1000 resultados para K5 Plan


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The Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (the Reef Plan) is a joint initiative of the Australian and Queensland Governments. The Reef Plan aims to progress an integrated approach to natural resource management planning by building on the existing partnerships between the different levels of government, industry groups, the community and research providers within the Reef catchments, principally through partnerships with the regional natural resource management (NRM) bodies.


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O presente Plano Anual de A????o (PAA 2014) inscreve-se em clara continuidade com os precedentes exerc??cios program??ticos do programa EUROsocial II. No entanto, na medida que se passou o equador e se entra na reta final do Programa, se realizou um grande esfor??o para concentrar a????es e se focar em pa??ses que apresentam menos riscos e maiores condi????es de viabilidade para o alcance dos resultados esperados. Neste sentido, no ano 2014 vai representar um ponto de inflex??o, no que culminar?? grande parte das a????es do Programa, documentar-se-?? uma boa parte dos resultados conseguidos, projetando para o ano 2015 linhas de trabalho mais intersetoriais e estrat??gicas. Por conseguinte tem-se um PAA mais simplificado e melhor estruturado (de 10 ??reas tem??ticas passou-se a 4 macro-??reas), com uma dimens??o regional mais potente que tem permitido elevar a dimens??o estrat??gica do programa, e com a????es mais interconectadas e coerentes que respondem melhor a uma vis??o unit??ria do Programa. Neste exerc??cio de programa????o tanto os s??cios operativos como os s??cios coordenadores t??m sabido conjugar melhor os dif??ceis equil??brios que deve manter o programa: orienta????o a demanda vs. gest??o para resultados; dimens??o regional vs. abordagem de problem??ticas a n??vel nacional; dimens??o estrat??gica vs. dimens??o operativa. Tamb??m se incorporou algumas das recomenda????es realizadas por parte da avalia????o de meio de percurso que se realizou no segundo semestre do 2013.


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El artículo analiza los intereses y prioridades de la política económica externa de los Estados Unidos y las complejas relaciones entre Washington y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en relación a la puesta en marcha del Plan Marshall de reconstrucción de Europa Occidental. La no participación de la Argentina en él dificultó su proceso de industrialización al restringir su comercio con el viejo continente e impedirle obtener las divisas necesarias para comprar en los EEUU, proveedor fundamental de los bienes que necesitaba.


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Abstract In the present article we analyze the characteristics and the reception of the first plan for global governance, the New Cyneas by Émeric Crucé. With this goal in mind, we examine the history of its readings and the possible influence on the Duke of Sully's project for European confederation, the case most often cited by historians of ideas. Our analysis takes into consideration the 17th century reception, the scant dissemination of the work and the possible causes of its limited impact. Our conclusions support, on the one hand, the novelty of Crucé's principal ideas, and on the other, their limited impact over the time with the exception of the period surrounding the creation of the League of Nations.


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OBJETIVO: Aplicar una técnica que oriente la distribución de recursos financieros del Plan de Atención Básico para acciones colectivas, según las condiciones de salud diferenciales. MÉTODOS: Se parte de la estimación previa de un índice global de salud mediante análisis de componentes principales, que jerarquiza las localidades de Bogotá, Colombia, en grupos según su estado de salud: "peor" estado, "intermedio" y "mejor" que los anteriores. Se aplica una técnica de mínimos cuadrados que minimice la diferencia entre el índice global de salud observado y un índice esperado con la inversión de tales recursos. RESULTADOS: Se obtiene la distribución de los recursos del Plan de Atención Básico para las veinte Localidades, destinando una cifra superior a la mediana Distrital en las Localidades con "peor" estado de salud. Además, se identifican las Localidades con déficit para el cubrimiento universal de la población de acuerdo con la destinación per cápita de dichos recursos. CONCLUSIÓN: La técnica utilizada pone en evidencia la diferencia en las condiciones de salud entre las localidades con "peor" estado de salud, con respecto a las localidades con "mejor" estado, a pesar de la incremento en la asignación del Plan de Atención Básico, indicando la necesidad de inversión social a nivel intersectorial en dichas localidades.


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This paper starts with the analysis of the unusual inherence mechanism, from two aspects: accumulating and human error. We put forward twelve factors affected the decision of the emergency treatment plan in practice and summarized the evaluation index system combining with literature data. Then we screened out eighteen representative indicators by used the FDM expert questionnaire in the first phase. Hereafter, we calculated the weight of evaluation index and sorted them by the FAHP expert questionnaire, and came up with the frame of the evaluation rule by combined with the experience. In the end, the evaluation principles are concluded.


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Engineering education practices have evolved not only due to the natural changes in the contents of the curricula and skills but also, and more recently, due to the requirements imposed by the Bologna revision process. In addition, industry is becoming more demanding, as society is becoming more and more aware of the global needs and consequences of industrial practices. Under this scope, higher education needs not only to follow but also to lead these trends. Therefore, the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP), a Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) training partner in Portugal, prepared and presented its Sustainability Action Plan (PASUS), with the main objective of creating a new kind of engineers, with Sustainable Development at the core of their graduation and MsC degrees. In this paper, the main strategies and activities of the referred plan along with the strategic approach, which guided its development and implementation, will be presented in detail. Additionally, a reflection about the above mentioned bridge between concept and application will be established and justified, in the framework of the action plan. Although in most of the situations, there was no prior discussion or specific request, many of the graduation and post-graduation programmes offered by ISEP already include courses that attend to PASUS philosophy. As a consequence, the number of Master thesis, Graduation projects and R&D projects that address sustainability problems has grown substantially, a proof that for ISEP community, sustainability really matters!


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Porto Polytechnical Engineering School (ISEP), a Global Reporting Initiative training partner in Portugal, has just presented its Sustainable Development Action Plan (PASUS), which main objective is the formation of a new kind of engineers, with a Sustainable Development (SD) philosophy in the core of their academic curricula courses.


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Some of the main challenges in Incorporating Sustainable Development practices into Engineering Education reside in establishing the bridge between concept and application. In particular the relation between value creation and the knowledge economy, innovation and entrepreneurship, as the main vehicles to a relevant application of the sustainable development concept, is not yet part of the majority of the engineering curricula in schools. Porto Polytechnical Engineering School (ISEP), a Global Reporting Initiative training partner in Portugal, as just presented its Sustainable Development Action Plan, with the main objective of creating a new kind of engineers, with Sustainable Development at the core of their degrees. The plan has several issues like publish an annual sustainability report, sustainable buildings, minimization of energy consumption and water policy, waste management, sustainable mobility, green procurement, EMAS certification, research and postgraduate activity and promotion of lectures and seminars in Sustainable Development.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia