automático, que identificam eventos localmente coerentes na seção sísmica com base nos parâmetros fornecidos pelo usuário. O picking é um dos processos mais críticos dos métodos de inversão tomográfica, pois a inclusão de dados de eventos que não sejam de reflexões primárias podem ser incluídos neste processo, prejudicando assim o modelo de velocidades a ser obtido pela inversão tomográfica. Este trabalho tem por objetivo de construir um programa de picking interativo para fornecer ao usuário o controle da escolha dos pontos de reflexões sísmicas primárias, cujos dados serão utilizados na inversão tomográfica. Os processos de picking e inversão tomográfica são aplicados nos dados sintéticos Marmousi e nos dados da linha sísmica 50-RL-90 da Bacia do Tacutu. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o picking interativo para a escolha de pontos sobre eventos de reflexões primárias favorece na obtenção de um modelo de velocidade mais preciso.


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The development of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, by Wal-Mart heiress Alice Walton has prompted diverse coverage from print and online media. This investigation looked at trends in news stories and commentary from 2005-10 to show how the location of a medium affected coverage. Through the author’s own observations and interviews with journalists and other interested parties, several trends emerged. Media outlets outside Arkansas portrayed the museum as trying to plunder the cultural heritage of local communities and relied partly on the museum’s association with Wal-Mart and stereotypes of Arkansas to frame coverage. Arkansas media, faced with limited cooperation from the museum’s public relations apparatus, typically played a cheerleader role, at times overemphasizing the importance of the collection in the art world and showcasing few critical voices in stories about acquisitions and other areas of the museum’s development.


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The objective of this study was to compare patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) associated with pathologic skin picking (PSP) and/or trichotillomania, and patients with OCD without such comorbidities, for demographic and clinical characteristics. We assessed 901 individuals with a primary diagnosis of OCD, using the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) Axis I disorders. Diagnoses of PSP and trichotillomania were made in 16.3% and 4.9% of the sample, respectively. After the logistic regression analysis, the following factors retained an association with OCD-PSP/trichotillomania: younger (odds ratio [OR] = 0.979; P = .047), younger at the onset of compulsive symptoms (OR = 0.941; P = .007), woman (OR = 2.538; P < .001), with a higher level of education (OR = 1.055; P = .025), and with comorbid body dysmorphic disorder (OR = 2.363; P = .004). These findings support the idea that OCD accompanied by PSP/trichotillomania characterizes a specific subgroup. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In manual order picking systems, order pickers walk or drive through a distribution warehouse in order to collect items which are requested by (internal or external) customers. In order to perform these operations efficiently, it is usually required that customer orders are combined into (more substantial) picking orders of limited size. The Order Batching Problem considered in this paper deals with the question of how a given set of customer orders should be combined such that the total length of all tours is minimized which are necessary to collect all items. The authors introduce two metaheuristic approaches for the solution of this problem: the first one is based on Iterated Local Search; the second on Ant Colony Optimization. In a series of extensive numerical experiments, the newly developed approaches are benchmarked against classic solution methods. It is demonstrated that the proposed methods are not only superior to existing methods but provide solutions which may allow distribution warehouses to be operated significantly more efficiently.


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The article examines whether the norms laid down in the Directive in relation to the exceptions and limitations on copyright and related rights can be conducive to a sensible degree of harmonisation across the European Union. Before discussing the degree of harmonisation achieved so far by the Directive, the first part gives a short overview of the main characteristics of the list of exceptions and limitations contained in Article 5 of the Directive. A comprehensive review of the implementation of each limitation by the Member States is beyond the scope of this article. The following section takes a closer look at three examples of limitations that have led to legislative changes at the Member State level as express measures towards the implementation of the Information Society Directive, that is, the limitations for the benefit of libraries, for teaching and research, and for persons with a disability. These exceptions and limitations were later on also identified by the European Commission as key elements in the deployment of a digital knowledge economy. The analysis will show that the implementation of the provisions on limitations in the Information Society Directive did not, and probably cannot, yield the expected level of harmonisation across the European Union and that, as a consequence, there still exists a significant degree of uncertainty for the stakeholders regarding the extent of permissible acts with respect to copyright protected works.