947 resultados para Kodak Approval XP4


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Three standard radiation qualities (RQA 3, RQA 5 and RQA 9) and two screens, Kodak Lanex Regular and Insight Skeletal, were used to compare the imaging performance and dose requirements of the new Kodak Hyper Speed G and the current Kodak T-MAT G/RA medical x-ray films. The noise equivalent quanta (NEQ) and detective quantum efficiencies (DQE) of the four screen-film combinations were measured at three gross optical densities and compared with the characteristics for the Kodak CR 9000 system with GP (general purpose) and HR (high resolution) phosphor plates. The new Hyper Speed G film has double the intrinsic sensitivity of the T-MAT G/RA film and a higher contrast in the high optical density range for comparable exposure latitude. By providing both high sensitivity and high spatial resolution, the new film significantly improves the compromise between dose and image quality. As expected, the new film has a higher noise level and a lower signal-to-noise ratio than the standard film, although in the high frequency range this is compensated for by a better resolution, giving better DQE results--especially at high optical density. Both screen-film systems outperform the phosphor plates in terms of MTF and DQE for standard imaging conditions (Regular screen at RQA 5 and RQA 9 beam qualities). At low energy (RQA 3), the CR system has a comparable low-frequency DQE to screen-film systems when used with a fine screen at low and middle optical densities, and a superior low-frequency DQE at high optical density.


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An article discussing the accomplishments of Dorothy Rungeling and the announcement of a Canada Post stamp in her honour. Dorothy Rungeling is 99 at the time of the interview.


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The objective of this thesis has been to investigate the approval process for an image. This investigation has been carriedout at four catalog-producing companies and three companies working with repro or printing. The information wasgathered through interviews and surveys and later used for evaluation. The result of the evaluation has shown that allbusinesses are very good at technical aspects but also that the biggest problem they have is with the communication. Theconclusion is that businesses need a clear construction for the image process. This will minimize the communicationproblems and make the process effective.


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Os equipamentos fotográficos digitais têm inovado a aerofotogrametria no que diz respeito à rapidez na coleta de informações geográficas referenciadas bem como o baixo custo da operação em comparação com os sistemas aerofotogramétricos convencionais. Na geração de produtos cartográficos, utilizando sistemas fotográficos digitais ou convencionais, o conhecimento dos parâmetros que definem a geometria interna da câmara é de fundamental importância. Este trabalho descreve uma das principais metodologias utilizadas atualmente para calibração analítica de câmaras. A câmara utilizada nesse trabalho é uma Kodak DCS460, e pertence à Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. O processo de calibração foi realizado na Universidade Federal do Paraná, com apoio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Geodésicas, e o método utilizado foi o Método das Câmaras Convergentes Através do método paramétrico com injunções, o modelo final utilizado computacionalmente recupera os parâmetros intrínsecos como distância focal calibrada, posição do ponto principal, constantes da distorção radial simétrica e descentrada, bem como a matriz variância-covariância dos resultados obtidos no ajustamento. Os resultados da calibração foram analisados na matriz variância-covariância e foram satisfatórios. Para aplicação dos parâmetros em dados reais, uma imagem da região de Porto Alegre foi utilizada como objeto de estudo para geração de uma ortofoto, que é uma imagem corrigida geometricamente das distorções causadas pela variação de posição e altitude da plataforma. O Modelo Digital do Terreno é uma peça fundamental na geração de uma ortofoto e foi gerado a partir das curvas de nível fornecidas pela Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. Duas ortofotos foram geradas, a primeira levando em conta apenas o valor nominal da distância focal, e a segunda os parâmetros gerados no processo de calibração. Os resultados obtidos para a focal nominal apresentam resíduos maiores que os determinados com a distância focal calibrada, mostrando a necessidade de aplicação do método de calibração, como queria demonstrar.


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Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) have shown equivalent or superior efficacy and safety to unfractionated heparin as antithrombotic therapy for patients with acute coronary syndromes. Each approved LMWH is a pleotropic biological agent with a unique chemical, biochemical, biophysical and biological profile and displays different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. As a result, LMWHs are neither equipotent in preclinical assays nor equivalent in terms of their clinical efficacy and safety. Previously, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautioned against using various LMWHs interchangeably, however recently, the FDA approved generic versions of LMWH that have not been tested in large clinical trials. This paper highlights the bio-chemical and pharmacological differences between the LMWH preparations that may result in different clinical outcomes, and also reviews the implications and challenges physicians face when generic versions of the original/innovator agents are approved for clinical use.


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Studies of electoral fraud tend to focus their analyses only on the pre-electoral or electoral phases. By examining the Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930), this article shifts the focus to a later phase, discussing a particular type of electoral fraud that has been little explored by the literature, namely, that perpetrated by the legislatures themselves during the process of giving final approval to election results. The Brazilian case is interesting because of a practice known as degola ('beheading') whereby electoral results were altered when Congress decided on which deputies to certify as duly elected. This has come to be seen as a widespread and standard practice in this period. However, this article shows that this final phase of rubber-stamping or overturning election results was important not because of the number of degolas, which was actually much lower than the literature would have us believe, but chiefly because of their strategic use during moments of political uncertainty. It argues that the congressional certification of electoral results was deployed as a key tool in ensuring the political stability of the Republican regime in the absence of an electoral court.


