941 resultados para Job demand-resources model


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Purpose – The purpose of the research is to examine whether need for achievement moderates the relationship between job-demand for learning and job-related learning. Design/methodology/approach – Data were obtained from 153 participants full-time. The scales for job-demand for learning and job-related learning were developed for this research, whilst the scale for need for achievement was obtained from an external source. Hierarchical regression analysis was used in testing the hypothesized moderating effects. Findings – It was found that need for achievement moderates the relationship between job-demand for learning and job-related learning. Specifically, although job-demand for learning is correlated positively to job-related learning for both the high and the low need for achievement groups, this correlation is stronger amongst the high group. Research limitations/implications – The use of a cross-sectional design in this study prohibits inferences being drawn regarding the causal relationships between job-demand for learning, need for achievement and job-related learning. Practical implications – Job-related learning can be facilitated through increasing the need for achievement by allowing employees to establish their own learning and performance goals rather than by imposing such goals on them. The redesign of jobs to create challenges for employees is an equally important practical consideration. Originality/value – This research provides a succinct view of the relationship between an external factor, job-demand for learning, and an internal motivator, need for achievement. It emphasizes the degree to which organizations can facilitate learning through design of challenging jobs, to the extent of the individuals’ motivation.


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The provision of reserves in power systems is of great importance in what concerns keeping an adequate and acceptable level of security and reliability. This need for reserves and the way they are defined and dispatched gain increasing importance in the present and future context of smart grids and electricity markets due to their inherent competitive environment. This paper concerns a methodology proposed by the authors, which aims to jointly and optimally dispatch both generation and demand response resources to provide the amounts of reserve required for the system operation. Virtual Power Players are especially important for the aggregation of small size demand response and generation resources. The proposed methodology has been implemented in MASCEM, a multi agent system also developed at the authors’ research center for the simulation of electricity markets.


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Plusieurs interventions visant à améliorer la santé psychologique au travail reposent sur une conceptualisation pathogénique où celle-ci est représentée par une absence d’états psychologiques négatifs (Randall & Nielsen, 2010). Or, elle représenterait à la fois l’absence d’états négatifs de détresse psychologique au travail et la présence d’états positifs de bien-être psychologique au travail (Gilbert, Dagenais-Desmarais, & Savoie, 2011). Ceci suggère qu’afin de maximiser l’impact des interventions, il serait pertinent d’indiquer aux intervenants des leviers pouvant influencer les volets positifs et négatifs de la santé psychologique au travail. Parmi ces leviers, Gilbert (2009) a identifié les demandes et les ressources au travail. Cependant, les modèles théoriques traitant de l’impact de demandes et de ressources sur des états positifs et négatifs tendent à traiter de ces effets de manière indépendante et aucun ne formule de propositions concernant l’impact potentiel de ces leviers sur un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail (e.g., Job Demand-Control(-Support) de Karasek & Theorell, 1990; Job Demands-Resources de Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). En considérant l’aspect interrelié et distinct de la facette positive et négative de la santé psychologique au travail, la présente thèse vise donc à explorer la dynamique entre les demandes, les ressources et un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail. Pour ce faire, un article théorique et un article empirique sont présentés. L’article théorique intègre différentes théories afin d’apporter un éclairage sur l’incidence des demandes et ressources au travail sur un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail, et d’expliquer simultanément l’influence de ces aspects du travail sur les facettes de bien-être et de détresse au travail. Il avance ainsi que, telles que définies par le modèle Job Demand-Resources (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007), les demandes tendraient a davantage représenter des menaces que des défis et auraient alors des effets néfastes sur un état complet de santé psychologique au travail et ses facettes positifs et négatifs. D’autre part, il est suggéré que lorsque les demandes sont élevées, avoir suffisamment de ressources pour se sentir capable de répondre avec succès aux demandes pourrait amener celles-ci à moins représenter des menaces et davantage représenter des défis. Comparativement à une situation où les ressources sont insuffisantes, cette première situation accroîtrait un état complet de santé psychologique au travail, de même que l’intensité de son volet positif, tandis que l’intensité de son volet négatif serait amoindrie. Enfin, il est suggéré que les ressources au travail faciliteraient la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux, ce qui aurait un effet bénéfique sur un état complet de santé psychologique au travail, de même que sur ses facettes. Pour sa part, l’article empirique vise à explorer empiriquement la dynamique entre les demandes, ressources et un état unifié et complet de santé psychologique au travail. Pour ce faire, deux études utilisant des modélisations par équations structurelles sont effectuées. La première utilise un devis transversal et deux échantillons de 302 et 384 enseignants. Elle montre que les demandes et ressources au travail ont une incidence directe respectivement nocive et bénéfique sur la santé psychologique au travail. Cependant, contrairement à ce qui était attendu, les ressources au travail n’auraient pas d’effet modérateur. Ces résultats sont similaires d’un échantillon à l’autre. La seconde étude utilise un devis longitudinal, deux temps de mesure avec une année d’intervalle et un échantillon de 158 enseignants. Suite à une comparaison des relations de causalité normale, inverse et réciproque; elle démontre que la causalité normale serait le type de relation qui expliquerait le mieux les données. Ce constat vient donc renforcer les résultats de l’étude précédente et suggère qu’une diminution des demandes et une augmentation des ressources s’accompagneraient d’une augmentation de la santé psychologique au travail. En explorant théoriquement et empiriquement la dynamique entre les demandes, les ressources et la santé psychologique au travail, la présente thèse offre des bases théoriques novatrices et des bases empiriques solides pour les recherches traitant de demandes et de ressources au travail qui désire étudier un état complet et unifié de santé psychologique au travail, et considérer l’aspect distinct et interdépendant de ses facettes positives et négatives. En pratique, une telle approche permettrait aux décideurs de plus facilement identifier les leviers sur lesquels il importe d’investir pour maximiser la santé psychologique, car cette dernière serait représentée par un critère unique plutôt que plusieurs critères séparés (Mihalopoulos, Carter, Pirkis, & Vos, 2013).


