979 resultados para Johannes Kolb Site (S.C.)


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Dedicatio: Laurentius Melliin.


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Arkit: A-B4.


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Painovuosi nimekkeestä.


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Contient : 1 Journal autographe de JEHAN DE LA FOSSE, où sont notés mois par mois les principaux événements des années 1557 à 1590, arrivés en France et particulièrement à Paris, où vivait l'auteur, curé de St-Leu et de St-Barthélemy ; 2 Recueil d'épitaphes ; « Cavendish,... general Norris,... docter Story,... mylord Treasurer,... Frier Andrew,... Ellis,... earle of Essex, beheaded in the tower », Joannes Rekingale, episcopus Cicestriensis, Gulielmus de Blitz, archidiaconus Nodovicensis ; Thomas Linaerus, regis Henrici VIII medicus, Antonius Riccius Faventiae, « Mr Hofkins », Lucretia Borgia, Honorius P. M., Johannes Riberius ; Galfridus Chaucer, Corythus, filius Oenones et Paridis, Ninus, Assyriae monarcha, Pyramis, lateritia Asychis, Aegypti regis ; Bartholomaeus Platina, Petrus Pomponatius, Pompeius Magnus, Capys, Ennius, Hannibal ; Marcus Antonius Turrianus, Marcus Antonius Coccius, Marcus Antonius Casanova, Sardanapalus, Rufus, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar ; Petrus Ciaconius, Nicolaus Macchiavellus, Gulielmus Rondeletus, medicus, Anicia, foemina romana, Callicratea ; Johannes Coletus, Rembertus Dodonaeus, medicus Maximiliani II et Rodolphi imperatorum, Alcaeus poeta, Scipio Africanus ; Paracelsus, Gerardus Noviomagus et Andreas Hyperius, Didacus de Valdes, Albericus de Vere et Gulielmus, primus comes Oxoniensis, Robertus Buc ; Hieronymus Cagnolus Vercellensis, Johannes Stofflerus, mathematicus Tubingae, Remigius Bellaqueus, Pallas, Evandri filius, Zarmanochegas indus, de Bargosa ; Johannes Rivius Attbend, Petrus Bembus, Lucius P. M. Veronae, Gulielmus Norselez, decanus quondam ecclesiae S. Pauli Londini, Mathias Corvinus, rex Pannoniae ; Philippus Callimachus Cracoviae, in aede S. Trinitatis, Ludovicus Bologninus, Bononiae, Rachel, uxor Jacobi Bethleem, Aratus, Plato, Aeschylus ; Joannes Zonaras, Homerus, Menander, Epictetus ; Berengarius, archidiaconus Andegavensis, Andreas Fanzonius, Cyrus, Persarum monarcha, Midas ; Hugo S. Victoris Parisiensis, S. Bernardus, abbas claraevallensis, Petrus de Toledo, Psittacus, Musaeus poeta, Linus, thebanus poeta, Orpheus ; Petrus Lombardus, Petrus Comestor, Pallas, libertus Romae, Megista, Spartanus vates ; Aegidius de Roma, archiepiscopus Bituricensis, Johannes Gerson, Aristocrates, perfidus in Lycaei Jovis luco, Setho, sacerdos Vulcani et Aegypti rex, Rosamunda Cliffordensis, Petrus Aretinus ; Nicolaus de Lyra, Jacobus Pisaurus, Paphi episcopus, Cedwalla, rex Sussexiae ; Alphonsus Tostadus, hispanus, Abulensis episcopus, Albertus Pius de Sabaudia, princeps Carporum, Similis, praefectus praetorianorum, Jupiter, Osyris, Isis ; Aeneas Sylvius, Christophorus Colombus, Hermes, Apollo, Timon, Darius ; Robertus Gaguinus, Johannes de Sacro Busto, Darius, Hystaspis filius, Simandius, Aegypti rex, Idomeneus et Myrio, filii Deucalionis, Semiramis ; Alexander Piccolomineus, Justina, pulchra foemina, quam maritus zelotypus nefarie decollavit, Claudia, nobilis foemina Romae, Carolus Magnus, Carolus V, imperator ; Actius Plautus, Johannes Boccacius, Franciscus Ximenes, cardinalis Hispaniae, Federicus imperator, Sylla, Ricardus I, rex Anglorum ; Johannes Stadius, math. belga, C. Manlia camertina, Johannes de Mandeville, Patricius, Brigida et Columda in Hibernia, la reine d'Angleterre, femme de Jacques Ier ; Johannes Glandorp, Jodocus, medicus Romae, Urandus, sive Durandus, Johannes Jacobus Trivultius, Ludovicus VIII, rex Francorum ; Antonius quidam italus, Fin dal Finale, Battistina Senensis, puella elegantissima ; Chalonerus Dubliniae, Askew Lincolniensis, Christophorus Hatton, Robertus, comes Leicestriae ; Johannes Chidley, Walterus Ralegh, Arturus Gorges, Johannes Parkar, Maria Stafford, Charitas et Carolus Ho., Thomas Wals, Sylvanus Scorus, Johannes Horo et Edwardus Nymark, Edwardus Stanhop, Franciscus Wal ; Philippus Sydney, Franciscus Walsinghan, N. Marsonius, jurisconsultus, Christophorus H, Gulielmus, comes Penbrok, Angliae marescallus, Antonius Deny, frater Lubinus ; Fratislaus, dux Bohemiae, countess of Penbrok, Edward Spenser, Henry Abyngdon, Thomas Nash, N. Dobson ; Dr Hugh a price, Johannes Vitulus, Dr Bently, Hor. Pallavicin, Margaret Ratcliff ; Howlet, Elian, Henry Barron ; James Stuart, Thomas Sackville, Penelope d'Evreux, uxor domini Bar. Rich, pellicis comitis Devonshire, Robert Cecil, Ricardus Bancroft, archiepiscopus Cantuariensis ; Godefridus de Bulion, Balduinus, rex Jerusalem, Allicia, pulchra foemina anglica et forte meretrix, Theobaldus, comes Campaniae, qui vixit tempore regis Angliae Stephani ; Fernandus de Castro, hispanus in Anglia exulans et moriens ob fidem in Dominum Petrum, regem Castellae, Johannes Taylor de Colman street, usurarius, Petrus Miago Vallisoleti, in templo Sancti Stephani, Franciscus Duarte de Mendico, a proveedor de los exercitos y armadas del emperador Carlo V, Henricus, Walliae princeps ; Milo, comes de Anglera, pater Rolandi, a Mauris juxta ripam Ceae occisus, Hecuba, S. Edmundus, rex et martyr, Pindarus, poeta lyricus, Stesichorus, Anacreon, poeta vinosus, Leonidas, dux Lacedemoniorum ad Thermopylas occisus contra Persas, Timotheus, citharedus milesius ; Timocreon Rhodius, Laïs, meretrix Corinthia, sepulta in Thessalia, juxta Peneum fluvium, Acron, antiquissimus medicus Agrigentinus


