28 resultados para KERATOSES
Manifestações cutâneas pré-neoplásicas e neoplásicas em asiáticos são infreqüentes e pouco documentadas. O Brasil possui o maior contingente de imigrantes japoneses e 70% deles residem no Estado de São Paulo. A prevalência dessas lesões em nipo-brasileiros é desconhecida. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de queratoses actínicas e tumores cutâneos não melanomas em nipo-brasileiros acima de trinta anos de 1ª geração ou 2ª geração, sem miscigenação, residentes na cidade de Bauru, no ano de 2006. Dos 567 nipo-brasileiros submetidos a exame dermatológico, diagnosticou-se queratose actínica em 76 pacientes, com média de idade de 68,9 anos, e único carcinoma basocelular em paciente do sexo feminino de 39 anos. No Japão, a prevalência de queratose actínica é de 0,76% a 5% e a incidência de tumores cutâneos não melanomas é de 1,2 a 5,4/100 mil. Os nipo-brasileiros de Bauru apresentaram prevalência de 13,4% de queratoses actínicas e idade mais precoce de aparecimento. Proximidade com o Equador e atividades rurais contribuem para esses achados. A presença de melanose solar demonstrou risco 1,9 vez maior de desenvolver queratose actínica.
Many epidemiological studies and clinical trials have been performed concerning actinic keratoses. The most eligible endpoint in the majority of articles is counting of actinic keratoses before and after treatments, nevertheless some authors support that this is not a reliable form of evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the actinic keratoses counting by various raters and suggest approaches to increase the reliability. Cross-sectional study: forty-three patients were evaluated by four raters (inter- and intra-rater assessment) on the face and forearms. The mean actinic keratoses counts on the face and forearms were 7.7 and 9.1. The overall agreement among the raters for the facial and forearm actinic keratoses was 0.74 and 0.77. The intra-rater assessment showed high rates of agreement for the face (ICC = 0.93) and forearms (ICC = 0.83). Higher agreement occurred when counting up to five lesions. Four raters led to increased measurement variability and loss of reliability. Higher rates of agreement may be achieved with small number of lesions, limitation and/or segmentation of body areas to reduce their number, in AK prevention designs, are strategies that may lead to a greater reliability of these measurements. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Objective: To investigate the influence of a regular oral use of acetylsalicylic acid in the prevalence of actinic keratosis.Methods: A case-control study with dermatologic outpatients above 50 years of age assessed between 2009 and 2011. Cases were defined as those who had been under regular use of oral acetylsalicylic acid for more than six consecutive months. The assessment focused on: age, sex, skin-type, tobacco smoking, use of medication, occurrence of individual or family skin cancer, and sunscreen and sun exposure habits. Actinic keratoses were counted in the medial region of the face and upper limbs. Counts were adjusted by co-variables based on a generalized linear model.Results: A total of 74 cases and 216 controls were assessed. The median time of acetylsalicylic acid use was 36 months. Cases differed from controls as to the highest age, highest prevalence of use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and fewer keratosis on the face and on the upper limbs (p < 0.05). The multivariate model showed that the use of acetylsalicylic acid was associated to lower counts of face actinic keratosis and upper-limb erythematous actinic keratosis (p < 0.05), regardless of other risk factors.Conclusion: The regular use of oral acetylsalicylic acid for more than six months was associated to a lower prevalence of actinic keratosis, especially facial and erythematous ones.
Photodynamic therapy is a method of healing skin lesions , in addition to radiotherapy and brachytherapy are commonly used in the treatment of skin cancers , but it is still little known in Brazil , consisting of the application to the skin of a drug in the form of cream or lotion ( photosensitizer ) . It is absorbed by tumor cells and subsequently activated by light device , that wavelength of light in the order of 630 nanometers , promoting the selective destruction of cancer cells while preserving healthy cells around the lesion . It can be considered highly effective for treatment of skin cancer types of non-melanoma ( basal cell carcinoma , 85-100 % success in curing [ 3 ] , and Bowen's disease), actinic keratoses , which are precancerous lesions and still no studies that prove also action in the treatment of acne and aging caused by the sun . And the advantage of this treatment is that , when indicated , replace the surgical procedure , selectively treating the diseased cells . Thus, it offers better cosmetic results, reducing the risk of scarring [ 4 ]
Background The field cancerization concept in photodamaged patients suggests that the entire sun-exposed surface of the skin has an increased risk for the development of (pre)-malignant lesions, mainly epithelial tumours. Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a noninvasive therapeutic method for multiple actinic keratosis (AK) with excellent outcome. Objectives To evaluate the clinical, histological and immunohistochemical changes in human skin with field cancerization after multiple sessions of PDT with methyl-aminolaevulinate (MAL). Methods Twenty-six patients with photodamaged skin and multiple AK on the face received three consecutive sessions of MAL-PDT with red light (37 J cm(-2)), 1 month apart. Biopsies before and 3 months after the last treatment session were taken from normal-appearing skin on the field-cancerized area. Immunohistochemical stainings were performed for TP-53, procollagen-I, metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and tenascin-C (Tn-C). Results All 26 patients completed the study. The global score for photodamage improved considerably in all patients (P < 0.001). The AK clearance rate was 89.5% at the end of the study. Two treatment sessions were as effective as three MAL-PDT sessions. A significant decrease in atypia grade and extent of keratinocyte atypia was observed histologically (P < 0.001). Also, a significant increase in collagen deposition (P = 0.001) and improvement of solar elastosis (P = 0.002) were noticed after PDT. However, immunohistochemistry showed only a trend for decreased TP-53 expression (not significant), increased procollagen-I and MMP-1 expressions (not significant) and an increased expression of Tn-C (P = 0.024). Conclusions Clinical and histological improvement in field cancerization after multiple sessions of MAL-PDT is proven. The decrease in severity and extent of keratinocyte atypia associated with a decreased expression of TP-53 suggest a reduced carcinogenic potential of the sun-damaged area. The significant increase of new collagen deposition and the reduction of solar elastosis explain the clinical improvement of photodamaged skin.