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This chapter is aimed at student teachers and practising middle-years teachers in the primary school who are interested in developing their students' subject-specific literacies in preparation for their transition to secondary school. A number of texts and activities from a popular secondary textbook are analysed and mapped against the four resources model. Given that learning tasks that develop students as code breakers, text participants, text users and
text analysts are suggested, it is important to recognise that focus does not infer separation. The activity foci rely on the take-up of each of the other resources.


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Changes in the nature of work and organizations have led to an increased need for self-directed career management (SDCM). However, there is no consensus in the literature of what constitutes SDCM and many related concepts have been proposed. Integrating previous research across different conceptualizations of SDCM, the paper proposes four critical career resources which are essential for career development in the modern context: human capital resources, social resources, psychological resources, and identity resources. Implications of this framework for counselling practice are presented.


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Individual learning is important, as it is both a precursor and an outcome of learning in organisations. Job-related learning is driven by external factors (e.g., the demands of the job) and internal factors (i.e., the personality of the individual). The study examined whether need for achievement moderates the relationship between job-demand for learning and job-related learning. Data were obtained from 153 full-time, white-collar employees from a range of industries. Hierarchical regression analysis using the product term revealed that need for achievement moderates the relationship between job-demand for learning and job-related learning. Specifically, although job-demand for learning is correlated positively to job-related learning for both the high and the low need for achievement groups, this correlation is stronger amongst the high group. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research and practice.


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This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers' consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study tested a nomological net of work engagement that was derived from its extant research. Two of the main work engagement models that have been presented and empirically tested in the literature, the JD-R model and Kahn’s model, were integrated to test the effects that job features and personal characteristics can have on work engagement through the psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety, and availability. In this study, safety refers to psychological perceptions of safety and not workplace safety behaviors. The job features that were tested in this model included person-job fit, autonomy, co-worker relations, supervisor support, procedural justice, and interactional justice, while the personal characteristics consisted of self-consciousness, self-efficacy, extraversion, and neuroticism. Thirty-four hypotheses and a conceptual model were tested in order to establish the viability of this nomological net of work engagement in which it was expected that meaningfulness would mediate the relationships between job features and work engagement, safety would mediate the relationships that job features and personal characteristics have with work engagement, and availability (physical, emotional, and cognitive resources) would mediate the relationships that personal characteristics have with work engagement. Furthermore, analyses were run in order to determine the factor structure of work engagement, assess whether or not it exhibits differential validity from organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and confirm that it is positively related to the outcome variable of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The final sample consisted of 500 workers from an online labor market who responded to a questionnaire composed of measures of all constructs included in this study. Findings show that work engagement is best represented as a three-factor construct, composed of vigor, dedication and absorption. Furthermore, support was found for the distinction of work engagement from the related constructs of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. With regard to the proposed model, meaningfulness proved to be the strongest predictor of work engagement. Results show that it partially mediates the relationships that all job features have with work engagement. Safety proved to be a partial mediator of the relationships that autonomy, co-worker relations, supervisor support, procedural justice, interactional justice, and self-efficacy have with work engagement, and fully mediate the relationship between neuroticism and work engagement. Findings also show that availability partially mediates the positive relationships that extraversion and self-efficacy have with work engagement, and fully mediates the negative relationship that neuroticism has with work engagement. Finally, a positive relationship was found between work engagement and OCB. Research and organizational implications are discussed.


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This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers’ consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed.


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This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers’ consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed.