968 resultados para Kinase B
The effects of insulin on the mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR, were investigated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. mTOR protein kinase activity was measured in immune complex assays with recombinant PHAS-I as substrate. Insulin-stimulated kinase activity was clearly observed when immunoprecipitations were conducted with the mTOR antibody, mTAb2. Insulin also increased by severalfold the 32P content of mTOR that was determined after purifying the protein from 32P-labeled adipocytes with rapamycin⋅FKBP12 agarose beads. Insulin affected neither the amount of mTOR immunoprecipitated nor the amount of mTOR detected by immunoblotting with mTAb2. However, the hormone markedly decreased the reactivity of mTOR with mTAb1, an antibody that activates the mTOR protein kinase. The effects of insulin on increasing mTOR protein kinase activity and on decreasing mTAb1 reactivity were abolished by incubating mTOR with protein phosphatase 1. Interestingly, the epitope for mTAb1 is located near the COOH terminus of mTOR in a 20-amino acid region that includes consensus sites for phosphorylation by protein kinase B (PKB). Experiments were performed in MER-Akt cells to investigate the role of PKB in controlling mTOR. These cells express a PKB-mutant estrogen receptor fusion protein that is activated when the cells are exposed to 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Activating PKB with 4-hydroxytamoxifen mimicked insulin by decreasing mTOR reactivity with mTAb1 and by increasing the PHAS-I kinase activity of mTOR. Our findings support the conclusion that insulin activates mTOR by promoting phosphorylation of the protein via a signaling pathway that contains PKB.
The oncogene p3k, coding for a constitutively active form of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), strongly activates myogenic differentiation. Inhibition of endogenous PI 3-kinase activity with the specific inhibitor LY294002, or with dominant-negative mutants of PI 3-kinase, interferes with myotube formation and with the expression of muscle-specific proteins. Here we demonstrate that a downstream target of PI 3-kinase, serine-threonine kinase Akt, plays an important role in myogenic differentiation. Expression of constitutively active forms of Akt dramatically enhances myotube formation and expression of the muscle-specific proteins MyoD, creatine kinase, myosin heavy chain, and desmin. Transdominant negative forms of Akt inhibit myotube formation and the expression of muscle-specific proteins. The inhibition of myotube formation and the reduced expression of muscle-specific proteins caused by the PI 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002 are completely reversed by constitutively active forms of Akt. Wild-type cellular Akt effects a partial reversal of LY294002-induced inhibition of myogenic differentiation. This result suggests that Akt can substitute for PI 3-kinase in the stimulation of myogenesis; Akt may be an essential downstream component of PI 3-kinase-induced muscle differentiation.
To investigate the molecular basis of PTEN-mediated tumor suppression, we introduced a null mutation into the mouse Pten gene by homologous recombination in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Pten−/− ES cells exhibited an increased growth rate and proliferated even in the absence of serum. ES cells lacking PTEN function also displayed advanced entry into S phase. This accelerated G1/S transition was accompanied by down-regulation of p27KIP1, a major inhibitor for G1 cyclin-dependent kinases. Inactivation of PTEN in ES cells and in embryonic fibroblasts resulted in elevated levels of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5,-trisphosphate, a product of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase. Consequently, PTEN deficiency led to dosage-dependent increases in phosphorylation and activation of Akt/protein kinase B, a well-characterized target of the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase signaling pathway. Akt activation increased Bad phosphorylation and promoted Pten−/− cell survival. Our studies suggest that PTEN regulates the phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5,-trisphosphate and Akt signaling pathway and consequently modulates two critical cellular processes: cell cycle progression and cell survival.
