978 resultados para Involuntary Outpatient Treatment


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Objective: Integrated behavior therapy approaches are defined by the combination of behavioral and or cognitive interventions targeting neurocognition combined with other goal-oriented treatment targets such as social cognition, social skills, or educational issues. The Integrated Psychological Therapy Program (IPT) represents one of the very first behavior therapy approaches combining interventions of neurocognition, social cognition, and social competence. This comprehensive group-based bottom-up and top-down approach consists of five subprograms, each with incremental steps. IPT has been successfully implemented in several countries in Europe, America, Australia and in Asia. IPT worked as a model for some other approaches designed in the USA. IPT was undergone two further developments: based on the social competence part of IPT, the three specific therapy programs focusing residential, occupational or recreational topics were developed. Recently, the cognitive part of INT was rigorously expanded into the Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy (INT) designed exclusively for outpatient treatment: INT includes interventions targeting all neurocognitive and social cognitive domains defined by the NIMH-MATRICS initiative. These group and partially PC-based exercises are structured into four therapy modules, each starting with exercises on neurocognitive domains followed by social cognitive targets. Efficacy: The evidence of integrated therapy approaches and its advantage compared to of one-track interventions was becoming a discussion tool in therapy research as well as in mental health systems. Results of meta-analyses support superiority of integrated approaches compared to one-track interventions in more distal outcome areas such as social functioning. These results are in line with the large body of 37 independent IPT studies in 12 countries. Moreover, IPT research indicates the maintenance of therapy effects after the end of therapy and some evidence generalization effects. Additionally, the international randomized multi-center study on INT with 169 outpatients strongly supports the successful therapy of integrated therapy in proximal and distal outcome such as significant effects in cognition, functioning and negative symptoms. Clinical implication: therapy research as well as expert’s clinical experience recommends integrated therapy approaches such as IPT to be successful agents within multimodal psychiatric treatment concepts. Finally, integrated group therapy based on cognitive remediation seems to motivate and stimulate schizophrenia inpatients and outpatients to more successful and independent life also demanded by the recovery movement.


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Objectives: To review the results of the first 403 women treated at the Abnormal Smear and Colposcopy Unit with special reference to the utility, efficacy, acceptability and economy of in-office treatment of cervical lesions by large loop or Fischer cone excision. Design: Retrospective chart review of consecutive patients treated following, referral with an abnormal smear or abnormal cervical morphology, between 1 September 1996 and I August 2001. Setting: Inner city private practice. Sample: A total of 403 consecutive General Practitioner referred women. Methods: Details of referral smear result, colposcopically directed biopsy result, subsequent treatment type and histological result including assessability number of specimens submitted, complications and follow-up assessment were extracted at chart review. Costs of public hospital inpatient and outpatient care, supplied by the Casemix and Clinical Benchmarking Service, Mater Miseraecordae Public Hospitals (with permission to publish), were compared with Medicare rebates. Main outcome measures: A total of 187 women were treated by large loop excision of the transformation zone, and 216 by Fischer cone excision. The number of women who were treated as outpatients under local anaesthetic were 395, while eight patients were treated under general anaesthesia as inpatients. There was poor correlation between referring smear, biopsy and subsequent treatment results. Eight patients had abnormal cytology at follow-up, of whom two have been retreated. Three patients had primary or secondary bleeding requiring treatment and two developed cervical stenosis. Outpatient private practice treatment of women with abnormal smears allows significant savings to the public purse over public or private hospital care. Conclusions: Outpatient treatment of women with abnormal smears, using the Fischer cone technique, is safe, wen accepted, effective and the most cost efficient solution to this public health problem.


