389 resultados para Kaurismäki, Aki
This trial aimed to compare the dialysis complications occurring during different durations of extended daily dialysis (EDD) sessions in critically ill AKI patients. We included patients older than 18 years with AKI associated with sepsis admitted to the intensive care unit and using noradrenaline dose ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 mu g/kg/min. Patients were divided into two groups randomly: in G1, 6 h sessions were performed and, in G2, 10 h sessions were performed. Seventy-five patients were treated with 195 EDD sessions for 18 consecutive months. The prevalence of hypotension, filter clotting, hypokalaemia, and hypophosphataemia was 82.6, 25.3, 20, and 10.6%, respectively. G1 and G2 were similar in male predominance and SOFA. There was no significant difference between the two groups in hypotension, filter clotting, hypokalaemia, and hypophosphataemia. However, the group treated with sessions of 10 hours showed higher refractory to clinical measures for hypotension and dialysis sessions were interrupted more often. Metabolic control and fluid balance were similar between G1 and G2. In conclusion, intradialysis hypotension was common in AKI patients treated with EDD. There was no difference in the prevalence of dialysis complications in patients undergoing different durations of EDD.
Few studies have investigated the predictive properties of urinary (u) NGAL as an AKI marker in septic population. This study evaluated the efficacy of uNGAL as predictor of AKI and death in septic patients admitted to the clinical emergency room (ER). We prospectively studied patients with sepsis admitted to the ER. Urine was analyzed for NGAL within the first 24 hours after admission (classified as NGAL1), between 24 and 48 h (NGAL2), and at moment of AKI diagnosis (NGAL3). Among 168 septic patients admitted to ER, 72% developed AKI. The uNGAL and its relationship with creatinine (Cr) were high in septic patients but statistically higher in those with sepsis and AKI. The uNGAL1 and uNGAL2, as well as uNGAL1/uCr1 and uNGAL2/uCr2, were good predictors for AKI (AUC-ROC 0.73, 0.70, 0.77, and 0.84, resp.). The uNGAL1 and uNGAL1/uCr1 were poor predictors for death (AUC-ROC 0.66 and 0.68, resp.), whereas uNGAL2 and uNGAL2/uCr2 were better predictors (AUC-ROC 0.70 and 0.81, resp.). The uNGAL is highly sensitive but nonspecific predictor of AKI and death in septic patients admitted into ER.
Background. Acute kidney injury (AKI) following prolonged laparoscopy is a documented phenomenon. Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum induces oxidative stress. Previous experimental studies have shown that the antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine, protects the rat from AKI following ischemia-reperfusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on rat renal function after prolonged pneumoperitoneum. Methods. Normal rats treated or not with NAC were submitted to abdominal CO2 insufflation of 10 mmHg, at short and long periods of time of 1 and 3 h, respectively, and evaluated at 24, 72 h, and 1 wk after deinsufflation. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was measured by inulin clearance and oxidative stress was evaluated by serum thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) Results. No significant alterations in GFR were observed in normal animals submitted to the pneumoperitoneum of 1 h and evaluated after 24 h desufflation. With 3 h of pneumoperitoneum, a significant and progressive decrease in GFR occurred 24 and 72 h after desufflation with an increase in serum TBARS. GFR returned to normal levels a week later. In the NAC-treated rats, a complete protection against GFR drops was observed 24 and 72 h following 3 h of pneumoperitoneum associated with a decrease in TBARS. Conclusion. These results suggest that NAC protects against acute kidney injury following prolonged pneumoperitoneum. These findings have significant clinical implications. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L’insufficienza renale acuta(AKI) grave che richiede terapia sostitutiva, è una complicanza frequente nelle unità di terapia intensiva(UTI) e rappresenta un fattore di rischio indipendente di mortalità. Scopo dello studio é stato valutare prospetticamente, in pazienti “critici” sottoposti a terapie sostitutive renali continue(CRRT) per IRA post cardiochirurgia, la prevalenza ed il significato prognostico del recupero della funzione renale(RFR). Pazienti e Metodi:Pazienti(pz) con AKI dopo intervento di cardiochirurgia elettivo o in emergenza con disfunzione di due o più organi trattati con CRRT. Risultati:Dal 1996 al 2011, 266 pz (M 195,F 71, età 65.5±11.3aa) sono stati trattati con CRRT. Tipo di intervento: CABG(27.6%), dissecazione aortica(33%), sostituzione valvolare(21.1%), CABG+sostituzione valvolare(12.6%), altro(5.7%). Parametri all’inizio del trattamento: BUN 86.1±39.4, creatininemia(Cr) 3.96±1.86mg/dL, PAM 72.4±13.6mmHg, APACHE II score 30.7±6.1, SOFAscore 13.7±3. RIFLE: Risk (11%), Injury (31.4%), Failure (57.6%). AKI oligurica (72.2%), ventilazione meccanica (93.2%), inotropi (84.5%). La sopravvivenza a 30 gg ed alla dimissione è stata del 54.2% e del 37.1%. La sopravvivenza per stratificazione APACHE II: <24=85.1 e 66%, 25-29=63.5 e 48.1%, 30-34=51.8 e 31.8%, >34=31.6 e 17.7%. RFR ha consentito l’interruzione della CRRT nel 87.8% (86/98) dei survivors (Cr 1.4±0.6mg/dL) e nel 14.5% (24/166) dei nonsurvivors (Cr 2.2±0.9mg/dL) con un recupero totale del 41.4%. RFR è stato osservato nel 59.5% (44/74) dei pz non oligurici e nel 34.4% dei pz oligurici (66/192). La distribuzione dei pz sulla base dei tempi di RFR è stata:<8=38.2%, 8-14=20.9%, 15-21=11.8%, 22-28=10.9%, >28=18.2%. All’analisi multivariata, l’oliguria, l’età e il CV-SOFA a 7gg dall’inizio della CRRT si sono dimostrati fattori prognostici sfavorevoli su RFR(>21gg). RFR si associa ad una sopravvivenza elevata(78.2%). Conclusioni:RFR significativamente piu frequente nei pz non oligurici si associa ad una sopravvivenza alla dimissione piu elevata. La distribuzione dei pz in rapporto ad APACHE II e SOFAscore dimostra che la sopravvivenza e RFR sono strettamente legati alla gravità della patologia.
