910 resultados para Karolinska Sleepiness Scale performance


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El objetivo de esta investigación es describir la calidad de vida y la calidad del sueño en los pacientes con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Apnea Hipoapnea del sueño, mediante el uso de un grupo de cuestionarios para obtener datos demográficos, la evaluación del grado de somnolencia diurna percibida, la percepción de la calidad del sueño y la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud con encuestas en sus respectivas versiones validadas para Colombia.


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Background Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common among patients with coronary artery disease. However, OSA remains largely under recognized. The lack of clinical suspicion and difficulties to access full polysomnography (PSG) are limiting factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate, among patients referred to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG): (i) the prevalence of OSA, (ii) the association of OSA with clinical symptoms, (iii) the performance of overnight unattended portable monitoring (PM) as an alternative method for the diagnosis of OSA. Methods Consecutive patients referred for CABG were evaluated by standard physical evaluation and validated questionnaires (Berlin questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale) and underwent full PSG and PM (Stardust II). Results We studied 70 consecutive patients (76% men), age 58 +/- 7 years (mean +/- SD), BMI [median (interquartile range)] 27.6 kg/m(2) (25.8-31.1). The prevalence of OSA (full PSG) using an apnea-hypopnea index of at least 5 events/h was 87%. Commonly used clinical traits for the screening of OSA such as the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and neck circumference had low sensitivities to detect OSA. In contrast, the Berlin questionnaire showed a good sensitivity (72%) to detect OSA. PM showed good sensitivity (92%) and specificity (67%) for the diagnosis of OSA. Conclusion OSA is strikingly common among patients referred for CABG. The Berlin questionnaire, but not symptom of excessive daytime sleepiness is a useful tool to screen OSA. PM is useful for the diagnosis of OSA and therefore is an attractive tool for widespread use among patients with coronary artery disease. Coron Artery Dis 23:31-38 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência da sonolência diurna excessiva (SDE) e identificar os fatores associados em mulheres de 35 a 49 anos de idade do "Projeto de Saúde de Pindamonhangaba" (PROSAPIN). MÉTODOS: O estudo foi observacional transversal com 372 mulheres com idade entre 35 e 49 anos selecionadas aleatoriamente da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) do município de Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, onde é desenvolvido o "Projeto de Saúde de Pindamonhangaba" (PROSAPIN). A SDE foi avaliada por entrevista utilizando a Escala de Sonolência de Epworth e os fatores associados por meio de questões que investigaram as características sócio-demográficas, a história ginecológica, a presença de comorbidades, o estilo de vida, a rotina de sono e o uso de medicamentos capazes de alterar o estado de alerta, além de mensuradas as variáveis antropométricas. Estimou-se a prevalência da SDE com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) e foram identificados os fatores associados por meio de um modelo de regressão logística múltipla realizado no Programa Stata, versão 10.0. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da SDE foi de 18,5% (IC 95%: 14,7- 22,9) e os fatores associados foram: profissão relacionada a serviços domésticos (OR = 2,2; IC 95%: 1,1-4,3), nível de atividade física acima da média da população estudada (OR = 1,9; IC 95%: 1,1-3,4); e a presença de características sugestivas de ansiedade (OR = 1,9; IC 95%: 1,1-3,4). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da SDE em mulheres de 35 a 49 anos do PROSAPIN foi elevada e associada à característica sociodemográfica, à presença de comorbidades e ao estilo de vida.


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Although extensive indirect evidence exists to suggest that the central dopaminergic system plays a significant role in the modulation of arousal, the functional effect of the dopaminergic influence on the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle remains unclear. Thirteen healthy volunteers and 15 unmedicated subjects with a history of major depressive disorder underwent catecholamine depletion (CD) using oral alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study. The main outcome measures in both sessions were sleepiness (Stanford-Sleepiness-Scale), cerebral glucose metabolism (positron emission tomography), and serum prolactin concentration. CD consistently induced clinically relevant sleepiness in both groups. The CD-induced prolactin increase significantly correlated with CD-induced sleepiness but not with CD-induced mood and anxiety symptoms. CD-induced sleepiness correlated with CD-induced increases in metabolism in the medial and orbital frontal cortex, bilateral superior temporal cortex, left insula, cingulate motor area and in the vicinity of the periaqueductal gray. This study suggests that the association between dopamine depletion and sleepiness is independent of the brain reward system and the risk for depression. The visceromotor system, the cingulate motor area, the periaqueductal gray and the caudal hypothalamus may mediate the impact of the dopaminergic system on regulation of wakefulness and sleep.


