998 resultados para JOVENES (TEOLOGIA CRISTIANA)
L'Oracional hispanic de Verona ha estat sempre referencia obligada per als estudis de topografia de l'Antiguitat tardana a Tarragona. L'estudi intenta conjugar la litúrgia amb l'arqueologia per a coneixer l'emplaçament de les esglésies de Tarraco vers el 700. L'analisi litúrgica de l'Oracional no només permet assegurar que les conegudes rubriques de les processons del diumenge de Carnestoltes no pertanyen a l'ordo catedral, sinó que, també, permet identificar una quarta església -a més de les de Sant Fructuós, Sant Pere i la Catedral-, per a la qual va ser adaptat el Codex Veronensis i que, probablement, estava advocada a sant Hipolit. També és novedosa la proposta per a l'emplaçament de l'església de Sant Pere, en una volta de la capçalera oriental del Circ -desafectat de la seva funció com a edifici d'espectacles- que argumentem mitjançant un text de 1174 del Diplomatari de Poblet.
L'Oracional hispanic de Verona ha estat sempre referencia obligada per als estudis de topografia de l'Antiguitat tardana a Tarragona. L'estudi intenta conjugar la litúrgia amb l'arqueologia per a coneixer l'empla~ament de les esglésies de Tarraco vers el 700. L'analisi litúrgica de l'Oracional no només permet assegurar que les conegudes rubriques de les processons del diumenge de Carnestoltes no pertanyen a l'ordo catedral, sinó que, també, permet identificar una quarta església -a més de les de Sant Fructuós, Sant Pere i la Catedral-, per a la qual va ser adaptat el Codex Veronensis i que, probablement, estava advocada a sant Hipolit. També és novedosa la proposta per a l'emplaçament de l'església de Sant Pere, en una volta de la cap~alera oriental del Circ -desafectat de la seva funció com a edifici d'espectacles- que argumentem mitjan~ant un text de 1174 del Diplomatari de Poblet.
C'è ancora spazio per la teologia all'interno del sapere? E che genere di sapere è quello proprio della teologia? È un sapere che conosce ma che, a un tempo, ha anche il sapore della fede: è un "sapere che sa di fede". In queste pagine teologi e studiosi di varie discipline (dalla filosofia all'economia, dal diritto alla pedagogia) si interrogano sul moderno assetto del sapere in rapporto alla teologia.
Objectives: the goals of the present study were: 1) to compare the levels of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders in young patients assisted at a children"s hospital for obesity; 2) to determine whether anxiety and depression explain the symptoms of the eating disorders; and 3) to know which of these symptoms better discriminate the young people with different degrees of obesity. Materials and method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with a sample comprised by 281 youngsters (56% girls) aged 11-17 years. The BMI percentiles were calculated by using the WHO growth tables. Two study groups were created: severe obesity and overweight/light-moderate obesity. The following questionnaires were used: Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2), depression questionnaire (DQ), and Status-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire (STAI). Results: The youngsters with obesity showed more psychological problems than youngsters with overweight/ light-moderate obesity, 12% had anxiety, and 11% depression. In both groups, the behaviours related with eating disorders were partially explained by the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression. Dissatisfaction with the body and high anxiety trait increased the risk for perpetuating the obesity and were the two symptoms that better discriminated the patients with or without severe obesity. Conclusion: Obesity prevention programmes should include body dissatisfaction and the anxiety trait into the assessment and management protocols, and prevent anxiety getting fixed as a personality trait.
Els sarcòfags paleocristians de Tàrraco. Aproximació a la primera iconografia cristiana de Tarragona
Objectives: the goals of the present study were: 1) to compare the levels of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders in young patients assisted at a children"s hospital for obesity; 2) to determine whether anxiety and depression explain the symptoms of the eating disorders; and 3) to know which of these symptoms better discriminate the young people with different degrees of obesity. Materials and method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study with a sample comprised by 281 youngsters (56% girls) aged 11-17 years. The BMI percentiles were calculated by using the WHO growth tables. Two study groups were created: severe obesity and overweight/light-moderate obesity. The following questionnaires were used: Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2), depression questionnaire (DQ), and Status-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire (STAI). Results: The youngsters with obesity showed more psychological problems than youngsters with overweight/ light-moderate obesity, 12% had anxiety, and 11% depression. In both groups, the behaviours related with eating disorders were partially explained by the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression. Dissatisfaction with the body and high anxiety trait increased the risk for perpetuating the obesity and were the two symptoms that better discriminated the patients with or without severe obesity. Conclusion: Obesity prevention programmes should include body dissatisfaction and the anxiety trait into the assessment and management protocols, and prevent anxiety getting fixed as a personality trait.
Teksti perustuu 2.11.2012 Lapin yliopistossa järjestetyn väitöstilaisuuden lectio praecursoria -esitelmään.
Resumen En la Argentina el importante rol que el cristianismo liberacionista ha jugado en la conformación y planteamiento y conceptualización de una izquierda movimentaria no tradicionalmente política ha sido frecuentemente pasado por alto. En este artículo argumentamos sobre la presencia de una matriz político-ideológica cristiana, esto es, una tradición particular de objetivación de lo social y lo político, operando en el origen mismo de esta izquierda social. Analizamos posteriormente algunas de las características comunes a muchos de los nuevos movimientos sociales latinoamericanos y establecemos un paralelo con las formas de categorizar lo social típicas de los movimientos cristianos. Finalmente realizamos un relevamiento de esas categorías en una editorial de la revista Alternativa Latinoamericana, empleada aquí en tanto documento del discurso cristiano-ecuménico en la Argentina de los ’80.