27 resultados para Junichiro Tanizaki


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We investigate the transition from unitary to dissipative dynamics in the relativistic O(N) vector model with the λ(φ2)2 interaction using the nonperturbative functional renormalization group in the real-time formalism. In thermal equilibrium, the theory is characterized by two scales, the interaction range for coherent scattering of particles and the mean free path determined by the rate of incoherent collisions with excitations in the thermal medium. Their competition determines the renormalization group flow and the effective dynamics of the model. Here we quantify the dynamic properties of the model in terms of the scale-dependent dynamic critical exponent z in the limit of large temperatures and in 2≤d≤4 spatial dimensions. We contrast our results to the behavior expected at vanishing temperature and address the question of the appropriate dynamic universality class for the given microscopic theory.


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Sediments cored along the southwestern Iberian margin during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 provide constraints on Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) circulation patterns from the Pliocene epoch to the present day. After the Strait of Gibraltar opened (5.33 million years ago), a limited volume of MOW entered the Atlantic. Depositional hiatuses indicate erosion by bottom currents related to higher volumes of MOW circulating into the North Atlantic, beginning in the late Pliocene. The hiatuses coincide with regional tectonic events and changes in global thermohaline circulation (THC). This suggests that MOW influenced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), THC, and climatic shifts by contributing a component of warm, saline water to northern latitudes while in turn being influenced by plate tectonics.


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We present initial isotopic ratios of lead for Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) sections from Shatsky Rise (Pacific) and Gorgo a Cerbara (Italy). Our Pb isotopic data track an interval representing Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE)-1a, which is characterized by quasi-global deposition of organic carbon-rich black shale. Pb isotopic compositions of sediments from Shatsky Rise decrease at the end of Barremian time, from radiogenic continental values to unradiogenic values, and subsequently remained less radiogenic until the end of early Aptian time. We explain the isotopic shift by a significant increase in supply rate of unradiogenic Pb, most likely due to massive volcanism. In contrast, the Pb isotopic compositions from the Italian section, which was situated at the western end of Tethys, are mostly identical to those of upper continental crust, showing no significant change in supply rate of unradiogenic Pb. The discrepancy between two sites is attributed to quiescent deep-submarine eruptions of Pacific large igneous provinces (LIPs) such as the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP), which severely limited dispersion of Pb-carrying particles out of the Pacific Ocean. Published Os isotopic data from the Italian section indicate two episodes of massive eruptions of OJP or contemporaneous Manihiki and Hikurangi plateaus starting from earliest Aptian time, slightly later than that indicated by the sedimentary Pb isotopic record from Shatsky Rise. Differences in isotopic variations between Pb and Os likely reflect differences in their chemical behaviors in the oceans, i.e., Pb isotopic compositions would have varied in response to local or regional changes in sediment provenances, whereas large-scale changes in Os inputs are required to explain variations in seawater Os isotopic compositions. Our Pb isotopic data, together with the published Os isotopic record, provide new evidence for the eruptive history of OJP together with contemporaneous Pacific plateaus and its environmental consequences, starting from end-Barremian time and extending through early Aptian time.


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Se inicia un análisis de los procesos de trabajo de stop-motion porque ayudan a comprender las diferentes escalas en arquitectura donde las maquetas se convierten en futuros prototipos de infraestructuras de edificios o de paisaje. Stop motion es una técnica de animación fotograma a fotograma de objetos estáticos mediante la manipulación de figuras de plastilina en entornos fijos con cambios de luz, color y sonido. Igual que dicha técnica reúne lo mejor del rodaje tradicional -story board, escenografía, fotografía, personajes, iluminación- la animación de maquetas de interiores sintetiza micro-procesos de mayor repercusión -habitaciones con cambios de humedad, de temperatura, de ventilación y de iluminación- incorporando efectos especiales que son procesados digitalmente en post-producción. Se construyen varios prototipos de habitación con parámetros fijos como el tamaño y la posición de la cámara y otros variables como los materiales, los personajes y la iluminación. Representan un mundo en miniatura que intenta aportar un acercamiento sensorial y atmosférico analizando la magia y la fantasía que Junichirô Tanizaki describe en la penumbra de las construcciones tradicionales japonesas y estudiando las imperfecciones de los escenarios que Tim Burton manipula en su películas de animación con una textura que las tecnologías digitales no pueden igualar. El objetivo es utilizar una escala micro para realizar unos modelos interiores donde las condiciones atmosféricas están controladas y reducidas, y tomar datos que se podrían aplicar a un proceso de modelado a escala intermedia para testar prototipos de edificios como el túnel de viento; o, finalmente, a una escala macro con maquetas de un sector de la costa o de un río donde los fenómenos meteorológicos son los protagonistas para simular inundaciones y diseñar futuras medidas de prevención y seguridad.