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Az elmúlt évtizedek felgyorsult technológiai fejlődése komoly kihívásokat jelent mind a cégeknek, mind az egyéneknek. Intézményesített „jövőkezelésre” és ennek menedzselésére van szükség. A szerzők tanulmányukban át kívánják tekinteni a jövőkutatás, a technológiamenedzsment, az innovációmenedzsment és egyéb megközelítések releváns alapjait, viszonyait és lehetséges integrációjukat. Be kívánják mutatni a meghatározó területeket és trendeket. Keresik azokat a menedzsment-alapkérdéseket, tanulságokat és dilemmákat, amelyek minden olyan vállalatnak érdekesek és hasznosak lehetnek, amelyek a fejlődő technológia lehetőségeit szeretnék kiaknázni, vagy csak egyszerűen szeretnének a követhetetlenül gyors fejlődésben talpon maradni. _____________ The fast pace technology development creates a serious challenge both for individuals and for companies. There is a concept which attempts to handle this challenge by “institutional future management”. In their paper the authors survey the relevant concepts of future studies, technology management and other areas, and explore their connections and integration possibilities. They also would like to introduce some key technology trends, and at the same time some basic managerial questions, dilemmas, conclusions which might have importance to those corporations which have to survive in an environment determined by accelerated technology based innovation.
Il presente lavoro di ricerca si concentra sulla sincronizzazione nel doppiaggio e consiste nello scoprire se il tentativo di ottenere la sincronia labiale nel doppiaggio di un film avesse come risultato la perdita di qualche informazione essenziale nel contenuto semantico. Al punto di analisi si arriva tra una descrizione esaustiva del doppiaggio. È un percorso che parte dalla nascita del doppiaggio, attraverso lo sviluppo fino ad arrivare alla particolarizzazione del processo lavorativo. Come l’oggetto di ricerca si è scelto il film (DVD) di origine finlandese “Mies vailla menneisyyttä” di Aki Kaurismäki (2002) inclusa la versione doppiata in italiano (l’Uomo Senza Passato). Si è esaminato quali tecniche sono state usate nella traduzione dei dialoghi per il doppiaggio per raggiungere una sincronia adeguata e se il dialoghista ha preferito rispettare il contenuto semantico o la sincronia. I risultati mostrano che per ottenere una bella sincronia, non è necessario deviare dal contenuto semantico del testo originale. Utilizzando le tecniche adatte alla traduzione per il doppiaggio è possibile produrre un doppiaggio che rispetti sia lo stile e la storia del film sia la sincronia. Un effetto negativo sulla qualità del doppiaggio è stato dato dai punti (anche se erano pochi) con errori nella sincronia sillabica. Il mio suggerimento sarebbe di fare attenzione a questi punti in cui la lunghezza della battuta doppiata supera quella originale siccome causano gli errori più visibili nella sincronia.
Ricerche nel campo del danno renale acuto e frazioni urinarie escrete. La prima parte verte sull’analisi dei dati provenienti da una casistica di cani con leptospirosi, sono stati confrontati due gruppi di cani, il primo con AKI da leptospirosi e l’altro con AKI per eziologie differenti. In queste due popolazioni di pazienti abbiamo valutato alcuni analiti sierici ed urinari come ad esempio l’escrezione elettrolitica frazionata e biomarker di AKI come NGAL. I cani con leptospirosi, hanno mostrato maggiore kaliuresi e più grave glicosuria rispetto a quelli non affetti da leptospirosi, così come erano più frequentemente glicosurici rispetto agli altri. Questi dati sono in analogia con quanto è riportato nell’uomo e dimostrano un pattern di danno tubulare tipico in corso di questa malattia se paragonato appunto ad altre cause di danno tubulare acuto e AKI La seconda parte riguarda la valutazione della funzionalità renale e del danno renale acuto in cani affetti da insufficienza valvolare mitralica. E’ stata incentrata sul danno renale in corso di cardiopatie e per questa ragione abbiamo pensato di valutare esclusivamente pazienti con MVD per varie ragioni: poiché sono pazienti che si presentano frequentemente nella pratica clinica; la malattia è tipicamente cronica e il paziente rimane stabile a lungo con un andamento progressivo della malattia; questi pazienti possono presentare frequenti episodi di AKI legati allo scompenso cardiaco e/o alla terapia con diuretico 3/o ace-i che questi animali ricevono. Abbiamo valutato prospetticamente l'impatto della terapia orale con furosemide sulla chimica urinaria, nei cani con malattia della valvola mitrale mixomatosa. Tali differenze sono state attribuite all'effetto della terapia con furosemide sugli elettroliti renali. La chimica urinaria è utile per stimare la risposta diuretica nei cani con malattie cardiache. I dati suggeriscono differenze significative tra i diversi stadi ACVIM con particolare riferimento all’escrezione elettrolitica di Sodio, Potassio e Cloro.
In order to assess the prevalence of and risk factors for aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity in intensive care units (ICUs), we evaluated 360 consecutive patients starting aminoglycoside therapy in an ICU. The patients had a baseline calculated glomerular filtration rate (cGFR) of ?30 ml/min/1.73 m2. Among these patients, 209 (58 per cent) developed aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity (the acute kidney injury [AKI] group, which consisted of individuals with a decrease in cGFR of >20 per cent from the baseline cGFR), while 151 did not (non-AKI group). Both groups had similar baseline cGFRs. The AKI group developed a lower cGFR nadir (45 ± 27 versus 79 ± 39 ml/min/1.73 m2 for the non-AKI group; P < 0.001); was older (56 ± 18 years versus 52 ± 19 years for the non-AKI group; P = 0.033); had a higher prevalence of diabetes (19.6 per cent versus 9.3 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.007); was more frequently treated with other nephrotoxic drugs (51 per cent versus 38 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.024); used iodinated contrast more frequently (18 per cent versus 8 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0054); and showed a higher prevalence of hypotension (63 per cent versus 44 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0003), shock (56 per cent versus 31 per cent for the non-AKI group; P < 0.0001), and jaundice (19 per cent versus 8 per cent for the non-AKI group; P = 0.0036). The mortality rate was 44.5 per cent for the AKI group and 29.1 per cent for the non-AKI group (P = 0.0031). A logistic regression model identified as significant (P < 0.05) the following independent factors that affected aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity: a baseline cGFR of <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (odds ratio [OR], 0.42), diabetes (OR, 2.13), treatment with other nephrotoxins (OR, 1.61) or iodinated contrast (OR, 2.13), and hypotension (OR, 1.83). (To continue) In conclusion, AKI was frequent among ICU patients receiving an aminoglycoside, and it was associated with a high rate of mortality. The presence of diabetes or hypotension and the use of other nephrotoxic drugs and iodinated contrast were independent risk factors for the development of aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity
In this paper we study the existence of global solutions for a class of abstract functional differential equation with nonlocal conditions. An application is considered.
Background: Accidents caused by Loxosceles spider may cause severe systemic reactions, including acute kidney injury (AKI). There are few experimental studies assessing Loxosceles venom effects on kidney function in vivo. Methodology/Principal Findings: In order to test Loxosceles gaucho venom (LV) nephrotoxicity and to assess some of the possible mechanisms of renal injury, rats were studied up to 60 minutes after LV 0.24 mg/kg or saline IV injection (control). LV caused a sharp and significant drop in glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow and urinary output and increased renal vascular resistance, without changing blood pressure. Venom infusion increased significantly serum creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase. In the LV group renal histology analysis found acute epithelial tubular cells degenerative changes, presence of cell debris and detached epithelial cells in tubular lumen without glomerular or vascular changes. Immunohistochemistry disclosed renal deposition of myoglobin and hemoglobin. LV did not cause injury to a suspension of fresh proximal tubules isolated from rats. Conclusions/Significance: Loxosceles gaucho venom injection caused early AKI, which occurred without blood pressure variation. Changes in glomerular function occurred likely due to renal vasoconstriction and rhabdomyolysis. Direct nephrotoxicity could not be demonstrated in vitro. The development of a consistent model of Loxosceles venom-induced AKI and a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the renal injury may allow more efficient ways to prevent or attenuate the systemic injury after Loxosceles bite.
In this paper, we study the existence of solutions on the whole of R for a class of impulsive abstract differential equations. An application to partial differential equations is presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.