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Objective: This study examined a sample of patients in Victoria, Australia, to identify factors in selection for conditional release from an initial hospitalization that occurred within 30 days of entry into the mental health system. Methods: Data were from the Victorian Psychiatric Case Register. All patients first hospitalized and conditionally released between 1990 and 2000 were identified (N = 8,879), and three comparison groups were created. Two groups were hospitalized within 30 days of entering the system: those who were given conditional release and those who were not. A third group was conditionally released from a hospitalization that occurred after or extended beyond 30 days after system entry. Logistic regression identified characteristics that distinguished the first group. Ordinary least-squares regression was used to evaluate the contribution of conditional release early in treatment to reducing inpatient episodes, inpatient days, days per episode, and inpatient days per 30 days in the system. Results: Conditional release early in treatment was used for 11 percent of the sample, or more than a third of those who were eligible for this intervention. Factors significantly associated with selection for early conditional release were those related to a better prognosis ( initial hospitalization at a later age and having greater than an 11th grade education), a lower likelihood of a diagnosis of dementia or schizophrenia, involuntary status at first inpatient admission, and greater community involvement ( being employed and being married). When the analyses controlled for these factors, use of conditional release early in treatment was significantly associated with a reduction in use of subsequent inpatient care.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender como se dão as práticas de cuidado dirigidas ao sujeito adoecido de câncer no cotidiano dos serviços de saúde. Para tanto, partimos do entendimento que o processo de adoecer traz repercussões nos modos de andar a vida dos sujeitos, especialmente no que diz respeito ao câncer, patologia que traz consigo metáforas ligadas à morte, sofrimento e dor. Ao dar início à busca pelos serviços de saúde, os sujeitos se deparam com uma série de entraves que podem não proporcionar alívio, não suprindo as necessidades que essa nova condição impõe. Encontramos, em muitos momentos, práticas que negam o caráter subjetivo da experiência da doença, não valorizando a narrativa dos sujeitos. Como trajetória metodológica, escolhemos desenvolver um estudo de natureza qualitativa, utilizando como instrumento privilegiado a entrevista semi aberta. Iniciamos as entrevistas com a consigna: conte como se deu o tratamento de sua doença desde a descoberta até o momento em que se encontra. Os dados coletados a partir do encontro com os sujeitos adoecidos foram complementados por informações contidas nos prontuários médicos, bem como por observações obtidas no momento da interação. O local de realização da pesquisa foi um hospital estadual de grande porte localizado na cidade de Fortaleza, estado do Ceará. As entrevistas foram realizadas no serviço de oncologia clínica do referido hospital. Ao todo foram entrevistados doze sujeitos que estavam em tratamento ambulatorial no serviço. Dos doze sujeitos, cinco eram mulheres e sete eram homens. As idades variaram de 29 a 65 anos. A análise dos dados se deu após imersão no material empírico, posteriormente materializado nas transcrições das entrevistas. Procuramos deixar que os sentidos aflorassem, confrontando com o material que já tínhamos disponível, surgindo daí as categorias empíricas. Dividimos as categorias em duas dimensões, a do sujeito e a da rede de serviços de saúde. Ao final da análise, constatamos alguns pontos que consideramos importantes no sentido de se tornarem dispositivos de mudança. Foi possível confirmar que os sujeitos sabem de si, e realizam um processo de construção do sentido sobre sua doença e das práticas terapêuticas. A doença produz mudanças no sujeito, e os força a ressignificarem sua rotina e hábitos de vida. Foi possível observar que o encontro com os serviços de saúde tem se dado de forma truncada. A luta pelo direito a saúde é árdua: pela demora na confirmação do diagnóstico, pela demora em conseguir marcar exames e receber seus resultados, pela falta de especialistas que saibam o que estão fazendo. Os sujeitos têm descoberto a doença quando esta se encontra avançada. A importância do diálogo, da escuta, da percepção do que o outro necessita é importante, por isso, valorizar os relatos dos sujeitos adoecidos de câncer se faz urgente.