It is well established that adenosine receptors are involved in cardioprotection and that protein kinase B (PKB) is associated with cell survival. Therefore, in this study we have investigated whether adenosine receptors (A1, A2A and A3) activate PKB by Western blotting and determined the involvement of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K)/PKB in adenosine-induced preconditioning in cultured newborn rat cardiomyocytes. Adenosine (non-selective agonist), CPA (A1 selective agonist) and Cl-IB-MECA (A(3) selective agonist) all increased PKB phosphorylation in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The combined maximal response to CPA and Cl-IB-MECA was similar to the increase in PKB phosphorylation induced by adenosine alone. CGS 21680 (A2A selective agonist) did not stimulate an increase in PKB phosphorylation. Adenosine, CPA and Cl-IB-MECA-mediated PKB phosphorylation were inhibited by pertussis toxin (PTX blocks G(i)/G(o)-protein), genistein (tyrosine kinase inhibitor), PP2 (Src tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG 1478. The PI-3K inhibitors wortmannin and LY 294002 blocked A(1) and A(3) receptor-mediated PKB phosphorylation. The role of PI-3K/PKB in adenosine-induced preconditioning was assessed by monitoring Caspase 3 activity and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release induced by exposure of cardiomyocytes to 4 h hypoxia (0.5% O2) followed by 18 h reoxygenation (HX4/R). Pre-treatment with wortmannin had no significant effect on the ability of adenosine-induced preconditioning to reduce the release of LDH or Caspase 3 activation following HX4/R. In conclusion, we have shown for the first time that adenosine A1 and A3 receptors trigger increases in PKB phosphorylation in rat cardiomyocytes via a G1/G0-protein and tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway. However, the PI-3K/PKB pathway does not appear to be involved in adenosine-induced cardioprotection by preconditioning Adenosine A1 receptor .
RESUMO: Na sociedade contemporânea a diabetes tipo 2 e a obesidade estão a aumentar exponencialmente, representando um grave problema de saúde pública. De acordo com a IDF “A diabetes e a obesidade são o principal problema de saúde pública do século XXI’. Para além destas duas patologias, a prevalência de esteatose hepática não-alcoólica (NAFLD), entre a população obesa e diabética, é de cerca de 90%. O aumento da obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD tem uma forte correlação com o aumento do consumo de gorduras e açúcares, acompanhado de um decréscimo acentuado da actividade física. A obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD tem sido escrupolosamente investigada mas as terapêuticas disponíveis continuam a ser muito limitadas. Tendo em conta o número crescente e alarmante de obesos e diabéticos o conhecimento detalhado da patofisiologia da obesidade, diabetes e NAFLD, tendo em vista a necessidade extrema de desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas, é da mais elevada urgência. O fígado é reconhecido como um orgão primordial no controlo da homeostase. No estado pós-prandial, o fígado converte a glucose em glicogénio e lípidos. Em contraste, no estado de jejum, o fígado promove a produção de glucose. Sistemas neuronais e hormonais, bem como o estado metabólico do fígado, controlam de forma muito precisa a alternância entre os diferentes substratos metabólicos, dependente do estado prandial. A insulina tem um papel central no controlo do metabolismo energético no fígado; se, por um lado, inibe a produção hepática de glucose e corpos cetónicos, por outro, promove a glicólise e a lipogénese. O metabolismo energético no fígado é também regulado por vários factores de transcrição e co-reguladores que, por sua vez, são regulados pela insulina, glucagina e outras hormonas metabólicas. Em conjunto, todos estes factores e reguladores vão controlar de forma muito estreita a gluconeogénese, a β-oxidação e a lipogénese, no fígado. Para além dos já conhecidos reguladores do metabolismo hepático, novas moléculas têm sido estudadas como tendo um papel fundamental na regulação do metabolismo energético no fígado. Qualquer desequilíbrio no metabolismo hepático vai contribuir para a insulino-resistência, NAFLD e diabetes tipo 2. O principal objectivo do trabalho de investigação aqui apresentado é o contributo para o estudo detalhado da patogénese da diabetes e obesidade, num contexto de dietas ricas em açúcares e gorduras, e com a perspectiva de explorar novas estratégias terapêuticas. Os objectivos específicos deste trabalho eram: primeiro, determinar se o tratamento com glutationo (GSH) e óxido nítrico (NO) era suficiente para melhorar a insulino-resistência associada ao elevado consumo de sacarose; segundo, determinar o papel da Rho-kinase 1 (ROCK1) na regulação do metabolismo hepático da glucose e dos lípidos; e terceiro, estudar o efeito do metilsulfonilmetano (MSM) em doenças metabólicas associadas à obesidade. Na primeira parte deste trabalho de investigação foram utilizados ratos Wistar machos sujeitos a uma dieta rica em sacarose (HS). Tal como esperado, estes animais apresentavam insulino-resistência e hiperinsulinémia. A dieta HS levou ao aumento dos níveis hepáticos de NO e ao decréscimo dos níveis de GSH no fígado. Em jejum, a administração intraportal de GSH e NO, a animais saudáveis promoveu um aumento significativo da sensibilidade à insulina. Também nestes animais, a administração intravenosa de S-nitrosotióis, compostos orgânicos que contém um grupo nitroso acoplado a um átomo de enxofre de um tiol, promoveu o aumento significativo da sensibilidade à insulina. Pelo contrário, em animais sujeitos à dieta HS, as doses padrão de GSH + NO e de S-nitrosotióis não conseguiram promover o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina. No entanto, ao aumentar a dose de S-nitrosotióis administrados por via intravenosa, foi possível observar o aumento da sensibilidade à insulina dependente da dose, indicando um possível papel dos S-nitrosotióis como sensibilizadores de insulina. O estudo detalhado do papel dos S-nitrosotióis na via de sinalização da insulina revelou que há um aumento da fosforilação do receptor da insulina (IR) e da proteína cinase B (Akt), sugerindo um efeito dos S-nitrosotióis nesta via de sinalização. Os resultados apresentados nesta primeira parte sugerem que os S-nitrosotióis promovem a correcta acção da insulina, podendo vir a ser importantes alvos terapêuticos. Na segunda parte deste trabalho de investigação utilizámos murganhos, com uma delecção específica da ROCK1 no fígado, e sujeitos a uma dieta rica em lípidos (HFD). Foi possível concluir que a ausência da ROCK1 no fígado previne a obesidade, melhora a sensibilidade à insulina e protege contra a esteatose hepática. A ausência de ROCK1 no fígado levou a um decréscimo significativo da expressão génica de genes associados à lipogénese, com uma diminuição acentuada do fluxo metabólico associado a esta via. Pelo contrário, a sobreexpressão de ROCK1, exclusivamente no fígado, promove a insulino-resistência e a esteatose hepática no contexto de obesidade induzida pela dieta. Para além disto, a delecção da ROCK1 no fígado de animais obesos e diabéticos, os murganhos deficientes em leptina, corroborou os dados obtidos no primeiro modelo animal, com a franca melhoria da hiperglicémia, hiperinsulinémia e esteatose hepática. Os dados que compõem esta parte do trabalho de investigação sugerem que a ROCK1 tem um papel crucial na regulação do metabolismo lipídico. Na terceira e última parte deste trabalho de investigação foi investigado o efeito do composto metilsulfunilmetano (MSM), um composto organosulfúrico naturalmente presente em plantas e utilizado também como suplemento dietético, em murganhos obesos e insulino-resistentes, por exposição a uma dieta rica em lípidos (DIO). O tratamento com MSM melhorou a insulino-resistência e protegeu contra a esteatose hepática. O conteúdo hepático em triglicéridos e colesterol também diminuíu de forma significativa nos animais DIO sujeitos ao tratamento com MSM, bem como a expressão génica associada à lipogénese. Para além disto, o tratamento com MSM levou a uma diminuição da expressão génica associada à inflamação. De realçar que o tratamento com MSM levou a uma melhoria do perfil hematopoiético destes animais, tanto na medula óssea como no sangue. Para comprovar o efeito benéfico do MSM na obesidade e insulino-resistência utilizámos murganhos deficientes no receptor da leptina, e por isso obesos e diabéticos, tendo observado um perfil semelhante ao obtido para murganhos sujeitos a uma dieta rica em lípidos e tratados com MSM. Concluímos, através dos dados recolhidos, que o MSM como suplemento pode ter efeitos benéficos na hiperinsulinémia, insulino-resistência e inflamação que caracterizam a diabetes tipo 2. Em resumo, os dados obtidos neste trabalho de investigação mostram que os S-nitrosotióis podem ter um papel importante como sensibilizadores da insulina, promovendo um aumento da sensibilidade à insulina num contexto de dietas ricas em sacarose. Para além disto, estudos in vitro, sugerem que os S-nitrosotióis regulam, especificamente, a via de sinalização da insulina. Este trabalho teve também como objectivo o estudo da ROCK1 como regulador do metabolismo da glucose e dos lípidos no fígado. Através do estudo de animais com uma delecção ou uma sobreexpressão da ROCK1 no fígado mostrou-se que esta tem um papel crucial na patogénese da obesidade e diabetes tipo 2, especificamente através do controlo da lipogénese de novo. Finalmente, foi também objectivo deste trabalho, explorar o efeito do MSM em animais DIO e deficientes em leptina. O tratamento com MSM protege de forma evidente contra a obesidade e insulino-resistência, com especial enfâse para a capacidade que esta molécula demonstrou ter na protecção contra a inflamação. Em conjunto os vários estudos aqui apresentados mostram que tanto os S-nitrosotióis como a ROCK1 têm um papel na patogénese da obesidade e diabetes tipo 2 e que a utilização de MSM como suplemento às terapêuticas convencionais pode ter um papel no tratamentos de doenças metabólicas.