806 resultados para KNEE INJURY
Objective: To assess sensory deficits and their effects on proprioceptive and motor function in patients who had undergone unilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.Design: Four evaluations were conducted: (1) joint position perception of the knee for predetermined angles (0degrees, 15degrees, 30degrees, 45degrees, 60degrees); (2) threshold for detection of passive knee motion at 0degrees, 15degrees, 30degrees, 45degrees, and 60degrees moving into flexion and at 15degrees, 30degrees, 45degrees, and 60degrees moving into extension; (3) latency onset of hamstring muscles; and (4) postural control during upright double- and single-leg stance.Setting: Movement laboratory in Brazil.Participants: Ten participants who had surgical reconstruction of the ACL (reconstructed group) and 10 participants without knee injury (control group).Interventions: Not applicable.Main Outcome Measures: Absolute error, angular displacement, hamstring muscles latency, and mean sway amplitude.Results: Individuals with a reconstructed knee showed decreased joint position perception, a higher threshold for detection of passive knee motion, longer latency of hamstring muscles, and decreased performance in postural control.Conclusions: After lesion and ACL reconstruction, sensory and motor behavior changes were still observed. This may be because of the lack of proprioceptive information resulting from the ACL lesion and/or substitution of ACL by the graft. (C) 2003 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
OBJECTIVES: Treatments for injured articular cartilage have not advanced to the point that efficient regeneration is possible. However, there has been an increase in the use of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of several orthopedic disorders, including chondral injuries. Our hypothesis is that the treatment of chondral injuries with platelet gel results in higher-quality repair tissue after 180 days compared with chondral injuries not treated with gel.METHODS: A controlled experimental laboratory study was performed on 30 male rabbits to evaluate osteochondral injury repair after treatment with or without platelet gel. Osteochondral injuries were surgically induced in both knees of each rabbit at the medial femoral condyle. The left knee injury was filled with the platelet gel, and the right knee was not treated. Microscopic analysis of both knee samples was performed after 180 days using a histological grading scale.RESULTS: The only histological evaluation criterion that was not significantly different between treatments was metachromasia. The group that was treated with platelet gel exhibited superior results in all other criteria (cell morphology, surface regularity, chondral thickness and repair tissue integration) and in the total score.CONCLUSION: The repair tissue was histologically superior after 180 days in the study group treated with platelet gel compared with the group of untreated injuries.
BALDON, R. D. M., D. F. M. LOBATO, L. P. CARVALHO, P. Y. L. WUN, P. R. P. SANTIAGO, and F. V. SERRAO. Effect of Functional Stabilization Training on Lower Limb Biomechanics in Women. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 135-145, 2012. Purpose: This study aimed to verify the effects of functional stabilization training on lower limb kinematics, functional performance, and eccentric hip and knee torques. Methods: Twenty-eight women were divided into a training group (TG; n = 14), which carried out the functional stabilization training during 8 wk, and a control group (CG; n = 14), which carried out no physical training. The kinematic assessment of the lower limb was performed during a single-leg squat, and the functional performance was evaluated by way of the single-leg triple hop and the timed 6-m single-leg hop tests. The eccentric hip abductor, adductor, lateral rotator, medial rotator, and the knee flexor and extensor torques were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. Results: After 8 wk, the TG significantly reduced the values for knee abduction (from -6.86 degrees to 1.49 degrees), pelvis depression (from -10.21 degrees to -7.86 degrees) and femur adduction (from 7.08 degrees to 5.19 degrees) as well as increasing the excursion of femur lateral rotation (from -0.55 degrees to -3.67 degrees). Similarly, the TG significantly increased the values of single-leg triple hop (from 3.52 to 3.92 m) and significantly decreased the values of timed 6-m single-leg hop tests (from 2.43 to 2.14 s). Finally, the TG significantly increased the eccentric hip abductor (from 1.31 to 1.45 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), hip lateral rotator (from 0.75 to 0.91 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), hip medial rotator (from 1.45 to 1.66 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), knee flexor (from 1.43 to 1.55 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)), and knee extensor (from 3.46 to 4.40 N center dot m center dot kg(-1)) torques. Conclusions: Strengthening of the hip abductor and lateral rotator muscles associated with functional training improves dynamic lower limb alignment and increases the strength and functional performance.