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Context-Daytime sleepiness in kidney transplant recipients has emerged as a potential predictor of impaired adherence to the immunosuppressive medication regimen. Thus there is a need to assess daytime sleepiness in clinical practice and transplant registries.Objective-To evaluate the validity of a single-item measure of daytime sleepiness integrated in the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS), using the American Educational Research Association framework.Methods-Using a cross-sectional design, we enrolled a convenience sample of 926 home-dwelling kidney transplant recipients (median age, 59.69 years; 25%-75% quartile [Q25-Q75], 50.27-59.69), 63% men; median time since transplant 9.42 years (Q25-Q75, 4.93-15.85). Daytime sleepiness was assessed by using a single item from the STCS and the 8 items of the validated Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the cutoff for the STCS daytime sleepiness item against the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score.Results-Based on the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, a score greater than 4 on the STCS daytime sleepiness item is recommended to detect daytime sleepiness. Content validity was high as all expert reviews were unanimous. Concurrent validity was moderate (Spearman ϱ, 0.531; P< .001) and convergent validity with depression and poor sleep quality although low, was significant (ϱ, 0.235; P<.001 and ϱ, 0.318, P=.002, respectively). For the group difference validity: kidney transplant recipients with moderate, severe, and extremely severe depressive symptom scores had 3.4, 4.3, and 5.9 times higher odds of having daytime sleepiness, respectively, as compared with recipients without depressive symptoms.Conclusion-The accumulated evidence provided evidence for the validity of the STCS daytime sleepiness item as a simple screening scale for daytime sleepiness.


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BACKGROUND The main goal of this study was to assess frequency, clinical correlates, and independent predictors of fatigue in a homogeneous cohort of well-defined glioblastoma patients at baseline prior to combined radio-chemotherapy. METHODS We prospectively included 65 glioblastoma patients at postsurgical baseline and assessed fatigue, sleepiness, mean bedtimes, mood disturbances, and clinical characteristics such as clinical performance status, presenting symptomatology, details on neurosurgical procedure, and tumor location and diameter as well as pharmacological treatment including antiepileptic drugs, antidepressants, and use of corticosteroids. Data on fatigue and sleepiness were measured with the Fatigue Severity Scale and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, respectively, and compared with 130 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. RESULTS We observed a significant correlation between fatigue and sleepiness scores in both patients (r = 0.26; P = .04) and controls (r = 0.36; P < .001). Only fatigue appeared to be more common in glioblastoma patients than in healthy controls (48% vs 11%; P < .001) but not the frequency of sleepiness (22% vs 19%; P = .43). Female sex was associated with increased fatigue frequency among glioblastoma patients but not among control participants. Multiple linear regression analyses identified depression, left-sided tumor location, and female sex as strongest associates of baseline fatigue severity. CONCLUSIONS Our findings indicate that glioblastoma patients are frequently affected by fatigue at baseline, suggesting that factors other than those related to radio- or chemotherapy have significant impact, particularly depression and tumor localization.


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Sleep-disordered breathing and excessive sleepiness may be more common in commercial vehicle drivers than in the general population. The relative importance of factors causing excessive sleepiness and accidents in this population remains unclear. We measured the prevalence of excessive sleepiness and sleep-disordered breathing and assessed accident risk factors in 2,342 respondents to a questionnaire distributed to a random sample of 3,268 Australian commercial vehicle drivers and another 161 drivers among 244 invited to undergo polysomnography. More than half (59.6%) of drivers had sleep-disordered breathing and 15.8% had obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Twenty-four percent of drivers had excessive sleepiness. Increasing sleepiness was related to an increased accident risk. The sleepiest 5% of drivers on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire had an in-creased risk of an accident (odds ratio [OR] 1.91, p = 0.02 and OR 2.23, p < 0.01, respectively) and multiple accidents (OR 2.67, p < 0.01 and OR 2.39, p = 0.01), adjusted for established risk factors. There was an increased accident risk with narcotic analgesic use (OR 2.40, p < 0.01) and antihistamine use (OR 3.44, p = 0.04). Chronic excessive sleepiness and sleep-disordered breathing are common in Australian commercial vehicle drivers. Accident risk was related to increasing chronic sleepiness and antihistamine and narcotic analgesic use.