Photodynamic therapy involves administration of a photosensitizing drug and its subsequent activation by irradiation with a light source at wavelengths matching the absorption spectrum of the photosensitizer. In many countries around the world, topical photodynamic therapy has been approved for treatment of cutaneous oncologic conditions such as actinic keratosis, Bowen's disease, and superficial basal cell carcinoma. Multicenter, randomized, controlled studies have confirmed its efficacy and superior cosmetic outcomes compared to conventional therapies. Nevertheless, this therapeutic method presents some adverse effects, such as erythema, edema, pigmentation, pustules, and pain. There is no doubt that pain is the most severe of the adverse effects, being sometimes responsible for definitive treatment interruption. The pain mechanism has not yet been fully understood, which makes complete pain control a challenge to be conquered. In spite of that, this literature review presents some useful pain management strategies as well as the most important pain-related factors in photodynamic therapy.
Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a widely approved therapy for actinic keratoses, squamous cell carcinoma in-situ, superficial and certain thin basal cell carcinomas. Recurrence rates are typically equivalent to existing therapies, although inferior to surgery for nodular basal cell carcinoma. PDT can be used both as a lesional or as a field therapy and has the potential to delay/reduce the development of new lesions. PDT has also been studied for its place in the treatment of, as well as its potential to prevent, superficial skin cancers in immune-suppressed patients, although sustained clearance rates are lower than for immunocompetent individuals. Many additional indications have been evaluated, including photo-rejuvenation and inflammatory and infective dermatoses. This S2 guideline considers all current and emerging indications for the use of topical photodynamic therapy in Dermatology, prepared by the PDT subgroup of the European Dermatology Forum guidelines committee. It presents consensual expert recommendations reflecting current published evidence. An unabridged version of this guideline is available online at: http://www.euroderm.org/edf/index.php/edf-guidelines.
INTRODUCTION Daylight-mediated photodynamic therapy has been shown to be an effective therapy for actinic keratoses (AKs) and a simple and tolerable treatment procedure in three randomized Scandinavian studies and two recent Phase III randomized controlled studies in Australia and Europe. OBJECTIVES To establish consensus recommendations for the use of daylight photodynamic therapy (DL-PDT) using topical methyl aminolaevulinate (MAL) in European patients with AKs. METHODS The DL-PDT consensus recommendations were developed on behalf of the European Society for Photodynamic Therapy in Dermatology and comprised of 10 dermatologists from different European countries with experience in how to treat AK patients with PDT. Consensus was developed based on literature review and experience of the experts in the treatment of AK using DL-PDT. RESULTS The recommendations arising from this panel of experts provide general guidance on the use of DL-PDT as a dermatological procedure with specific guidance regarding patient selection, therapeutic indications, when to treat, pre-treatment skin preparation, MAL application and daylight exposure for patients with AK in different countries of Europe. CONCLUSIONS This consensus recommendation provides a framework for physicians to perform DL-PDT with MAL cream while ensuring efficiency and safety in the treatment of patients with AK in different European countries.
Deterioration in stratum corneum reticular patterning (skin pattern or skin wrinkling) has been associated with increased rates of solar keratoses and skin cancer. A previous analysis of data from the twin sample used in this investigation has shown that 86% of the variation in skin pattern is genetic at age 12 and 62% in an adult sample (mean age 47.5). Variation due to genetic influences is likely to be influenced by more than one locus. Here, we present results of a genome-wide linkage scan of skin pattern in adolescent twins and siblings from 428 nuclear twin families. Sib-pair linkage analysis was performed on skin pattern data collected from twins at age 12 (378 informative families) and 14 (316 families). Suggestive linkage was found at marker D12S397 (12p13.31, logarithm of the odds (lod) 1.94), when the effect of the trait locus was modelled to influence the skin pattern equally at both ages 12 and 14. In the same analysis, a peak was seen at 4q23 with a lod score of 1.55. A possible candidate for the peak at 12p13.31 is the protease inhibitor, alpha-2-macroglobulin.