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The first part of this three-part review on the relevance of laboratory testing of composites and adhesives deals with approval requirements for composite materials. We compare the in vivo and in vitro literature data and discuss the relevance of in vitro analyses. The standardized ISO protocols are presented, with a focus on the evaluation of physical parameters. These tests all have a standardized protocol that describes the entire test set-up. The tests analyse flexural strength, depth of cure, susceptibility to ambient light, color stability, water sorption and solubility, and radiopacity. Some tests have a clinical correlation. A high flexural strength, for instance, decreases the risk of fractures of the marginal ridge in posterior restorations and incisal edge build-ups of restored anterior teeth. Other tests do not have a clinical correlation or the threshold values are too low, which results in an approval of materials that show inferior clinical properties (e.g., radiopacity). It is advantageous to know the test set-ups and the ideal threshold values to correctly interpret the material data. Overall, however, laboratory assessment alone cannot ensure the clinical success of a product.


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During the mid 80 19s and the early 90 19s the Banking sector of the CEMAC sub-region experienced crisis. This could be seen from the numerous liquidation of Banks within the sub-region during this period, microfinance establishments found a place as an alternative financial institution involved in the provision of savings and loans to the masses. The exercise of the activities of microfinance necessitates an application for approval form the monetary authority. Their potential managers and auditors must equally apply and obtain a license before functioning. After this approval has been obtained the microfinance establishment must register with the National Credit Council and the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register. // Durant les années 80 et au début des années 90 le secteur Bancaire de la sous-région CEMAC on vécue une crise, ceci pouvait ce voit par de nombreuse liquidation des Banques au sein de la sous-région pendant cette période. Les Etablissement de Micro finance ont trouve une place comme une institution financière alternative s’impliquant dans la fourniture de l’épargne et des prêts pour la masses. Mais l'exercice de l'activité de microfinance exige une demande d'agrément remise par l'autorité monétaire après confirmation de la commission bancaire. Mais avant que cet agrément soit remis, ils doivent fournir certain documents et informations. Les microfinances sont également oblige de fournir certaines documents et information s'il veut offrir un agence dans un du état membre de la CEMAC. Quand cette agrément est remise il sont les obligations administrative et professionnelle a remplir. Ceci consiste de s’inscrire auprès du Conseil National du Crédit et le Registre du Commerce et du Crédit Mobilier, adhérer a une Association Professionnelle, mais ils sont le choix adhérer à un réseau ou de poursuivre les activités indépendamment. L'autorité monétaire peut unilatéralement retrait la décision d'agrément pour un raison ou l'autre. Cependant, la décision de retrait de l'agrément est assujettir à un appel devant le conseil d'administration de la BEAC. La commission bancaire a prévu un ensemble de sanctions pour s'assurer que une personne ou établissement en défaut soit appelle en ordre. // Cameroon, Micro-finance, CEMAC, COBAC, Legislation


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AIMS: To describe the procedural performance and 30-day outcomes following implantation using the 18 Fr CoreValve Revalving System (CRS) as part of the multicentre, expanded evaluation registry, 1-year after obtaining CE mark approval. METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis and logistic Euroscore > or =15%, or age > or =75 years, or age > or =65 years associated with pre-defined risk factors, and for whom a physician proctor and a clinical specialist were in attendance during the implantation and who collected the clinical data, were included. From April 2007, to April 2008, 646 patients with a mean age of 81 +/- 6.6 years, mean aortic valve area 0.6 +/- 0.2 cm2, and logistic EuroSCORE of 23.1 +/- 13.8% were recruited. After valve implantation, the mean transaortic valve gradient decreased from 49.4 +/- 13.9 to 3 +/- 2 mmHg. All patients had paravalvular aortic regurgitation < or = grade 2. The rate of procedural success was 97%. The procedural mortality rate was 1.5%. At 30 days, the all-cause mortality rate (i.e, including procedural) was 8% and the combined rate of death, stroke and myocardial infarction was 9.3%. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the high rate of procedural success and a low 30-day mortality in a large cohort of high-risk patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with the CRS.


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BACKGROUND: Only data of published study results are available to the scientific community for further use such as informing future research and synthesis of available evidence. If study results are reported selectively, reporting bias and distortion of summarised estimates of effect or harm of treatments can occur. The publication and citation of results of clinical research conducted in Germany was studied. METHODS: The protocols of clinical research projects submitted to the research ethics committee of the University of Freiburg (Germany) in 2000 were analysed. Published full articles in several databases were searched and investigators contacted. Data on study and publication characteristics were extracted from protocols and corresponding publications. RESULTS: 299 study protocols were included. The most frequent study design was randomised controlled trial (141; 47%), followed by uncontrolled studies (61; 20%), laboratory studies (30; 10%) and non-randomised studies (29; 10%). 182 (61%) were multicentre studies including 97 (53%) international collaborations. 152 of 299 (51%) had commercial (co-)funding and 46 (15%) non-commercial funding. 109 of the 225 completed protocols corresponded to at least one full publication (total 210 articles); the publication rate was 48%. 168 of 210 identified publications (80%) were cited in articles indexed in the ISI Web of Science. The median was 11 citations per publication (range 0-1151). CONCLUSIONS: Results of German clinical research projects conducted are largely underreported. Barriers to successful publication need to be identified and appropriate measures taken. Close monitoring of projects until publication and adequate support provided to investigators may help remedy the prevailing underreporting of research.