95 resultados para KUROSHIO
Building on studies by Brayshaw et al. (2009, 2011) of the basic ingredients of the North Atlantic storm track (land-sea contrast, orography and SST), this article investigates the impact of Eurasian topography and Pacific SST anomalies on the North Pacific and Atlantic storm tracks through a hierarchy of atmospheric GCM simulations using idealised boundary conditions in the HadGAM1 model. The Himalaya-Tibet mountain complex is found to play a crucial role in shaping the North Pacific storm track. The northward deflection of the westerly flow around northern Tibet generates an extensive pool of very cold air in the north-eastern tip of the Asian continent, which strengthens the meridional temperature gradient and favours baroclinic growth in the western Pacific. The Kuroshio SST front is also instrumental in strengthening the Pacific storm track through its impact on near-surface baroclinicity, while the warm waters around Indonesia tend to weaken it through the impact on baroclinicity of stationary Rossby waves propagating poleward from the convective heating regions. Three mechanisms by which the Atlantic storm track may be affected by changes in the boundary conditions upstream of the Rockies are discussed. In the model configuration used here, stationary Rossby waves emanating from Tibet appear to weaken the North Atlantic storm track substantially, whereas those generated over the cold waters off Peru appear to strengthen it. Changes in eddy-driven surface winds over the Pacific generally appear to modify the flow over the Rocky Mountains, leading to consistent modifications in the Atlantic storm track. The evidence for each of these mechanisms is, however, ultimately equivocal in these simulations.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research-Community Climate System Model (NCAR-CCSM) is used in a coupled atmosphere–ocean–sea-ice simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, around 21,000 years ago) climate. In the tropics, the simulation shows a moderate cooling of 3 °C over land and 2 °C in the ocean in zonal average. This cooling is about 1 °C cooler than the CLIMAP sea surface temperatures (SSTs) but consistent with recent estimates of both land and sea surface temperature changes. Subtropical waters are cooled by 2–2.5 °C, also in agreement with recent estimates. The simulated oceanic thermohaline circulation at the LGM is not only shallower but also weaker than the modern with a migration of deep-water formation site in the North Atlantic as suggested by the paleoceanographic evidences. The simulated northward flow of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is enhanced. These deep circulation changes are attributable to the increased surface density flux in the Southern Ocean caused by sea-ice expansion at the LGM. Both the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio are intensified due to the overall increase of wind stress over the subtropical oceans. The intensified zonal wind stress and southward shift of its maximum in the Southern Ocean effectively enhances the transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) by more than 50%. Simulated SSTs are lowered by up to 8 °C in the midlatitudes. Simulated conditions in the North Atlantic are warmer and with less sea-ice than indicated by CLIMAP again, in agreement with more recent estimates. The increased meridional SST gradient at the LGM results in an enhanced Hadley Circulation and increased midlatitude storm track precipitation. The increased baroclinic storm activity also intensifies the meridional atmospheric heat transport. A sensitivity experiment shows that about half of the simulated tropical cooling at the LGM originates from reduced atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.
The seasonal sea level variations observed from tide gauges over 1900-2013 and gridded satellite altimeter product AVISO over 1993-2013 in the northwest Pacific have been explored. The seasonal cycle is able to explain 60-90% of monthly sea level variance in the marginal seas, while it explains less than 20% of variance in the eddy-rich regions. The maximum annual and semi-annual sea level cycles (30cm and 6cm) are observed in the north of the East China Sea and the west of the South China Sea respectively. AVISO was found to underestimate the annual amplitude by 25% compared to tide gauge estimates along the coasts of China and Russia. The forcing for the seasonal sea level cycle was identified. The atmospheric pressure and the steric height produce 8-12cm of the annual cycle in the middle continental shelf and in the Kuroshio Current regions separately. The removal of the two attributors from total sea level permits to identify the sea level residuals that still show significant seasonality in the marginal seas. Both nearby wind stress and surface currents can explain well the long-term variability of the seasonal sea level cycle in the marginal seas and the tropics because of their influence on the sea level residuals. Interestingly, the surface currents are a better descriptor in the areas where the ocean currents are known to be strong. Here, they explain 50-90% of inter-annual variability due to the strong links between the steric height and the large-scale ocean currents.
During Leg 195 of the Ocean Drilling Program, Site 1202 was drilled in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean beneath the Kuroshio (Black Current) between northern Taiwan and the Ryukyu Island Arc on the northern flank of the I-Lan Ridge at 1274 m water depth. The upper 110 m of the Site 1202 section, composed of dark grey calcareous silty clay, provide an expanded record of environmental changes during the last 28 kyr. The sediments were deposited at high sedimentation rates between 3.0 and 5.0 m/kyr and peak values of 9.0 m/kyr between 15.1 and 11.2 ka BP. Variations in the modes and sources of detrital sediment input, as inferred from sediment granulometry, mineralogy, and elemental XRF-scanner data, reflect changes in environmental boundary conditions related to sea-level changes, Kuroshio variability, and the climate-driven modes of fluvial runoff. The provenance data point to increased sediment supply from northwestern Taiwan between 28 and 19.5 ka BP and from East China sources between 19.5 and 11.2 ka BP. The change in provenance at 19.5 ka BP reflects increased fluvial runoff from the Yangtze River and strong sediment reworking from the East China Sea shelf in the course of increased humidity and postglacial sea-level rise, particularly after 15.1 ka BP. The Holocene was dominated by sediments that originated from rivers in northeastern Taiwan. For the pre-Holocene period prior to 11.2 ka BP, low portions of sortable silt (63-10 ?m) show that the Kuroshio did not enter the Okinawa Trough, because of low sea-level. In turn, high proportions of sortable silt and sediment provenance from northeastern Taiwan point to strong ocean circulation under the direct and persistent influence of the Kuroshio during the Holocene. The reentrance of the Kuroshio to the Okinawa Trough was heralded by two pulses in relative current strengthening at 11.2 and 9.5 ka BP, as documented by stepwise increases in sortable silt in the lower Holocene section. From a global perspective, environmental changes in the southern Okinawa Trough show affinities to climate change in the western Pacific warm pool with little influence of climate teleconnections from the North Atlantic realm, otherwise seen in many other marine and terrestrial palaeoclimate records from southeastern Asia.
Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal assemblages from ODP Hole 1210A in the northwestern Pacific Ocean were used to reconstruct surface-water conditions for the past 500 kyr. Stratigraphic control was provided by calcareous nannofossil events that are thought to be synchronous over a broad range of latitudes. Calcareous nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal assemblages and abundance patterns indicate the unlikelihood of long term (Milankovitch-scale) latitudinal shifts of the Kuroshio Extension over the last 500 kyr and illustrate two successive surface water-mass states, one that prevailed prior to 300 ka and one that existed after 300 ka. The relative abundance of very small placoliths and the absolute abundance of the upper photic zone (UPZ) coccolith species decrease abruptly at approximately 300 ka. The relative abundance of the lower photic zone (LPZ) species Florisphaera profunda greatly increases at the same time, although intervals during which the relative abundance of this taxon is very low or absent also occur prior to 300 ka. The absolute abundance of planktic foraminifera gradually increased after the 300-ka boundary, including peaks of Globoconella inflata. These assemblage and abundance changes suggest significant modifications to the surface water-mass structure. Surface water was weakly stratified prior to 300 ka, but alternated between intensely stratified and vertically mixed after 300 ka. Changes in the surface water-mass structure suggest an intensification of the East Asian summer and winter monsoon after 300 ka.
Preliminary results of the biostratigraphic analysis of calcareous nannofossils recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 128, Sites 798 and 799, provide clues to the Quaternary oceanography of the Japan Sea. The distribution of calcareous nannofossils from the Quaternary sediments at Site 798 (903 m water depth) may record the position of an Oceanographic frontal boundary between warm water derived from a branch of the Kuroshio Current as it entered the Japan Sea through the Tsushima Straits to the south, and colder water introduced into the western portion of the Japan Sea derived from the winter chilling of northern Japan Sea surface waters. This Oceanographic front probably oscillated north-south over Site 798 in response to glacial/interglacial cycles, or perhaps to some other climatic event or combination of events unique to the Japan Sea. During the last 1.5 m.y., six major intervals are recognized when the Oceanographic front may have been north of Site 798 separated by five major intervals when the frontal boundary may have been south of the site. These migrations were centered around approximately 0.125, 0.29, 0.56, 0.62, 0.85, 0.91, 0.98, 1.0, 1.11, and 1.5 Ma, which correspond to the boundaries separating nannofossil-rich sediments from barren or nearly barren, low-carbonate intervals. Nannofossil-rich intervals may represent times when the frontal boundary was north of Site 798, and the site was above the CCD. Barren or nearly barren intervals represent times when the frontal boundary may have been south of Site 798 and the CCD was probably higher. The distribution of calcareous nannofossils at Site 799 (2073 m water depth) appears to be controlled more by the depth of the CCD than by any climatic effects. The FOD (first occurrence datum) of Emiliania huxleyi, the LOD (last occurrence datum) of Psuedoemiliania lacunosa, Helicosphaera sellii, Calcidiscus macintyrei (10 ?m), and the FOD and LOD of Reticulofenestra asanoi are recognized from Site 798 cores. The LOD of P. lacunosa is observed in sediments from Site 799. Only in the sediments younger than 1.5 Ma are the nannofossils from Sites 798 and 799 preserved well enough and sufficiently numerous for age dating and paleoceanographic conjecture. In-situ dissolution in older sediments at both sites precludes any dating or paleoenvironmental interpretations.
In this study of volcanic ash retrieved from Shatsky Rise during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198, the texture and composition of the volcanic components (glass and crystals) were used to fingerprint ash layers for detailed correlation. Correlations among ash layers in holes drilled at the same site as well as between sites, including sites on different parts (highs) of the rise, were tested. Although high-to-high correlations failed, intrahigh correlations were more successful. Our data suggest a significantly different source for some pyroclastic debris, especially at Site 1208, possibly associated with pumice rafts carried northward from the Izu-Bonin arc by the Kuroshio Current. Other ashes are consistent with rhyolitic to dacitic air fall ash from Asian arc volcanoes. We were not able to texturally distinguish between air fall ash and pumice-raft fallout but suspect that the latter is associated with higher percentages of vesiculated ash components, as we demonstrate occur in more proximal Izu-Bonin pyroclastic deposits.