953 resultados para Jurumirim Reservoir


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The temporal variations in C, N and P concentrations of the periphyton on the natural substratum (Echinochloa polystachya) and its relationships to the water's climatological (air temperature and precipitation), hydrodynamic (water discharge and water level), physical (temperature, transparency) and chemical variables (conductivity, total suspended solids, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, silica, total phosphorus and orthophosphate) were evaluated in a lagoon at the Paranapanema River mouth into the Jurumirim Reservoir (São Paulo, Brazil) from August 1993 to July 1994. An amplitude variation of 2.0 m in water level was observed. Depending on to the hydrologic conditions, the lagoon presents intermediate conditions of lentic and lotic environments. The amplitude variations in C, N and P were 14.5-52.1% C DW-1, 0.5-3.2% N DW-1, and 0.03-0.4% P DW-1, respectively. The periphyton presented a decreased protein content. The environmental trophic degree appears to be decisive in chemical periphyton composition.


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Jurumirim is a large tropical reservoir with remarkable spatial gradients. This structure seems to be determined by a longitudinal gradient in the trophic conditions along the main axis of the reservoir. Nutrient-rich waters enter from the main tributary river, Paranapanema, and towards the dam there is a lacustrine zone that is deeper and more oligotrophic. Additional variability is derived from two important lateral components: the entrance of the Taquari River, the second largest tributary, bringing waters with higher pH and alkalinity; and the Ribeirão das Posses arm, a sheltered bay where the hydrodynamic conditions promote a high growth of phytoplankton. However, such a spatial pattern is not static. It can become either more defined, during the dry season (late autumn and winter), or less evident, during the expansion of the lotic conditions in the rainy period (late spring and summer). Seasonal processes of stratification/destratification determine the temporal changes in the lacustrine zone but, unlike the upstream regions, the dam zone of the reservoir seems to be little affected by periodic pulses of modifications produced by intensive rains. The presence of extensive wetlands and oxbow lagoons in the mouth zones of the main rivers also constitutes an important source of spatial variability and should be considered in the future.


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Seasonal variation in the biomass and primary productivity of the periphyton on natural substratum (internodes of Echiiwchloa polystaclya HBK Hitch.) was studied during one year (from August 1993 to July 1994) in a lagoon with permanent connection with a river. We also analysed the relationships between the hydrological regime, climatic conditions and physico-chemical variables of water with the biological compounds of the periphyton. Values of dry mass, ash-free dry mass, chlorophyll a and phaeophytin of periphyton ranged from 0.55±0.24 g m-2 to 7.86±4.93 g m-2; 0.28±0.18 g m-2 to 3.72±2.23 g m-2; 0.57±0.09 mg m-2 to 15.57±4.52 mg m-2; 0.03±0.03 mg m-2 to 4.74±3.46 mg m-2, respectively. The primary productivity of periphytic algae measured by C14 method ranged from 6.45±1.29 mg C m-2 h-1 to 52.88± 7.55 mg C m-2 h-1. The biomass showed a peak in October 1993, February and April 1994. Higher value of primary productivity was recorded in December 1993 and January 1994 and was due to the peculiar light and nutrition conditions during this period. We conclude that biomass and productivity of the community are controlled mainly by hydrological regime (fluctuations of water level). © INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS.


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Longitudinal changes in composition, abundance, and distribution of copepods were studied at the transition zone of Paranapanema River-Jurumirim Reservoir (SP, Brazil). The interchange of biotic material between marginal lakes and the river system was also examined. Water samples were obtained from 6 stations along a stretch of 13 km of the Paranapanema River, from an upstream reach with high water velocity up to the river mouth into Jurumirim Reservoir. Two other sites in lateral lakes were also sampled. Nine copepod taxa were identified: 3 calanoids (Argyrodiaptomus furcatus Sars, Notodiaptomus iheringi Wright, and N. conifer Sars) and 6 cyclopoids (Eucyclops Claus, Microcyclops Claus, Mesocyclops longisetus Thiébaud, Thermocyclops decipiens Fischer, T. minutus Lowndes, and Paracyclops Claus). Harpacticoids were also collected. Calanoid and cyclopoid nauplii and copepodids, and harpacticoids were the most abundant organisms. In general, there was a longitudinal decrease in copepod abundance, whereas an increase was detected near the lakes. The abundance of most copepods was inversely correlated with current velocity and suspended solids. Higher abundance was observed in the river main course during the rainy season, during which there is a higher connectivity between the lakes and the main river. This promotes exportation of biologic material from marginal lakes to the river system, a biotic exchange reflecting the importance of marginal lakes to the river community structure.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the artisanal fisheries in the village of fishermen of Bairro da Ponte, Jurumirim reservoir. Data were collected using production forms which were filled daily by a data collector, in 2005 and 2006. The fishery yield was estimated at 15.7 kg ha(-1) year(-1), the average yield was 12.5 t year(-1) and catch per unit effort (CPUE) was 10.5 kg fisherman(-1) day(-1). We recorded 26 species of landed fish in this activity, being the "traira" (Hoplias malabaricus) the most landed fish in terms of biomass with 6,158.5 kg, representing 24.5%, of the total landed. Seasonally, the CPUE ranged from 14.5 kg fisherman(-1) day(-1) in summer/2005 to 9.0 kg fisherman(-1) day(-1) in spring/2006. The average CPUE by type of fish also showed a marked seasonality. In summer of 2005 and 2006, "curimbata" was the most landed fish, with CPUE kg fisherman(-1) day(-1) of 6.9 and 6.2, respectively. The "piavas" were the most landed fish in autumn with CPUE of 2.4 (year 2005) and 2.3 (year 2006) kg fisherman(-1) day(-1), and "traira" in winter with CPUE ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 kg fishrman(-1) day(-1), in 2005 and 2006, respectively. The mathematical modeling of simple linear regression indicated positive relationships between the monthly fish production and the number of boats in activity and of fishing trips. The study concluded that fishing is sustained only by native species; with marked seasonality for catching fish and that the area of fishing examined of the Jurumirim reservoir is among the most productive areas of the Upper Parana basin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Este estudo visou analisar os efeitos da variação do nível hidrométrico na estrutura do fitoplâncton do Rio Paranapanema e de uma lagoa marginal na zona de desembocadura no Reservatório de Jurumirim (SP). As amostragens foram realizadas em duas estações em cada ambiente de julho/2004 a julho/2005. Os maiores valores de riqueza e diversidade foram encontrados na estiagem, enquanto que as maiores densidade e biovolume foram registradas na cheia. A espécie Cryptomonas brasiliensis Castro, C. Bicudo & D. Bicudo (R - estrategista) foi constante ao longo de todo o estudo, sendo dominante, principalmente, no final da estiagem e na enchente, quando os eventos de distúrbios foram mais freqüentes. As diatomáceas foram predominantes quanto à biomassa, representadas, principalmente, por Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsem e suas variedades. Conclui-se que, o volume de água acumulada no reservatório à jusante não permite que o pulso hidrológico ocasione um distúrbio que resulte em elevado aumento da diversidade nos ambientes estudados, após a enchente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Monthly collections of fishes using a trawl net were carried out from August 1996 to December 1997 with the objective of evaluating the composition and diversity of fish species in the littoral area of the transition zone between Veados Stream and Jurumirim Dam (Upper Paranapanema River, São Paulo State). Diversity and similarity indices of ichthyofauna at the sites were determined and correlated with abiotic factors such as dissolved oxygen, temperature, pluviometric precipitation and hydrological level. Twenty-six (26) fish species (the majority small-sized) of the family Characidae (Tetragonopterinae and Cheirodontinae) were registered. Representatives of the orders Siluformes, Gymnotiformes, Perciformes and Synbranchiformes occurred in lower abundance. Significant differences were found in the site diversity indices, but not in the abiotic factors. Significant correlations between the abundance of the ichthyofauna and the variations in the abiotic factors were not detected. The presence of fish larvae in the samples indicates the importance of the transition zone as a reproduction area of the fish species registered in this study.


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Coqueiral lake is a marginal lake located at the southeast São Paulo State, in the mouth zone of the Paranapanema river into Jurumirim Reservoir and it has high connectivity with the Paranapaneina river. This work aimed to verify the benthic biodiversity in areas of the lake bottom. 18 sampling sites in the lake were selected, including shallow and deep areas. The samples were taken every three months during one year. Physical and chemical water variables (level, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, and electric conductivity) were analyzed. Sediment samples were picked up in triplicate for fauna and abiotic factors analysis (granulometric composition and sediment organic content), using Petersen dredge. The material was sorted out and analyzed under stereoscopic microscope. Counting and identification of the organisms were accomplished and diversity, relative abundance, taxonomic richness and dominance index were calculated. The analysis revealed a fauna with low species diversity and, with Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera dominance. Ephemeroptera, Campsurus, dominated in the hottest period and with low lake depth. Organisms' distribution had as main factors depth, transparency, pH, and water temperature. In the comparison between shallow and deep areas, a small density of organism in the deep regions was observed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)