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New radiocarbon calibration curves, IntCal04 and Marine04, have been constructed and internationally ratified to replace the terrestrial and marine components of IntCal98. The new calibration data sets extend an additional 2000 yr, from 0-26 cal kyr BP (Before Present, 0 cal. BP = AD 1950), and provide much higher resolution, greater precision, and more detailed structure than IntCal98. For the Marine04 curve, dendrochronologically-dated tree-ring samples, converted with a box diffusion model to marine mixed-layer ages, cover the period from 0-10.5 call kyr BR Beyond 10.5 cal kyr BP, high-resolution marine data become available from foraminifera in varved sediments and U/Th-dated corals. The marine records are corrected with site-specific C-14 reservoir age information to provide a single global marine mixed-layer calibration from 10.5-26.0 cal kyr BR A substantial enhancement relative to IntCal98 is the introduction of a random walk model, which takes into account the uncertainty in both the calendar age and the C-14 age to calculate the underlying calibration curve (Buck and Blackwell, this issue). The marine data sets and calibration curve for marine samples from the surface mixed layer (Marine04) are discussed here. The tree-ring data sets, sources of uncertainty, and regional offsets are presented in detail in a companion paper by Reimer et al. (this issue).


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A quantitative low energy electron diffraction (LEED) analysis has been performed for the p(2 x 2)-S and c(2 x 2)-S surface structures formed by exposing the (1 x 1) phase of Ir{100} to H2S at 750 K. S is found to adsorb on the fourfold hollow sites in both structures leading to Pendry R-factor values of 0.17 for the p(2 x 2)-S and 0.16 for the c(2 x 2)-S structures. The distances between S and the nearest and next-nearest Ir atoms were found to be similar in both structures: 2.36 +/- 0.01 angstrom and 3.33 +/- 0.01 angstrom, respectively. The buckling in the second substrate layer is consistent with other structural studies for S adsorption on fcc{100} transition metal surfaces: 0.09 angstrom for p(2 x 2)-S and 0.02 angstrom for c(2 x 2)-S structures. The (1 x 5) reconstruction, which is the most stable phase for clean Ir{100}, is completely lifted and a c(2 x 2)-S overlayer is formed after exposure to H,S at 300 K followed by annealing to 520 K. CO temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments indicate that the major factor in the poisoning of Ir by S is site blocking. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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At least three ferritins are found in the bacterium Escherichia coli, the heme-containing bacterioferritin (EcBFR) and two non-heme bacterial ferritins (EcFtnA and EcFtnB). In addition to the conserved A- and B-sites of the diiron ferroxidase center, EcFtnA has a third iron-binding site (the C-site) of unknown function that is nearby the diiron site. In the present work, the complex chemistry of iron oxidation and deposition in EcFtnA has been further defined through a combination of oximetry, pH stat, stopped-flow and conventional kinetics, UV-visible, fluorescence and EPR spectroscopic measurements on the wildtype protein and site-directed variants of the A-, B- and C-sites. The data reveal that, while H2O2 is a product of dioxygen reduction in EcFtnA and oxidation occurs with a stoichiometry of Fe(II)/O2 ~ 3:1, most of the H2O2 produced is consumed in subsequent reactions with a 2:1 Fe(II)/H2O2 stoichiometry, thus suppressing hydroxyl radical formation. While the A- and B-sites are essential for rapid iron oxidation, the C-site slows oxidation and suppresses iron turnover at the ferroxidase center. A tyrosyl radical, assigned to Tyr24 near the ferroxidase center, is formed during iron oxidation and its possible significance to the function of the protein is discussed. Taken as a whole, the data indicate that there are multiple iron-oxidation pathways in EcFtnA with O2 and H2O2 as oxidants. Furthermore, the data are inconsistent with the C-site being a transit site, providing iron to the A- and B-sites, and does not support a universal mechanism for iron oxidation in all ferritins as recently proposed.


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Despite the importance of coral reefs to humanity, these environments have been threatened throughout the world. Several factors contribute to the degradation of these ecosystems. The Maracajaú Reef Complex, in Rio Grande do Norte state is part of the Coral Reefs Environment Preservation Area in northeastern Brazil. This area has been receiving an increasing influx of tourism and the integrity of the local reefs is a matter of concern. In this study, the reef macroalgae communities were studied and compared within two areas distinguished by the presence or absence of tourism activities. Two sample sites were chosen: the first one, where diving activities are intense; and the other, where these practices do not occur. Samples were collected at both sites within a quadrate of 625 cm2 of area randomly thrown 5 times along a 10 meters transect line. Richness, Shannon-Hill diversity and Simpson dominance indices were determined based on biomass data. Similarity between sites was analyzed with Bray-Curtis similarity and distance index. Fifty-eight macroalgae species were observed, including 7 Chlorophyta, 13 Phaeophyta and 38 Rhodophyta. In the non-disturbed site, 49 species were found, while at the disturbed site, there were 42 species. Dictyotaceae and Corallinaceae were the most representative families at the non-disturbed site, and Rhodomelaceae and Dictyotaceae at the disturbed site. The non-disturbed site presented a higher biomass and the greatest richness and diversity indices. In the disturbed site the dominance index was greater and Caulerpa racemosa was the dominant species. The dendogram based on similarity index showed two major clusters, and an isolated element at the center that corresponds to a sample from the disturbed site. In the first cluster, samples from the non-impacted site were predominant and fleshy brown algae were more conspicuous. The second cluster was composed primarily of samples from the impacted site, where C. racemosa and red filamentous and erect calcareous algae associations (turf forming) were observed covering large extensions. These associations are represented by groups of algae adapted to environments where disturbances are frequent. They can grow rapidly on substrate where benthic community was removed and do not allow the establishment of other species. The results of the present study show that tourism activity is an impacting factor that has been causing shifts in macroalgae communities in the Maracajaú Reef Complex


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo analisa os enunciados discursivos do ciclo de Política curricular do Estado do Pará sobre as relações “raciais” no período de 2008 a 2012, a partir da abordagem do ciclo de políticas, proposto por Stephen Ball. Nesta análise, é focalizada a produção das políticas no contexto de influência, contexto de produção de textos políticos e contexto da prática. O referencial teórico-metodológico que subsidia a análise parte da Teoria sócio-histórica e dialógica da linguagem com base em Bakhtin (2010, 2011), abordagem do ciclo de políticas abalizado pelas teorizações de Ball et al (1992), para os estudos acerca Relações “Raciais” partimos dos conceitos de Guimarães (1999, 2002, 2008) e Coelho (2009) sobre raça. E, sobre as relações sociais estabelecidas no campo educacional, utilizamos as noções conceituais de campo e de habitus em Bourdieu (2008, 2009, 2010). O estudo é de abordagem qualitativa (FLICK, 2004). Utilizamos como fontes de coleta de dados documentos orais e escritos, dentre os quais destacamos: Artigos, Teses e Dissertações sobre Relações “Raciais” e Política Curricular realizado em duas bases de dados nacionais e uma internacional: a) ANPED (GT-21); b) site da CAPES/PPGE; c) Fundação Ford. Publicações: a) Política de Educação Básica do Estado do Pará, especialmente o eixo da Política Curricular; b) I Conferência Estadual de Educação: Diagnósticos, diretrizes, objetivos e metas aprovadas; c) Educação Básica no Pará: elementos para uma política educacional democrática e de qualidade Pará todos (vol I e II) e entrevista semiestruturada com quatorze agentes sociais que atuavam na SEDUC, USE e escolas da Rede Pública Estadual, os quais participaram da Política Curricular do Estado do Pará. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise do processo enunciativo-discursivo com base em Bakhtin (2010, 2011). A partir da análise da enunciação discursiva do ciclo de política curricular do Estado do Pará sobre as relações “raciais” e da interpenetração dos discursos entre os contextos de influência, contexto de definição de textos políticos e contexto da prática os resultados do estudo revelam que os diferentes enunciados produzidos nos variados contextos são marcados pela hibridização de discursos, resultado de processos de recontextualização. Infere-se que a política curricular do Estado do Pará se apresenta em inter-relações entre múltiplos contextos no ciclo de políticas (BALL, et al, 1992). A despeito do caráter contínuo e não hierarquizado das políticas, da articulação macro e micropolíticas avançarem em relação às abordagens estadocêntricas e do processo de recontextualização política que ocorre no contexto da prática, o estudo conclui que a política curricular do Estado do Pará existe como uma política de Estado, existe como uma política educacional. No entanto, na exequibilidade dessa política de Estado e educacional na escola no tocante as relações “raciais”, ela não ocorre por conta da fragilização da competência cultural e teórica desse agente social que deve executá-la. A fragilização está na concretização dessa política no contexto da prática. Há um problema entre o que se projeta e o que se prática, o que ajuda a atribuir a realidade social a disseminação e ratificação do racismo e discriminação nos diferentes contextos que compõe a política de currículo.


