986 resultados para Karl Popper
Cette étude, qui s'intéresse aux appropriations de l'Antiquité grecque au XXe siècle, se propose d'analyser les impacts de la lecture de Platon sur le développement de la pensée politique et éthique de Hannah Arendt. Notre approche du sujet est historique et philosophique. Premièrement, nous considérerons la toile de fond biographique, intellectuelle et historique de cette lecture. La relation intellectuelle entre Hannah Arendt et Martin Heidegger reçoit une attention particulière, puisque le Platon arendtien présente parfois des similarités avec celui de Heidegger. Nous considérerons également la réception de Platon en Allemagne entre la période de Weimar et l'après-guerre : les lectures idéologiques de l'époque nazie, et le débat autour du statut de Platon en tant qu'ancêtre du totalitarisme, clamé par Karl Popper, ont assombri la réputation philosophique de Platon jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle. Nous trouvons des échos de ce climat intellectuel particulier dans le traitement de Platon chez Arendt. Dans un deuxième temps, nous examinerons les thèmes et les motifs de la lecture arendtienne en observant minutieusement une sélection d'ouvrages, d'essais, d'ébauches d'Arendt, en plus des notes du Journal de pensée (Denktagebuch) et des extraits de dialogues de Platon sur lesquels s'appuient sa lecture. Arendt déconstruit, transforme, altère et utilise ces textes afin de démontrer que notre tradition de pensée politique s'est édifiée sur un mépris de la politique qui trouve sa source dans la pensée platonicienne. Ce mépris culmine dans la pensée de Marx et le totalitarisme. Mais les réflexions d'Arendt sur la pensée, le jugement et la conscience, et son traitement du cas Eichmann suggère qu'elle s'approprie par moments la pensée de Platon. Des comparaisons avec d'autres penseurs émigrés allemands, qui s'inspirent aussi de Platon et des Grecs pour édifier leur pensée politique, Leo Strauss et Eric Voegelin, vont nous permettre d'affiner notre compréhension du Platon d'Arendt.
A questão da retórica, ou seja, da comunicação entre os indivíduos, tem preocupado diversos pensadores desde Platão aos autores contemporâneos, como Karl Popper, entre outros. Continua, por conseguinte, a estar no cerne da própria convivência entre os indivíduos na vida em sociedade.
I summarise certain aspects of Paul Feyerabend’s account of the development of Western rationalism, show the ways in which that account is supposed to run up against an alternative, that of Karl Popper, and then try to give a preliminary comparison of the two. My interest is primarily in whether what Feyerabend called his ‘story’ constitutes a possible history of our epistemic concepts and their trajectory. I express some grave reservations about that story, and about Feyerabend’s framework, finding Popper’s views less problematic here. However, I also suggest that one important aspect of Feyerabend’s material, his treatment of religious belief, can be given an interpretation which makes it tenable, and perhaps preferable to a Popperian approach.
Formular hipóteses a partir da observação e testá-las através da experimentação caracteriza o método baconiano; a formulação inicial explicitamente era fruto de um insight intuitivo, que Francis Bacon denominou indução. A objetividade está no início do processo do conhecimento, basta o cientista deixar os fatos falarem por si enquanto lê o livro aberto da natureza. Uma forma mais sofisticada de indutivismo faz distinção entre contexto da descoberta e contexto da justificação para separar a questão de como as teorias científicas são desenvolvidadas da questão de como testá-las contra suas rivais. Karl Popper, discordando desta atitude, vai atribuir o primeiro ao acaso e para o segundo assumirá uma epistemologia evolucionista. Popper, não acreditando na possibilidade da existência de um critério de verdade, propõe um critério de falsificabilidade. O conhecimento não se daria por generalizações a partir da experiência, mas pela elaboração de conjeturas de alto conteúdo empírico que seriam submetidas à lógica dedutiva (baseado no modus tolles) e experimentação. Popper, por influência humeana, nega qualquer papel da indução na aquisição do conhecimento, que não partiria de percepções, de observações nem do acúmulo de dados ou fatos, mas sim de problemas. Na ausência de critério conclusivo de verdade empírica, só nos resta aprender com nossos erros. O progresso do conhecimento adviria da refutação de uma hipótese e da procura de outra com maior conteúdo explicativo e que pudesse evitar ao menos algumas das falhas da hipótese anterior. Este seria o critério de progresso científico. O problema do falsificacionismo de Popper é que o cientista não persegue teorias para provar que são falsas, mas teorias que procura demonstrar verdadeiras. Popper nos diz qual seria o ideal da ciência, mas não de como ela é praticada. Tomados isoladamente, tanto o indutivismo como o método hipotético-dedutivo são simplistas e ingênuos. O primeiro é cego, não direciona a experimentação pela hipótese teórica. O segundo tem direcionamento teórico, mas não dá conta da geração da hipótese. Como ambos estão do mesmo lado na descrição da relação do experimento e da teoria, isto torna frutífera a interação destas duas vias. É tematizada a teoria dos germes e a descoberta da penicilina como exemplo desta abordagem em biologia.
