999 resultados para Investimentos publicos - Bahia


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Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, is an important pollen allergen source with a long season of pollination and wide distribution in subtropical and temperate regions. We aimed to characterize the 55. kDa allergen of Bahia grass pollen (BaGP) and ascertain its clinical importance. BaGP extract was separated by 2D-PAGE and immunoblotted with serum IgE of a grass pollen-allergic patient. The amino-terminal protein sequence of the predominant allergen isoform at 55. kDa had similarity with the group 13 allergens of Timothy grass and maize pollen, Phl p 13 and Zea m 13. Four sequences obtained by rapid amplification of the allergen cDNA ends represented multiple isoforms of Pas n 13. The predicted full length cDNA for Pas n 13 encoded a 423 amino acid glycoprotein including a signal peptide of 28 residues and with a predicted pI of 7.0. Tandem mass spectrometry of tryptic peptides of 2D gel spots identified peptides specific to the deduced amino acid sequence for each of the four Pas n 13 cDNA, representing 47% of the predicted mature protein sequence of Pas n 13. There was 80.6% and 72.6% amino acid identity with Zea m 13 and Phl p 13, respectively. Reactivity with a Phl p 13-specific monoclonal antibody AF6 supported designation of this allergen as Pas n 13. The allergen was purified from BaGP extract by ammonium sulphate precipitation, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography. Purified Pas n 13 reacted with serum IgE of 34 of 71 (48%) grass pollen-allergic patients and specifically inhibited IgE reactivity with the 55. kDa band of BaGP for two grass pollen-allergic donors. Four isoforms of Pas n 13 from pI 6.3-7.8 had IgE-reactivity with grass pollen allergic sera. The allergenic activity of purified Pas n 13 was demonstrated by activation of basophils from whole blood of three grass pollen-allergic donors tested but not control donors. Pas n 13 is thus a clinically relevant pollen allergen of the subtropical Bahia grass likely to be important in eliciting seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthma in grass pollen-allergic patients.


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Background Grass pollens are major triggers of allergic rhinitis and asthma, but the immunological relationships between pollen allergens of the subtropical Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, and temperate grasses are unresolved. Objective To assess serum IgE cross-reactivity between subtropical P. notatum and temperate Lolium perenne (Ryegrass) pollen allergens. Methods Serum IgE reactivities of grass pollen-allergic patients with P. notatum, L. perenne and Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) pollen extracts and their respective purified group 1 allergens, Pas n 1, Lol p 1 and Cyn d 1, were compared by immunoblotting, ELISA and basophil activation. Results In a cohort of 51 patients from a temperate region, a high frequency of IgE reactivity with each grass pollen was detected, but reactivity with L. perenne pollen was substantially greater than with P. notatum and C. dactylon pollen. Similarly, serum IgE reactivity with Lol p 1 was greater than with Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. For seven of eight sera studied in detail, asymmetric serum IgE cross-reactivity was observed; L. perenne pollen inhibited IgE reactivity with P. notatum pollen but not the converse, and IgE reactivity with Pas n 1 was inhibited by Lol p 1 but IgE reactivity with Lol p 1 was not inhibited by Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. Importantly, P. notatum pollen and Pas n 1 activated basophils in grass pollen-allergic patients from a temperate region, although stimulation was greater by pollen of L. perenne than P. notatum or C. dactylon, and by Lol p 1 than Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. In contrast, a cohort of 47 patients from a subtropical region showed similar IgE reactivity with P. notatum and L. perenne pollen, and reciprocal cross-inhibition of IgE reactivity between L. perenne and P. notatum. Conclusions Pollen allergens of the subtropical P. notatum, including Pas n 1, show clinically relevant IgE cross-reactivity with pollen allergens of L. perenne but also species-specific IgE reactivity.