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This paper reports the synthesis of Eu-doped hydroxyapatite (HA:Eu) resulting in particles with nanorod diameters from 9 to 26 nm using the microwave hydrothermal method (HTMW). Eu3+ ions were used as a marker in the HA network by basic hydrolysis followed by the HTMW treatment. The crystalline HA:Eu nanorod nature in a short-range order was detected by photoluminescence (PL) measurements from Eu3+ emission into the HA matrix. Thus, was possible to verify that HA crystallization is favored in a short structural order when the HTMW treatment time was increased from 0 to 40 min and that the Eu3+ substitution in the HA lattice is site-selective. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Arthrogryposisrenal dysfunctioncholestasis (ARC) syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive multisystem disorder caused by mutations in vacuolar protein sorting 33 homologue B (VPS33B) and VPS33B interacting protein, apicalbasolateral polarity regulator (VIPAR). Cardinal features of ARC include congenital joint contractures, renal tubular dysfunction, cholestasis, severe failure to thrive, ichthyosis, and a defect in platelet alpha-granule biogenesis. Most patients with ARC do not survive past the first year of life. We report two patients presenting with a mild ARC phenotype, now 5.5 and 3.5 years old. Both patients were compound heterozygotes with the novel VPS33B donor splice-site mutation c.1225+5G>C in common. Immunoblotting and complementary DNA analysis suggest expression of a shorter VPS33B transcript, and cell-based assays show that c.1225+5G>C VPS33B mutant retains some ability to interact with VIPAR (and thus partial wild-type function). This study provides the first evidence of genotypephenotype correlation in ARC and suggests that VPS33B c.1225+5G>C mutation predicts a mild ARC phenotype. We have established an interactive online database for ARC (https://grenada.lumc.nl/LOVD2/ARC) comprising all known variants in VPS33B and VIPAR. Also included in the database are 15 novel pathogenic variants in VPS33B and five in VIPAR. Hum Mutat 33:16561664, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Im tcdA-Gen des Clostridium difficile Stammes C34 wurde eine Insertion mit einer Größe von 1975 bp lokalisiert. Der als CdISt1 bezeichneten Insertion konnten charakteristische Merkmale von Gruppe I Introns und von Insertionselementen zugewiesen werden. Dem im 5’ Bereich gelegenen Anteil ließen sich die Intron-spezifischen Eigenschaften zuordnen, im 3’ Anteil wurden zwei offene Leseraster gefunden, die hohe Homologien zu Transposasen der IS605 Familie hatten. Funktionelle Analysen belegten die Spleißaktivität des chimären Ribozymes. CdISt1 konnte in mehren Kopien in allen untersuchten C. difficile Stämmen nachgewiesen werden. In anderen clostridialen Spezies konnte das Gruppe I Intron bislang nicht vorgefunden werden. Der Integrationsort in C. difficile war in allen untersuchten Fällen immer ein offenes Leseraster. Bislang waren Gruppe I Introns noch nie in bakteriellen offenen Leserastern beschrieben worden. Es kann angenommen werden, dass der chimäre Aufbau des Ribozymes die Integration in bakterielle offene Leseraster ermöglicht. Dabei wäre für die Spleißaktivität der Gruppe I Intron Anteil maßgeblich, die Mobilität würde über den IS Element Anteil vermittelt. Im Rahmen der Dissertationsarbeit konnten erste experimentelle Hinweise erbracht werden, dass das chimäre Ribozym an der evolution clostridialer Proteine beteiligt sein kann, wovon seinen Wirt C. difficile entsprechend profitieren würde.An insertion of 1975 bp is situated in the tcdA-gene of Clostridium difficile strain C34. The insertion was designated as CdISt1 and it had characteristics of group I introns and insertion elements. The group I characteristcs could be found in the 5’ area of the genetic element, in the 3’ area two open reading frames were located with high homologies to transposases of the IS605 family. Functional studies could proof the splicing activity of the ribozyme. CdISt1 could be found in several copies in all C. difficile strains examined so far. It was absent in other examined clostridial species. In all cases, the integration site in C. difficile was an open reading frame. Up to now, group I introns never were discovered in bacterial open reading frames. It can be assumed that the chimeric characteristics of the ribozyme permit an integration in bacterial open reading frames. The group I intron part would be responsible of the splicing activity, the IS element part could mediate the mobility of the genetic element. First experimental evidences point to a possible involvement of the chimeric ribozyme in the evolution of clostridial proteins, so the host C. difficile could benefit from its presence.


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Lymph node metastases influence prognosis and outcome in patients with bladder and prostate cancer. Cross sectional imaging criteria are limited in detecting metastases in normal sized lymph nodes. This prospective study assessed the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide (USPIO)-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the detection of metastases in normal sized lymph nodes using extended pelvic lymph node dissection (ePLND) and histopathology as the reference standard.