258 resultados para Keem, Hella
In order to investigate how the population diversity at major Romano-British urban centres compared to small towns and military outposts, we conducted multi-isotope (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium) analyses of bones (42 individuals) and teeth (26 individuals) of human skeletons from Cataractonium/ Roman Catterick in North Yorkshire (U.K.). The results suggest a markedly less diverse population at Catterick than at the larger towns. Significant differences are observed between burials from the town and fort area and the suburb of Bainesse to the south, and it is suggested that these reflect a shift to more localised recruitment for the Roman army in the Late Roman period. Isotope data for the ‘Bainesse Eunuch’, an unusual 4th century burial that has been interpreted as the remains of a ‘transvestite’ priest of Cybele, are not ultimately conclusive but consistent with origins in Southern Britain or areas with a similar climate abroad. This paper also presents strontium isotope data for modern vegetation samples from 17 sites in the Catterick/northern Vale of York area which contribute to a continuing effort to map the biosphere 87Sr/86Sr variation in Britain.
The internal variability and coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere in CCMVal‐2 chemistry‐climate models are evaluated through analysis of the annular mode patterns of variability. Computation of the annular modes in long data sets with secular trends requires refinement of the standard definition of the annular mode, and a more robust procedure that allows for slowly varying trends is established and verified. The spatial and temporal structure of the models’ annular modes is then compared with that of reanalyses. As a whole, the models capture the key features of observed intraseasonal variability, including the sharp vertical gradients in structure between stratosphere and troposphere, the asymmetries in the seasonal cycle between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and the coupling between the polar stratospheric vortices and tropospheric midlatitude jets. It is also found that the annular mode variability changes little in time throughout simulations of the 21st century. There are, however, both common biases and significant differences in performance in the models. In the troposphere, the annular mode in models is generally too persistent, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere summer, a bias similar to that found in CMIP3 coupled climate models. In the stratosphere, the periods of peak variance and coupling with the troposphere are delayed by about a month in both hemispheres. The relationship between increased variability of the stratosphere and increased persistence in the troposphere suggests that some tropospheric biases may be related to stratospheric biases and that a well‐simulated stratosphere can improve simulation of tropospheric intraseasonal variability.
At Hollow Banks Quarry, Scorton, located just north of Catterick (N Yorks.), a highly unusual group of 15 late Roman burials was excavated between 1998 and 2000. The small cemetery consists of almost exclusively male burials, dated to the fourth century. An unusually large proportion of these individuals was buried with crossbow brooches and belt fittings, suggesting that they may have been serving in the late Roman army or administration and may have come to Scorton from the Continent. Multi-isotope analyses (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium) of nine sufficiently well-preserved individuals indicate that seven males, all equipped with crossbow brooches and/or belt fittings, were not local to the Catterick area and that at least six of them probably came from the European mainland. Dietary (carbon and nitrogen isotope) analysis only of a tenth individual also suggests a non-local origin. At Scorton it appears that the presence of crossbow brooches and belts in the grave was more important for suggesting non-British origins than whether or not they were worn. This paper argues that cultural and social factors played a crucial part in the creation of funerary identities and highlights the need for both multi-proxy analyses and the careful contextual study of artefacts.
Bohrbrunnen sind die unmittelbare Schnittstelle zwischen dem Grundwasser als Ressource und der Nutzung zur Trinkwasserbereitstellung. Ihre Leistung nimmt jedoch mit fortschreitendem Alter infolge komplexer chemischer und biologischer Vorgänge ab, so dass sie regelmäßig gewartet und regeneriert werden müssen. Um die Auswahl geeigneter Maßnahmen zu erleichtern, erfolglose Regenerierungen zu vermeiden und Kosten zu sparen, ist ein geeignetes, auf den Betrieb und die Standortbedingungen ausgelegtes Überwachungsprogramm notwendig, Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurden aus den Ergebnissen von Regeneriermaßnahmen mit dem Ultraschallverfahren an Brunnen des Wasserwerkes Wiesbaden-Schierstein und der Analyse vorliegender Altdaten Zusammenhänge zwischen der Brunnenalterung und dem Regeneriererfolg einerseits und der Dokumentation und Überwachung eines Brunnens andererseits abgeleitet. Sie bildet damit die noch fehlende Brücke zwischen der Betrachtung einzelner Verfahren und einer allgemeingültigen Brunnenbewirtschaftung. Aus den Schlussfolgerungen für das Wasserwerk Wiesbaden-Schierstein, den Empfehlungen des DVGW, dem Fachwissen aus anderen Publikationen und der Einbeziehung der Erfahrungen aus der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung von Regenerierungen mit Ultraschall konnten die Mindestparameter unter geologischen und hydrochemischen Aspekten und daraus ein Leitfaden zur Entscheidungshilfe über Zeitpunkt und Wahl des Verfahrens einer Brunnenregenerierung abgeleitet werden. Das richtige Brunnenmonitoring ist somit Grundlage der optimalen Brunnennutzung und –pflege.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is strongly associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome. It encompasses a clinico-pathologic spectrum of conditions ranging from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). The latter develops upon pro-inflammatory cell infiltration and is widely considered as the first relevant pathophysiological step in NAFLD-progression. The chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) plays an important role in the progression of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis, and both increased hepatic expression and circulating serum levels have been described in NASH. Here, we aimed to investigate MCP-1 expression in simple hepatic steatosis. Upon feeding a high-fat diet mice developed hepatic steatosis in the absence of significant hepatic inflammation, but elevated hepatic MCP-1 expression compared to control mice fed a standard chow. Interestingly, high-fat diet fed mice had significantly higher MCP-1 serum levels, and MCP-1 mRNA expression was significantly increased in visceral adipose tissue. Furthermore, MCP-1 serum levels were also elevated in patients with ultrasound-diagnosed NAFLD and correlated with the body-mass index and fasting glucose. In conclusion, our data indicate both the liver and adipose tissue as cellular sources of elevated circulating MCP-1 levels already in the early phase of hepatic steatosis. Since MCP-1 derived from visceral adipose tissue reaches the liver via portal circulation at high concentrations it may significantly contribute to the progression of simple steatosis to NASH.