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Academic demands, new social context, new routines and decrease of the parental control, are factors that may influence the sleep pattern of freshman students at the University. Medical students from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) have a full-time course, subjects with high-level content, and, at the first semester, classes begin at 7 a.m. This group composed by young adults who still suffering with delayed sleep phase, common in adolescence, indicating that this class schedule can be inappropriate at this age. The reduction of nocturnal sleep during school days, and the attempt to recover sleep on free days – social jet lag (JLS), suggests that in the first semester, students suffer from high sleep pressure. High sleep pressure may reflect on cognitive tasks and performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sleep pressure and the academic profile of medical students from the first semester of UFRN, characterizing this population socio-demographically and investigating possible impacts on therestactivity rhytm and academic performance. A sample of 88 students, healthy men and women awswered the following questionnaires: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality (PSQI), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Horne & Ostberg Chronotype (HO), Munich Chronotype (MCTQ) and “Health and Sleep” adapted. Actigraphy was used during 14 days to make actogramas and obtain non-parametric variables of the rest-activity rhythm and the grades of the morning schedule were used as academic performance. The JLS was used as a measure of sleep pressure. Statistics significance level was 95%. The population was sociodemographic homogeneous. Most students have healthy lifestyle, practice physical activity, use car to go to the university and take between 15 and 30 minutes for this route. Regarding CSV, most were classify as intermediate (38.6%) and evening (32%) chronotypes, needs to nap during the week, suffer daytime sleepiness and have poor sleep quality. 83% of the sample has at least 1h JLS, which led us to divide into two groups: Group <2h JLS (N = 44) and Group ≥ 2h JLS (N = 44). The groups have differences only in chronotype, showing that most evening individuals have more JLS, however, no differences were found in relation to sociodemographic aspect, rest-activity rhythm or academic performance. The homogeneity of the sample was limited to compare the groups, however, is alarming that students already present in the first half: JLG, poor sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness, which can be accentuated through the university years, with the emergence of night shifts and increased academic demand. Interventionsaddressingthe importance of good sleep habits and the change of the class start time are strategies aimed to improve student’s health.


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INTRODUCTION: Sleepiness is a cardinal symptom in obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but most patients have unspecific symptoms. Arterial stiffness, evaluated by pulse wave velocity (PWV), is related to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular (CV) risk. Arterial stiffness was reported to be higher in patients with OSA, improving after treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This study aims to assess whether the same effect occurs in patients with OSA and without sleepiness. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This observational study assesses the CV effect of CPAP therapy on a cohort of patients with moderate-to-severe OSA; the effect on the subcohorts of sleepy and non-sleepy patients will be compared. A systematic and consecutive sample of patients advised CPAP therapy will be recruited from a single outpatient sleep clinic (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central-CHLC, Portugal). Eligible patients are male, younger than 65 years, with confirmed moderate-to-severe OSA and apnoea-hypopnea index (AHI) above 15/hour. Other sleep disorders, diabetes or any CV disease other than hypertension are exclusion criteria. Clinical evaluation at baseline includes Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and sleepiness is defined as ESS above 10. OSA will be confirmed by polygraphic study (cardiorespiratory, level 3). Participants are advised to undertake an assessment of carotid-femoral PWV (cf-PWV) and 24 hours evaluation of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), at baseline and after 4 months of CPAP therapy. Compliance and effectiveness of CPAP will be assessed. The main outcome is the variation of cf-PWV over time.


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Patients with myofascial pain experience impaired mastication, which might also interfere with their sleep quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the jaw motion and sleep quality of patients with myofascial pain and the impact of a stabilization device therapy on both parameters. Fifty women diagnosed with myofascial pain by the Research Diagnostic Criteria were enrolled. Pain levels (visual analog scale), jaw movements (kinesiography), and sleep quality (Epworth Sleepiness Scale; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) were evaluated before (control) and after stabilization device use. Range of motion (maximum opening, right and left excursions, and protrusion) and masticatory movements during Optosil mastication (opening, closing, and total cycle time; opening and closing angles; and maximum velocity) also were evaluated. Repeated-measures analysis of variance in a generalized linear mixed models procedure was used for statistical analysis (α=.05). At baseline, participants with myofascial pain showed a reduced range of jaw motion and poorer sleep quality. Treatment with a stabilization device reduced pain (P<.001) and increased both mouth opening (P<.001) and anteroposterior movement (P=.01). Also, after treatment, the maximum opening (P<.001) and closing (P=.04) velocities during mastication increased, and improvements in sleep scores for the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (P<.001) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (P=.04) were found. Myofascial pain impairs jaw motion and quality of sleep; the reduction of pain after the use of a stabilization device improves the range of motion and sleep parameters.