Post-soviet countries are in the process of transformation from a totalitarian order to a democratic one, a transformation which is impossible without a profound shift in people's way of thinking. The group set themselves the task of determining the essence of this shift. Using a multidisciplinary approach, they looked at concrete ways of overcoming the totalitarian mentality and forming that necessary for an open democratic society. They studied the contemporary conceptions of tolerance and critical thinking and looked for new foundations of criticism, especially in hermeneutics. They then sought to substantiate the complementary relation between tolerance and criticism in the democratic way of thinking and to prepare a a syllabus for teaching on the subject in Ukrainian higher education. In a philosophical exploration of tolerance they began with relgious tolerance as its first and most important form. Political and social interests often lay at the foundations of religious intolerance and this implicitly comprised the transition to religious tolerance when conditions changed. Early polytheism was more or less indifferent to dogmatic deviations but monotheism is intolerant of heresies. The damage wrought by the religious wars of the Reformations transformed tolerance into a value. They did not create religious tolerance but forced its recognition as a positive phenomenon. With the weakening of religious institutions in the modern era, the purely political nature of many conflicts became evident and this stimulated the extrapolation of tolerance into secular life. Each historical era has certain acts and operations which may be interpreted as tolerant and these can be classified as to whether or not they are based on the conscious following of the principle of tolerance. This criterion requires the separation of the phenomenon of tolerance from its concept and from tolerance as a value. Only the conjunction of a concept of tolerance with a recognition of its value can transform it into a principle dictating a norm of conscious behaviour. The analysis of the contemporary conception of tolerance focused on the diversity of the concept and concluded that the notions used cannot be combined in the framework of a single more or less simple classification, as the distinctions between them are stimulated by the complexity of the realty considered and the variety of its manifestations. Notions considered in relation to tolerance included pluralism, respect and particular-universal. The rationale of tolerance was also investigated and the group felt that any substantiation of the principle of tolerance must take into account human beings' desire for knowledge. Before respecting or being tolerant of another person different from myself, I should first know where the difference lies, so knowledge is a necessary condition of tolerance.The traditional division of truth into scientific (objective and unique) and religious, moral, political (subjective and so multiple) intensifies the problem of the relationship between truth and tolerance. Science was long seen as a field of "natural" intolerance whereas the validity of tolerance was accepted in other intellectual fields. As tolerance eemrges when there is difference and opposition, it is essentially linked with rivaly and there is a a growing recognition today that unlimited rivalry is neither able to direct the process of development nor to act as creative matter. Social and economic reality has led to rivalry being regulated by the state and a natural requirement of this is to associate tolerance with a special "purified" form of rivalry, an acceptance of the actiivity of different subjects and a specification of the norms of their competition. Tolerance and rivalry should therefore be subordinate to a degree of discipline and the group point out that discipline, including self-discipline, is a regulator of the balance between them. Two problematic aspects of tolerance were identified: why something traditionally supposed to have no positive content has become a human activity today, and whether tolerance has full-scale cultural significance. The resolution of these questions requires a revision of the phenomenon and conception of tolerance to clarify its immanent positive content. This involved an investigation of the contemporary concept of tolerance and of the epistemological foundations of a negative solution of tolerance in Greek thought. An original soution to the problem of the extrapolation of tolerance to scientific knowledge was proposed based on the Duhem-Quine theses and conceptiion of background knowledge. In this way tolerance as a principle of mutual