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Background The subtropical Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) is an important source of pollen allergens with an extended season of pollination and wide distribution in warmer climates. The immunological relationship between pollen allergens of Bahia grass and temperate grasses is unresolved. Methods Serum IgE reactivity of grass pollen-allergic patients with Bahia, Ryegrass and Bermuda grass pollen extracts and their purified group 1 allergens, Pas n 1, Lol p 1 and Cyn d 1, were compared by immunoblotting, ELISA, inhibition ELISA, basophil activation by flow cytometry and molecular modeling. Results Differences in antibody recognition of allergenic components between Bahia grass and Ryegrass pollen were observed by immunoblotting. Eight grass pollen-allergic patients from a temperate region showed greater serum IgE reactivity with Ryegrass pollen than Bahia grass by ELISA. For seven of these sera, Ryegrass pollen inhibited IgE reactivity with Bahia grass pollen but not the converse. For 51 sera from grass pollen-allergic patients in this temperate region, IgE reactivity with Lol p 1 was greater than Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. IgE reactivity with Lol p 1 was not inhibited by Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1, but Pas n 1 IgE reactivity was inhibited by Lol p 1. Two group 1 grass pollen allergen-specific mAb distinguished between temperate and subtropical grass pollens. Basophil activation for three patients tested was greater by Ryegrass pollen than Bahia or Bermuda grass, and by Lol p 1 than Pas n 1 or Cyn d 1. In contrast, two patients from a subtropical region had higher serum IgE reactivity with Bahia grass pollen than Ryegrass and Bahia grass pollen inhibited IgE reactivity with Ryegrass. A structural model of Pas n 1 showed amino acids implicated in IgE epitopes of other group 1 allergens were juxtaposed on the surface. Conclusion Allergens from subtropical Bahia grass pollen, including Pas n 1, share antigenic determinants with temperate grass pollen allergens, but patients exhibit higher serum IgE reactivity to their locally predominant grass pollen. Basophil activation by Bahia grass pollen and Pas n 1 in patients from a temperate climate indicates clinically relevant cross-sensitization between temperate and subtropical grass pollens.


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Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, is a clinically important subtropical grass with a prolonged pollination season from spring to autumn. We aimed to clone and characterise the major Bahia grass pollen allergen, Pas n 1. Grass pollen-allergic patients presenting to a tertiary hospital allergy clinic were tested for IgE reactivity with Bahia grass pollen extract by skin prick testing, ImmunoCAP, ELISA and immunoblotting. Using primers deduced from the N-terminal peptide sequence of a group 1 allergen of Bahia grass pollen extract separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the complete Pas n 1 cDNA was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and cloned. Biological relevance of recombinant Pas n 1 expressed in Escherichia coli was assessed by serum IgE reactivity and basophil activation. Twenty-nine of 34 (85%) consecutive patients presenting with grass pollen allergy were skin prick test positive to Bahia grass pollen. The Pas n 1 cDNA has sequence homology with the β-expansin 1 glycoprotein family and is more closely related to the maize pollen group 1 allergen (85% identity) than to ryegrass Lol p 1 or Timothy grass Phl p 1 (64 and 66% identity, respectively). rPas n 1 reacted with serum IgE in 47 of 55 (85%) Bahia grass pollen-allergic patients, activated basophils and inhibited serum IgE reactivity with the 29 kDa band of Bahia grass pollen extract. In conclusion the cDNA for the major group 1 allergen of the subtropical Bahia grass pollen, Pas n 1, was identified and cloned. rPas n 1 is immunologically active and is a valuable reagent for diagnosis and specific immunotherapy of grass pollen allergy.


