920 resultados para Job analysis.
Recent and potential changes in technology have resulted in the anticipation of increases in the frequency of job changes. This has led manpower policy makers to investigate the feasibility of incorporating the employment skills of job groups in the general prediction of future job learning and performance with a view to the establishment of "job families" within which transfer might be considered reciprocally high. A structured job analysis instrument (the Position Analysis Questionnaire) is evaluated in terms of two distinct sets of scores; job dimensions and synthetically established attribute/trait profiles. Studies demonstrate that estimates of a job's structure/dimensions and requisite human attributes can be reliably established. Three alternative techniques of statistically assembling profiles of the requisite human attributes for jobs are found to have differential levels of reliability and differential degrees of validity in their estimation of the "actual" ability requirements of jobs. The utility of these two sets of job descriptors to serve as representations of the cognitive structure similarity of job groups is investigated in a study which simulates a job transfer situation. The central role of the index of similarity used to assess the relationship between "target" and "present" job is demonstrated. The relative extents to which job structure similarity and job attribute similariity are associated with positive transfer are investigated. The studies demonstrate that the dimensions of jobs, and more fruitfully their requisite human attributes can serve as bases to predict job transfer learning and performance. The nature of the index of similarity used to optimally formulate predictions of transfer is such that networks of jobs might be establishable to which current job incumbents could be expected to transfer positively. The derivation of "job families" with anticipated reciprocal transfer consequences is considered to be less appropriate.
A profile of the roles performed by Australian health professionals working in international health was constructed to identify the core competencies they require, and the implications for education and training of international health practitioners. The methods used included: literature review and document analysis of available training and education; an analysis of competencies required in job descriptions for international health positions; and consultations with key informants. The international health roles identified were classified in four main groups: Program Directors, Program Managers, Team Leaders and Health Specialists. Thirteen 'core' competencies were identified from the job analysis and key informant/group interviews. Contributing to international health development in resource poor countries requires high level cultural, interpersonal and team-work competencies. Technical expertise in health disciplines is required, with flexibility to adapt to new situations. International health professionals need to combine public health competencies with high level personal maturity to respond to emerging challenges.
O presente trabalho tem como foco a descentralização enquanto um dos pilares da gestão proposta pelo Sistema Único da Assistência Social / SUAS, no âmbito da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS 2004). Trata-se de uma análise do processo que se inaugura com a descentralização fiscal promulgada pela Constituição de 1988 no âmbito específico da Política de Assistência Social, elegendo o Centro de Referência da Assistência Social enquanto ponto de partida para se aferir tal estudo, entendendo-o à luz da Política Nacional de Assistência Social (PNAS, 2004) como unidade central de referência à territorialidade no âmbito dos municípios.
As the foundation of other human resource practices, job analysis plays an essential role in HR management. Exploring sources of variance in job analysis ratings given by incumbents from the same job is of much significance to HRM practices. It can also shed lights on employee motivation in organizations. But previous studies in job analysis field have usually been conducted at individual level and take variance in job analysis ratings given by incumbents of the same job as error or bias. This dissertation takes the position that the variance may be meaningful based on role theory and other relevant theories. It first reviewed pervious studies on factors which may influence job analysis ratings provided by incumbents of the same job, and then investigated individual, interpersonal and organizational level variables which may exert impacts on these job analysis ratings, using multilevel data from 8 jobs of 1124 incumbents. The major findings are as follows: 1) Level of job performance and job attitudes affect incumbents’ job analysis ratings by incumbents of the same job at individual level. Specifically, incumbents with high level of job performance rated their job require higher levels of technical skills (power plant designers), and regarded information processing activities as more important to their job (book editors). Regarding the effects of job attitudes, incumbents of the four jobs with high level of job satisfaction gave higher importance and level ratings on organizational and cognitive skills, as well as higher level ratings on technical skills. Further, incumbents with higher affective commitment provided higher importance and level ratings of cognitive skills. Lastly, more involved job incumbents perceived organizational skills and cognitive skills as more important, and required at higher levels, for their job. 2) Leader-Member Exchange and goal structure also have effects on job analysis ratings by incumbents of the same job at interpersonal level. In good quality LMX relationship, news reporters rated decision-making activities and interpersonal activities as more important to their job. On the other side, when book editors structured their goals as cooperative with others’, they provided higher importance ratings on reasoning and interpersonal skills, and related personality requirements, as well as higher level ratings on reasoning abilities. 3) Worker requirements for the identical job are distinct from one organization to another. Specifically, there were between-organization differences in achievement orientation and conscientiousness related personality requirements. In addition, two dimensions of organizational culture, achievement-oriented culture and integrity-oriented culture in particular, were significantly associated with importance ratings of achievement orientation and conscientiousness related personality requirements respectively. Furthermore, achievement-oriented culture both directly and indirect (through job involvement) influenced achievement orientation related personality requirements. The results indicate that variation in job analysis ratings provided by incumbents of the same job may be meaningful. Future job analysis studies and practices should consider the impacts of these individual, interpersonal and organizational level factors on job analysis information. The results also have important implications for employee motivation concerning how organizational demands can be transformed into specific job and worker requirements.