Vegetation phenology is an important indicator of climate change and climate variability and it is strongly connected to biospheric–atmospheric gas exchange. We aimed to evaluate the applicability of phenological information derived from digital imagery for the interpretation of CO2 exchange measurements. For the years 2005–2007 we analyzed seasonal phenological development of 2 temperate mixed forests using tower-based imagery from standard RGB cameras. Phenological information was jointly analyzed with gross primary productivity (GPP) derived from net ecosystem exchange data. Automated image analysis provided reliable information on vegetation developmental stages of beech and ash trees covering all seasons. A phenological index derived from image color values was strongly correlated with GPP, with a significant mean time lag of several days for ash trees and several weeks for beech trees in early summer (May to mid-July). Leaf emergence dates for the dominant tree species partly explained temporal behaviour of spring GPP but were also masked by local meteorological conditions. We conclude that digital cameras at flux measurement sites not only provide an objective measure of the physiological state of a forest canopy at high temporal and spatial resolutions, but also complement CO2 and water exchange measurements, improving our knowledge of ecosystem processes.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate treatment response of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) with a new real-time imaging fusion technique of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) with multi-slice detection computed tomography (CT) in comparison to conventional post-interventional follow-up. MATERIAL AND METHODS 40 patients with HCC (26 male, ages 46-81 years) were evaluated 24 hours after TACE using CEUS with ultrasound volume navigation and image fusion with CT compared to non-enhanced CT and follow-up contrast-enhanced CT after 6-8 weeks. Reduction of tumor vascularization to less than 25% was regarded as "successful" treatment, whereas reduction to levels >25% was considered as "partial" treatment response. Homogenous lipiodol retention was regarded as successful treatment in non-enhanced CT. RESULTS Post-interventional image fusion of CEUS with CT was feasible in all 40 patients. In 24 patients (24/40), post-interventional image fusion with CEUS revealed residual tumor vascularity, that was confirmed by contrast-enhanced CT 6-8 weeks later in 24/24 patients. In 16 patients (16/40), post-interventional image fusion with CEUS demonstrated successful treatment, but follow-up CT detected residual viable tumor (6/16). Non-enhanced CT did not identify any case of treatment failure. Image fusion with CEUS assessed treatment efficacy with a specificity of 100%, sensitivity of 80% and a positive predictive value of 1 (negative predictive value 0.63). CONCLUSIONS Image fusion of CEUS with CT allows a reliable, highly specific post-interventional evaluation of embolization response with good sensitivity without any further radiation exposure. It can detect residual viable tumor at early state, resulting in a close patient monitoring or re-therapy.
OBJECTIVE We examined the effect of an instructional video about the production of diagnostic sputum on case detection of tuberculosis (TB), and evaluated the acceptance of the video. TRIAL DESIGN Randomized controlled trial. METHODS We prepared a culturally adapted instructional video for sputum submission. We analyzed 200 presumptive TB cases coughing for more than two weeks who attended the outpatient department of the governmental Municipal Hospital in Mwananyamala (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania). They were randomly assigned to either receive instructions on sputum submission using the video before submission (intervention group, n = 100) or standard of care (control group, n = 100). Sputum samples were examined for volume, quality and presence of acid-fast bacilli by experienced laboratory technicians blinded to study groups. RESULTS Median age was 39.1 years (interquartile range 37.0-50.0); 94 (47%) were females, 106 (53%) were males, and 49 (24.5%) were HIV-infected. We found that the instructional video intervention was associated with detection of a higher proportion of microscopically confirmed cases (56%, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 45.7-65.9%, sputum smear positive patients in the intervention group versus 23%, 95% CI 15.2-32.5%, in the control group, p <0.0001), an increase in volume of specimen defined as a volume ≥3ml (78%, 95% CI 68.6-85.7%, versus 45%, 95% CI 35.0-55.3%, p <0.0001), and specimens less likely to be salivary (14%, 95% CI 7.9-22.4%, versus 39%, 95% CI 29.4-49.3%, p = 0.0001). Older age, but not the HIV status or sex, modified the effectiveness of the intervention by improving it positively. When asked how well the video instructions were understood, the majority of patients in the intervention group reported to have understood the video instructions well (97%). Most of the patients thought the video would be useful in the cultural setting of Tanzania (92%). CONCLUSIONS Sputum submission instructional videos increased the yield of tuberculosis cases through better quality of sputum samples. If confirmed in larger studies, instructional videos may have a substantial effect on the case yield using sputum microscopy and also molecular tests. This low-cost strategy should be considered as part of the efforts to control TB in resource-limited settings. TRIAL REGISTRATION Pan African Clinical Trials Registry PACTR201504001098231.