-------------------------------ABSTRACT: In modern western societies type 2 diabetes and obesity are increasing exponentially, representing a somber public concern. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) ‘Diabetes and Obesity are the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century’. Aside from these the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), among the diabetic and obese population, is as high as 90%. It is now well established that the increase in obesity, diabetes and NAFLD strongly correlates with an increase in fat and sugar intake in our diet, alongside physical inactivity. The pathogenesis of obesity, diabetes and NAFLD has been thoroughly studied but the treatment options available are still narrow. Considering the alarming number in the obese and diabetic population the complete understanding of the pathogenesis, keeping in mind that new therapeutic strategies need to be attained, is of the highest urgency. The liver has been well established as a fundamental organ in regulating whole-body homeostasis. In the fed state the liver converts the glucose into glycogen and lipids. Conversely, in the fasted state, glucose will be produced in the liver. Neuronal and hormonal systems, as well as the hepatic metabolic states, tightly control the fast to fed switch in metabolic fuels. Insulin has a central role in controlling hepatic energy metabolism, by suppressing glucose production and ketogenesis, while stimulating glycolysis and lipogenesis. Liver energy metabolism is also regulated by various transcription factors and coregulators that are, in turn, regulated by insulin, glucagon and other metabolic hormones. Together, these regulators will act to control gluconeogenesis, β-oxidation and lipogenesis in the liver. Aside from the well-established regulators of liver energy metabolism new molecules are being studied has having a role in regulating hepatic metabolism. Any imbalance in the liver energy metabolism is a major contributor to insulin resistance, NAFLD and type 2 diabetes. The overall goal of this research work was to contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetes and obesity, on a setting of high-sucrose and high-fat diets, and to explore potential therapeutic options. The specific aims were: first, to determine if treatment with glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (NO) was sufficient to ameliorate insulin resistance induced by high-sucrose feeding; second, to determine the physiological role of rho-kinase 1 (ROCK1) in regulating hepatic and lipid metabolism; and third, to study the effect of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) on obesity-linked metabolic disorders. In the first part of this research work we used male Wistar rats fed a high-sucrose (HS) diet. As expected, rats fed a HS diet were insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic. HS feeding increased hepatic levels of NO, while decreasing GSH. In fasted healthy animals administration of both GSH and NO, to the liver, was able to increase insulin sensitivity. Intravenous administration of S-nitrosothiols, organic compounds containing a nitroso group attached to the sulfur atom of a thiol, in fasted control animals also increased insulin sensitivity. Under HS feeding the standard doses of GSH + NO and S-nitrosothiols were unable to promote an increase in insulin sensitivity. However, the intravenous administration of increasing concentrations of S-nitrosothiols was able to restore insulin sensitivity, suggesting that S-nitrosothiols have an insulin sensitizing effect. Investigation of the effect of S-nitrosothiols on the insulin signaling pathway showed increased phosphorylation of the insulin receptor (IR) and protein kinase B (Akt), suggesting that S-nitrosothiols may have an effect on the insulin signaling pathway. Together, these data showed that S-nitrosothiols promote normal insulin action, suggesting that they may act as potential pharmacological tools. In the second part of this research work we used liver-specific ROCK1 