relations between different scientific positions gains an essential epistemological rationale and so an important argument for its own universal status. The group then went on to consider the ontological foundations for a positive solution of this problem, beginning with the work of Poincare and Reichenbach. The next aspect considered was the conceptual foundations of critical thinking, looking at the ideas of Karl Popper and St. Augustine and at the problem of the demarcation line between reasonable criticism and apologetic reasoning. Dogmatic and critical thinking in a political context were also considered, before an investigation of critical thinking's foundations. As logic is essential to critical thinking, the state of this discipline in Ukrainian and Russian higher education was assessed, together with the limits of formal-logical grounds for criticism, the role of informal logical as a basis for critical thinking today, dialectical logic as a foundation for critical thinking and the universality of the contemporary demand for criticism. The search for new foundations of critical thinking covered deconstructivism and critical hermeneutics, including the problem of the author. The relationship between tolerance and criticism was traced from the ancient world, both eastern and Greek, through the transitional community of the Renaissance to the industrial community (Locke and Mill) and the evolution of this relationship today when these are viewed not as moral virtues but as ordinary norms. Tolerance and criticism were discussed as complementary manifestations of human freedom. If the completeness of freedom were accepted it would be impossible to avoid recognition of the natural and legal nature of these manifestations and the group argue that critical tolerance is able to avoid dismissing such negative phenomena as the degradation of taste and manner, pornography, etc. On the basis of their work, the group drew up the syllabus of a course in "Logic with Elements of Critical Thinking, and of a special course on the "Problem of Tolerance".
For the reader of this book it is reserved a historical walk through the efforts realized in the field of education to settle the necessary basis for the formation of a participating citizen in the socio-technical process and the dialogic and communicative action with the technological world. There are ten articles that discuss about many aspects of the relationship between education and technology, experienced by the author, who at any moment forgot thinkers with whom he spoke as Jürgen Habermas, Karl Marx, Karl Popper, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Ruy Gama. You can dream and run away from the instrumental knowledge to incorporate the woven continuous experience in the practice and experience with people. In this atmosphere of concepts, characteristics and perspectives is the technological education, which runs through dialogue with technology, possession of knowledge and interdisciplinary. Talking to the technology, the subject interacts with society so that the demands are part of projects in this field of this champ of knowledge and the other sciences. It also means to explore knowledge and practices of professionals and educators working in this field full of normative and formative values.
A produção de teoria em administração tende hoje a opor, pelo menos metodologicamente, ambientes acadêmicos e aqueles em que tal conhecimento se desenvolve sob motivação de mercado. Escrito do ponto de vista dos primeiros, este artigo é uma reflexão crítica sobre a base epistemológica que parece sustentar os segundos. De fato, trabalhando no limite entre simples senso comum e conhecimento tradicionalmente considerado científico, o método e o argumento usuais que alimentam diretamente empresas, seus consultores e um crescente número de leitores é a indução sobre a experiência - "caso após caso, se funcionou para outros, funcionará para você". Essa é, na verdade, uma questão epistemológica clássica que foi abordada de forma antológica por Karl R. Popper e constitui o centro do artigo. De suas conclusões sobre a lógica da pesquisa científica, podem fluir deduções interessantes tanto ao mundo da gerência quanto da academia, apresentadas na parte final do texto.
Se analiza c??mo vi?? el fil??sofo Karl R. Popper la televisi??n y sus efectos y c??mo ha evolucionado su visi??n. Se muestra la repercusi??n de la televisi??n en la poblaci??n juvenil, los aspectos negativos y positivos y el papel de padres y educadores en esta relaci??n. Se incluye un dec??logo de buenas costumbres a la hora de ver televisi??n de una forma saludable y provechosa
vol. 1
vol. 2