695 resultados para Kangas, Seppo
Nimekkeen selitys: Haastateltavana Helsingin yliopiston tilastotieteen professori Seppo Mustonen, joka on luonut SURVO-järjestelmän, vuorovaikutteisen tietojenkäsittelysysteemin tilastollisten analyysien suorittamiseen.
kuv., 11 x 17 cm
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Seppo Tuomisen arkiston sisällöstä
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Seppo Nummen arkiston sisällöstä
This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2000 ISBRA Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. The chairs were Victor R. Preedy and Junko Adachi. The presentations were (1) Alcoholic myopathy: Past, present and future, by Timothy J. Peters and Victor R. Preedy; (2) Protein adducts in the type I and II fiber-predominant muscles of the ethanol-fed rat, by Simon Worrall, Seppo Parkkila, and Onni Niemela; (3) Hydroperoxides and changes in alcoholic myopathy, by Junko Adachi, Migiwa Asamo, and Yasuhino Ueno; and (4) A close association between testicular atrophy, muscle atrophy, and the increase in protein catabolism after chronic ethanol administration, by Kunihiko Takeda, Masayoshi Yamauchi, Kazuhiko Sakamoto, Masaru Takagi, Hisato Nakajima, and Gotaro Toda.