knockout mice fed a high-fat (HF) diet. Liver-specific deletion of ROCK1 prevented obesity, improved insulin sensitivity and protected against hepatic steatosis. Deficiency of ROCK1 in the liver caused a significant decrease in the gene expression of lipogenesis associated gene, ultimately leading to decreased lipogenesis. Contrariwise, ROCK1 overexpression in the liver promoted insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in diet-induced obesity. Furthermore, liver-specific deletion of ROCK1 in obese and diabetic mice, the leptin-deficient mice, improved the typical hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia and liver steatosis. Together, these data identify ROCK1 as a crucial regulator of lipid metabolism. In the third and final part of this research work we investigated the effect of MSM, an organosulfur compound naturally found in plants and used as a dietary supplement, on diet-induced obese (DIO) and insulin resistant mice. MSM treatment ameliorated insulin resistance and protected against hepatosteatosis. Hepatic content in triglycerides and cholesterol was significantly decreased by MSM treatment, as well as lipogenesis associated gene expression. Furthermore, MSM treated mice had decreased inflammation associated gene expression in the liver. Importantly, FACS analysis showed that MSM treatment rescued the inflammatory hematopoietic phenotype of DIO mice in the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. Moreover, MSM treatment of the obese and diabetic mice, the leptin-deficient mice, resulted in similar effects as the ones observed for DIO mice. Collectively, these data suggest that MSM supplementation has a beneficial effect on hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and inflammation, which are often found in type 2 diabetes. In conclusion, this research work showed that S-nitrosothiols may play a role as insulin sensitizers, restoring insulin sensitivity in a setting of high-sucrose induced insulin resistance. Furthermore, in vitro studies suggest that S-nitrosothiols specifically regulate the insulin signaling pathway. This research work also investigated the role of hepatic ROCK1 in regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Using liver-specific ROCK 1 knockout and ROCK1 overexpressing mice it was shown that ROCK1 plays a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes, specifically through regulation of the de novo lipogenesis pathway. Finally, this research work aimed to explore the effect of MSM in DIO and leptin receptor-deficient mice. MSM strongly protects against obesity and insulin resistance, moreover showed a robust ability to decrease inflammation. Together, the individual studies that compose this dissertation showed that S-nitrosothiols and ROCK1 play a role in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes and that MSM supplementation may have a role in the treatment of metabolic disorders.
BACKGROUND: Recent studies have reported alterations in protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt and in its downstream target, glycogen synthase kinase 3β, in depression and suicide. The aim of the present study was to investigate possible impairment of the upstream regulators, namely phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and PTEN. METHODS: The ventral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann's area 11) of 24 suicide victims and 24 drug-free nonsuicide subjects was used. The antemortem diagnoses of major depression disorder were obtained from the institutional records or psychological autopsy, and toxicological analyses were performed. Protein levels of PI3K and PTEN were assayed using the immunoblot method, and the kinase activity of PI3K and Akt was determined by phosphorylation of specific substrates. RESULTS: A decrease was observed in the enzymatic activity of PI3K [ANOVA: F(3, 44) = 9.20; p < 0.001] and Akt1 [ANOVA: F(3, 44) = 13.59; p < 0.001], without any change in protein levels, in both depressed suicide victims and depressed nonsuicide subjects (p < 0.01 and p < 0.002, respectively). PTEN protein levels were increased in the same groups [ANOVA: F(3, 44) = 10.5; p < 0.001]. No change was observed in nondepressed suicide victims. CONCLUSION: This study concludes that attenuation of kinase activity of PKB/Akt in depressed suicide victims may be due to the combined dysregulation of PTEN and PI3K resulting in insufficient phosphorylation of lipid second messengers. The effect is associated with major depression rather than with suicide per se. Given the cellular deficits reported in major depression, the study of enzymes involved in cell survival and neuroplasticity is particularly relevant to neurotrophic factor dysregulation in depression.
Insulin resistance in obesity is partly due to diminished glucose transport in myocytes and adipocytes, but underlying mechanisms are uncertain. Insulin-stimulated glucose transport requires activation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (3K), operating downstream of insulin receptor substrate-1. PI3K stimulates glucose transport through increases in PI-3,4,5-(PO(4))(3) (PIP(3)), which activates atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). However, previous studies suggest that activation of aPKC, but not PKB, is impaired in intact muscles and cultured myocytes of obese subjects. Presently, we examined insulin activation of glucose transport and signaling factors in cultured adipocytes derived from preadipocytes harvested during elective liposuction in lean and obese women. Relative to adipocytes of lean women, insulin-stimulated [(3)H]2-deoxyglucose uptake and activation of insulin receptor substrate-1/PI3K and aPKCs, but not PKB, were diminished in adipocytes of obese women. Additionally, the direct activation of aPKCs by PIP(3) in vitro was diminished in aPKCs isolated from adipocytes of obese women. Similar impairment in aPKC activation by PIP(3) was observed in cultured myocytes of obese glucose-intolerant subjects. These findings suggest the presence of defects in PI3K and aPKC activation that persist in cultured cells and limit insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes and myocytes of obese subjects.
Integrin activity is controlled by changes in affinity (i.e. ligand binding) and avidity (i.e. receptor clustering). Little is known, however, about the effect of affinity maturation on integrin avidity and on the associated signaling pathways. To study the effect of affinity maturation on integrin avidity, we stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with MnCl(2) to increase integrin affinity and monitored clustering of beta 1 and beta 3 integrins. In unstimulated HUVEC, beta 1 integrins were present in fibrillar adhesions, while alpha V beta 3 was detected in peripheral focal adhesions. Clustered beta 1 and beta 3 integrins expressed high affinity/ligand-induced binding site (LIBS) epitopes. MnCl(2)-stimulation promoted focal adhesion and actin stress fiber formation at the basal surface of the cells, and strongly enhanced mAb LM609 staining and expression of beta 3 high affinity/LIBS epitopes at focal adhesions. MnCl(2)-induced alpha V beta 3 clustering was blocked by a soluble RGD peptide, by wortmannin and LY294002, two pharmacological inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K), and by over-expressing a dominant negative PI 3-K mutant protein. Conversely, over-expression of active PI 3-K and pharmacological inhibiton of Src with PP2 and CGP77675, enhanced basal and manganese-induced alpha V beta 3 clustering. Transient increased phosphorylation of protein kinase B/Akt, a direct target of PI 3K, occurred upon manganese stimulation. MnCl(2) did not alter beta 1 integrin distribution or beta1 high-affinity/LIBS epitope expression. Based on these results, we conclude that MnCl(2)-induced alpha V beta 3 integrin affinity maturation stimulates focal adhesion and actin stress fiber formation, and promotes recruitment of high affinity alpha V beta 3 to focal adhesions. Affinity-modulated alpha V beta 3 clustering requires PI3-K signaling and is negatively regulate by Src.
Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) plays a critical role in the regulation of metabolism, transcription, cell migration, cell cycle progression, and cell survival. The existence of viable knockout mice for each of the three isoforms suggests functional redundancy. We generated mice with combined mutant alleles of Akt1 and Akt3 to study their effects on mouse development. Here we show that Akt1-/- Akt3+/- mice display multiple defects in the thymus, heart, and skin and die within several days after birth, while Akt1+/- Akt3-/- mice survive normally. Double knockout (Akt1-/-) Akt3-/-) causes embryonic lethality at around embryonic days 11 and 12, with more severe developmental defects in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Increased apoptosis was found in the developing brain of double mutant embryos. These data indicate that the Akt1 gene is more essential than Akt3 for embryonic development and survival but that both are required for embryo development. Our results indicate isoform-specific and dosage-dependent effects of Akt on animal survival and development.
BACKGROUND: Exposure to intermittent hypoxia (IH) may enhance cardiac function and protects heart against ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms, we developed a cardioprotective IH model that was characterized at hemodynamic, biochemical and molecular levels. METHODS: Mice were exposed to 4 daily IH cycles (each composed of 2-min at 6-8% O2 followed by 3-min reoxygenation for 5 times) for 14 days, with normoxic mice as controls. Mice were then anesthetized and subdivided in various subgroups for analysis of contractility (pressure-volume loop), morphology, biochemistry or resistance to I/R (30-min occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) followed by reperfusion and measurement of the area at risk and infarct size). In some mice, the phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor wortmannin was administered (24 µg/kg ip) 15 min before LAD. RESULTS: We found that IH did not induce myocardial hypertrophy; rather both contractility and cardiac function improved with greater number of capillaries per unit volume and greater expression of VEGF-R2, but not of VEGF. Besides increasing the phosphorylation of protein kinase B (Akt) and the endothelial isoform of NO synthase with respect to control, IH reduced the infarct size and post-LAD proteins carbonylation, index of oxidative damage. Administration of wortmannin reduced the level of Akt phosphorylation and worsened the infarct size. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the PI3K/Akt pathway is crucial for IH-induced cardioprotection and may represent a viable target to reduce myocardial I/R injury.
The efficacy of endothelin receptor antagonists in protecting against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury is controversial, and the mechanisms remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of CPU0123, a novel endothelin type A and type B receptor antagonist, on myocardial I/R injury and to explore the mechanisms involved. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-250 g were randomized to three groups (6-7 per group): group 1, Sham; group 2, I/R + vehicle. Rats were subjected to in vivo myocardial I/R injury by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery and 0.5% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (1 mL/kg) was injected intraperitoneally immediately prior to coronary occlusion. Group 3, I/R + CPU0213. Rats were subjected to identical surgical procedures and CPU0213 (30 mg/kg) was injected intraperitoneally immediately prior to coronary occlusion. Infarct size, cardiac function and biochemical changes were measured. CPU0213 pretreatment reduced infarct size as a percentage of the ischemic area by 44.5% (I/R + vehicle: 61.3 ± 3.2 vs I/R + CPU0213: 34.0 ± 5.5%, P < 0.05) and improved ejection fraction by 17.2% (I/R + vehicle: 58.4 ± 2.8 vs I/R + CPU0213: 68.5 ± 2.2%, P < 0.05) compared to vehicle-treated animals. This protection was associated with inhibition of myocardial inflammation and oxidative stress. Moreover, reduction in Akt (protein kinase B) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) phosphorylation induced by myocardial I/R injury was limited by CPU0213 (P < 0.05). These data suggest that CPU0123, a non-selective antagonist, has protective effects against myocardial I/R injury in rats, which may be related to the Akt/eNOS pathway.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of propofol pretreatment on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury (ALI) and the role of the phosphoinositide-3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/Akt) pathway in this procedure. Survival was determined 48 h after LPS injection. At 1 h after LPS challenge, the lung wet- to dry-weight ratio was examined, and concentrations of protein, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were determined using the bicinchoninic acid method or ELISA. Lung injury was assayed via lung histological examination. PI3K and p-Akt expression levels in the lung tissue were determined by Western blotting. Propofol pretreatment prolonged survival, decreased the concentrations of protein, TNF-α, and IL-6 in BALF, attenuated ALI, and increased PI3K and p-Akt expression in the lung tissue of LPS-challenged rats, whereas treatment with wortmannin, a PI3K/Akt pathway specific inhibitor, blunted this effect. Our study indicates that propofol pretreatment attenuated LPS-induced ALI, partly by activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway.
