996 resultados para Judicial management


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A prestação jurisdicional eficiente e eficaz é uma exigência social e constitucional. Um círculo virtuoso pode ser instaurado pela cobrança social de melhoria dos serviços prestados pelo Poder Judiciário. A resposta a essa exigência é necessária, com a reformulação e revisão de conceitos, estruturas e cultura organizacional. A atuação nessa seara impacta a legitimação do Poder Judiciário, podendo elevá-la tanto mais satisfeitas as expectativas sociais. Os conceitos de gestão e sua implementação devem ser parte das atividades judiciais, desde a alta administração até a gestão da unidade judicial. Há necessidade, portanto, de um sistema de gestão que permeie todas as atividades desenvolvidas. O Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul desde 1995 adotou o Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade (PGQP), através do Plano de Gestão pela Qualidade no Poder Judiciário do Rio Grande do Sul (PGQJ). A recente formulação do Planejamento Estratégico trouxe novas perspectivas, objetivos e desafios. A concreção dos objetivos estratégicos traçados depende do alinhamento das unidades judiciais. Surge aí a importância de um sistema de gestão das unidades judiciais, com elementos e indicadores definidos, permitindo a visualização pela alta administração do andamento da instituição em busca dos objetivos estabelecidos. Alinhada à importância do tema, propõe-se a apresentação dos principais elementos formadores de um sistema de gestão de unidade judicial: direcionamento e alinhamento estratégico; planejamento da microgestão; estrutura organizacional; processos de trabalho; procedimentos operacionais padrão; rotinas cartorárias; gestão de pessoas; treinamento e liderança. O Sistema de Gerenciamento Matricial dos Serviços Judiciários (GMS- JUD), desenvolvido pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Rio Grande do Sul com a consultoria do Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento Gerencial (INDG), é apresentado como direcionador de acompanhamento do planejamento traçado pelas unidades judiciais, compondo o sistema de gestão proposto.


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O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a efetividade dos Laudos Periciais Criminais de Informática no que diz respeito ao auxílio na formação da convicção do magistrado para elaborar as sentenças. Para tanto, foram realizadas pesquisas nos laudos e nas sentenças que utilizaram esses laudos, buscando encontrar relação entre ambos com vistas a analisar a qualidade do Laudo produzido e sua importância para a decisão judicial e, consequentemente, para a promoção da justiça social. O estudo realizado permite afirmar que o trabalho pericial é relevante, na maioria dos casos analisados, para auxiliar os magistrados em suas tomadas de decisões. O resultado da pesquisa revelou que algumas variáveis que não dependem do trabalho pericial, como os questionamentos formulados pelo requisitante do laudo e o tipo penal, são relevantes para que os exames periciais sejam ainda mais efetivos e auxiliem na promoção da Justiça. Esta pesquisa pode ser um instrumento de gestão da Diretoria Técnico-Científica do Departamento de Polícia Federal no sentido de preencher a lacuna hoje existente, tendo em vista que os peritos criminais federais não possuem feedback sobre o trabalho desenvolvido, ao tempo em que demonstra a importância do trabalho pericial para a comprovação de delitos. Servirá também para auxiliar os gestores no desenvolvimento de metodologia de elaboração de laudos periciais de informática que busquem indicar autoria e materialidade delitiva em seus exames. A sociedade precisa que seus órgãos públicos atuem de maneira a promover justiça social para os cidadãos. Nesse cenário, o laudo pericial de informática é um dos instrumentos que podem auxiliar a efetivação da justiça de forma mais concreta.


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Integrated pest management is a viable alternative to traditional pest control methods. A paired sample design was utilized to measure the effect of IPM education on the number of cockroaches in a 200 unit, seven story public housing building for the elderly in Houston, TX. Glue traps were placed in 71 randomly selected apartments (5traps/unit) and left in place for two nights. Baseline cockroach counts were shared with the property manager, maintenance/janitorial staff, service coordinator, pest control professional and tenant representatives at the end of a one day “Integrated Pest Management in Multi-Family Housing” training course.^ There was a significant decrease in the average number of cockroaches after IPM education and implementation of IPM principles (P < 0.0003). Positive changes in behavior by members of the IPM team and changes in the housing authority operational plan were also found. Paired t-tests comparing the difference between mean cockroach counts at baseline and follow-up by location within the apartment all demonstrated a significant decrease in the number of cockroaches.^ Results supported the premise that IPM education and the implementation of IPM principles are effective measures to change pest control behaviors and control cockroaches. Cockroach infestations in multi-story housing are not solely determined by the actions of individual tenants. The actions of other residents, property managers and pest control professionals are also important factors in pest control.^ Findings support the implementation of IPM education and the adoption of IPM practices by public housing authorities. This study adds to existing evidence that clear communication of policies, a team approach and a commitment to ongoing inspection and monitoring of pests combined with corrective action to eliminate food, water and harborage and the judicial use of low risk pesticides have the potential to improve the living conditions of elderly residents living in public housing.^


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The 2011 proposal of the European Court of Justice aiming to increase the number of judges of the General Court has mutated after four years into a complete change of the EU judicial system. This long legislative debate was the first implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in the judicial domain. It has revealed different problems – formal and substantial – of the approach of public service reform in the European institutions.


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Utah Department of Public Safety, Salt Lake City


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This research examined sex offender risk assessment and management in Ireland. It focused on the statutory agencies with primary responsibility (Garda Síochána and the Probation Service). The goal was to document the historical, contextual and current systems, in addition to identifying areas of concern/improvements. The research was a mixed-methods approach. Eight studies were conducted. This incorporated documentary reviews of four Commission to Inquire Reports, qualitative interviews/focus groups with Garda staff, Probation Service staff, statutory agencies, community stakeholders, various Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and sex offenders. Quantitative questionnaires were also administered to Garda staff. In all over 70 interviews were conducted and questionnaires were forwarded to 270 Garda members. The overall findings are: •Sex offender management in Ireland has become formal only since 2001. Knowledge, skills and expertise is in its infancy and is still evolving. •Mixed reviews and questions regarding fitness for purpose of currently used risk assessments tools were noted. •The Sex Offender Act 2001 requires additional elements to ensure safe sex offender monitoring and public protection. A judicial review of the Sex Offender Act 2001 was recommended by many respondents. •Interagency working under SORAM was hugely welcomed. The sharing of information has been welcomed by managing agencies as the key benefit to improving sex offender management. •Respondents reported that in practice, sex offender management in Ireland is fragmented and unevenly implemented. The research concluded that an independent National Sex Offender Authority should be established as an oversight and regulatory body for policy, strategy and direction in sex offender management. Further areas of research were also highlighted: ongoing evaluation and audits of the joint agency process and systems in place; recidivism studies tracking the risk assessment ratings and subsequent offending; and an evaluation of the current status of sex offender housing in Ireland.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Developments in information technology will drive the change in records management; however, it should be the health information managers who drive the information management change. The role of health information management will be challenged to use information technology to broker a range of requests for information from a variety of users, including he alth consumers. The purposes of this paper are to conceptualise the role of health information management in the context of a technologically driven and managed health care environment, and to demonstrat e how this framework has been used to review and develop the undergraduate program in health information management at the Queensland University of Technology.