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Trata-se de estudo transversal sem modelo de intervenção, que tem como objeto a atenção à saúde na prevenção secundária da doença coronariana a pacientes com ou sem tratamento ambulatorial especializado. O objetivo primário foi: Avaliar se há diferença na atenção à saúde entre pacientes portadores de doença arterial coronariana em sua forma aguda ou crônica com ou sem acompanhamento ambulatorial especializado. Os objetivos secundários foram: a) apresentar o perfil de cada grupo de pacientes a partir de dados sócio-demográficos e econômicos; b) descrever as característica clínicas dos pacientes e identificar a que fatores de risco cada grupo de pacientes está exposto; c) descrever a regularidade na utilização de medicamentos e como se dá o acesso à mesma; d) identificar o tipo e principais dificuldades enfrentadas pelo paciente para seguir o tratamento. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado formulário desenvolvido e previamente testado para atender os objetivos propostos para o estudo, além de informações coletadas diretamente do prontuário do paciente. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três unidades públicas de saúde localizadas no município do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra selecionada foi composta por 112 pacientes divididos igualmente entre os dois grupos existentes na pesquisa. Os dados foram transcritos para planilha do programa Statistic Package for the Social Science e análise realizada através dos testes estatísticos de diferença entre proporção, odds-ratio e qui-quadrado. Quanto ao perfil sócio-demográfico e econômico verificou-se diferença estatística significativa quanto ao grau de instrução entre os grupos I e II, com predomínio de pacientes de nível fundamental incompleto para o grupo I e médio completo no grupo II (p=0,0434), foi também verificada diferença significativa entre os grupos relacionada ao rendimento mensal, embora o maior percentual encontrado em ambos os grupos tenha sido observado na faixa de dois salários mínimos, uma vez que o grupo II apresentou maior concentração de renda entre a faixa de dois a três salários mínimos (p=0,0044). Ao que se refere aos fatores de risco para doença coronariana, observou-se diferença estatística entre os grupos para a variável tabagismo (p= 0,0001) e sedentarismo (p=0,0025). Verificou-se para pacientes do grupo I valor estatístico significativo quanto a regularidade em utilizar medicamentos (p=0,0010). Concluiu-se, portanto, que o acompanhamento de pacientes pós-síndrome coronariana aguda em ambulatório especializado de coronariopatias apresentou benefícios significativos quando comparado ao grupo de pacientes não cobertos por este tipo de assistência. Verificou-se ainda que o enfermeiro poderá contribuir e atuar amplamente para a prevenção secundária da doença coronariana, enquanto membro da equipe multidisciplinar.


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Objective Conventional surgical management of prolapsing haemorrhoids is by excisional haemorrhoidectomy. Postoperative pain has restricted the application of such procedures in the day case setting. These operations remain associated with a period of restricted activity. The use of circular stapling devices as an alternative to the excisional approach in the management of haemorrhoids has been described. This study reports our experience of stapled haemorrhoidopexy as a day case procedure.

Methods Patients with third or fourth degree haemorrhoids were eligible for the procedure. Patients were considered suitable candidates for day case surgery based on conventional parameters. Symptoms were assessed using a previously validated symptom severity rating score. Stapled haemorrhoiclopexy was carried out using a circular stapling device. Pain scores were obtained prior to discharge. Patients were admitted if pain was uncontrolled despite oral analgesia. Symptoms were re-scored at six-week follow-up.

Results Over a 70-month period 168 consecutive stapled haemorrhoidopexies were performed or directly supervised by one consultant colorectal surgeon. One hundred and ten (65%) patients were considered appropriate candidates for day case surgery by conventional criteria. Ninety-six (87.3%) patients successfully underwent stapled haemorrhoidopexyon a day case basis. Fourteen (12.7%) patients required admission on the day of surgery (5 for early Postoperative bleeding, 4 for pain necessitating continuing opiate analgesia, two for urinary retention and three for surgery performed late in the day). Six (5%) patients were re-admitted postoperatively; four for pain relief and two because of urinary retention. Of the day case patients, 91 (82.7%) and 56 (50.9%) had been seen for 6 week and 6 month review, respectively, at the time of analysis. Symptom scores were 6 (pre-operatively) vs 0 (postoperatively) (P <0.01). 76/91 (83.5%) patients reviewed at 6/52 were asymptomatic.

Conclusion Stapled haemorrhoidopexy is a safe and effective procedure that can be carried out on selected patients on a day case basis. Complications are of a similar nature to excisional haemorrhoidectomy.


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China has undergone dramatic economic and social reforms during last 30 years, leading to a notably higher level of living standards and health care access for Chinese citizens. However, China's cataract surgical rate of 780 cases/y per million population trails Asian neighbors with lower income levels such as India and Vietnam. Eye care providers and patients encounter many barriers in gaining access to one another.Hands-on training programs conducted by international nongovernmental organizations and the government have helped to increase the number of qualified cataract surgeons in rural area, but establishing a residency training system that produces ophthalmologists capable of performing independent surgery is the only sustainable way to meet the increasing demand for surgery from an aging population. The New Rural Cooperative Medical System has successfully reduced the financial burden of cataract surgery for the rural population; however, reimbursement for outpatient treatment of leading eye diseases is needed.Community outreach screening combined with education is essential in rural areas' increased demand for surgery. Methods to optimize the yield from such screening must still be devised and proven, however. Improvements in the hospital administration and management structure are also needed to improve the efficiency of China's rural hospitals in delivering high-quality, low-cost cataract surgical services.


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BACKGROUND: First hospitalisation for a psychotic episode causes intense distress to patients and families, but offers an opportunity to make a diagnosis and start treatment. However, linkage to outpatient psychiatric care remains a notoriously difficult step for young psychotic patients, who frequently interrupt treatment after hospitalisation. Persistence of symptoms, and untreated psychosis may therefore remain a problem despite hospitalisation and proper diagnosis. With persisting psychotic symptoms, numerous complications may arise: breakdown in relationships, loss of family and social support, loss of employment or study interruption, denial of disease, depression, suicide, substance abuse and violence. Understanding mechanisms that might promote linkage to outpatient psychiatric care is therefore a critical issue, especially in early intervention in psychotic disorders. OBJECTIVE: To study which factors hinder or promote linkage of young psychotic patients to outpatient psychiatric care after a first hospitalisation, in the absence of a vertically integrated program for early psychosis. Method. File audit study of all patients aged 18 to 30 who were admitted for the first time to the psychiatric University Hospital of Lausanne in the year 2000. For statistical analysis, chi2 tests were used for categorical variables and t-test for dimensional variables; p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. RESULTS: 230 patients aged 18 to 30 were admitted to the Lausanne University psychiatric hospital for the first time during the year 2000, 52 of them with a diagnosis of psychosis (23%). Patients with psychosis were mostly male (83%) when compared with non-psychosis patients (49%). Furthermore, they had (1) 10 days longer mean duration of stay (24 vs 14 days), (2) a higher rate of compulsory admissions (53% vs 22%) and (3) were more often hospitalised by a psychiatrist rather than by a general practitioner (83% vs 53%). Other socio-demographic and clinical features at admission were similar in the two groups. Among the 52 psychotic patients, 10 did not stay in the catchment area for subsequent treatment. Among the 42 psychotic patients who remained in the catchment area after discharge, 20 (48%) did not attend the scheduled or rescheduled outpatient appointment. None of the socio demographic characteristics were associated with attendance to outpatient appointments. On the other hand, voluntary admission and suicidal ideation before admission were significantly related to attending the initial appointment. Moreover, some elements of treatment seemed to be associated with higher likelihood to attend outpatient treatment: (1) provision of information to the patient regarding diagnosis, (2) discussion about the treatment plan between in- and outpatient staff, (3) involvement of outpatient team during hospitalisation, and (4) elaboration of concrete strategies to face basic needs, organise daily activities or education and reach for help in case of need. CONCLUSION: As in other studies, half of the patients admitted for a first psychotic episode failed to link to outpatient psychiatric care. Our study suggests that treatment rather than patient's characteristics play a critical role in this phenomenon. Development of a partnership and involvement of patients in the decision process, provision of good information regarding the illness, clear definition of the treatment plan, development of concrete strategies to cope with the illness and its potential complications, and involvement of the outpatient treating team already during hospitalisation, all came out as critical strategies to facilitate adherence to outpatient care. While the current rate of disengagement after admission is highly concerning, our finding are encouraging since they constitute strategies that can easily be implemented. An open approach to psychosis, the development of partnership with patients and a better coordination between inpatient and outpatient teams should therefore be among the targets of early intervention programs. These observations might help setting up priorities when conceptualising new programs and facilitate the implementation of services that facilitate engagement of patients in treatment during the critical initial phase of psychotic disorders.


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En la actualidad tanto el consumo de alcohol y marihuana, como las conductas suicidas (ideación e intención suicida) en adultos jóvenes, constituyen un problema de salud pública cuyo impacto a nivel social y emocional, irrumpe el estilo de vida no sólo de quien es consumidor y lleva a cabo conductas suicidas sino al núcleo familiar y social circundante. Hay una especial preocupación por el temprano consumo de estas sustancias, oscilando entre los 15 años en el caso de los hombres y en las mujeres a los 18 años. El objetivo de esta revisión teórica es revisar la evidencia teórica y empírica sobre la conducta suicida (ideación e intención) y el consumo de alcohol y marihuana en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Entre otros, los resultados muestran que el consumo de alcohol y la conducta suicida están relacionados y que no hay evidencia empírica sobre la relación entre el consumo de marihuana y esta conducta.