This paper develops some theoretical and methodological considerations for the development of a critical competence model (CCM). The model is defined as a set of skills and knowledge functionally organized allowing measurable results with positive consequences for the strategic business objectives. The theoretical approaches of classical model of competences, the contemporary model of competencies and human competencies model were revised for the proposal development. implementation of the model includes 5 steps: 1) conducting a job analysis considering which dimensions or facets are subject to revision, 2) identify people with the opposite performance (the higher performance and lower performance); 3) identify critical incidents most relevant to the job position, 4) develop behavioral expectation scales (bes) and 5) validate BES obtained for experts in the field. As a final consideration, is determined that the competence models require accurate measurement. Approaches considering excessive theoreticism may cause the issue of competence become a fashion business with low or minimal impact, affecting its validity, reliability and deployment in organizations.
Objetivo: Describir los elementos diagnósticos de la patología de hombro doloroso, en trabajadores calificados en medicina laboral EPS-privada, Bogotá (Colombia), año 2012. Método: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal sobre una muestra de trabajadores afiliados a EPS-privada año 2012 calificados por patología de hombro doloroso de origen profesional. La muestra estudiada fue de 343 registros de trabajadores, que representa el 2.3% del total de la enfermedades profesionales y accidentes de trabajo de todas las patologías calificadas. Resultados: Los diagnósticos de hombro doloroso encontrados son: Bursitis 91.54%, Manguito Rotador 6.13% y otros 2.33%. En el 100% de los casos de manguito rotador secundarios a accidentes de trabajo solo se les practicó rayos X. Para los casos de enfermedad laboral, bursitis y otros, los laboratorios practicados en el 100% de los casos fueron factor reumatoide, velocidad de eritro-sedimentación y proteína C reactiva. Las interconsultas médicas por fisiatría fueron el 100% y ortopedia el 81%; en el 30% fue necesario la realización de resonancia nuclear magnética y tomografía axial computarizada en el 44%. Se les realizó análisis de puesto de trabajo empleando el método ANSI al 61% y RULA al 32%. Conclusión: Con los elementos diagnósticos empleados en la calificación de las patologías de hombro doloroso en medicina laboral EPS-privada, Bogotá (Colombia), año 2012, solo se logra diagnosticar la Bursitis y el Manguito Rotador. Dentro de otros diagnósticos se encuentra una gran oportunidad para afinar los elementos que permitan establecer con certeza la entidad nosológica.
The aim of this study was to evaluate working conditions in the textile industry for different stages of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) development, and workers` perception of fatigue and workability. A cross-sectional study was undertaken with 126 workers in the production areas of five Brazilian textile plants. The corporate executive officers and managers of each company provided their personal evaluations of CSR. Companies were divided into 2 groups (higher and lower) of CSR scores. Workers completed questionnaires on fatigue, workability and working conditions. Ergonomic job analysis showed similar results for working conditions, independent of their CSR score. Multivariate analysis models were developed for fatigue and workability, indicating that they are both associated to factors related to working conditions and individual workers` characteristics and life styles. Work organization, (what, how, when, where and for how long the work is done), is also an associated factor for fatigue. This study suggests that workers` opinions should be taken into greater consideration when companies develop their CSR programs, in particular for those relating to working conditions. Relevance to industry: This paper underlines the importance of considering working conditions and workers` opinions of them, work organization and individual workers` characteristics and life styles in order to restore or to maintain workability and to reduce fatigue, independently of how developed a company may be in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Uma nova abordagem sobre Análise de Trabalho é o que norteia esta dissertação. Partindo de uma. avaliação preliminar sobre as metodologias existentes, visa oferecer uma perspectiva inovadora no plano técnico e metodológico, através de um m:x3.elo especifico, aqui, denominado - TAREFA CRÍTICA. Nesta trajetória a temática envolve, preliminarmente, uma. reavaliação em termos organizacionais dos aspectos administrativos e comportamentais, vinculados ao estudo do trabalho humano. Sucessivamente, são postos em discussão os problemas específicos das metodologias utilizadas em Análise de Trabalhe, revistos em suas noções básicas. Esta primeira avaliação permite enfrentar uma análise subsequente englobando uma revisão dos métodos, através de termos coordenadores aptos a levantar a diretriz lógica dos processos classificatórios existentes. Desta forma, são fixados e discutidos critérios destinados a classificar as classificações dos métodos, no intuito de se entender a própria lógica subjacente ao sentido e aos objetivos de cada um. A Análise, até certo ponto, exaustiva desses termos, além de propiciar a sistematização conceitual da relação e interação dos métodos frente aos seus objetivos e respectivos resultados, conduziu à proposta metodológica que constitui objeto desta tese. A TAREFA CRÍTICA pretende conciliar, definitivamente, a análise do binômio trabalho-trabalhador, pelo emprego de um raciocínio em parte construtivista, e em parte essencialista; superando, de um lado, os radicalismos operacionais e, de outro, os impasses empiristas em análise de Trabalho. Seu desenvolvimento se originou da hipótese de que sempre há um núcleo fundamental no comportamento do trabalhador a ser definido a partir dos eventos ou dados positivos do trabalho, e susceptivel de explicitar uma significação enucleada nas metas organizacionais que lhe correspondem.