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Since the end of the Cold War, Japan's defense policy and politics has gone through significant changes. Throughout the post cold war period, US-Japan alliance managers, politicians with differing visions and preferences, scholars, think tanks, and the actions of foreign governments have all played significant roles in influencing these changes. Along with these actors, the Japanese prime minister has played an important, if sometimes subtle, role in the realm of defense policy and politics. Japanese prime ministers, though significantly weaker than many heads of state, nevertheless play an important role in policy by empowering different actors (bureaucratic actors, independent commissions, or civil actors), through personal diplomacy, through agenda-setting, and through symbolic acts of state. The power of the prime minister to influence policy processes, however, has frequently varied by prime minister. My dissertation investigates how different political strategies and entrepreneurial insights by the prime minister have influenced defense policy and politics since the end of the Cold War. In addition, it seeks to explain how the quality of political strategy and entrepreneurial insight employed by different prime ministers was important in the success of different approaches to defense. My dissertation employs a comparative case study approach to examine how different prime ministerial strategies have mattered in the realm of Japanese defense policy and politics. Three prime ministers have been chosen: Prime Minister Hashimoto Ryutaro (1996-1998); Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro (2001-2006); and Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio (2009-2010). These prime ministers have been chosen to provide maximum contrast on issues of policy preference, cabinet management, choice of partners, and overall strategy. As my dissertation finds, the quality of political strategy has been an important aspect of Japan's defense transformation. Successful strategies have frequently used the knowledge and accumulated personal networks of bureaucrats, supplemented bureaucratic initiatives with top-down personal diplomacy, and used a revitalized US-Japan strategic relationship as a political resource for a stronger prime ministership. Though alternative approaches, such as those that have looked to displace the influence of bureaucrats and the US in defense policy, have been less successful, this dissertation also finds theoretical evidence that alternatives may exist.


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Since the end of the Cold War, Japan’s defense policy and politics has gone through significant changes. Throughout the post cold war period, US-Japan alliance managers, politicians with differing visions and preferences, scholars, think tanks, and the actions of foreign governments have all played significant roles in influencing these changes. Along with these actors, the Japanese prime minister has played an important, if sometimes subtle, role in the realm of defense policy and politics. Japanese prime ministers, though significantly weaker than many heads of state, nevertheless play an important role in policy by empowering different actors (bureaucratic actors, independent commissions, or civil actors), through personal diplomacy, through agenda-setting, and through symbolic acts of state. The power of the prime minister to influence policy processes, however, has frequently varied by prime minister. My dissertation investigates how different political strategies and entrepreneurial insights by the prime minister have influenced defense policy and politics since the end of the Cold War. In addition, it seeks to explain how the quality of political strategy and entrepreneurial insight employed by different prime ministers was important in the success of different approaches to defense. My dissertation employs a comparative case study approach to examine how different prime ministerial strategies have mattered in the realm of Japanese defense policy and politics. Three prime ministers have been chosen: Prime Minister Hashimoto Ryutaro (1996-1998); Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro (2001-2006); and Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio (2009-2010). These prime ministers have been chosen to provide maximum contrast on issues of policy preference, cabinet management, choice of partners, and overall strategy. As my dissertation finds, the quality of political strategy has been an important aspect of Japan’s defense transformation. Successful strategies have frequently used the knowledge and accumulated personal networks of bureaucrats, supplemented bureaucratic initiatives with top-down personal diplomacy, and used a revitalized US-Japan strategic relationship as a political resource for a stronger prime ministership. Though alternative approaches, such as those that have looked to displace the influence of bureaucrats and the US in defense policy, have been less successful, this dissertation also finds theoretical evidence that alternatives may exist.


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El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gobernación de Tokio en la formulación de la política exterior de Japón durante la disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu. Para ello, se identifican los puntos más relevantes de la política exterior de seguridad de Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se hace un énfasis en la política bilateral de seguridad sino-japonesa, con el fin de ubicar el conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu como un punto importante en la agenda internacional de seguridad de ambos países. Se estudia y analiza el concepto de paradiplomacia; articulado, a su vez, por los conceptos de identidad y rol en política exterior de la perspectiva teórica del Constructivismo de las Relaciones Internacionales, para así analizar la influencia de Tokio en el manejo de la política exterior de Japón en el marco del conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu.


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Nas últimas duas décadas a temática ambiental adquiriu corpo no Brasil e, ainda que em descompasso com relação aos Estados Unidos da América e Europa, trouxe a necessidade de análises intersetoriais e interdisciplinares dos problemas derivados da ação antrópica. Uma das facetas desta ascensão temática à agenda política do país foi a elaboração da Política Nacional de Defesa Civil (Resolução CONDEC n.º 2, de 12 de dezembro de 1994) e do Sistema Nacional de Defesa Civil, o SINDEC (através do Decreto Federal nº. 5.376 de 17 de fevereiro de 2005). Ao lado de determinados alarmismos, e em um cenário dominado por incertezas (ou certezas probabilísticas), as ações da Defesa Civil deveriam se pautar por um pragmatismo responsável. O vasto campo de sua atuação previu, através da Classificação e da Codificação de Desastres (CODAR), os desastres naturais ligados a sismologia e os desastres mistos ligados a sismicidade induzida. Tais eventos, e suas referências, sempre constituíram uma espécie de literatura cinzenta em se tratando de um país “isento de terremotos”. Para confrontar a percepção de risco dos estudantes de Geografia com as evidências dos principais centros de pesquisas sísmicas, aplicamos um questionário por correio eletrônico aos discentes das principais faculdades de Geografia do país.