NAKAGAWA, T. H., E. T. U. MORIYA, C. D. MACIEL, and F. V. SERRAO. Frontal Plane Biomechanics in Males and Females with and without Patellofemoral Pain. Med. Sci. Sports &ere., Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1747-1755, 2012. Purpose: The study's purpose was to compare trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane biomechanics in males and females with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) during stepping. Methods: Eighty recreational athletes were equally divided into four groups: female PFPS, female controls, male PFPS, and male controls. Trunk, pelvis, hip, and knee frontal plane kinematics and activation of the gluteus medius were evaluated at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, and 60 degrees of knee flexion during the downward and upward phases of the stepping task. Isometric hip abductor torque was also evaluated. Results: Females showed increased hip adduction and knee abduction at all knee flexion angles, greater ipsilateral trunk lean and contralateral pelvic drop from 60 degrees of knee flexion till the end of the stepping task (P = 0.027-0.001), diminished hip abductor torque (P < 0.001), and increased gluteus medius activation than males (P = 0.008-0.001). PFPS subjects presented increased knee abduction at all the angles evaluated; greater trunk, pelvis, and hip motion from 45 of knee flexion of the downward phase till the end of the maneuver; and diminished gluteus medius activation at 60 degrees of knee flexion, compared with controls (P = 0.034-0.001). Females with PFPS showed lower hip abductor torque compared with the other groups. Conclusions: Females presented with altered frontal plane biomechanics that may predispose them to knee injury. PFPS subjects showed frontal plane biomechanics that could increase the lateral patellofemoral joint stress at all the angles evaluated and could increase even more from 45 degrees of knee flexion in the downward phase untill the end of the maneuver. Hip abductor strengthening and motor control training should be considered when treating females with PFPS.
National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to review a group of patients with meniscal injuries resulting from structural failure unrelated to trauma or degenerative problems to which was given the name ""meniscal injury due to fatigue"". Material and Method: Evaluations were made on 140 patients with meniscal injuries without any apparent cause, who were therefore considered to have meniscal injuries due to fatigue. Among these, 85 patients were male and 55 were female. The medial meniscus was the most affected site (92% of the cases). Results: All these injuries were diagnosed by means of clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging. The patients underwent meniscectomy by means of arthroscopy and the results were divided into two types: good and poor. Poor results were found in 27% of the cases, among which nine patients progressed to idiopathic osteonecrosis. Conclusion: We conclude that injuries due to fatigue must be assessed as injuries caused by failure and, therefore, constituting a syndromic pathological condition that may progress to idiopathic osteonecrosis.
Objective. Refractory, disabling pain associated with knee osteoarthritis (OA) is usually treated with total knee replacement. However, pain in these patients might be associated with central nervous sensitization rather than peripheral inflammation and injury. We evaluated the presence of hyperalgesia in patients scheduled for a total knee replacement due to knee osteoarthritis with refractory pain, and we assessed the impact of pressure pain threshold measurements (PPT) on pain, disability, and quality of life of these patients. Methods. Sixty-two female patients were compared with 22 age-matched healthy controls without reported pain for the last year. PPT was measured at the lower extremities subcutaneous dermatomes, over the vastus medialis, adductor longus, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, iliacus, quadratus lumborum and popliteus muscles and at the supraspinous ligaments from L1-L5, over the L5-S1 and S1-S2 sacral areas and at the pes anserinus bursae and patellar tendon. Results. Patients with knee OA had significantly lower PPT over all evaluated structures versus healthy control subjects (P < 0.001). Lower PPT values were correlated with higher pain intensity, higher disability scores, and with poorer quality of life, except for the role-emotional and general health status. Combined PPT values over the patellar tendon, at the S2 subcutaneous dermatome and at the adductor longus muscle were the best predictors for visual analog scale and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index pain scores. Conclusion. Patients with pain due to osteoarthritis who were scheduled for total knee replacement showed hyperalgesia of nervous system origin that negatively impacted pain, knee functional capacity, and most aspects of quality of life.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the additional sensory information could improve postural control in individuals with unilateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Twenty-eight individuals with unilateral ACL injury (mean age 23.6, 26 males, 2 females) and 28 healthy young control subjects (mean age 22.1 years, 26 males, 2 females) participated in this study. Postural control was evaluated with subjects single-leg standing on a force platform with eyes closed under two sensory conditions: normal sensory information and light touch to a stationary bar (applied force below 1 N). Three trials of 30 5 were performed in each single-leg stance and in each sensory condition. Mean sway amplitude and predominant frequency of center of pressure were calculated for both anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions. Individuals with ACL injury showed greater mean sway amplitude than healthy control individuals even though the predominant frequency was similar for both groups. Additional sensory information improved postural control performance in individuals with ACL injury and healthy control, with a greater effect observed for the ACL group. Based on these results, we suggest that reduction in postural control performance in individuals with ACL injury would be due to the reduction of sensory information provided by the ACL, but when sensory information is enhanced, postural control performance improves. These results have implications for novel approaches to improve stability in individuals with ACL injury. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to assess the flexor-extensor group of muscles of the knee in young athletes diagnosed with a total rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Eighteen knees of 18 athletes (14 men and 4 women) with an average age of 21.6 years (range 16-32 years) were assessed with a Cybex 6000 model isokinetic apparatus. The average interval between occurrence of the injury and assessment was 10.2 months (range 2 - 48 months). There was an associated meniscal injury in eight of the knees. Athletes with any other kind of associated injury, limitation, or blockage of the movement of the joint, significant pain during the exam, or interval between injury and exam of less than two months were excluded from the study. The parameters studied were the peak torque-velocity and flexor-extensor relationships at the constant angular velocities of 60°/sec and 240°/sec. Previous warming-up was done by means of an ergometric bicycle and adaptation with 3 submaximal repetitions. The contra-lateral side, which presented no injury, was used as control. Peak torque (PT) at the constant velocity of 60°/sec was greater than that at 240°/sec for knees with and without injuries. However, there was no significant difference between the injured and uninjured sides at 60°/sec or at 240°/sec. The average value for the flexor-extensor relationship at 60°/sec on the injured was 60% (( 6), compared to 57% (( 10) on the contra-lateral side. At 240°/sec, the average value was 75% ((10) on the injured side, and 65% ((12) on the contra-lateral side. In conclusion, despite the complete rupture of the ACL of one knee, the average values for the flexor-extensor relationship were similar on the injured and uninjured sides at the velocity of 60°/sec. As the velocity increased, an increase in the values for the flexor-extensor relationship of the knee also occurred, indicating a tendency of the performance of the flexor muscle group to approach that of the extensor muscle group, and this tendency was more pronounced on the side of the injury.
Participation in intensive sports activities leads to muscular specializations that may generate alterations in involved articular forces and cause static (posture) and dynamic changes (alterations of articular stability, coordination, etc.). Prevention of injury requires specific functional muscular evaluation in all athletes and for any kind of sport. OBJECTIVE: To dynamically evaluate, through isokinetic tests, the peak torque, total work, and average power of the knee flexor and extensor muscles of jumper and runner athletes and compare them to those of a non-athletic population, evaluating dominance and balance between agonistic and antagonistic muscle groups. RESULTS: In the non-athlete group, we noted a higher asymmetry between the dominant and nondominant members. The jumpers had the highest values of the evaluated parameters of all groups, whereas parameters for the runners were intermediate between non-athletes and jumpers.
Posterolateral corner (PLC) injuries of the knee are uncommon injury patterns that may result in significant degrees of functional disability. When surgery is necessary to address this injury a good knowledge of anatomy and a good surgical exposure is the mainstay. This report reviews the complex anatomy of the posterolateral corner (PLC) of knee and describes the osteotomy of Gerdy tubercle as a technical variant to approach this anatomical region. This surgical step allowing a good mobilisation of the multiple layers of ilio-tibial tract from distal to proximal makes an excellent exposure of the PLC structures with absence of morbidity.
Popliteal pseudoaneurysm is a rare but important complication of knee arthroplasties. To our knowledge, this complication has not been reported previously in the literature after unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. Apart from intraoperatively caused arterial injuries, obese patients and other previous cardiovascular diseases may be potential factors of risks for pseudoaneurysm in knee surgeries. As it is an uncommon complication and it has inconspicuous symptoms, both diagnosis and treatment can be delayed. This means that a high level of suspicion is necessary to prevent serious complications derived from pseudoaneurysms. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level IV.
Epiphyseal fractures are frequently associated with knee trauma during sports in children and adolescents. Usually, Salter-Harris types I and II fractures are conservatively treated. However, failed closed reduction of displaced fractures suggest the presence of trapped periosteum, with indication for surgery. The present report describes a case of Salter-Harris type I fracture of the distal femur in a child, complicated with trapped periosteum detected at magnetic resonance imaging.
Background and purpose: Recent findings suggest that the noxious gas H(2)S is produced endogenously, and that physiological concentrations of H(2)S are able to modulate pain and inflammation in rodents. This study was undertaken to evaluate the ability of endogenous and exogenous H(2)S to modulate carrageenan-induced synovitis in the rat knee. Experimental approach: Synovitis was induced in Wistar rats by intra-articular injection of carrageenan into the knee joint. Sixty minutes prior to carrageenan injection, the rats were pretreated with indomethacin, an inhibitor of H(2)S formation (dl-propargylglycine) or an H(2)S donor [Lawesson`s reagent (LR)]. Key results: Injection of carrageenan evoked knee inflammation, pain as characterized by impaired gait, secondary tactile allodynia of the ipsilateral hindpaw, joint swelling, histological changes, inflammatory cell infiltration, increased synovial myeloperoxidase, protein nitrotyrosine residues, inducible NOS (iNOS) activity and NO production. Pretreatment with LR or indomethacin significantly attenuated the pain responses, and all the inflammatory and biochemical changes, except for the increased iNOS activity, NO production and 3-NT. Propargylglycine pretreatment potentiated synovial iNOS activity (and NO production), and enhanced macrophage infiltration, but had no effect on other inflammatory parameters. Conclusions and implications: Whereas exogenous H(2)S delivered to the knee joint can produce a significant anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effect, locally produced H(2)S exerts little immunomodulatory effect. These data further support the development and use of H(2)S donors as potential alternatives (or complementary therapies) to the available anti-inflammatory compounds used for treatment of joint inflammation or relief of its symptoms.