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Background: Perennial Ryegrass is a major cause of rhinitis in spring and early summer. Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, flowers late into summer and could account for allergic rhinitis at this time. We determined the frequency of serum immunoglobulin (Ig)E reactivity with Bahia grass in Ryegrass pollen allergic patients and investigated IgE cross-reactivity between Bahia and Ryegrass. Methods: Serum from 33 Ryegrass pollen allergic patients and 12 nonatopic donors were tested for IgE reactivity with Bahia and Ryegrass pollen extracts (PE) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blotting and inhibition ELISA. Allergen-specific antibodies from a pool of sera from allergic donors were affinity purified and tested for IgE cross-reactivity. Results: Seventy-eight per cent of the sera had IgE reactivity with Bahia grass, but more weakly than with Ryegrass. Antibodies eluted from the major Ryegrass pollen allergens, Lol p 1 and Lol p 5, showed IgE reactivity with allergens of Ryegrass and Canary but not Bahia or Bermuda grasses. Timothy, Canary and Ryegrass inhibited IgE reactivity with Ryegrass and Bahia grass, whereas Bahia, Johnson and Bermuda grass did not inhibit IgE reactivity with Ryegrass. Conclusions: The majority of Ryegrass allergic patients also showed serum IgE reactivity with Bahia grass PE. However, Bahia grass and Ryegrass had only limited IgE cross-reactivity indicating that Bahia grass should be considered in diagnosis and treatment of patients with hay fever late in' the grass pollen season.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IX - Política e Planejamento Econômicos, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia Internacional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IV - Finanças Públicas.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVIII - Direito Internacional Público, Relações Internacionais.


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Apresenta um estudo de caso sobre a execução do orçamento da Câmara dos Deputados. Analisa, por meio de dados coletados no Portal Orçamento Brasil da Câmara dos Deputados, a descontinuidade de projetos de investimentos relacionados às obras no complexo de edificações daquele órgão, ressaltando sua relevância na condução das atividades legislativas e o papel da Mesa Diretora nesse processo.


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Francisco Manuel de Melo nasceu em Lisboa, e m 23 de novembro de 1608. e morreu na sua quinta em Alcântara, em 13 de outubro de 1666. Estudou em colégio Jesuíta, especializando-se em Filosofia e Teologia. Aos dezessete anos, decidiu seguir carreira militar. Condenado por instigar homicídio, esteve preso por onze anos e, em 1655, foi degredado para o Brasil, para onde partiu na armada de Francisco de Brito Freire. Retornou a Portugal em 1658. De lá foi pua a Itália, onde permaneceu p r alguns anos e começou, em 1664, a fazer uma edição completa de suas obras as quais por motivo ignorado não deu continuidade. Transferiu-se para Lisboa onde veio a falecer. Historiador, poeta, orador e crítico moralista, Francisco Manuel foi um dos escritores mais eruditos e polidos. ‘Epanaphoras de varia historia portugueza...’ na sua primeira edição publicada em 1660 trazia dedicatória do autor ao Rei D. Afonso Vl, substituída, pelo editor Craesbeeck, na segunda edição, por dedicatória a D. João da Silva, Marquês de Gouvêa. A obra é composta de cinco epanaforas. Em três delas, Francisco Manuel relata acontecimentos que testemunhou: na Epanáfora Política conta o levante ocorrido em Evora em 1637; na Epanáfora Bélica narra a batalha naval da armada de D. Antonio ocorrida contra os holandeses no Canal da Mancha, em 1637; na Epanáfora Trágica descreve o naufrágio da frota de D. Manuel de Meneses na costa francesa. Outras duas Epanáforas - a Amorosa e a Triunfante - não fazem parte do gênero das memórias; referem-se, respectivamente, a uma lenda sobre o descobrimento da Ilha da Madeira e a restauração de Pernambuco, em 1654. Inocêncio afirma que a primeira edição é ‘infinitamente superior a esta em correção’, onde se podem verificar vários erros, muito embora ambas sejam igualmente raras e tenham o mesmo valor .


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O presente estudo tem como finalidade interpretar as disposições constitucionais e legais acerca das despesas classificáveis como de MDE, no que concerne à possibilidade de transferências ao setor privado, bem como a legislação correlata para a área de educação. Será analisada ainda a repercussão das despesas com MDE e das transferências ao setor privado no cumprimento da meta de aplicação dos investimentos em educação prevista no PNE 2014-2024.