Ce mémoire présente mes travaux ayant menés au développement d’une première génération de radioligands marqués au fluor-18 (t1/2 = 110 min) et au carbone-11 (t1/2 = 20.4 min) destinés à l’imagerie cérébrale in vivo du récepteur tyrosine kinase neurotrophique de type 2 (TrkB) en tomographie par émission de positons (TEP). Ces travaux reposent sur l’identification récente de ligands de TrkB non peptidiques à hautes affinités dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. La synthèse d’une série de dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone non-radioactifs de même que des précuseurs à l’incorporation du fluro-18 et du carbone-11 a d’abord été effectuée. Partant des précurseurs adéquats synthétisés, la radiosynthèse de deux radioligands, l’un marqué au fluor-18 et l’autre au carbone-11, a été développée. Ces radiosynthèses reposent respectivement sur une 18F-radiofluorination nucléophile aromatique nouvelle et hautement efficace et sur une 11C-méthylation N-sélective. Les radiotraceurs de TrkB ainsi obtenus ont ensuite été évalués in vitro en autoradiographie et in vivo en tant que traceurs TEP dans des rats. L’évaluation des propriétés physico-chimique de même que de la stabilité in vitro des radiotraceurs sont présentées. Partant d’une série d’analogues cristallisés de ces flavones synthétiques, une étude de relation structure-activité a été menée. La combinaison de cette étude, de pair avec l’évaluation in vivo de la première génération de radiotraceurs de TrkB a aussi permis d’investiguer les pharmacophores nécessaires à l’affinité de ces ligands de même que d’identifier des fragments structurels associés au métabolisme des radiotraceurs. La radiosynthèse d’un troisième radioligand de TrkB et son évaluation TEP in vivo de même que la mise en lumière des modifications structurelles utiles au développement d’une seconde génération de radioligands de TrkB avec des propriétés optimisées pour fin d’imagerie TEP sont aussi détaillés.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is associated with dysregulation of both lipid and glucose metabolism. As well as contributing to viral replication, these perturbations influence the pathogenesis associated with the virus, including steatosis, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) plays a key role in regulation of both lipid and glucose metabolism. We show here that, in cells either infected with HCV or harboring an HCV subgenomic replicon, phosphorylation of AMPK at threonine 172 and concomitant AMPK activity are dramatically reduced. We demonstrate that this effect is mediated by activation of the serine/threonine kinase, protein kinase B, which inhibits AMPK by phosphorylating serine 485. The physiological significance of this inhibition is demonstrated by the observation that pharmacological restoration of AMPK activity not only abrogates the lipid accumulation observed in virus-infected and subgenomic replicon-harboring cells but also efficiently inhibits viral replication. These data demonstrate that inhibition of AMPK is required for HCV replication and that the restoration of AMPK activity may present a target for much needed anti-HCV therapies.
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3, of which there are two isoforms, GSK3alpha and GSK3beta) was originally characterized in the context of regulation of glycogen metabolism, though it is now known to regulate many other cellular processes. Phosphorylation of GSK3alpha(Ser21) and GSK3beta(Ser9) inhibits their activity. In the heart, emphasis has been placed particularly on GSK3beta, rather than GSK3alpha. Importantly, catalytically-active GSK3 generally restrains gene expression and, in the heart, catalytically-active GSK3 has been implicated in anti-hypertrophic signalling. Inhibition of GSK3 results in changes in the activities of transcription and translation factors in the heart and promotes hypertrophic responses, and it is generally assumed that signal transduction from hypertrophic stimuli to GSK3 passes primarily through protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt). However, recent data suggest that the situation is far more complex. We review evidence pertaining to the role of GSK3 in the myocardium and discuss effects of genetic manipulation of GSK3 activity in vivo. We also discuss the signalling pathways potentially regulating GSK3 activity and propose that, depending on the stimulus, phosphorylation of GSK3 is independent of PKB/Akt. Potential GSK3 substrates studied in relation to myocardial hypertrophy include nuclear factors of activated T cells, beta-catenin, GATA4, myocardin, CREB, and eukaryotic initiation factor 2Bvarepsilon. These and other transcription factor substrates putatively important in the heart are considered. We discuss whether cardiac pathologies could be treated by therapeutic intervention at the GSK3 level but conclude that any intervention would be premature without greater understanding of the precise role of GSK3 in cardiac processes.