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Objectives: To evaluate clinical predictors of poor sleep quality and quality of life (QOL) in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Methods: Consecutive stable patients with HCM were evaluated for the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by the Berlin Questionnaire, daytime sleepiness by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, sleep quality by the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire Index and QOL by the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire. Asymptomatic subjects without HCM were used as controls. Results: We studied 84 patients with HCM and 42 controls who were similar with regard to gender (49 vs. 50% males), age [52 (38-62) vs. 47 (33-58) years] and body mass index (27 +/- 4 vs. 27 +/- 5). HCM diagnosis, high risk for OSA and female gender were independently associated with poor sleep quality in the entire population. Among patients with HCM, poor QOL was independently associated with poor sleep quality, New York Heart Association functional class and diuretic therapy. Conclusion: Poor sleep quality is very common in patients with HCM and may have a negative impact on the QOL, which in turn is an important marker of prognosis in patients with cardiomyopathies. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: To establish the occurrence of Periodic Leg Movements (PLM) and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) subjects. Methods: In this study, twenty four patients were submitted to a full night polysomnography and were assessed with Epworth Sleepiness Scale and an adapted form of International Restless Legs Syndrome Scale Rating Scale (IRLS Rating Scale). Control Group (CG) was composed of 16 subjects, 50% of each sex, age: 24.38 +/- 4 years old. Spinal Cord Injury Group (SCIG) was composed of 8 subjects (29 +/- 5 years old) with a complete SCI (ASIA A) of about three and a half years of duration, 100% males. Results: 100% of SCIG had RLS compared to 17% in CG ( p < 0.0001). SCIG had 18.11 +/- 20.07 of PLM index while CG had 5.96 +/- 11.93 (p = 0.01). Arousals related to PLM were recorded in CG and SCIG. There was a positive moderate correlation between RLS and age (r = 0.5; p = 0.01), RLS and PLM (r = 0.49; p = 0.01), adapted IRLS Rating Scale and PLM index (r = 0.64; p = 0.03) and also a negative moderate correlation between Epworth Sleepiness Scale and PLM index (r = -0.4; p = 0.04) in both groups. Conclusion: RLS and PLM are common findings in SCI patients with a complete injury. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a cost-effective intra-oral appliance for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome built into a large teaching hospital. Out of 20 evaluated and treated patients, 14 concluded the study: eight men and six women, with a mean age of 42-46 (mean + SD) years and mean body mass index of 27.66. Inclusion criteria were mild or moderate apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) according to a polysomnographic study. All patients were treated with the monobloco intra-oral appliance. They were then submitted to a follow-up polysomnographic study after 60 days using the appliance. An orofacial clinical evaluation was carried out with the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) questionnaire and with clinical evaluation questionnaire devised by the Orofacial Pain Team before and 60 days after fitting the intra-oral appliance. The AHI showed a statistically meaningful (p = 0.002) reduction from 15.53 to 7.82 events per hour, a non-statistically significant oxygen saturation increase from 83.36 to 84.86 (p = 0.09), and Epworth`s sleepiness scale reduction from 9.14 to 6.36 (p = 0.001). Three patients did not show any improvement. The most common side effect during the use of the appliance/device was pain and facial discomfort (28.57%), without myofascial or temporomandibular joint pain as evaluated by the RDC/TMD questionnaire. The intra-oral device produced a significant reduction of the apnea-hypopnea index during the study period with the use of the monobloco intra-oral appliance. Patients did not show prior myofascial pain or 60 days after use of the intra-oral appliance.


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Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is a respiratory disorder with high morbidity and mortality. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most commonly prescribed conservative treatment for adults with OSAHS. CPAP therapy normalises or decreases OSAHS symptoms and can reduce and prevent OSAHS complications. Aims: To evaluate adherence to nasal CPAP treatment and CPAP impact on daytime drowsiness. Method: A sample of 20 patients evaluated for daytime drowsiness using the Epworth sleepiness scale and interviewed for adherence to nasal CPAP use. Results: There was a significant decrease in the level of daytime sleepiness of the patients users of nasal CPAP (p=0.017); patients not using nasal CPAP experienced a decrease without statistical significance (p=0.162). 100% of CPAP users reported benefits and 50% of these reported related discomforts. Conclusions: Patients with OSAHS that use CPAP have a greater reduced level of sleepiness than those who do not use it.


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We aimed to quantify fatigue frequency and evolution in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and to correlate fatigue with factors such as age, sex, educational level, disease duration, functionality, quality of life, dyspnoea, depression and sleepiness. Sixty ALS patients (test group: TG) selected by El Escorial criteria and 60 normal individuals (control group: CG) matched according to sex and age, were followed every three months, during 9 months, by means of self-report scales: Fatigue Assessment Instrument (Fatigue Severity Scale plus three qualitative subscales); ALS Functional Rating Scale; McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire; dyspnoea analogical scale; Beck Depression Inventory and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Fatigue was reported by 83% of TG (median: 3.6, interquartile range 1.5-5.4), compared with 20% of CG (median: 1, 1 - 1), and was significantly greater in the TG (p < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test). Fatigue severity increased by the ninth month of the study (p=0.0008, Friedman, Muller-Dunn post test). There was no correlation between fatigue and other parameters, except for an inverse correlation with age at disease onset (p=0.0395, Spearman rank correlation). In conclusion, fatigue was frequent in ALS, greater in the youngest patients and worsened during follow-up. Possibly, ALS related fatigue is an independent factor, which deserves individualized approach and treatment.