Este trabalho, concebido dentro de uma perspectiva humanista, propõe-se a elaborar e testar um modelo de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Organizacional. A abordagem sistêmica permitiu a aplicação de conceitos da Teoria da Informação, tendo em vista a ideia de se elaborar uma sistemática de tratamento de dados coleta dos, que possibilite uma nova forma de Descrição de Cargos e consequente Especificações de Trabalho. O objetivo de tal colocação visa minorar as principais falhas existentes na passagem ' dos requisitos de Trabalho às Especificações decorrentes, tornando este "salto" menos subjetivo, mais operacional e melhor quantificável. Por outro lado, o tratamento de dados à luz da Teoria da Informação, permite a elaboração de novas categorizações e avaliações para fins psicológicos. Além de se obter uma classificação objetiva, operacional e dinâmica em termos de análise de trabalho, são formulados novos recursos com vista s a uma seleção adequada, um tratamento útil e específico, fundamentados nos elementos discriminantes de cada cargo. Finalmente, através de uma análise da estrutura e da dinâmica de uma organização específica, fundamentada em processos de análise de trabalho e de avaliação de pessoal, baseadas na teoria da, informação é também possível planejar-se mudanças organizacionais - com perspectivas ergonômicas - na área considera da crítica, para minimizar a eficiência dos recursos humanos de uma organização, isto é, a adaptação do trabalho ao Homem.
The main concern of activities developed in oil and gas well construction is safety. But safety during the well construction process is not a trivial subject. Today risk evaluation approaches are based in static analyses of existent systems. In other words, those approaches do not allow a dynamic analysis that evaluates the risk for each alteration of the context. This paper proposes the use of Quantitative and Dynamic Risk Assessment (QDRA) to assess the degree of safety of each planned job. The QDRA can be understood as a safe job analysis approach, developed with the purpose of quantifying the safety degree in entire well construction and maintenance activities. The QDRA is intended to be used in the planning stages of well construction and maintenance, where the effects of hazard on job sequence are important unknowns. This paper also presents definitions of barrier, and barriers integrated set (BIS), and a modeling technique showing their relationships. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the virtual environment implementation for project simulation and conception of supervision and control systems for mobile robots, that are capable to operate and adapting in different environments and conditions. This virtual system has as purpose to facilitate the development of embedded architecture systems, emphasizing the implementation of tools that allow the simulation of the kinematic conditions, dynamic and control, with real time monitoring of all important system points. For this, an open control architecture is proposal, integrating the two main techniques of robotic control implementation in the hardware level: systems microprocessors and reconfigurable hardware devices. The implemented simulator system is composed of a trajectory generating module, a kinematic and dynamic simulator module and of a analysis module of results and errors. All the kinematic and dynamic results shown during the simulation can be evaluated and visualized in graphs and tables formats, in the results analysis module, allowing an improvement in the system, minimizing the errors with the necessary adjustments optimization. For controller implementation in the embedded system, it uses the rapid prototyping, that is the technology that allows, in set with the virtual simulation environment, the development of a controller project for mobile robots. The validation and tests had been accomplish with nonholonomics mobile robots models with diferencial transmission. © 2008 IEEE.
A seleção de pessoal visa a introduzir na organização os candidatos mais apropriados as suas necessidades. Existe uma carência de literatura behaviorista radical acerca desse tema, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de trabalhos que orientem atuações coerentes com essa teoria. O objetivo deste estudo é discutir os métodos utilizados na seleção à luz dos pressupostos conceituais do behaviorismo radical. Os métodos de seleção existentes são analisados e discutidos em termos de aumento do controle das variáveis presentes no contexto da seleção a fim de proceder à identificação dos repertórios comportamentais dos candidatos. Propõe-se uma análise de cargo baseada nos conceitos behavioristas, discute-se a possibilidade de condução de entrevistas de seleção focadas no comportamento bem como o uso de técnicas de simulação que permitam a identificação de repertórios comportamentais. Conclui-se que é necessário desenvolver discussões teóricas e instrumentos operacionais facilitadores de uma prática psicológica vinculada aos pressupostos behavioristas radicais.
Trained observers used components of the functional job analysis technique to categorize 3,371 tasks performed by 214 nursing assistants in four nursing homes on five occasions over 12 months. The extent to which each task was oriented toward residents versus data or things was coded along with the "level of complexity" of each of these orientations. A psychosocial index was created by multiplying orientation by complexity. Three questions structured the analyses: (a) To what extent do nursing assistants' tasks involve interacting with residents, as opposed to focusing on data or manipulating things? (b) How complex are these tasks? (c) What are the implications of the task analysis data for assessing the quality of psychosocial care? Findings reveal that even among the direct care tasks (69% of total), the orientation was not predominantly toward the resident. Functional complexity of the tasks observed was consistently low. Those task types with the greatest psychosocial quality were those performed least frequently and vice versa. Implications of these results for restructuring nursing assistants' work are discussed.
Bibliography: p. 313-316.