Introducción El motivo principal por el que acuden los pacientes a las consultas de podología es el dolor producido por los callos y callosidades plantares. El dolor producido por las callosidades y callos plantares provocan en el paciente cambios de presiones y alteraciones en el apoyo, dificultando la deambulación correcta. Existen numerosos estudios sobre la eliminación de callosidades en pacientes diabéticos, con AR, pero pocos en personas sanas. La eliminación de estos callos y callosidades se puede realizar mediante deslaminación mecánica con bisturí o mediante queratolíticos. Objetivos Objetivo principal Analizar el efecto de la deslaminación mecánica con bisturí de las callosidades y callos plantares sobre el dolor y la calidad de vida en sujetos sanos Objetivos secundarios Determinar la existencia de modificaciones en los parámetros de la marcha con la eliminación de callosidades y callos plantares Observar las diferencias y efectividad de tratamientos de la eliminación de callosidades plantares mediante la técnica de deslaminación mecánica con bisturí versus parches de ácido salicílico Comprobar los cambios producidos en los parámetros psíquicos y fiscos del paciente antes y después de las diferentes técnicas de eliminación de las callosidades empleadas Método Se realizan dos estudios: un estudio cuasi experimental aleatorizado no controlado, en el que a un grupo de 34 pacientes con callosidades plantares dolorosas se les mide el dolor con una escala visual analógica y para analizar los parámetros de la marcha, la paltaformaWin-Track, antes del tratamiento de deslaminación mecánica con bisturí y a las 24 horas. El segundo estudio es un ensayo clínico aleatorizado inscrito en Australian New ZelandClinicalstrials y aprobado por el Comité ético de la Universidad de Málaga, en el que 62 participantes con callosidades plantares dolorosas se dividieron en dos grupos de tratamiento. El grupo A recibió tratamiento con parche de ácido salicílico y el grupo B recibió tratmiento de deslaminación con bisturí. Se utilizó la escala visual analógica para la medida de dolor antes, inmediatamente después de la intervención, a las 2 semanas y a las 6 semanas. Para el dolor y la discapacidad funcional del pie se utilizó el cuestionario Manchester FootPain and Disability antes del tratamiento, a las 2 semanas y a las 6 semanas. Para medir la calidad de vida general se utilizó el cuestionario SF-12 Conclusiones La deslaminación mecánica con bisturí de los callos y callosidades plantares es efectiva para su eliminación a nivel de la sensación de dolor, aunque no tanto en lo que se refiere a la mejora de calidad de vida. No hay resultados significativos de que la eliminación mecánica con bisturí de callos y callosidades plantares modifican los parámetros de la marcha medido con la plataforma Win-track. Se observa como la deslaminación mecánica con bisturí para la eliminación de callos y callosidades plantares pueden ser más efectiva a corto plazo que la eliminación mediante parche con ácido salicílico. Se observa cómo se modifica los paramentos psíquicos en el grupo de tratamiento con parche con ácido salicílico, aunque con una significación baja. Bibliografía Balanowski, K. R., & Flynn, L. M. (2005). Effect of painful keratoses debridement on foot pain, balance and function in older adults. 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Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index into Spanish. Quality of Life Research: An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation, 23(2), 571-579. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-013-0507-5 Grouios, G. (2005). Footedness as a potential factor that contributes to the causation of corn and callus formation in lower extremities of physically active individuals. The Foot, 15(3), 154-162. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.foot.2005.05.003 Landorf, K. B., Morrow, A., Spink, M. J., Nash, C. L., Novak, A., Potter, J., &Menz, H. B. (2013). Effectiveness of scalpel debridement for painful plantar calluses in older people: a randomized trial. Trials, 14, 243. http://doi.org/10.1186/1745-6215-14-243 Lang, L. M. G., Simmonite, N., West, S. G., & Day, S. (1994). Salicylic acid in the treatment of corns. 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BACKGROUND The ability of general practitioners to make important clinical decisions about the diagnosis and management of skin lesions is poorly understood.METHODS A questionnaire on the diagnosis and management of eight photographed skin lesions was sent to 150 GPs in southeast Queensland.RESULTS The questionnaire was completed by 114 GPs (response rate 77%). General practitioners’ provisional diagnoses and management of photographed skin lesions were mostly or always correct, and there was general high consistency between diagnosis and intended management. Pigmented seborrhoeic keratoses were the most difficult lesions for GPs to diagnose correctly. Whether a lesion was different to usual moles appears to have the strongest association with clinical diagnosis.DISCUSSION The high ability of GPs as measured in this artificial study is encouraging. The strong association between identifying moles that appear different to usual and correct clinical diagnoses suggest that unless GPs can increase the number of skin lesions they see as part of their typical workload, their clinical ability may not increase further. Article in Australian family physician 34(1) · January 2005