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Purpose: there are many studies reporting the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, but few of them exhibit the behavior and activities of these services. This article presents the characteristics of services, parts management and training level of team members, in addition to the variables or instruments used to measure the effectiveness and impact in these programs. Method: it was made a cross sectional convenience sample which included seven pulmonary rehabilitation services in four Colombian cities (Bogotá, Medellín, Manizales and Cali), selected by the coverage, for having at least one year of experience and for being formally established and recognized nationwide. The interdisciplinary team of each service answered a survey that was validated through a pilot test and expert consensus. Participation was voluntary. Results: labor onset pulmonary rehabilitation services correspond to an average of a decade, with COPD and asthma pathologies of attention. The programs are characterized by an outpatient treatment with an average duration of eight to twelve weeks, with a frequency of an hour three times a week. Also, the director of the service is regularly a pulmonologist and the coordinator a physiotherapist (57.14%). The posgradual training of these professionals is notable, and they report to have procedural, administrative and communicative skills, but qualify regular there research skills. The physical and technological resources are well tested. 71.42% have done impact studies, but only 28.57% have been published. All have in common training in upper limbs, lower limbs, respiratory muscles, counseling, functional assessment and quality of life. The effectiveness and impact of programs is measured by the walking test, quality of life questionnaires and activities of daily living.


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Adolescent day programs (ADPs) are an increasingly used approach to treating adolescents with mental health issues. However, there is a dearth of studies empirically examining the outcomes of adolescent day programs. This study retrospectively examined the mental health functioning of 84 adolescents, pre- and post-treatment, who in addition to their ongoing outpatient treatment had participated in an ADP during a five-year period. Their functioning was compared to matched adolescents who participated only in outpatient treatment during the same time period. Statistical and clinical examinations revealed the reported outcomes following ADP treatment were at least comparable, and sometimes significantly better, when compared to the reported outcomes following outpatient treatment excluding ADP involvement. This study, while having some methodological shortcomings, provides some evidence for the efficacy of ADPs.


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Este artigo é uma reflexão teórica acerca de como os familiares estiveram incluídos na assistência ao portador de sofrimento psíquico. Iniciamos a partir da constituição da psiquiatria enquanto ciência médica e buscamos chegar até os nossos dias. Percebemos que a família foi excluída do cuidado ao doente mental e que só veio receber a atenção e ser investigada a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial quando começou o processo de desospitalização. No Brasil as estratégias visando auxiliar a família no enfrentamento do sofrimento psíquico ainda se encontram incipientes.


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OBJETIVO: Estudar prospectivamente a população internada em um hospital-dia (HD) em relação a fatores que poderiam influenciar na melhora e na duração da internação. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados, para obtenção de dados sociodemográficos e avaliação da evolução, 34 pacientes internados no Hospital-Dia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Unesp, durante um ano. O diagnóstico psiquiátrico foi avaliado pela CIDI (Composite International Diagnostic Interview), a sintomatologia psiquiátrica pela BPRS (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) e a incapacitação psicossocial pela DAS (Psychiatric Disability Assessment Schedule). Todos os pacientes foram acompanhados, e seus familiares, entrevistados. RESULTADOS: Predominaram mulheres (76%), jovens (61,8%), sem vínculo conjugal (71%), sem trabalho (82,4%), com diagnóstico de transtornos afetivos (44,1%) e com internações psiquiátricas prévias (44%). Apenas quatro (12%) pacientes apresentavam uma síndrome maior segundo BPRS. Houve considerável incapacitação psicossocial dos pacientes em alguns papéis sociais. Maior renda per capita foi um fator associado à melhor evolução. As internações duraram em média 74 dias. Pacientes com internações prévias tenderam a permanecer menos tempo no HD. CONCLUSÕES: Portadores de transtornos afetivos e quadros não-psicóticos geralmente não necessitam de internação por período integral em hospital psiquiátrico. Contudo, os pacientes deste estudo tiveram um elevado número de internações psiquiátricas prévias, provavelmente por necessitarem de um nível de atendimento além das possibilidades dos ambulatórios. Entretanto, pacientes com maior número de internações -- em tese mais graves -- tenderam a permanecer menos tempo no HD, o que suscita dúvidas quanto à sua adesão a serviços abertos, bem como aos possíveis fatores facilitadores dessa adesão. em um momento de crescimento expressivo no número de serviços de internação parcial no Brasil, como nos últimos anos, mais estudos são necessários a fim de esclarecer para quem e para quê são destinados esses serviços.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB