20 resultados para Kiribati
Modern microbial mats are widely recognized as useful analogs for the study of biogeochemical processes relevant to paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Precambrian. We combined microscopic observations and investigations of biomarker composition to investigate community structure and function in the upper layers of a thick phototrophic microbial mat system from a hypersaline lake on Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in the Northern Line Islands, Republic of Kiribati. In particular, an exploratory incubation experiment with 13C-labeled bicarbonate was conducted to pinpoint biomarkers from organisms actively fixing carbon. A high relative abundance of the cyanobacterial taxa Aphanocapsa and Aphanothece was revealed by microscopic observation, and cyanobacterial fatty acids and hydrocarbons showed 13C-uptake in the labeling experiment. Microscopic observations also revealed purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) in the deeper layers. A cyclic C19:0 fatty acid and farnesol were attributed to this group that was also actively fixing carbon. Background isotopic values indicate Calvin-Benson cycle-based autotrophy for cycC19:0 and farnesol-producing PSBs. Biomarkers from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the top layer of the mat and their 13C-uptake patterns indicated a close coupling between SRBs and cyanobacteria. Archaeol, possibly from methanogens, was detected in all layers and was especially abundant near the surface where it contained substantial amounts of 13C-label. Intact glycosidic tetraether lipids detected in the deepest layer indicated other archaea. Large amounts of ornithine and betaine bearing intact polar lipids could be an indicator of a phosphate-limited ecosystem, where organisms that are able to substitute these for phospholipids may have a competitive advantage.
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The prevalence rate of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Pacific Island countries is amongst the highest in the world. Hepatitis B immunisation has been incorporated into national programmes at various times, often with erratic supply and coverage, until a regionally co-ordinated programme, which commenced in 1995 ensured adequate supply. The effectiveness of these programmes was recently evaluated in four countries, Vanuatu and Fiji in Melanesia, Tonga in Polynesia and Kiribati in Micronesia. That evaluation established that the programmes had a substantial beneficial impact in preventing chronic hepatitis B infection [Vaccine 18 (2000) 3059]. Several studies of hepatitis B vaccination programmes in endemic countries have identified the potential significance of surface gene mutants as a cause for failure of immunisation. In the study outlined in this paper, we screened infected children and their mothers for the emergence and prevalence of these variants in specimens collected from the four country evaluation. Although the opportunity for the emergence of HBV vaccine escape mutants in these populations was high due to the presence of a considerable amount of the virus in the population and the selection pressure from vaccine use, there were no a determinant vaccine escape mutants found. This suggests that vaccine escape variants are not an important cause for failure to prevent HBV transmission in this setting. Other HBsAg variants were detected, but their functional significance remains to be determined. The failure to provide satisfactory protection during such immunisation programmes reflects the need for achieving and sustaining high vaccine coverage, improving the timeliness of doses as well as improving 'cold-chain' support, rather than the selection of vaccine-escape mutants of HBV. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Improving the representation of the hydrological cycle in Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCMs) is one of the main challenges in modeling the Earth's climate system. One way to evaluate model performance is to simulate the transport of water isotopes. Among those available, tritium (HTO) is an extremely valuable tracer, because its content in the different reservoirs involved in the water cycle (stratosphere, troposphere, ocean) varies by order of magnitude. Previous work incorporated natural tritium into LMDZ-iso, a version of the LMDZ general circulation model enhanced by water isotope diagnostics. Here for the first time, the anthropogenic tritium injected by each of the atmospheric nuclear-bomb tests between 1945 and 1980 has been first estimated and further implemented in the model; it creates an opportunity to evaluate certain aspects of LDMZ over several decades by following the bomb-tritium transient signal through the hydrological cycle. Simulations of tritium in water vapor and precipitation for the period 1950-2008, with both natural and anthropogenic components, are presented in this study. LMDZ-iso satisfactorily reproduces the general shape of the temporal evolution of tritium. However, LMDZ-iso simulates too high a bomb-tritium peak followed by too strong a decrease of tritium in precipitation. The too diffusive vertical advection in AGCMs crucially affects the residence time of tritium in the stratosphere. This insight into model performance demonstrates that the implementation of tritium in an AGCM provides a new and valuable test of the modeled atmospheric transport, complementing water stable isotope modeling.